Suzie's Week

Trust me when I tell you I’ve kept my kinky alternate life style a closely guarded secret from my family and friends. If you’ve ever encountered me at my workplace, or socializing with my friends, you’d judge me to be on the conservative side. I never dress provocatively. Blouses buttoned up to my neck. Skirt hems that reach below my knees, or failing that, slacks. Minimal, tasteful makeup. As much of a ‘Miss Goody Two Shoes’ as you’ve ever met.

My D/s activities, along with occasional light BDSM, are performed in the confines of a special members-only club quite distant from my home. Early on, I’d learned that I had a stream of dominance in my psyche, and the submissives at the club have allowed me to express it and develop it to a fine art. In this, I was aided by thoughtful suggestions offered by other dominant members, plus searches of the Internet that displayed images that piqued my interest and imagination. Of course, I was quite careful to completely erase my browser history after each use.

Add to this the fact that my ex-sister-in-law, Kathy, lives far enough away that we see each other infrequently. Holidays, of course, such as Thanksgiving and New Years Eve, are times we usually gather the families together. Even though she and my brother had divided, it had been amicable, and she was still considered part of the family, so to speak. And she and I had made a vertical ritual out of spending a week during the summer together at a well-appointed lodge that we rented. It was our version of ‘independence day’ albeit a week long event. Located deep in the woods, with no cell phone reception, TV or WiFi, and far from other habitation, it was our chance to unplug and unwind. A chance to recharge our spirits, with a little wine, and good books. The place was large enough that we often invited like-minded friends to join us there, as long as they understand about the ban on electronics, and would pitch in with cooking and cleaning.

This particlar year, Kathy told me that she had three good friends that would be attending our ‘retreat’ from the world. I always enjoy meeting new people, since they usually have interesting new perspectives to bring to intelligent conversation. So I was quite looking forward to our special week.

When I arrived, I found two cars already parked nearby, one of which was a Bentley, and the other of which belonged to Kathy. Inside, I found her speaking to a rather haughty looking woman – an impecccably dressed, well coiffed ebony haired woman with deep brown eyes. If she wasn’t the president of the PTA, she must surely be a runner-up for the title. Kathy introduced us. “Suzie, I’d like you to meet Joyce Larkin.”

Joyce barely made eye contact as she offered me a wet, clammy hand to shake. I felt as if I’d been sized up and dismissed, but I tried to make nice for Kathy’s sake. As we were making a desultory attempt at conversation, we heard two other cars pulling up. My heart sank a littleMore as I looked out and saw a Mercedes and another Bentley. “Oh great,” I moaned mentally to myself. Any more ‘upper crust’ and we can make a pie!”

Sure enough, out from each car stepped a woman similar in bearing to Joyce. Beautiful, long legs, skirts that would not dare wrinkle, perfect torso, perfect bust, perfect hair, regular demeanor. I actually saw them greet each other with air kisses, for god’s sake! At least I’d be able to tell them apart. One was a blonde, while the other’s dark hair glinted with auburn tones.

As they entered, Kathy performed the introductions. The blonde was Lauren Jefferys, and the auburn-haired woman was Greta VanHorn. They also barely glanced at me, and I was apparently deemed unworthy of air kisses – I got the same cold, damp handshakes as Joyce had given me. I had horrible misgivings about a week in their presence. I now expected a week hearing about various complaints that occur in wealthy people’s lives.

I could easily imagine Gretasaying, “It’s so hard to get good help these days,” while the others nodded.

In my mind, I heard Joyce bitching, “My gardening crew put in the wrong shade of petunias! Can you imagine the sight?” And the others nodding their heads sagely.

Perhaps Lauren would complain, “The butcher sent 7 & 1/2 ounce file mignons, but I clearly ordered 8 ounce ones!”

One of them Was bound to state how they were letting the ‘wrong sort’ of people into their neighborhood. And so on. These women were perhaps in their mid-40s. All of them were vivacious (at least with each other) and upper middle class – most definitely not supermodels at all, but they were used to dressing to the hilt. As Kathy explained more about them, by way of introduction, I learned they were married, but their children were grown and leaving the nest, or had left it already. It sounded like they had very proper, normal lives. In other words, hum-drum and boring.

I decided that since they were Kathy’s friends, she could enter them, once the introductions were complete. As they arranged themselves around the room, and they started a light conversation about people unknown to me, I quietly picked up the book I’d been reading, tacitly excusing myself from the conversation. I braced myself for some catty remark about ignoring my betters.

Surprisingly, the three women were quite deepen, although Kathy, ever the bubble redhead, was her usual animated self. As I went back to reading my book, I could swear I felt eyes on me. Whenever I’d look up, one of the trio would be looking at me, but she’d immediately look away. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what was going on. Did I have spinach in my teeth or something? I went into my room, to check in my bathroom mirror. Kathy trailed in after me, which was not normal behavior for her.

“Sis, what the heck is going on?” I asked. “Did I grow another head or something? Your friends seem to all be staring at me. Am I imagine that?”

“No, Suzie. You’re not imagining it. They’re all feeling shy, I imagine. And maybe a little fearful.”

“Fearful? Of what?” I asked.

“To be honest, of you, my dear.” Kathy smiled. “I’m glad I have a chance to tell you in private.” She moved in closer, to whisper. “I’ve been seeing this new guy lately.”

“Seeing him?” I said, probably with one eyebrow raise skeptically.

She giggled. “OK. Sleeping with him. Anyway, one fateful evening, he asked me if I wanted to try something a little kinky, and produced a set of handcuffs. Of course, I was of two minds about it, but he showed me that these cuffs, while metal, also had a quick release lever, which even I could reach in an emergency. Since the idea was now getting me wet downstairs, I told him I’d try it.”

I tried to look shocked, holding my pose as a straight-laced person. “Did you like it?”

Kathy turned. “I loved it! He cuffed me to a bedpost, and fucked me until I came like a string of firecrackers! Afterward, during pillow talk, I told him how great that new experience was for me. And that’s when he looked at me rather quizzically. He said something like ‘a new experience for you? I thought you’d be an old hand at stuff like that, since your sister-in-law has such a wonderful reputation as a Domme’ – or maybe he used the word ‘Dominatrix’ – I’m not certain because I was thrown into such confusion!”

I’m sure my face must’ve blanked with shock, hearing my secret being outed by Kathy’s friend like that – and to my sister-in-law, no less!

She continued, “That led to a longer, more focused discussion, wherein I learned that not only was he truly talking about you, he was glowing in his prayer for your abilities, even mentioning a few sessions he’d observed, and noting your ease and skill.”

“But Kathy… you can’t… you mustn’t… I mean…” I babbled, swallowing hard and feeling my armpits dampen nervously.

“Sis! Don’t worry! I think this is all prettycool. You’re playing with consenting adults, and doing nothing illegal,” she assured me. “Many people have such needs, desires, and fansies, I’ve learned. And… since you come so highly recommended…” She let her voice trail off, inviting a response from me.

I feel my face getting hot. “Since I come so highly recommended… what?” I demanded.

Kathy had the good grace to look a little embarrassed, and actually scuffed her shoe on the floor, looking down as she responded. “Well, the four of us were out to dinner – just chatting, you know…”

“And?” I prompted.

“And?” I learned that all three of these friends of mine have secret cravings to find out what it’s like to be used by a Domme,” she said rapidly, as if nervous to get past this point. “They’re quite shy and nervous about it, though. But I was positive that you’d be the perfect one to do it,” she stated with a slight wheeling tone. “So I brought them all along for this week. You can handle this situationAny way you’d like. But that’s why they’re being so reserved.”

To say I was shocked was an understatement. Those upper middle class, seemingly supercilious women wanted to subject themselves to my ‘tender mergers’ – or something? Those snooty women, who if they encountered me on the street would in all likelihood stare down their aristocratic noses at me… wanted to know what it would be like to be dominated by me? As the shock began to dissipate, it was replaced by the dawning of excitement. My body reactions convinced me that I was beginning to anticipate having them submit to me. But I wanted to be sure. “Are you positive that’s what those women want?” I asked Kathy.

“Absolutely. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have come here at all.”

I still had a difficult time believing it. These women were virtually pillars of the community. They were among the elite, respected and feared in their own right – the kind of mothers who would bribe to get their kids into college. Suddenly, I wanted this supposed need of theirs to be true. I wanted them to experience some much darker, dirtier, grittier parts of their makeup. “I’ll tell you what, Sis. If they really are here for such experiences, they can indicate this to me by being on their knees, waiting for me to come back into the living room. If they’re in position like that, I’ll explain some basics and some rules. If not, we’ll forget about this conversation completely. Since they’re here are your invitation, I’ll give you about ten minutes to tell them how I want to see them.”

Kathy gave me a quick, excited kiss and dropped her final bombshell. “I figured you might not have come prepared with certain pieces of equipment, so the guy I’m seeing packed a large duffle bag with various things he said might come in handy. I’ll move that into your bedroom later, and you can see.” With that, she left my bathroom. Glancing at my watch, I took a little time to adjust my hair and freshen up. I actually waited a full fifteen minutes, letting their anticipation and tension build. I also wanted to see if any of them gave up easily when their knees reached a bit.

One or more of them could’ve bolted, although I hadn’t heard any cars driving away. Or, this could be an elaborate joke, and I’d walk into the room and find them all sitting and grinning or laughing. I’d prepared myself for either eventuality. What I Found was all three of Kathy’s friends kneeing obediently, looking abashed. Their cheeses were red and their bodies were trembling. None of them was making eye contact with me.

I cleared my throat to focus their attention, since they weren’t looking at me. “Kathy informed me why you three are here this week. But I want to hear it from each of you. If you think you really want to experience being dominated by me, state that desire clearly.” I waited.

One by one, they found the courage to tell me that they’d come to submit to me during this week.

“OK,” I said. “You may think that, but I want to be clear about a few things, so listen carefully. First of all, I get off on being a Domme sadist. Doing this excites me.” I noticed a significant increase in their trembling when those words sank in. “Second, you need to know my limits. I will not hurt you, or leave marks that will last beyond the time that you’re with me. I will not ruin your lives. I will be strict and inflict pain, but never as a punishment, so don’t regard it as such. I do it simply because I love it, almost as much as I love humiliating people. Third, you can stop things at any time, in which case you’ll gather your things, walk to your car and depart. Any questions so far?”

The silence dragged out. I was about to continue when Greta took a shuddering breath and asked, “How will you humiliate me, please?”

“During this week, you’ll all address me as ‘Miss Suzie’ or ‘Miss’ and in answer to your question, certainly I’ll call you names, and you’ll be told to perform actions which Iimagine you’ll find embarrassing. But I don’t have a predetermined plan. These things you and I will discover together. In these Dominance/submission sessions, you might find that things are getting overwhelming, and you wish for me to slow down. If this happens, you’ll say the phrase ‘Miss Suzie, I am a toad’ and I’ll ease off, but not stop. If you truly want me to stop, you’ll Say the phrase ‘Miss Suzie, I am a worm’ and I’ll stop completely, but then you’ll be told to leave.

I was pleased to see them wince at the words ‘toad’ and ‘worm’ as I gave them their safety phrases. I wanted to further establish my authority over them during this week, which led to my next statements. “There are a few rules. After dinner, you’ll go to your room and stay there until I summon you at 8 pm. You’ll all come to the main room at that point. I’ll choose one of you to receive a session in my room for the evening. The rest of you may remain in the main room, if you wish, up until 10 pm. Then you’ll go to your individual bedrooms. For these first three days you will not share with one another any details about what happened during your individual session.” A couple of them jerked, hearing that, making a brief eye contact with me. Their faces displayed surprise, so I decided to elaborate.

“The chances of you all receiving the same treatment from me are slim to none. But I don’t want anyone entering my room with some preconceived notion of what may happen. So no discussion at all about your first times with me. After that, we’ll see if I’ll permit such sharing. If anyone violent this rule, they’ll be dismissed, so don’t pry.” I knew from personal experience that people can hear through the rather thin walls of the rooms, so I was merely building some mystique around the sessions. The waiting time I was establishing from dinner to 8pm, with them isolated in their rooms, was calculated to have them dripping with fear mixed with anticipation when I finally summoned them.

I was permitting them to remain in the main room from 8 until 10 pm, so I was guessing their ears would be tuned to every spank, moan, scream and orgasm sound coming from my room. I’d also make certain that the person receiving the session would have to answer me loudly. And even though I’d told them all to go to bed at 10 pm, I didn’t say they had to sleep then. I wondered how many of them would be pleasured themselves, listening to what was still happening in my room at that point. I doubted they’d be able to fall sleep while hearing the muffled grunts and crying and whatever other noises seeing through the walls.

My skill in domination stems from the fact that I don’t force women to do anything. The slut has to embrace and say what it is she craves. I never take smartmy generic answers from her. I don’t let anyone get away with comments on the order of ‘do whatever you want to me, Miss Suzie’ bullshit. I can’t abide mindless rag dolls. When we start, she may not consciousnessy know what she desires. But with a little probing I figure it out, and demonstrate that I’m aware of what she needs. I find that the majority of the time she welcomes this new knowledge, even the stuff that is brutally difficult to accept about herself. I’m very good at reading body language. Her eyes speak volumes to me, displaying her feelings of fear, anger, submission, and bliss, to name a few. The set of her Shoulders, her type of breathing – deep/shallow, fast/slow – facial expressions, nervous sweat, even her smell convey the information I need to make my decisions.

Each night, the woman that I’d chose had to say the truth of how they felt. I sought to furnish humiliation in a way that turns them on, so that they have a positive overall experience. Part of the fun of this week would be that each of them will know that the others are in the same boat. They’re actually needy, dirty sluts, so they’ll have a shared secret. One that binds them together so they can trust the situation and can really let it all hang out.

Another part of this that I felt would be important is that while we were in a bedroom with the door closed, everyone knew that the other girls I wasn’t using would be able to hear everything. That gave us the pretense of privacy, but added to their sexual embarrassment, which I’ve learned is a gigantic aphrodisiac for most/all submissives. I find that it also turns me on a lot to get to be the Domme in such situations. So I was going to make sure that each of these sluts spoke up loudly, and each spank, moan, scream and orgasm could be heard by the others.

After dinner that first night, I went to my own room to see what ‘supplies’ Kathy’s friend had sent in the duffle bag. My eyes lit up with joy as I dragged out the items and spread them out on my bed. I sorted through them, my mind already considering possibilities. As I stored the items away in my dresser drawers and closet, I made a mental note to have Kathy compliment her friend on his foresight of what I might need. However, when I looked at the total number of one of the items he’d included, my brow wrinkled in confusion. But, after a few moments of contemplation, I’ll bet my pupils dilated with surprise. This week might become even more interesting than I’d thought. Time would tell.

I had no particular preference as to the order that I’d select my budding submissives, so I put their names on scraps of paper, mixed them up and drew one out. At precisely 8pm, I moved out into the main room and found it empty, as I’d hoped. Clapping my hands loudly, I called out, “OK, you worthless excuses of femininity! Get your asses out here, now!”

Maybe they’d all been waiting with their hands holding the bedroom doorknob. Like magic, all four doors opened and they curried out, again shyly avoiding eye contact. They even looked uncertain as to whether they should stand, sit or knee, shuffling nervously from one leg to the other. I waited about a minute,silently enjoying their discomfortability. Then I announced, “My pupil this evening will be Lauren. The rest of you may do as you wish, as long as you remember to be in bed by 10 tonight.”

My announcement was greeted by two sounds – a ‘gasp’ from Lauren and some sights of either relief or disappointment from the other two. Greta and Joyce now had a day or two to worry about what I might do with them. When I said her name, Lauren did look up at me, her face whitening slightly as blood drained away from her skin surface. I crooked my finger at her, indicating she should follow me into my bedroom.

Sitting on a chair, I told her, “Close the door and come and stand in front of me.” As she compiled, the closer she got to my chair, the smaller she seemed to grow, her body constricting with appreciation. I said, “We’re going to have a frank discussion about you before we start. Since I’m going to be asking you to bare your soul to me, I think it’ll help if you bare your body as well. Strip down to your panties.”

She swallowed nervously, glancing around the room. “Right here?” she squeaked. My facial expression must’ve indicated my displeasure at what she’d said, because she hastily corrected herself. “I mean, right here, Miss?” She was off to a good start on this journey of discovery, because when I nodded, she started removing her clothes. She didn’t do it seductively at all – rather it was more like she wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. She only hesitated slightly before removing her bra. The power differential was firmly established with me clothed and seated and her standing and virtually naked. It didn’t take me long to make several of her needs obvious to her. I won’t try to document everything I did with each woman. Rather, I’ll relate some of the highlights for me.


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