I currently have little to no idea of how to proceed , so kindly drop some suggestions, if you want to! For example, how she would join an exclusive club, and so on.
I was looking forward to some more reviews, so please leave your thoughts if you would like to as well! I appreciate valid criticism.
In the previous chapter, Susan is prepared visually for her initiative, and is also introduced to bits of what she is going to experience in her life as a slave.
Read on to find out more.
As stated, all characters are above 18 and fictional.
Susan was currently in the initiative room, if it could even be called that, it most definitely appeared a dungeon, even to her naïve mind. And it was decorated beautifully.
The windows were blackened out to keep out from prying eyes, and were barred with steel bars to add to the effect. The walls were painted grey and looked somber. The X Hooked sign was of course the most menuing. Or so she thought.
As the men left her to make her decision, on a nod from one of the Masters, Tom and Jake walked away from her towards a curtained mass in the room, huge enough to resemble a bed.
Flipping off the curtain covers; she was shocked to see that it was indeed a bed, but as was becoming custom, the contradictions never failed to surprise her.
As the sheets were flung, her eyes moved to the center of the bed, and there was a silicane prop mounted on a machine, out of which a 4-inch penis stood, giving a lone survivor effect. Her innocent mind couldn’t grasp what it was actually designed for, and she told in relief, thinking 4 inches was nothing to get impaled on. Since nobody would tell her, she was in for a big and nasty surprise when she would be pumped on it.
Moving her eyes to the other end of the room, it was clear it was an equipment station, the wall sporting an array of whips and floggers and on the table in front of it, there was an association of dildos and vibrators, all looking intimidating, serving the purpose they had been placed there for.
Her eyes moving on, they came up to the last object of the dungeon. It was immediately clear what it was, and her face became red.
It was a sex swing, and it hung almost relatively from the ceiling, it’s silver steel traps one of few sources of light, Its glinting hue adding to its already scary effect.
She was no doubt shocked to her core, but her time of watching all those kinky porn videos was the only saving grace that was balancing her on her dainty feet.
But at the same time, her body denied her rejection of the situation at hand. Her heart rate was quickening, and she knew the words that were going to come out her mouth.
‘Yes, I’m ready to start my Initiation.’ She said, her nerves of steel shining through.
‘Great, we are happy to hear that Susan. Our 5-member panel will be observing you, while Mark in front of you will be taking you through our practices. Now that you have consented, we are free to do whatever we want to you. Tom and Jake will have the pleasure of watching you from the sides as well, they deserve it, after having worked wonders on presenting you to us. You look absolutely ravishing my dear. Now, without further ado, please, step up to Mark.’
She could dilly dally no longer. Walking up to Mark, she waited for him to make a move.
Nodding curtly at her, he simply pointed his hand to the bed, where the penis lived on it.
She knew what was expected of her, but did not want to do anything that wasn’t explicitly told.
Standing at the bed frame, Mark motioned her over on to the sheets, and she climbed up onto it.
Putting down his tools and climbing on with her, he took her hands one by one, and fixed them to the chains extending from the frames, securing her into place. He fastened it such that they werelocked behind her, so that she had to maintain an upright position, but he did not tighten it yet.
Wordlessly, he lifted her suddenly with his hands, shifting her form over to the penis that lay in the middle.
Unceremoniously, he impaled her pussy harshly onto the silicane dick, eliciting a surprised yelp from her. With no reaction, after he plonked her sizzling folds, he walked behind her and tightened the straps, and now she was bound tightly, the only part of her body she could move was her hips, that too a restricted range, and being that she was currently hopelessly resting on the penis, she couldn’t move her legs as well.
Stepping back, Mark grinned. She was ready.
He turned to face the Masters.
‘Now for your first test Susan. Do you know what the tool you are impaled on is used for?’
‘No sir, I do not.’
‘Good, you will soon. While you are experiencing that, you will be extremely flogged on your body, and Mark is allowed to flog youanywhere that is below your neck. We will collectively measure how well you respond to the simulations, and remember, be strong, this will only be your first test of today.’
Saying so, he nodded to Mark, who walked over to the cabinet by the wall, and selected a rich brown compact flogger, with a silver embroidered handle, glinting in the light. He also took something from the drawers and walked over to her.
Facing the panel, Susan had no idea what he had in his hands. She could only shiver in trepidation, her naked form exposed to all, bound shamelessly, avoiding eye contact by looking down. Another sign of her submission.
Back to facing her, Mark brought out the other item from behind his back, a shiny red ball gag, adorned with black leather.
Dangling it in front of her, he proceeded to draw her silky hair from behind her, fanning it around her neck, and fastened the gag, letting it sit smoothly on her nape.
Taking off the hair tie residing on his wrist, he pulled her hair into a knot at the crown of her head, holding it tightly, and tied a high ponytail, her tempers now only reaching her upper neck.
‘We don’t want anything obstructing the passage of his flogger to your luscious flesh.’ The Master explained.
His confirmation of what was about to happen sent ships down her body, and for the first time of the night, her drool spilled down the side of her chin, sliding down her neck to her breasts, coating them in her saliva, making them glisten in the light beautifully.
That was exactly what the sadistic Mark needed to see, and within a second, he had the flogger in his hand.
Standing in front of her, he started practicing his motions, and moved the flogger through the air, releasing a terrifying whizzing sound, such was its power.
While he kept practicing and looking her steadily in the eye, Susan tried everything she could to stop herself from crying. In a matter of a few hours, she had let herself beled into the one of the murkiest situations she had been in, and the ‘whoosh’ sound of the flogger only now made her realize what she had gotten herself into, a truly sadistic community who seemed hellbent on breaking her.
But she was not allowed to dwell on her thoughts. Lost in her thinking, she hadn’t noticed Mark walk to and back from the cabinet once again.
He now had another menuing item in his hands, a pair of nipple clamps, held together by a chain with a hook in the middle. Their design was familiar to Susan, and she was dreading their use, while at the same time, meekly excited.
His face now unfortunately close to hers, he vigorously rubbed and pinched her nipples, which only served to make more copious amounts of saliva escape the gag down her chin. The gag was not as criminal anymore, with large amounts of her saliva coating it, and Mark scooped some amounts of it and resumed his pinching and mauling of her boobs in earnest, using it as a general form oflubrication.
Her screams could only come out as gargles, but his repeated ministers resulted in her nipples becoming even more engaged, like little pebbles.
Satisfied with their aroused state, he attached the clamps one by one to her nips, and her moans were muffled well by the gag. They latched like a small pair of teeth on her skin and pulled brutally. Since she never experienced such a situation Before, the gag was good for her, allowing her to bite down on something while she was experiencing this new pain.
However, she would have no respite.
The 2 nipple clamps were connected by a chain, and the hook in the middle was currently empty. Reaching into his pockets, he pulled out a 5 pound ball and swiftly latched it on to the hook.
Their weight immediately lurched Susan ahead, the pain unbearable for her, and finally, a solidary tea trickled out her pupils, clearly visible in the dim lighting. Her shadowles prevented her from bending her body forward, and she was forced to remain upright and bear the brunt of the weight, the pain searing through her entire body.
Turning back to her masters for their approval, Mark got the go ahead and looked back at her, sporting a devilish smile, for the first time revealing his true self, a horrifying sadist at heart, and it was clear he would not hold back in his treatment of her, and would enjoy himself tormenting her to the fullest.
Drawing support from the presence of her 5 future masters, Susan steeled herself of what was to come, faced at the scary image of Mark holding the flogger to her right, ready to proceed.
She closed her eyes. The simulation that the clamps and the weights were creating was too much to bear for her, and she couldn’t meet the piercing eyes of the people present in the room. She was a diminutive female in the presence of several alpha males, and these thoughts toyed with her, increasing her stimulation, the stream of her pussy juices never stopping./p>
And then, with no warning, he flung the flogger.
He whipped it right below her breasts on their undersides, expertly avoiding the dangling chain connecting the clamps, their vicious holds on her nipples only strengthening, yet hitting the links enough to make them ripple.
A sering pain shot through her being, and she could even feel herself screaming before the sound came out her mouth. Even Though she was gagged tightly, an ear-splitting yell was heard. It was a desperate wail, and would chill any human to the core.
The people in the room, however, were a different breed. The yell gave way to huge smiles on their lips, they wanted badly to have her broken, regardless of if she could take it or not. She was theirs for the night now. She would experience worse under them, and they wanted her to be conditioned well.
Once her pain and sobbing had subsided to a lower octave, Mark spoke.
‘That was the first lash you have received. I will flog you 9 moretimes, but if you are who we suspect to be, that pain will soon give way to pleasure. But since we don’t want to thrust you headfirst into it, we will introduce you to some other sensings as well.’
She was clueless, and had no clue what they were going to do.
Right after he finished talking, one of the Masters on the viewing platform, who had a remote in his hand, pressed a button.
That was when she experienced the most pleasant stimulation in her pussy. Ever. The penis silently residing in her folds starting buzzing, completely out of the blue. With the pain of the lash, this was a relief, except this time, the wail that echoed out her mouth was one of pleasure, a low pitched moan, caught by everybody in the room.
The buzzing sound of the sybian was loud, and the pleasure it was delivering to Susan’s innermost folds was clearly eviant, her moans rising in intensity, and it was clear she was overwhelmed by how well the visas were working her pussy.
Allowing the sybian to work its magic on her, Mark had been instructed to float her still, inducing a combination of pain and pleasure.
Following his instructions, he brought the flogger down on her brutally once more, making Susan scream for all she was worth, her tears mixed with her gargling sounds around her gag, orgasming from the sybian and reeling from the floater, all at the same time.
The sensory overload was too much, and this caused a fresh stream of tears to flow down her face, and she looked pitiable to most people, a miserable sight. The perverse minds of all those in the room, however, only saw a beautiful creativity, revealing in her screams and pleading.
She decided to beg, and hoped that would convince the men to stop their onslaught. Only 2 lashes were delivered, and she was already broken.
‘Please Sirs, leave me alone, I can’t take any more of this. Please get me off, I promise to be a good slave to all of you, I can’t take this any- AHHHHHHH!!’
One of the masters had craneated up the sybian settings by a notch, which was responsible for her screams, and she completely forgot what she was saying, lost in the sybian’s intensity whirring inside of her most private regions, marching havoc on her senses, reddening her delicious pussy flesh beyond measure.
It immediately caused her to cum once again, having lost track of her innocent ejaculations already. Or so she Thought.
While she was spasming in her bliss, it wasn’t actually her cum.
Yes, it was her piss. For the first time in her life, the sybian’s tool had touched upon her g-spot, which would usually cause sluts like her to be uncomfortable. Instead, she hadn’t even noticed her sudden release of her urine, believing it be just one of her many orgasms.
Her urine soon formed a messy puddle Around her, spilling on the silicone base of the sybian, the smell slightly wafting through the room.
Undeterred, Mark kept on with his routine, raisingthat deadly flogger high up, in order to strike it with the most force he could muster.
Swinging it down hard, he hit her exactly in the same spot as the previous 2 hits, drawing out the maximum pain from her.
Susan, at this point, was a slobbering mess. Her beautiful face was etched with tears, her makeup completely ruined, mascara running down her face in thick black lines, giving her a ghostly look. Her tears keep running down her dimples, mixing with the makeup that had been expertly applied by tom, her blush and lip gloss looking like a mixed palette.
Her lustrous hair was streaked with sweat, her entire forehead soaked with her sweaty strands, her ponytail all over the place. The hair tie’s grip on her wavy tempers still held strong. Since she had started sweating so much, a big portion of her silky hair was Plastered to her forehead, looking like she had just taken a shower, even obscuring her eyesight. Not that it mattered, she had to close them to prevent herSelf from the overload of her emotions.’
She was continuously sobbing and moaning, a fitting experience of the pain and pleasure she would experience in the coming weeks, although just a taste. Although her sounds, at times, she was quiet as well, recovering both from the intense emotions and physical touch she was enduring. She had given up copying with her feelings, and now went with the flow. The pool of urine around her contributed to the stench which only she was able to smell, playing further on her mind, leading her to be thoroughly humiliated, being made to urinate in front of complete strangers.
Dispite all this, she somehow still appeared heavenly, her innocent slowly ebbing away with every demeaning act she was made to endure, yet a perfect image of hopelessness and submission, her body literally shaking all the time from the movement of the sybian. It had played its part perfectly, giving her fierce orgasms and distracting her from the unbearable pain of the flogger, if at least temporarily.
But the men were far from done with her. She still had 7 lashes to succumb to, and they wanted to push her further than they had already humiliated her, their desires not extinguished yet.
‘I think it is fair to say that despite never having gone through such acts before, it is admirable that every single time, you have come without fail. You may just be right for our community, Susan. But we want to make sure of it, don’t we?’
Smiling maliciously, he spun the wheel on the remote controlling the sybian, alternative the intensity of the sybian, sometimes high, and in the next instant, a dull ebb.
It immediately drove her crazy, and she was back to begging, even more vociferously, since the tactic the men had employed was superior, one that had conquered every pompous who who ever lay before them.
Orgasm Denial. A technique that brought every proud and haughty slut to their knees. An inevitable submission in the waiting.
Bu sadistic as they were, they were looking for something else. In between their techniques, when she would be extremely flogged, if she orgasmed from the pain, that was the sign she was theirs. A woman added to submission, deriving pleasure from their control. That would be a true indication of her inherently submissive nature.
Commencing his treatment, he alternate between the 2 lower settings of the sybian, roughly every 30 seconds. Since it was low, it kept her on edge, but not overly stimulated.
That was the signal Mark needed. Right in between the changing of the sybian vibration levels, he delivered the third lash, as hard as ever, but this time hitting her closer to the stomach, hitting her abundant fat stomach flesh.
Though the impact was less due to the presence of her fleshy stomach, the switching of the device’s intensity compensated for the location, inflicting an even greater sense of pain, if possible. This was just the third strike, but Susan was already hurt out. Her screams had now subsided to low moans, and she could no longer stay upright on her own, only held upright by the metal chains her hands were secured to, and she was now bent forward hair dangling in front of her face, a prime signal of her succumbing already, completely to the whims of her Masters.
The lash had left a deep dispatch on her stomach, which was now reddening rapidly, normally a cause of concern.
But none in their right mind would call Mark anything less than supremely skilled. He knew he could proceed easily without leaving any permanent marks or damage on her skin, and that was all he cared about. Her mind acquiescing to their demands was the priority. As far as that was concerned, it had already been accomplished. He was just having fun now.
With 4 flogs left, Susan had no idea how she would tolerate them, anymore and she was afraid the flogger would cut her in half. She resumed her pathetic wailing, which came out as mufFled squeals through her gag, but they were steadily decreasing in volume, owing to her exhaustion, and the gag stifled her screams of pleasure, but her body bore it for all to see, she was perspiring, drenched in a sheen of sweat, yet her clip was throbbing, the effect of the sybian and psychological implications of the flogger wreaking their havoc on her brain, exciting her like never before. Each new experience only took her arousal to new highs, and they knew she would soon reach a point where she would be begging them to stop her coming, such a phenomenon was not uncommon, where the woman simply could take any more simulation.
They had to play their cards well, needing to act before she reached that point, although they would still torque her after she asked for it, their minds knew no limits.
Bracing herself for the fourth float, Susan steeled herself, tensing her stomach, eyes closed to her. Mark, however, was already a step ahead of her.
He had already walkedBehind her and with no hesitation, flogged her sagging MILF ass, which was still so plump it jiggled for several seconds after, leaving behind another deep red welt, adorning her beautifully.
This was the first hard contact she ever had on her ass, not even being spanked, or hit there before. It caused her to once again scream for all she was worth, exciting the men in the dungeon at the hit on the new part of her body.
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