This is a work of fiction. Any constructive comments are welcome. A big thanks to Jesseka for her help with this story. It would have probably not been finished without her.
Suzie found herself alone in the Members’ Lounge. A normally bustling place was now silent and empty. She made herself comfortable on one of the many couches figuring that, at any moment, other members would come through the door to join her. Soon she began to relax and enjoy the quiet. Just as she began to doze off the lights suddenly went out plunging the Lounge into complete darkness. She stood with the idea of going to the switch to see if was just a joke being played on her. As she took her first step towards the light switch she thought she saw movement out of the corner of her eye.
“Who’s there?” she asked the darkened room.
Hearing only her thundering heartbeat she paused a moment more waiting for a response. Hearing none she continued toward the door to try the light switch. Again she thought she saw movement in the darkness but decided it must be her imagination playing the tricks on her and continued towards the switch. Unable to see very well she felt along the wall until she located her target. Click. Nothing. The darkness seemed to taunt her. Click click. She tried the switch a few times with the same results. Nothing. She felt her way over to the door and grasped the handle. But it wouldn’t turn. It was locked. That’s when she heard the breathing coming from directly behind her. She spun around putting her back to the door and could just make out the shadowed figure standing before her.
“Peter?” she asked but the mysterious figure remained silent.
She tried fumbling with the door but it was locked by key from both sides. She scrambled passed the figure towards where she had hoped to find where she sat down her interesting communicator. Not able to see she stumbled over a chair. As she clamored to get to her feet once again she felt a hand touch her back. The combination of her pulling away and the figure trying to get a firm grip on her was too much for her outfit to withstand. With a series of tarring sounds it was ripped from her body leaving her in only her small black bra and panties. Freed from the shadowed figures grapp, Suzie scrambled her way toward her communicator. But it wasn’t there. When she turned around neither was the mysterious figure.
She could hear the hum from her communicator close by. Maybe she had knocked it away when the lights went out. She moved cautiously towards the sound when arms went around her wait from behind. She thought of screaming but remembered the Galactic Administration had sound proofed this room after many complaints from commanders about loud parties they were hearing but couldn’t be a part of. She struggled against the firm grip but couldn’t break free.
Then she felt the mysterious stranger kiss her neck softly. She continued to struggle but not quite as strong as before. The strange keep a tight grip on her but managed to slide one hand up her stomach towards her breast. With tief-like dexterity the hand slipped beneath her bra and began gently struggling her breast. She knew she should be fighting him off and getting help but her body was beginning to react to the gentle touch of this stranger. Her nipples became erect and she could feel warmth start to flow through her body.
“Who are you?” she whispered almost to herself.
Her struggles had been reduced to a squirm. The shadowed figure didn’t reply to the question. Instead continued kissing his way up her neck then gently nibbling on her earlyobe. Her mind was torn between fighting back and giving in completely. Maybe it was Peter after all role-playing for her.
She hadn’t noticed the strange release his grip on her until she felt him lift her bra completely off of her breasts exposing them both to the cool air of the Lounge. She lifted her arms allowing him to remove it completely. The strange cupped her breasts and resumed kissing her neck as she throw her head back. She found herself grinding her ass against the hard cock that was pressing into her.
Somewhere in her mind the struggle victim had been locked away and was replaced by wanton desire. Suzie reached behind her to feel that stiff cock. She began stroking it through his clothes. The strange untied her bikini top and let it fall to the ground. Suzie turned towards him without releasing her hold on his cock. She leaned in to kiss him and noticed for the first time that he had facial hair. It struck in her mind that Peter didn’t have facial hair.
This realization came too late as the stranger forced her down onto the couch with his weight on top of her. She felt the thin material of her panties torn away and suddenly she was completely naked.
The strange worked his way down her neck and then towards her breasts leaving a trail of kisses as he went. He took her stiff left nipple into his mouth flicking it with his tongue. While he worked on one breast with his mouth he used his hand on the other gently rolling the nipple between his index finger and his thumb. He would alternate between her breasts kissing his way from one to the other. Suzie found herself lost in the feeling and began running her fingers through his hair.
He moved lower leaving a wet trail down her stomach circled his tongue Around her belly button. As he went lower yet, she reflexively opened her legs for him. To her dismay he veered towards her hip and down her thigh. The mystery man made his way down her right leg to her feet where he proceeded to gently suck on each toe in turn. He lifted her left foot and did the same, sucking on each toe before making his way up her leg.
The closer he got to her inner thigh the more she squirmed with delight. Slowly he kissed his way up her inner thigh spreading her legs farther as he went. Just as he reached her cunt he stopped. Suzie could feel his breathing on her but not a touch. She held still with anticipation. Then she felt it. It was just a quick glide of his tongue over her cunt lips but it caused an involuntary moan to escape her. The second swipe was much deeper, probing her inside. She lifted her hips in an attempt to force more of his tongue inside of her.
His tongue was in continuous motion exploring her folds. When he found her clip, she let out a low throaty moan. As he sucked on her clip she felt him insert a finger into her cunt. He toyed with her by sliding his finger all the way out then slipping it back in. After a few moments of this she felt a second finger join the first. She could feel a warm tingle building up inside her.
Suzie could hear the sound of a zipper and she knew he planned to do more than give her a tongue-lashing. He continued licking and fingering her for what seemed like eternity. She gripped him by the hair and pulled him into her farther as her orgasm began to crest. Herbody stiffened and her hips rose as the waves of orgasm washed over her. She felt him gently nibble on her clip sending bolts of lightning flashing through her.
As she began to come down from her orgasm she opened her eyes and realized the stranger wasn’t between her legs anymore. She saw movement out of the corner of her eye and felt something bump her cheek. When she turned her head she was staring face to face with the hard cock she desired. With a soft moan she parted her lips and allowed him entry into her mouth.
Suzie felt his hand go to the back of her head, holding her still, while he pushed his cock into her mouth. All she could do was moan as his cock slide towards the back of her throat slowly. He didn’t stop pushing until his cock was completely buried in her mouth forcing her to deep throat it. She felt him reach down and fondle Her breast as he slowly removed his cock from her mouth. He pushed her down on the couch and straddled her chest. Leaning over her head, he forced his cock back into her mouth and began sliding it in and out, fucking her mouth.
He kept a hand on her head so she couldn’t turn away even if she wanted to. But it was clear that she didn’t have any interest in turning away. He continued fucking her mouth, forcing his cock all the way in, then suddenly he stood up. She let out curious whimper then saw his shadowy shape knee once again between her legs.
She felt his rampant cock slip between her cunt lips but not enter her. Instead it slide between her lips towards her clip. She lifted her legs higher and spread them wider giving him easier access to her. He seemed to slide his cock up and down between her cunt lips, gently brushing past her clip.
“Please don’t tease me,” she said in a breathy whisper.
Her only reply came in the form of a low chuckle as he continued to slide his cock between her lips toying with her clip. She began to squirm, lifting her hips to try and guide his cock inside of her. He put a hand on her stomach forcing her to remain still.
The strange laid his weight on top of her and feel the head of his cock slip into her. She told with relief awaiting his cock. But it didn’t come. With the just the head inside, he stopped.
With rising frustration she snapped at him, “Don’t tease me. If you are going to fuck me, just do it.”
Replace he pushed another inch of his cock inside. With a growl that was almost primary Suzie wrapped her muscle legs around the stranger and pulled him into her. The tables had somehow turned. Now she was the aggressor. She felt him fill her and boy did it feel good. Each time he tried to pull out she would flex her muscles and force him slamming back into her. He tried to rise up on all fours but she would not break her scissors hold on him. Instead she lifted with him. She used her legs to draw herself to him, fucking herself on his cock. He finally gave in, lay back on top of her and began fucking her.
Once Suzie was in control she didn’t want to give that up. She rolled him off the couch onto the floor, rolling with him, keeping his cock firmly buried within her. She grasped hold of his hands, bent over him and planted a password kiss on his lips. She could feel her breasts pressed against his chest. Her nipples were as hard as pebbles pressing into him. As her tongue forced it’s way into his mouth she began rocking her hips fucking him.
She rod him with wild abandon, moaning as she felt his cock fill her. She sat up, riding him cowgirl style, lifting her arm in the air as if riding a bucking bronco. She heard him grunt and knew he was feeling as good as she was.
He seized the opportunity to take back control, pushing her off of his cock and onto the floor. She scrambled to her feet but not before he had a hold of her once again. The strange forced Suzie over the arms of the couch with her ass in the air. He spread her ass and pushed his cock back into her pussy until she felt his pelvis pressing against her ass.
He grabbed onto her hips for leverage and began pounding his cock into her. Her hips forced painfully into the arm of the couch with each thrust.
“Ahh. Ahhh,” was as much as she was able to moan with each thrust.
Suzie was started when the stranger smoked her ass hard enough to leave a red mark. Deep down inside she liked it. With this savage pounding of her pussy, she knew he couldn’t possibly last very much longer.
She felt him tensing in his thrusts before he stopped with his cock buried deep inside her. His cock twitched once then again before she felt the first blast of cum inside her. Pressed against the couch she couldn’t move to avoid having him cum inside her. Spurt after spurt of his thick cum…”
“Suzie. Suzie wake up,” came a familiar voice.
Suzie opened her eyes and found she was sitting on the couch but now she was fully clothed, the lights were on in the Lounge and the face starring downat her was that of Peter.
“Have a good dream?” he asked as she was finally able to focus.
“I. I guess so,” she replied still a bit grggy.
Who was the mystery stranger that she was dreaming about? She may never know the answer to that question.
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