Sweet & Sour

Sweet and Sour


one half times four does not equal 2

Visited Mistress this weekend. She was on her period, and feeling very sick, so we didn’t have sex. 🙁 But this means she was feeling exceptionally sadistic. 🙂

She started by making me strip for her and collaring me. I had to give her a long and deep back massage. Following that, she tied me to the bed – my feet were tied tightly to either end, and my hands were cuffed above my head. She sat between my legs and jerked me off until I was close to the edge. At this point, it goes without saying that I do not cum without permission, or I’m usually made to lick it up and endure a period of denial.

Mistress brought me close to the edge over a dozen times.

“I’m close – I’m close! — I’m at the edge!” I’d gasp, and she would let go. Groaning doesn’t even begin to describe it. After half an hour of this slow-then-fast treatment, I was going crazy. While I was atthe edge, she’d run her fingertips lightly up and down my shake, keeping me nearly hysterical with desire and frustration. Mistress is truly adept at teasing me, and knows just the things to say and do that will drive me out of my mind. We’re very into humiliation – she loves to make me beg for things I don’t want, or talk about things I am embarrassed about.

“Slave, do you remember how I rewarded you last weekend?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“How did I reward you?”

“I don’t want to say it, ma’am,” I whimper, blushing. Sweet can turn into sour so fast when you’re tied up. Her cheeks turned up in a slight smile. She knew it would be fun to squeeze it out of me.

“Tell me,” she said, slapping my balls once lightly as a warning.

“No ma’am, please–” I gasped. She didn’t wait for me to beg, her soft hand slapping my exposed sack. I flinched away, trying to put my legs together, but my ankles were tied tight.

Let me aside for a bit to give a touch of scientificbackground. For those of you that aren’t guys, its important to know a few facts about the male’s genitalia. The testicles, as they occur in nature, are very sensitive. Since they are essential to reproductive function, they have evolved their own defense mechanisms. All it takes is sudden threatening movements to make most guys flinch. Literally, the entire body responds to the incoming threat by crumpling and turning away. Many men cannot bear pain in their testicles, and will do their best to avoid it. Most guys do not have the willpower to stand with their legs spread and let someone kick them in the balls. There are good evolutionary reasons for these reflex systems.

So when a guy, namely me, sees his legs tied apart and his girlfriend about to slap him in the balls hard, it is very difficult for him. It’s scary. It make him sweat. It makes all his muscles tighten. It makes his knees shake, and his ankles try to pull out of their bonds.

When your hand contacts his balls, he will feel not only a visceral pain in his gut, but a feeling of defenselessness. After a few sharp smacks, he will be begging you to stop.

“I’ll talk, Mistress!” I moaned as her hand hit me for the fifth time in rapid succession. I was approaching my limit. Mistress, however, didn’t care. She paused for a moment to let me catch my breath, and then continued her assault. Five more swats as I basically screamed – “Stop! Stop! Please no more! No more!” My eyes were clenched shut.

“I can’t take any more,” I pleaded.

“Well,” she said, pausing for a second, “It’s too bad that you’re tied up then!” Her giggle was counter pointed by my screaming.

“What was it then?” she asked, coaxing me along.

“You put a vibrator up my ass, Mistress.”

She grinned. “And how did it make you feel?”

“I didn’t like it, Mistress! It was humiliating!” *SLAP* went her palm against my balls.

“You didn’t like it?” she cooed, sounding annoyed or offended – “You didn’t like your reward?” There was a pause as I flinched, and then another smack on my private parts.

“I loved it, Mistress!”

“And…?” she prompted, warning me with her hand poised to strike.

“And I want you to do it again and again,” I gasped, blushing deeply.

“Good boy…” she said, her voice dusky and dripping with lust. The soft feminine hand I had just feared snaked its way up my thigh, and sour went back to sweet. She brought me up to the edge of cumming again as she explained my reward for this weekend.

“You’re always saying I don’t let you cum enough,” she said, rolling her eyes. “So I’m going to make you cum a whole lot! Won’t that be nice of me?”

“Oh yes Mistress,” I moaned, my cock throbbing in her hand. She dripped lube on my rigid pole and worked it up and down, making me dizzy with pleasure.

“Well this weekend, you’re gonna get to cum four times. But each one is only going to be a half-orgasm. That’s just as good as two orgasms, right?” My only reply was a frustrated moan.

Let me aside for a bit to give a touch of sexual background. For those of you that aren’t guys, its important to know a few facts about the male’s genitalia. When the penis starts to ejaculate semen, it becomes extremely sensitive. All sensings are incredibly pleasant. There is a rush of adrenaline that makes everything seems very intense and real and electric. If you were to cause a male to orgasm, he would want you to continue touching him until the orgasm is over. If you instead stop touching him as soon as he starts to ejaculate, it will frustrate him greatly. In many ways, the only thing he will feel on his cock is absence. The orgasm has evolved this way to ensure that as much seed gets into a reception. A guy who is tied up and subjected to this torture will thrash and thrust his hips and try to make contact with something. He may struggle in his bonds to get his hands free so he can finish himself off. (you may want to pin his wrists down yourself at this point) If his cock does not receive sensing, his body will try to conserve seed by cutting his orgasm short. It be fractionally pleasant. It will be unbelievably frustrating and thoroughly unsatisfying. This is mostly involuntary. There are good evolutionary reasons for these reflex systems.

Over the course of that weekend, my Mistress keep me waiting at the edge of orgasm for probably a collective hour. I moaned. I begged. I tried to negotiate. I said anything she wanted me to say. I submitted myself to anything she demanded of me. I was scared. Mistress explained that she wanted me good and ready for tomorrow night’s punishment, so she wasn’t going to let me cum that night at all. My frustration was unbelievably frustrating and thoroughly unsatisfying.

My hard-on pressed against her in the night. She reached back and gave it a few strokes, just to wake me up a bit. I moaned slightly, she rolled over and went back to sleep. I bit my lipand waited for my erection to fade.

The next night, she had me at the edge of orgasm and I was slightly too late in warning her that I was at the edge. It had been fifteen or twenty minutes of exceptionally intense teasing, and it was my third session of teasing that day. My balls were swelling like overripe kickballs, and needed to let out a bit of liquid. She had driven me mad, teasing me at the edge of orgasm until my throat was hoarse.

“Mistress, I’m gonna…” I squealed, holding back, but it was too late. She quickly withdraw her hand, and a dollar of cum erupted from my member and landed on my belly.

“No, Nooo!” I gasped as cum trickled out of my cock. Mistress giggled as I moaned, gasping, begging hysterically, “please touch me! Please feel touch me!”

She giggled, running her finger down my shaft. This prolonged my suffering, making me squirm and thrust. Cum leaked all over my cock and she smiled. She stood up and left the room.

I was catching my breath, my need still very real. Mistress held a spoon in her hand, and I know what that means. She bent over and scooped up most of my cum in the spoon. I pulled violently on my bonds, trying to get away from what was coming to me. She held the spoon over my face.

“You can eat it, or you can wear it,” she said as my head thrashed from side to side, trying to avoid being under the spoonful of cum.

My cheeses were red with embarrassment. My eyes were almost tearing. I opened my mouth and watched the thick white cream pour off the spoon and into my mouth. Mistress made me swallow it. She wiped up a bit more off my belly with her finger and forced it into my mouth.

“What do you say, slave?”

“Thank you Mistress.”

“How does it taste, slave?”

“Sweet and sour, Mistress.”


Hope you enjoyed the story – its based strongly on reality. Please rate it if you liked it! -T&D


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