SuSusan Finds a Dom – Epilogue

For those that have asked what happened after the last chapter, here is a summary. There is no sex, and if you haven’t read at least Chapter 8 this post makes very little sense. It also gives away the surprise ending of the Series so please read the previous chapters before perusing this.

A year later

A year later

All four of us have settled into domestic bliss. Sally had twin girls; I have a little boy. All three are just three months old, both Sally and I apparently got pregnant on the joint Hawaii honeymoon.

The new house that Hank bought, just did not work for a family of three so Master gratefully made room for all of us in his house with a small addition. We have a nursery for the three babies, and Sally and I treat all three as our own and help each other with parent duty including lots of diamonds. My son looks like Hank, the two girls look like Sally which Sir said is a good thing.

To keep things straight I call Hank Master and the man I called Master Sir. Sally does the opposite, though in practice we obey both as our Master, and both are free to use or discipline either one of us as their own. I sleep in Master’s bed most of the time, but nights in Sir’s bed are very common. Both Master and Sir refer to Sally and I as sisters, and in a real sense we are, incestuous sisters, and we share a lot beyond our two Masters. With three babies, we nap together Whenever we get a chance, and both Masters encourage us to enjoy each other and frankly Sally is better and more enthusiastic with her tongue than Master.

My sister and I are always naked, cuffed, collared, plugged, and in heels in the house. Outside the house, such as when I go to the office in town, it is short dresses, heels, and unobtrusive collars. Bras and panties are not allowed, thigh highs or suspender hose when the occasion requires it. It is a rare day that I am outside the house without a plug in my ass, and often with an egg vibrating in my cunt.

I swear our two Master’s are telepathic, there is never any confusion or conflict between them, and we never hear them have a discussion. As I said, most of the time I spent the night in Master’s bed but when I spend it in Sir’s there is never a discussion that I hear or am involved in. The same is true when my sister and I wind up in bed together with either Master or Sir. As far as my sister and are concerned we do what Either one tells us, knowing that the decision has already been made and agreed to by both Masters.

Hank works outside the house most days. Both men wake up every morning with oral sex from whichever sister is in their bed. Sometimes it turns into the first fuck of the day, somedays just our first load of cum down our throats for the day. Master and Sir gets the bathrooms first while my sister and I fix breakfast for both men. Sometimes we are invited to eat at the table, somedays one or both of us serve under the table. After breakfast Sally and I share a shower and help eachOther with our enemies, shaving, plugs, hair and makeup. We then get the babies changed, fed, bathed, etc. etc.

Sir works from home. Several times during the day Sir will summon either my sister or I, or sometimes both for help on a project, provide oral service, or when he calls both my sister and I, provide entertainment. After lunch, when the babies are down for their nap, it is my sister and my daily caning. Master always does it, we both have a constant set of four new perfectly parallel cane marks on our asses. Sir has a rotation of where he puts the new marks, so we have four bright new ones and eight fading from previous days. By the third day the oldest set is faded out, so Sir renews it. Sir has an uncanny ability to leave a perfect mark without breaking the skin or causing a deep bruise.

Part of the house addition is my office. I still work from home 90% of the time. It is my responsibility to make sure that Master and my sister knows what my workload is, and howmuch time I need, and when I need some relief. My work chair still has a Hank size dildo in the middle of it that I impale myself whenever I am at my desk, except that time of the month. Master and I are trying for a second child, which unfortunately means irregular periods and that Sir is using a condom whenever he fucks my cunt. However, he prefers my ass to a condom; Sir has always liked lots of oral sex too, so the condoms are rare.

In a sense I have two perfect husbands. If I am down, or having an issue or a need, both Sir and Master seem to sense or know about it and both do their best to take care of me. I think my sister rats me out whenever I try to hide an issue from Master or Sir. My sister and I confident regularly with each other, our mutual inhouse counseling service.

My coworker, John, got his act together and is back at work, though no longer on my team. His wife/submissive had a little boy, which John adores. They bring the little boy over a few times a month for a play date with our three. One of us watches the four little ones in the nursery while the other two subs take care of the needs of Sir, John, and Master if he is home. All three take great delight in finding new ways to use us and have us entertain them. It is a play date that everyone looks forward to, even the little ones.

I wanted a Master and wound up with the perfect family, including two Masters and a sister, not to mention a son.

I hope you enjoyed the story, it took on a life of its own. It started as a single piece to explain to a friend what it was like to have a long distance Dom, and just keep writing itself.


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