Miko was a shy, but feisty as hell. She may be shy to people at first, but once one got to know her, she had a report for being very temperate.
Seemed to have issues with everyone, especially authority figures, who she blamed for her problems. She blamed her teachers for allowing bullies, to pick on her, for punishing and ridiculing her for things that other students did to get her in trouble. Sadly, it was true she was being misreated, but her disrespectful, angry attitude only made people dislike her more and want to do more things against her.
While she had very few friends, Miko had a some girls and boys crushing on her, mostly because of her Petite, slim body and feisty attitude and punk/goth clothing because of much she was dislike, the people who liked her were afraid to approach her, worrying about consequences if they had a relationship with her because she was so hated by the teachers of the school.
Miko hung out with the “bad crowd” compromised of fellow goth and punk announcers, many of them were radical leftists.
Just like her friends, Miko had the bad-girl goth/punk vibe and she often wore, mini skirts, crop tops, long black/white striped socks/stockings that went up to her knees and combat boots. Her pixie cut hair was highlighted a combination of Red/orange and some of her hair was left untouched and it remained her natural brunette/dirty blonde color. Also one side of her head was shaken, leaving a thin amount of hair.
Physically Miko was very slender, due to having a very fast metabolism and eating habits. In addition, Miko was also very short for her age, standing at only 4’10” and she weighed only 60 LBS. Although being 18, she was the shortest girl in the entire School and was bullied often for that. Even though she wore platform shoes that gave her a 5-7″ in boost, she was still shorter than most of the students in her class.
It was Monday At 7:45 AM first period started, and all the students were eiter having breakfast, or relaxing for the first classes to begin, which started at 8:30.
Miko was running late again. Her Mom’s car had a flat, and she knew she was going to be late to school. While Miko was usually on-time, Miko often had an attitude problem and back-talked often, as she was often getting into trouble for things she did not do.
Her mom dropped her off at school at 9:30 and Miko the principal, or one of the VP’s was going to use this against her, and she was thinking the detention she was going to get, and her pessimistic mind was coming up with scenarios how she was going to be given a detention for coming late, then arguing, explaining how her mom had a flat, and she had no other way of coming to school since her family was too poor to afford a school bus route, and there was no mass transit in her area, only to be given a longer detention for standing up for her rights.
As the mom drive, they had a conversation.
“Mom, you know how much everyou hates me at school, I’m going to get a detention for sure, for this. I mean I have been given a detention just for arrival 5 minutes late to school last month, when we got stuck in traffic, then I was given another detention for telling the principal it wasn’t fair.”
“Miko, I know honey, but you do have a really bad attitude problem. I know they don’t treat you very nicely, but to be honest Miko, it’s in large part because of your rebellious attitude and also very pessimistic outlook on life why everything is so bad for you. The energy you put out is the energy you get back. Miko, you seriously need to practice some yoga.
“Mom, it’s not fair how they treat me! Not once were the fucking bullies ever given one detention for beating me up, but the moment I yell or curse at them, I get a one week detention!”
Miko, look on the bright side, you are very smart, and you get perfect grades on exams, but I know your assignment grades are poor because the teachers don’t like you, but that is something we can discuss during the next PTA. In fact, I already wrote a letter to the superintendent of the school district, and I even emailed her your assignments and the grades you received, and needless to say she was appalled. Oh Miko sweetie, we are here, remember to be positive, and give this letter to the clerk when you enter. I know she will understand.”
“Love you mom”
“Love you Miko.”
Miko’s mom then drive off.
As Miko entered the building, she stopped by the clerk who received her mom’s letter. “Ahh Mrs. Natsume, I completely understand, here is the slip, which will excuse your lateness.”
Feeling happy for the first time in weeks on school grounds, she walked to her third period class, science. She loved science Because it was the science teacher who was the nicest to her out of all the teachers in her lineup. No one dared to do anything to Miko in Mrs. Silverstein’s class.
Mrs. Silverstein received the Clerk’s copy ofthe tardiness excuse. She wasn’t mad at Miko in the slightest. However, she did look at Miko for a few seconds, and then said, whispering to her “Miko, you know this outfit is highly inappropriate for school, I just hope the Mrs. Jackson won’t call you to her office. You exposing your belly like this, you must like showing off that flat belly of yours, huh?” She then poked Miko in the belly, and Miko suddenly jumped and yelped.
Mrs. Silverstein then asked and turned , “Everything ok Miko” Mio only blushed and looked down as her biggest fear/ secret fantasy literally just occurred in the most random way possible.
Still shocked over what happened in science class, she went to her math, and art class on auto-pilot, her mind completely on what Miss Silverstein did to her, and she liked it.
Then, after lunch, Miko was in history class when the school’s P.A. came on and an announcement was heard from the principal herself, “Miss Natsume please report to my office, Miko Natsume please come to my office.”
The class collectively went, “Ooh!” and giggles were heard and the star bully of Miko, Amanda said, “Miko, looks like you’re in trouble again, what did you do this time? Spray paint another Anarchist symbol on the school like last time, you leftist weirdo!”
Miko exploded, “SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU HAVE SPREAD SO MUCH LIES BEHIND MY BACK ABOUT THINGS THAT YOU ACTUALLY DID” Miko was just about to punch Amanda in the face, when Miko’s friend Ashley stopped her, as she was worried that Amanda, being 6’0″ would have overpowered Miko like last time, when to install fear in Miko when she refused to fear or respect Amanda. In the locker room during gym the Previous week, she lifted Miko by her shoulders 14 inches off the ground so they were making, direct, straight eye contact and she threatened Miko to get out of her way and not try to take away any of her friends.
The teacher then said, “Miko, that’s enough! This is the third tI am this month you have lost control. You will have detention this Friday for two hours.”
Miko absolutely flipped out and cussed out the history teacher and Amanda and slammed the door extremely hard.
As she walked down the hallway towards Mrs. Jackson’s office, Miko’s head was filled with enraged, yet smug thoughts of how to get back and Amanda and the history teacher, up recording the encounter in the classroom with a concealed mini-cam that auto uploads to her home computer using her Phone’s mobile hotspot.
As she entered the School’s main office, the Assistant principal directed Miko into the Principal’s office. As Miko entered the office, she was just about to sit down into her “usual” chair that faces Mrs. Jackson when she said, “Miko continue standing for just a moment.”
After checking her attire on her slim, petite body, Mrs. Jackson said, “Miko, how many times are you going to break the school’s dress code? Look, I am not going to look this over, especially after Mrs. Bellingham just called and said you cussed out Amanda and her as well. Just because she gave you a detention for blowing up at Amanda, who despite her being out of place for mocking you, was still completely way out of proportion to what she did.”
The principal then walked over and stood in front of the young girl, towering over her extremely slim, petite body.
Then, smiling menacingly for a brief second, Mrs. Jackson then said, What am I going to do with you?!” as she began poking and prodding her fingers all over Miko’s belly and chest.
“STAHAHAAP THAHAAAT THIHIHICKLES!” Exclaimed Miko. The principal then said, “AHA! You must like it, keeping such a vulnerable area so exposed!”
Miko’s cheats immediately flushed red out of embarrassment and having her belly ticles by the Amazonian goddess herself who was 1 1/2 ft taller than Miko.
After ceasing her ticklish assault on Miko’s slim belly, mrs. Jackson began discussing her “inappropriate” behavior. The principal said, “I called you here initially to discuss your consequences for violence the school’s dress code. To make matters even worse, he caused quite a scene a few minutes ago in Mrs. Bellingham’s class. You are also going to be additional consequences at my hand for your flagrant disregard for authority, social norms, your appearance and attempted violence on another student. So I hereby will carry out your punishment in the “BASEMENT” (Cue thunder and a scary laugh).
Then, without warning, before she even got a chance to ask Mrs. Jackson what the punishment was going to be, Mrs, Jackson Quickly knocked Miko out with a blood-choke, which was terribly easy for the athletic goddess since her subject was a slim petite girl only 58 inches tall and only weighing 60 lbs, While Mrs. Jackson was a 6’4′ amazonian goddess and all students were afraid of her, hell even grown men were afraid of her, and on her free time she spents at BDSM clubs where she is a dominatrix.
The next thing that Miko remembered is waking up tied spread eagled, on a table, that to her pleasant surprise was padded soft in faux leather.
She called out for help. She began screaming at the top of her lungs for help.
“It’s no use little Miko, no one is coming down for you, plus this room is soundproofed and it was made specially by me and a group of teachers to punishment naughty and misbehaving students like you!”
Mrs. Jackson then walked around the table, straddling it, making Miko extremely nervous, especially as she turned her head and saw numerous instruments that she recognized as baby oil, hair brushes, toothbrushes, and some other instruments she did not recognize.
The principal then came towards Miko’s left side, stopped right besides her midsection and placed both hands on either side of Miko’s belly.
The principal asked condescendingly “Are you ready for your punishment, little girl?”
Mustering up the last ounce of courage she had, and fueled by her rage against the perverted amazonian principal, she said to the principal “Fuck you, you fucking perverted bitch! Do your worst!” seeing that there was no way out and she knew there was no way in hell was she going to go out without a fight.
Instantly the principal strapped a ballgag to the girl’s mouth and said, ” I won’t do my worst, I’ll be do my absolute hardest to make sure I break your spirit little girl! Also, That little potty of mouth of yours just bought you a whole extra day of punishment with me, little missy!”
Then, Miko’s entire world suddenly became a mess of tangled nerve endings as Mrs. Jackson began skittering her fingers all over Miko’s slim belly, sides and ribs. She then used a fatal combination of skittering and pokes that made Miko go totally wild with laughter. Mrs. Jackson then decided to change her tactic up a bit as she used one hand to ticle-poke her midsection, while she used her other hand to care and feel her slim, belly, ribs, armpits, all the down to her sexy protruding hip bones. All the while, Mrs. Jackson, being an EX-CIA agent, know how to read people very well, especially because of her past as an agent interrogator. Miko had no idea what she got herself into.
The principal then walked in front of Miko’s feet and she began shrinking into her gag trying to beg Mrs. Jackson not to ticke her feet. She was wiggling so wildly, it gave Mrs. Jackson no doubt that she had just hit the jackpot.
“Aawww, is the whittle girl’s feet tickiwish, well too bad!” Mrs. Jackson then began to teasingly unlace her right boot. Miko was now hyperventilating from the anticipation of having her horribly ticklish feet ticckled.
After a few minutes of removing her boots teasingly, Mrs. Jackson finally removed both of Miko’s boots. Now, Miko’s socked feet and legs were wiggling and thrashing like crazy as she tried to find a way to get out of her bondage.
Without warning, the Principal blindfolded Miko with a state-of-the-art blindfold that didn’t let the smallest amount of light in, even from the bottom, sides or top.
Miko was now utterly and completely helpless. She couldn’t see, she couldn’t speak, all she knew was her sense of touch, smell and sound.
Then, Miko herd Mrs. Jackson walking a few steps and then she stopped and she heard what sounded like mrs. Jackson picking something up and heard the sound of something being squirted and then she felt oil being rubbed onto her soles.
Miko enjoyed the massage, but giggled because her feet was so ticklish that even the rubbing ticked her and the oil was making her feet even more ticklish.
Then completely unexpectedly, Miko’s ball gag was removed.
Realizing that her ball gag was removed, immediately me go began begging mrs. Jackson not to torture her anymore.
“Please mrs. Jackson! I have learned my lesson! I’m so sorry! Please give me another chance! Please don’t ticket my feet!”
Mrs. Jackson said, well, I was going to just ticle your feet gently, but because you decided beg like the little girl you are, I’m going to go extra hard on your feet especially since the reason you’re in trouble the first place is for getting angle and trying to get out of your punishments and again he tried to get out of your punishment this time, but by using a different tactic. So for your pathetic attempt to get away with what you have done earlier I will make it punishment extra severe!”
“No can do kiddo, it’s time for you to take your punishment like a big little girl!”
Mrs. Jackson then began to feel down with her fingers down her belly, down her hips just beside her crotch, down her thighs, calves and ankles right until she reached her petite size four feet.
Then, Miko heard Mrs. Jackson picked up a couple of items off the table and within seconds, Miko felt something with many points being placed on each of her feet and she knew what was going to happen next and she was completely powerless to stop it
All of a sudden mrs. Jackson begins scrubbing both of her soles with the hair brushes as fast as she could going over her soles, arches and just under her toes. Miko was laughing hyperactively, tears were flowing down her cheeks like crazy and she was thrashing like all around, causing the contours of her slim belly to show. Even though Miko was so slim, because her stomach was so slim, every time she flexed her belly to wiggle and thrash around, her abs showed a little bit. But for the most part when Miko was lying flat, the contours of her belly was concave with her ribs and her hip bones protruding sexually.
Mrs. Jackson continues tickling Miko’s feet non-stop for 10 minutes until she became a quivering gelatinous mass of ticklish nerves.
Miko was now crying hysterically both from the tickling and from the anxiety of what was going to happen next.
An hour afterer arriving into the basement, she was now a mess, her face was now red, and she passed out briefly for a couple of seconds. Mrs. Jackson wasn’t fazed in the least and she completely enjoyed dominating the little girl, and she also enjoyed the young girl’s pleasures for mercy.
Then, Mrs. Jackson was mesmerized by the rise and fall of Miko’s petite belly and chest and more ideas came into her perverted mind.
Without warning, Miko heard the snip of scissors and the sound of fabric being cut and she felt stopped being lifted up and she immediately knew that her crop top was being cut off. Mrs. Jackson then removed the several torn pieces of Miko’s torn crop toff off Miko’s chest, exposing her black A cup black bra beneath. “You like being such a tease huh? I’m going to teach you a valuable lesson on What happens when you tease so much.” Mrs. Jackson chided Miko.
Mrs. Jackson then put her fingers inside of Miko’s extremely hollow armpits and began digging in scribbling her fingers all over her armpits and ribs, causing Miko to shriek and laugh hyperactively and her face to once again become tear stained and red.
Then, Mrs. Jackson climbed on top of the table, began straddling Miko’s hips. Then, she laid down on top of Miko. Using her stamina, the athletic former EX CIA interrogator/principal/dominatrix, she placed her mouth on Miko’s bellybutton, put her hands on either side of her belly and sides and then taped 2 hair brushes to her feet and place them to Miko’s feet.
“Pfft, Ooh, please! You’re so dramatic. Any last words, little Miko?” Chided the sadistic principal.
Before Miko could utter a word, the principal once again gagged Miko. Then, all of a sudden, Miko’s entire existence was filled with nothing but tickers all over her slim, petite body.
Miko’s tiny feet, her belly button, armpits, ribs, belly and were getting ticker all at the same exact time. Miko’s Laughter was so frantic, even with the gag on, shrieks of laughter were still escaping the gag.
Only 10 minutes into the brutal tickling, all of a sudden Miko’s vision began to get dark and before she knew it she felt herself pee herself and simultaneously she lost consciousness.
When Miko came to, she noticed that her blindfold and gag were still on her, but she noticed that something felt Different. She noticed that her entire body had cold air moving all over the place. The realization struck her and it terrified her; she was completely naked!
Miko began screaming into her gag and thrashing more wildly than at any point during her entire ordeal. Miko was so scared, and she had good reason to beas never before had anyone else than her family saw her naked and now she was completely naked in Front of basically a complete stranger, one that had a lot of authority, and one that was far stronger than Miko could handle. Miko knew she wouldn’t be able to handle the goddesson her own. Personally, the principal was the tallest female she ever met as well as the strongest. Some of Miko’s memory was coming back of what happened after she was knocked unconscious of how she was carried out of the principal’s car, into her house, down the stairs and into a secret passageway in the basement. She also remembered how while she was being literally carried by the principal who was holding her up with one hand while she ticked her body and her private areas while being completely incapacitated and how she moaned and how good it felt.
While screaming into her ball gag, Miko never noticed something turning on and making loud zapping sounds until it was too late.
Miko felt a very painful zap on right nipple that made her body jump and Yelp like crazy. That she felt another one on her left nipple and this process continued for at least a minute until both of her nipples were sore and painful.
Then, Mrs. Jackson took off Miko’s ballgag, and immediatelyy, Miko began crying hysterically, becoming to be let go. Miko asked through her sobbing, “W..when can I g…go home?”
The principal told the broken girl, you have been suspended from the school for a whole week because of what happened in the classroom earlier today and instead of sending you home like usual, I designed a special punishment, just for you. You see, you are wearing these provocative clothes, showing off so much skin like you want to tease people into doing stuff to you, plus you color your hair. Well, I’m tired of your teasing, and it’s time to learn what happens to little teas like you. So for the next week you will be spending your suspension here in my basement. Today is actually considered day zero as you will be spending a full seven days here in my basement.
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