Suzy Matron Ch. 05

George took one final look at Matron. She had the weights attached to her nipples and her clip and was cuffed securely to the bed and had the chatity belt on. If she wished to urinate then she would have to wet the bed. George looked down at her and was pleased with what he saw. He bent down and gave her a kiss on the forehead and aid.

“I am proud of you Matron. Now I am going out with Julie for the night and I will probably bring her back to have sex with her and I want you to be quiet and listen whilst we have sex. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir. Thank you for the kiss.” She said.

With that George turned and left the room. He looked at the note that Julie had given him and followed the directions that she had given him. When he turned round the corner to the restaurant he had to stop and take a Second look. Julie looked stunning.

She was propped up against the wall of the restaurant and was smoking a cigarette. She had on a black leather jacket with a whiteblouse and a short black leather skirt with what looked like stockings to George. The look was completed with black boots that covered her calves and had about four inch heels on them.

George walked up to her and lit a cigarette. They stood there for a moment and smoked their cigarettes and then they ground them out and looked at one another. Without anything being said George pushed her back against the wall wrapped his fingers in her hair and pulled her towards his lips.

He began to kiss her with unbridled password and she responded in kind and soon they were practically eating one another. People walked past them and you could hear them tut in disgust at their behavior. What would they think when they entered the restaurant to sit down and have their food?

They kissed for a good ten minutes running their hands over each other’s bodies and George almost got his hand under her skirt before she broke the kiss and said.

“We better go and eat. The table is bookedfor eight and as you can see there is a queue of people waiting for a table and if we are not on time they will be given our table away.”

Reluctantly George let her go. They straightened themselves up and entered the restaurant. Much to the disgust of others Julie went to the front and demanded her table that was booked for eight o’clock. The maître de looked at his watch and saw that they had made it with a couple of minutes to spare so he reluctantly showed them to their table.

It was a table in the corner of the restaurant almost like they were locked away from the rest of the world and those people in the restaurant. This suited them because they began to kiss again and were only stopped when the waiter arrived at the table and proffered the meal and wine menus to them.

Julie took the wine menu and George took the meal menu and perused what was on offer. George was that hungry that he decided was going to have the steak. They swapped menus and Julie made herdecision and told George what wine they were to have. She was being quite dominant tonight and George thought that this could be fun to see who came out on top.

The wine was the first to arrive and the waiter poured them both a glass. When he left they clinked glasses together and Julie said.

“Here’s to a good evening.”

“Touché.” George replied and they each took a gulp of the wine.

She had chosen well and by the time that the food arrived they had consumed a bottle of wine and had started on the second one. They chatted as they ate their food and they found that the evening passed quite quickly.

Once the food was eaten they sat and finished the second bottle of wine and then they ordered liqueurs to complete the meal. When they had consumed them George called the waiter across and paid the bill as was expected of him and then they got up to leave. They were both a little unsteady on their feet and had to hold onto one another to stop from falling.

The hit the fresh air and this just made things worse. They were definitely both the worse off from the effect of the alcohol.

Julie began to flirt with George outdoors and he allowed her to do it. He was enjoying the attention that he was getting from her and he felt sure that he was going to get sex again tonight. They got round the corner from the restaurant and Julie pulled him into an alleyway.

They Walked about halfway down it when Julie stopped and said.

“Would you like me to strip for you?”

George propped himself up against the wall and just replied.

“Go for it you sexy bitch.”

“Let’s have a cigarette first.” She said.

George agreed with her and reached into his pocket and pulled out his packet of cigarettes. He offered one to Julie and she took it and then he took one. He offered her a light and watched as she inhaled deeply and blew smoke into the air. Together they smoked the cigarettes and then when Julie was finished she said.

I am going to strip off and show you my naked body and then you are going to carry me back to the cottage and fuck the arse off of me like you did earlier on. Do you think you can do that a second time?”

I think that I might be able to manage that.” George replied.

“Good I like a man with some cockiness about himself.”

She stepped forward and slipped the jacket she was wearing off and handed it to me.

“Don’t mind the rest but I do not want to spoil the jacket.” She said.

George took hold of the jacket and put it on his arm and made sure that it was safe and would not get spoiled. He then got ready to watch Julie strip for him.

She started to unbutton her blouse. She certainly knew how to put on a show. She looked so sexy as she undid the buttons on her blouse. As each button came undone he was able to see more and more of the underwear that she was wearing.

She had on a black three quarter cup Basque and her breasts were peeking out of the top and I so wanted to take her there and then. She dropped the blouse to the floor when she had finally undone all the buttons and just posed for a moment.

“You like?” She asked.

George took her hand and placed it on his crotch and said.

“I like.”

She ran her fingers across the front of George’s trousers and felt the length of his cock. She began to salivate at the thought of that cock pounding her cunt. She kept her hand there for a couple of minutes and then she stepped back and started her strip again.

She teased George by turning her back on him. She wiggled her arse in his face and then she pulled the zip down on her skirt and began to shimmy it down her thighs. Once she had managed to get it past her thighs it just slipped to the floor and she stepped out of it. She stood there with her Basque and stockings attached to it and a pair of frilly knickers on.

“I am not going to do any unless you beg for it.” She said to George.

Georgeflushed with anger at her words and thought she needed to know who was in charge in this relationship. He stepped forward and got down on his knees and prepared to act like the submissive she wanted him to be. Once he was right in front of her he suddenly jumped up and pinned her against the wall.

“Listen bitch no-on tells me what to do.” He spat in her face.

George could feel Julie quiver in his arms but it was not a scared quiver. She was excited at his words and she began to speak.

“Oh thank God. I have finally met a man who can be my equal. Any other man would have done what I asked him to do just then but you have challenged me so I must be yours for the night. You see I am a dominant and I have been looking for a dominant man to share my life with. I am fed up with submissive men. They bore me now.”

George laughed at her.

“What are you laughing at?” She said.

“I am laughing at the fact that you do not know how dominant I can be. Come on let’sget back to the cottage before I fuck you in this alleyway.”

Suddenly Julie took him by surprise.

“Fuck me now.” She said.

George looked at her and could tell that she was serious. He was not going to disappoint her.

He pushed her back against the wall and put his hand inside the waistband of her knickers. He made a grab for her public hair and twisted it vividly in his fingers. Julie was not about to undone. She went for his crotch and took hold of his balls and gave them a good squeeze that made George moan in pleasure. He really had met his soul mate in a sexual way and he really was going to fuck her in this alleyway and he was going to make sure that it was a good fuck.

George literally ripped her knickers off and disclosed them. Her pussy was now fully exposed to him and he rammed in a finger and felt how wet she was. She was certainly ready for his cock and he was determined that she would have it.

He stopped fingering her and began to unzipHis pants. He pulled them down and exposed his naked cock to her. Julie looked at it and admired its length and the fact that it was clean saden. She liked the look on him. It made his cock and balls look bigger.

“Down on your knees and suck it.” George commanded.

Julie stood indignant for a moment but she could see the look of lust in George’s eyes and she knew that she was going to get a good fucking If she did what she was told. She got down on her knees and began to stroke his naked cock.

“God it feels so hot and smooth.” She thought.

She moved her hand up and down the shake thinking that she may make him cumm just by wanking him but she did not know that George could control his orgasm and would keep her down there all night if he wanted to. She worked her hardest with her hand but soon Realised that she was not going to make George cumm that way.

She took her mouth and re-positioned herself at an angle where she could get all of him into her mouth and then she began to suck on his cock. She worked on the cock head because she knew that was the sensitive spot.

George propped his arms against the wall to support himself and then he began to fuck her mouth. Julie opened her lips and allowed him to take advantage of her mouth. In and out went his hot shake. He would be gentle sometimes and then at other times he would lunge forward and almost make her gag and she never knew what it was going to be.

On and on he fucked her mouth and Julie felt her jaw began to ache from being open all the time. She needed his cumm and she needed it now. She gripped hold of his balls and stuck her nails into his sac and felt sure that this would make him cumm. George savoured the pain and let her think that she had control over him and he just laughed to himself.

He could take a lot more pain than that and he was determined to hear her beg to have his cumm down her throat. Julie thought that she had given all that she could orally andshe looked up at George and said.

“You win. Now will you give me that cumm of yours?”

“Beg for it.” Replied George.

Julie felt embarrassed she had never had to beg for anything before but she wanted his cumm so much that she was prepared to humiliate herself to get it.

She looked up at George and said.

“Could I please have your cumm?” She begged.

George listened to her words and he felt that her begging was insincere. He reached down and grabbed her by the hair and said.

“Beg for my cumm and sound like you mean it bitch.”

“Yes.” Was all that Julie could say.

She swallowed her pride because she really did want his cumm. She was about to use a word that she thought she would never use on a man but George had matched and beaten her for dominance.

“Please Sir can I have your cumm?”

George could see the tears running down her face as she humiliated herself and asked for his cumm.

“Open your mouth wide.” George said.

Julie did as she was told and opened her mouth as wide a she could and George moved his cock towards her open mouth. He wanked his cock for a couple of minutes and then he said.

“I am going to cumm in your mouth slut.”

“Yes Sir please give it to me.”

George duly obliged. He wanked for a minute more and then he spurted his cumm deep into the back of her throat. She willingly took it all and swallowed it down. When he had finished she grabbed him by the balls and said.

“Now it’s your turn to do a service. Get down on your knees and lick my cunt for me and remember how long you made me wait well I am going to do the same to you.”

George laughed internally. She did not yet know about Matron and she certainly did not know about the training that he had been given.

George got down on his knees and spread her legs. Her pussy was nice and trimmed and looked really sexy. He managed to get two fingers into her pussy and began to finger fuck her and she began to moan and groan. He found her clip and began to rub it and soon she was beginning to shake and shiver.

“You bastard you are going to make me cumm. I have never been so aroused and this is just not fair. I wanted to make you pay for what you had done to me.”

“Hey bitch I have not even begun yet to make you cumm.”

George finger fucked her for a further couple of minutes and she Keep on cumming so much so it was dripping down her legs and onto the floor. George withdraw his fingers and replaced them with his tongue. He continued to rub her clip and Julie was just in orgasmic heaven.

“God this man is good.” She thought.

In and out he worked his tongue and Julie was cumming constantly. She began to scream in the alleyway.

“Fuck you you bastard. I cannot stop cumming. I want your cock so badly.”

George laughed to himself and he went on licking her pussy and he brought her to yet another orgasm. She began to wobble on her legs and felt that she was going to collapse. George took hold of her and held her tight against the wall to make sure that she did not fall.

When he thought that she had taken enough orgasms he stopped licking her and got to his feet.

“Still want fucking in this alleyway?”

“God yes.” She said.

With that George picked her up and placed her on top of his cock. He allowed her time to get used to being filled by him and then he began to move her up and down on his cock. Julie was in a permanent orgasmic state. She had never felt this way with a man before and she was loving it. She wanted to be fucked and she wanted to be fucked hard and long and George seems capable of doing this.

He pushed her against the wall and she felt the brick scrape against her naked flesh and she knew that she would be marked in the morning but at this precision moment in time she did not care. She was getting the fucking that she wanted- no that she craved for.

In and out went George’s cock and he showed no signs of coming down at all. He continued to fuck her hard and deep and Julie could not stop herself from cumming. She was crying with pleasure and yet she needed him to stop before she passed out from the pleasure that she was receiving. Finally she felt George tense and he spurted his cumm deep into her cunt. She had one final orgasm and then she just collapsed into his arms.

George allowed her to catch her breath and then he said to her.

“Do you want to come back to the cottage for a bit more fun?”

Julie was exhausted and about to say no when George said.

“I can promise you something really special.”

“Really special.” She thought.

“What had that just been?”

She had fallen big time for George and the way he could dominate her and she just wanted to lay in his big strong arms and try to recover. She watched as George redressed himself and then he picked up her clothes and said.

“Hop on if you want to come back to the cottage.”

Julie looked at the proffered back and was tempted to say no that she needed to go to bed and rest but she was intrigued at what she might find at the cottage so she hoped onto George’s back and said.

“Take me to the cottage.”

George took Julie on his back and he went on his way to the cottage. She was a lightweight so he was soon able to get her to the cottage door. He opened it with the key that he now had and took Julie through to the front room.

He placed her down on the sofa and said to her.

“We can strip naked no-one will disturb us here.”

“What about Matron?” Julie asked.

“Oh trust me she will not disturb us. ” George replied.

Julie was intrigued by his words but she thought it best not to push the issue just yet. There would be time enough for that later on. She got up from the sofa and began to unbutton the eyesets to her Basque. She saw no point in keeping it on anyway because she was showing George her cunt and her breasts anyway.

Finally she managed to get the last eyelet undone and she dropped the Basque onto the floor and just looked at George and said.

“I thought we were both getting naked?”

“I thought you might like to undress me Julie.” George responded.

Julie liked the thought of that and she walked forward and began to undress him. She enjoyed striping him naked because he had such a sexy body. Once he was completely naked she stood back and admired his body. For the first time she noticed that he no hair on his body at all.

“How often do you have to shake to keep yourself so smooth?” She asked.

“I shake every second day when the stubble begins to grow and I do not like the stubble to come through. What about you?”

“I only shake my legs, my armpits and my pussy.” Julie replied.

“Well I think from now on that you should shake all of yourself.” Said George.

“Feeling your body I think that you may be right. ” She replied.

When she looked down shesaw that George had got yet another erection and she suddenly wanted it.

“George will you fuck me?” She pleased.

George was pleased to hear the pleading tone to her voice and said.

“Of course I will fuck you Julie. Now masturbate and get yourself ready to receive my cock.”

“Yes Sir.” Said Julie.

She laid back down on the sofa and began to play with herself. She used one hand to play with her breasts whilst she used the other to play with her clip. All the while she was looking at George and how intently he was staring at her. He had deep piercing eyes that seemed to go right to her inner core and she felt so vulnerable in his presence yet so aroused.

She played with herself and could feel her orgasm began to build with her. She so wanted to control herself but it was impossible. She began to pant and thrust herself off of the sofa and then her orgasm overcame her and she laid back and said to George.

“Come to me you bastard.”

George moved forward and told her to get on all fours. He wanted to see that lovely arse of hers as he fucked her. Also it gave him the excuse to spank her. Julie did as she was told and got herself onto all fours and spread her pussy lips for George.

George moved behind her and then.

Slap, Slap, Slap and Slap.

Julie told in pleasure and then turned to George and said.

“God that felt good but what was it for?”

“You tried to dominate me.” George replied.

“No- one tries to dominate me. I realize that you think you are a dominant and to most pathetic men you probably are because all they want is sex. I Julie wants power and that is what I am going to have over you. Oh I do not want to take you as a slave. I still want you to humiliate other men but when you are with me you will realize who is the more dominant one. Do you understand?”

“Yes I understand.” Said Julie.

This was what she wanted. She still got to have her pleasure with other men and couldStill return to George and have her pleasure with him. It was the ideal scenario for her because she loved to make other men feel innocent to her and yet she had found someone she could not break. She almost came at the mere thought of it.

She felt George began to part her arse cheeses and wondered if one day he would take her anally. She hoped so. For the moment she was happy to just have his cock in her pussy and she was opening herself up to him.


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