Susan Finds a Dom Ch. 07 – Hank and Master
The first three chapters of this series is a composite story of several ladies that have been submissive to me over the years. Parts of it are true of all of them. Everything after the munch in Chapter 3 and later chapters is fiction though most of the scenes are based on reality/experience.
Each chapter builds on the previous and reading in sequence is highly recommended.
Please note that with literary license the timeline is greatly condensed from reality.
Sunday Afternoon
After arrival home from my weekend at Master’s I stripped as soon as I closed my apartment door. My eyes were still blurry from the tears of missing Sir. I decided I should do my blog about the weekend for Sir before I forgot any more details some things were already a bit foggy. I sat on my chair’s dildo and composed my message to Sir.
I remembered the events of the weekend and my reactions to them The ginger oil plug punishment due to forgetting to wear my plug. The visit to the beautifulian’s shop where Master decided what would be done to my makeup, nails and hair. The night at the social where I learned that Master has been talking very favorably about me. The time in the dungeon where Master still won’t tell me who beat me. Meeting and spending time with Master’s full time live in submissive.
But I also told master about the diminished dichotomy between pleasure and pain. Master had told me that I would be a true submissive when they became shades of the same thing. This weekend Master had taken me to that point twice. The realization both thrilled and scared me. I had long ago passed the turning back point on my trip into submission, but this was a new major landmark. I had trouble adequately expressing this to Master, but Finally found words that expressed my reaction.
Even though it was early, I was exhausted. I did my nightly bathroom routine, washed my face, brushed my teeth, tried unsuccessfully to remove the blood red lipstick and blusher, and removed my plug. I crawled to my mirror and edged my cunt and ass, while abusing my sore nipples. Then I crawled to bed and immediately fell asleep.
My morning routine was now well established. I edged in bed before crawling to the bathroom, used the toilet, took a two quart castile soap enema and held it while I showed. In the shower I checked for stubble around my cunt and held it if found before edging again with the shower nozzle. After the shower I released the enema and inserted my plug. I put on my heels and crawled to the kitchen for coffee and a bagel. Then sat on my chair’s dildo to enjoy my breakfast while I checked messages and mail.
It looked like my team was making good progress on the program module we had have been assigned, though a couple of items in John’s message did concern me. I made a couple notes on what needed to change in the piece I was coding. Nothing elseof any importance so I started to work on the project. When I work, I make myself take a break every hour to get up and get a drink, check mail just look out the window.
Of course, now with the dildo each time I get up from my chair I must lick the dildo clean and lick up any puddles in my chair. As I was sucking it clean all I could think of was kneeing with Master’s submissive as we sucked and rimmed him, before sharing Master’s cum back and forth with lips, tongues and kisses. I spent my entire five minute break sucking my chair’s dildo.
My cunt was soaking as I sat back down on my chair, impaling my cunt with my dildo again. It took me awhile to really focus on work again, and I keep finding myself rocking on the dildo, keeping my cunt on the edge.
After my lunch break, I removed my plug, lubed my ass and the dildo and sat down impaling my ass. Surprisingly it didn’t sting at all as I mounted it, but it felt amazing to have my ass filled as I went back to work.Rocking back and forth with it in my ass didn’t do much, I needed to work it up and down a bit, to feel it sliding in and out of my sphincter ring, so every now and then when I stopped to think I would rise up from the chair till only the tip was in my ass and then drop back down quickly into my chair. That felt incredible, sending messages straight to slut’s cunt.
Midafternoon I got a message from Hank, verifying we were still on for that night and suggesting that after our swim we go to his place for dinner. I knew what he was suggesting and immediately replied that sounds like a good idea. As I sat there thinking after I accepted, I started to laugh. Three weeks ago, I had no boyfriend, no prospects, and was setting for an occasional unfulfilling booty call. Now I served a Master, was dating a great guy, and had just agreed to fuck Hank the hunk tonight.
I knew I wasn’t going to get much else done that day so I sent a status report to my boss with a copy to my teammates. I went through my closet to pick out a dress for the evening, but found nothing I liked for the occasion, so a quick shopping trip.
The young clerk in the juniors department asked what I was looking for and without thinking I replied, “I need a short demure, fuck me dress for a date tonight” The clerk blinked twice, thought for a moment and said, “I think I have just what you are looking for.”
She picked one off the rack and said, “Trust me on this one, try it on before deciding.” It didn’t look like much on the hanger but I agreed to try it on. It was tight with a bit of stretch and hugged every curve beautifully. As I was looking in the mirror the clerk reached over and undid the top two buttons. The stretchy material relaxed, and the neckline opened to show ample cleavage. Undoing the bottom two buttons of the short skirt, had a similar effect showing off my thighs.
“So, as you can see, it looks great but demure, until you decide to show something else.” The clerk commented.
I thanked her and took it in three colors, black, red and white. I was debating between white and green for the third dress before the clerk told me that sometimes dark nipples showed through the white dress. The clerk seemed surprised that caused me to grab the white one.
Back home I did a quick enema, not that I was expecting Hank in my ass, but just in case I didn’t want to be embarrassed. I also checked for stubble and razored the little bit I found.
I got to the pool early. I wanted to enjoy watching Hank walk to the pool in his Speedo. I wasn’t disappointed, he does fill it out nicely. He stretched for me at the edge of the pool as I was looking up at him, then jumped in the pool beside me and surprised me with a hug and a deep kiss before pushing off and starting his las.
I stood there for a moment or two catching my breath before I started my las. We keep the same dance as previous swims, altering our strokes as we passed to show off and get a good look at the other one. Hank finished first and waited for me to finish before heading to the locker room. I enjoyed watching his tight ass all the way.
I had become less self-conscious in the lady’s locker room. No one seemed to care about the collar on my neck, the plug in my ass or the total lack of underwear when I slipped my short dress on. Today though there was a young lady watching me. Every time I looked over at her she looked away, but she was definitely watching me. If I wasn’t so anxious to see Hank, I might have said something to her.
I stopped by the vanity mirrors before going out to meet Hank and undid the top two and bottom two buttons on my new dress. It showed a lot of cleavage and tigh which I was sure Hank would like.
Sure, enough Hank’s mouth dropped open when he saw me in the lobby. “Wow you look sensing.” Was his comment before a hand on my ass pulled me tight against his hard body for a deep kiss. “
The hand on my ass stayedd there as he guided me out to his car and opened the door for me. I’m not sure what all I showed when I sat down into the low seats in his sporty car, but I’m sure he got to see most of what I had.
Hank sat in the car and called to make sure our dinner was ready for pick up. Hank didn’t say much on the drive to pick up the food and on to his condo, but his hand only left my upper tight to accept the food at the curbside pickup.
Hank’s condo was typical single male abode, functional but rather bare. We ate on the coffee table while sitting together on the couch. Some ballgame was on the TV but frankly we were each paying more attention to the other person. I said something that Hank found humorous, and he leaned over and kissed me. I kissed him back and that was the end of dinner.
We made out on the couch and Somehow the remaining buttons on my dress came undone, and Hank lost his shirt just before my dress disappeared. Hank said something about being more comfortable, stood and led me to his bedroom, picked me up and dropped me on his bed. Was shocked to find that Hank still had a waterbed. I had never actually seen one and was now lying on one as the waves kept rolling back and forth under me. Hank laughed at the expression on my face.
Hank lost his sweatpants and briefs and joined me on the bed. It was interesting making out on the waterbed, definitely Different. Every movement created a wave that eventually came back and gently rocked you. I pulled Hank on top of me in the classic missionary position and guided him to my cunt. Hank knew how to use the bed’s rhythm. He would push into me, pull partway out and wait for the return wave to lift my cunt back up embedding it onto his cock. It made for a nice rhythmic fuck. Hank varied the intensity of his fuck and the waterbed responded. A harder thrust made a bigger return wave, while gentle thrusts gave a smaller ripple. It was a different very erotic experience.
Hank rolled us over andI sat up in the classic cowgirl position. At first, I had to work to keep my balance but once I learned to ride the waves, they did most of the work. I ground on Hank and the waves moved us together up and down as Hank caressed slut’s tits and abused my nipples. I felt Hank swell in my cunt and that tripped me over the edge. Hank was probably coming anyway, but my cunt grabbing him tight definitely pushed him over the edge.
A wave caused me to collapse onto Hank. He held me tight as the waves kept his cock constantly shifting slightly while still buried deep in my cunt. I kissed him hard, and he held my head and held the kiss as our tongues explored each other until he gently bit mine to hold it while he sucked it and his tongue rubbed and circularized mine.
We laid together enjoying the afterglow, his cock Now only semi hard but still deep in my cunt. My head on his chest let me listen to his heartbeat slow to normal. I shifted my weight and I felt him slip from my cunt. I leaned down and explored his cock, licking and sucking it clean, feeling the ridges, caressing and sucking his balls. How do you tell a guy that he needs to trim the hair around his cock and balls?
Hank pulled me back up to him and kissed me again. He asked how I enjoyed the party and from the way he asked I was sure he was one of the guys beating my ass in the dungeon. I asked him directly and his answer was quite evasive.
Hank wanted me to stay, but I needed to be home. I was getting behind on the project. Having gone from none to four date nights a week was throwing off my schedule. We had another nice long slow waterbed assisted fuck that left a huge wet spot before he reluctantly let me out of bed, and took me back to my car with his hand steadily caressing slut’s cunt. By the time we got to my car I was ready to jump him again but settled for a long deep kiss.
As I drive home, my hand replacing Hanks in my cunt, I keep asking myself where and how does Hank fit in.Could he be more than a swim and fuck buddy. Could I have both a boyfriend and a fuck buddy? Would my boyfriend be OK with me having a fuckbuddy when he was ready to give me all I wanted? Was I willing to give up sex with Hank? Life had gotten more complicated.
Once home I did my nightly bathroom routine, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and removed my plug. I crawled to my mirror and edged slut’s cunt and ass, while abusing my nipples. I crawled to bed and kept edging my cunt until I finally fell asleep.
slut followed my normal morning routine, edge, enemace, shower, plug, impaled on the dildo in my chair and started work. Master called and confirmed tonight at 7PM and told me to eat first. There was an edge to his voice that I hadn’t heard before.
I made good progress on our project and both my partners assured me that their modules were also progressing nicely though John was a bit evasive in his answer. We set up a lunch progress meeting for noon Wednesday.
Midafternoon I had an early dinner, I hate going to Master’s on a full stomach. My usual Master’s prep: enema, shower, release enema, shake, makeup, plug, heels. Not that I was anxious to see Master, but I was ready an hour early. I checked my computer, licked my chair dildo clean and left for Master’s. As usual arrived near Master’s house early and waited down the street, Arriving at Master’s to open the door as the church bells chimed the hour.
I entered the vestibule and was surprised to see Master’s live in sub, Sally, kneeing on the floor, gagged, and with her hands spreading her ass open. Then I saw Master’s note.
Slut – Strip, collar, cuffs, nipple clamps on tight. Slut will crawl to me today with her tongue up Sally’s ass. There will be additional Punishment if slut fails to keep her tongue up Sally’s ass as the two of you crawl to me.
I somehow knew I was in trouble, though I wasn’t sure why. I quickly compiled, hanging my dress on the hook, taking my collar and cuffs off the shelf, locating the clover clamps, and clamping them on slut’s nipples. Sally had not moved nor made a sound. I got on my knees behind her and worked my tongue up her ass. Almost as soon as I got it decently into her ass, Sally released her ass and started to crawl. I had to match her pace and work to keep my tongue buried in her ass as it swung side to side as she crawled. I quickly got in synch with her movements which made it easier.
We crawled together into the room where Master was seated naked in his chair. Sally stopped in front of Master. With my tongue up her ass, my vision was limited but Master obviously had a blonde girl straddling him and fucking him. With no other direction we waited with my tongue still up Sally’s ass.
From the sounds that both Master and the lady were making They both orgasmed. The Lady got off Master’s lap and Master pulled Sally to him with her mouth in his lap, I dutifully kept my tongue buried in Sally’s ass.
The lady straddled and sat on Sally’s butt and took two hands of my hair and pulled me out of Sally’s ass and tightly into her cum filled cunt. Without being told I licked and sucked Master’s cum from in and around her cunt. From the sounds, Sally was doing the same with Master’s cock.
Even after I had cleaned all the cum I could reach, my head was still held tight in her cunt so I continued to lick and suck. I finally heard Master’s voice, “Ellen, release my slut.”
Ellen, stood up and pulled me into an upright kneeing position facing my Master before releasing my hair. Sally’s head was still bobbing in Master’s crotch, but Master looked stern.
“slut, you have failed to follow instructions again. I have not seen a report of slut’s date with Hank. Did slut prepare one for me? Master asked.
I’m sorry sir, I forgot. It won’t happen again, I promise.” I replied almost in tears.
“My friend Ellen here is going to help slut give her report to me orally, and I’m pretty sure that afterwards slut won’t forget again. Ellen, please prepare slut to give her report for me”
There was a half barrel shaped device beside me with a type of dildo sticking out of the top. Ellen lubed the dildo, and then spread a thin oil over it. She had me straddle the base and mount the dildo. I was straddling the device with my knees just off the floor and my feet behind me. Ellen clipped my wrist cuffs together behind my back and clipped them to the device behind me. I was firmly seated on the device, impaled on the dildo, and had almost no freedom of movement.
The dildo was starting to tingle in my cunt and I caught a whiff of the ginger oil Master had used to punish me for forgetting my plug. Then I felt a low victory in my cunt and where my clip was pushing against a nib on top of the device. Ellen clipped a lean to the chain between my nipple clamps and handed it to Master.
Master pulled gently on the lean sending a shock of pain into my nipples as the clamps not only pulled but tightened. Master started to explain, “slut, what slut is sitting on is called a Sybian, it is designed to do wonderful things to the female anatomy which my slut will soon start to experience. slut, tell me all about yesterday starting in the morning, through slut’s date with Hank and then eventually to slut’s own bed. The longer slut takes the stronger will be the setting on the Sybian. If slut cannot finish her report or slut cums, slut will be punished and have to try again. Now begin slut’s report.”
As I started to record yesterday for Sir the victory in my cunt and on my clip steadily increased and the ginger oil started to go from a tingle to heat. I did well until I started talking about meeting Hank at the pool. Suddenly the dildo in my cunt was not only vibrating but twisting and moving. My voice falsetered and Master pulled harder on my lean sending more shocks of pain into my nipples. By the time I was telling about Hank and I fucking in his waterbed, I was fighting not to cum and was having trouble making coherent sentences. Fortunately, when I started to relate about going home and slut’s nightly routine the motion in my cunt had diminished, but as that diminished slut’s cognizance of the heat from the ginger oil increased. My sore, bruised, cunt was on fire as was slut’s clip.
I was greatly relieved when I heard Master says, “Very good slut, that is what I expect to see in slut’s future daily reports, short and too the point. One more thing, where does slut see the relationship with Hank going?
I didn’t know how to answer that question, but decided honesty was the best answer, “Master I don’t know, I spent an hour on that question, and I still don’t know.”
Master smiled, “I understand slut, a lot has changed in my slut’s life in a short period of time. I trust my slut will make the wise choices. Now slut, Ellen is going to take my slut for a ride. My slut will cum until I tell Ellen to stop. Ellen, you may begin.”
The vibrations and movements in my cunt exploded. Even harder and more movement than when I was describing fucking Hank. My body exploded in orgasm and never stopped, one just piled on top of the last one. I came, I squirted till I had nothing left to squirt, I came until it became painful to cum. Then nothing. She didn’t ramp it down, she just shut if off. My body didn’t care it was still coming and it felt like the viruses were still there, but it was my body still reacting to the viruses, the violent movements, the burn of the ginger.
Ellen finally lifted me off the Sybian’s dildo and laid me on top of her, she hugged me as my body kept shaking and quivering, aftershocks still rolling through my cunt and the rest of my body. She kissed me and I kissed her back. My nipples were still clamped and as my cunt started to settle down, the pain in my nipples being pinched by the clamps and squeezed between slut and Ellen became intense.
I sensed rather than saw Master move from his chair. The plug was pulled from slut’s ass, and I felt Master knee between my legs and his cock pushing against my anal ring. Ellen held me tight as Master pushed slowly into slut’s ass. He was apparently well lubed as there was only a small amount of sting as Master pushed through my ring and up my ass as Sir laid on top of slut. Master was supporting most of his weight with his arms, but he still felt like a warm protective blanket on top of slut as he began to slowly and gently fuck slut’s ass.
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