Susan Visits a Pony Farm

The Submission of Susan

The Pony Club

Today Master has told me we are going out for a drive in the country and going to see an old friend of his that runs a farm. We haven’t been out of town for a long time now and I am looking forward to it.

I get up eagerly from our bed and quickly go in for a shower knowing when I get back my clothes for the day will be laid out for me. On my return, I see what I am to wear neighborly laid on the bed.

Master has chosen a yellow T-shirt, blue thong, jeans, red socks, and sneakers. I quickly get dressed and anxious downstairs where Master is busy making breakfast. For once he is waiting on me and I am told to sit at the table while he serves up eggs on toast.

I am very excited and can’t help but ask some more questions about where we are going today.

“Master,” I ask, “how do you know this friend that owns the farm?”

“Her name is Madame Christie and I have known her for a very long time,” he explains.” I first met her when I was in a BDSM club in Seattle”.

This seems a little odd to me. Why would someone that owns a farm be in a BDSM club? Not perturbed by Master’s answer I ask him, “What kind of a farm is it?”

“It’s a pony farm,” he says. “Madame Christie trains ponies.”

I love ponies. I start to ask him another question but he tells me to stop talking and eat my breakfast so we can be on our way.

We are soon in the car and heading out of town towards the country. It takes us about two hours to finally reach the farm and Master pulls into the driveway. I see a lady of about 45 come out from a large barn and head towards us smiling and waving.

We step out of the car as the lady gets to us.

“Jon, how lovely to see you again, “she says as she steps up to him giving him a quick peck on the cheek, “And this must be Susan,” she says turning to me. “Everything’s been arranged as per your instructions.”

I don’t understand what she means but simply says “Nice to meet you, Ma’am.”

Grabbing my hand she turns and leads us both into the big barn.

“Let me show you some of my stock Jon,” she says as she continues to lead me into the barn and towards what looks like horse stalls.

Master says he would love to see what she’s currently training as we approach the first stall.

I look in and can’t believe what I am seeing. Instead of a pony, there is a completely naked blond girl standing in the stall wearing a full halter on her head. She has a bit between her teeth and is tied to a railing.

“This is Star,” Madame Christie says. “She is one of my best ponies. It will be her we will be working later today with Susan.”

Master is signalling his approval but I cannot believe what I am seeing. This farm is not for animal ponies, it’s for human ponies. OMG, what has Master got in store for me today I worry. My original excitement has now completely left me and I am now filled full of trepidation. What does Madame means when she says “working with Susan?”.

We continue to walk along the stalls with Master shacking me once on the butt to move me along.

We are then introduced to Misty, Willow, Luna, and Princess. All are naked women and all have halters on and are securely tied to their stalls. They are of varying height, hair, and eye colour. Additionally, they are all naked and appear to have a glossy sheen across their entire bodies.

We move on and the next two stalls each have a young man within. Looking at them I can see they are both sporting erect penises with cock rings and metal cages holding their balls in place

“This is Duke and Jasper”, she tells us.

They are routinely injected with a drug that keeps them constantly hard we are told. This does them no harm and they seem to enjoy it.

They are also wearing halters but are free to move around the stall. Duke moves up to the front of his stall and a hard cock pokes out between the bars. I can’t believe what I am seeing.

“Ahh Dukey, “she says, and then turning to me she tells me to pet him.

“Duke likes to be petted.”

I turn to my Master with a look of horror on my face but he indicates I should do as instructed.

I turn to the stall and, moving up to Duke, quickly stroke his hard throbbing penis before withdrawing my hand. He whinnies at me and Madame Christie shouts at me.

“Not like that Susan. Do it properly”.

I have no choice but to take hold of his cock and slowly start to move my hand backwards and forwards along his shake. I cannot believe I am wanking off a guy acting like a pony. I have gone my usual embarrassed deep shade of red in the face.

I am told to stop it.

“He’s to be put to Star after we are done today. I don’t want him cuming now” she says. “Will you be staying for that?”

Master indicates he would love to see Duke performand will be staying.

In front of us now are two normally dressed young people and we are introduced to Katty and Stuart who are the stable hands.

Madam turns to Stuart and instructs him to take Susan and get her ready. He takes my hand but I pull back desperate to not have to go with him.

“Susan, behave!” Master tells me.

I give him my most imploring look but it does no good and I am forced to be led away by Stuart.

I am taken to an empty stall and bought in.

“Undress,” Stuart says.

I have no intention whatsoever of undressing in front of this kid but a crop appears out of nowhere in his hand and he has quickly laid it firmly across my ass. It stings like hell!!

“Owww,” I yell.

“Undress,” he repeats “Unless you want Another one.”

I have no option and sully start to remove my clothes till I am down to my thong which I will not take off.

He takes a halter from a shelf which has a large red plum feather attached to it and proceeds to place it around my head. I struggle but he is used to this and it is soon locked in place and a bit is forced between my teeth and secured behind my neck.

The halter is then secured to the stable via a long leash. I’m not going anywhere now.

Next comes what looks like a leather jacket and my arms are forced into its sleeves before it is wrapped around me and secured at the back almost like a corset. I can hear numerous buckles being done up before my hands are pulled behind me and secured in place.

I would say that this Stuart kid knows what he is doing and is roughly tacking me up with no real regard for any disappoint I might be feeling.

I am then roughly turned and he is gripping my nipple bars pulling my tits out through two holes in the front of the jacket. I scream out with the pain as he roughly pulls on my breasts but the bit in my mouth throws out most of my scream.

I hear a jingle and looking down see him attach two small bells, one to each nipple.

So far he hasn’t said a dam thing to me and is simply working hard to dress me up.

I am now in a position where I am wearing a halter that has blinkers fitted so I am unable to see sideways but just ahead. I have some sort of metal bar in my mouth which is stopping me from closing my mouth or saying anything. I have a kind of leather corset on which is squeezed me hard and it appears My arms are tied together behind me. My breasts are protruding out through holes in the jacket and I now have small bells hanging from them.

I cannot believe I am in this situation and just hope that we have reached the limit to Stuarts tacking me up like a pony. Oh, how wrong could I be?

I feel fingers in the waistband of my thong before I feel them being dragged down and removed.

I scream and kick my legs but another crack from the crop across my bare arse soon stops any more disobedience from me. This kid sure knows what he is doing.

A few seconds later and I feel my ass cheats being parted and before I can even wonder what is going on a plug is positioned against my arsehole and after a few seconds of firm pressure it is firmly inside me.

I hear the first comment from Stuart, “What a lovely tail you now have.”

OK so now I have a tail in my plugged arse. This has to be the end…. But oh no.

I see Stuart move in front of me and bring down what looks like a large wide belt.

He is soon again behind me and I hear buckles being closed before the belt seems to have dropped between my legs.

I hear him curse as he tries to thread my ‘tail’ through some sort of hole before he then comes back around to my front, reach between my legs, and grabs the belt.

I then feel something hard probing my pussy before Suart is standing and pulling on the belt. Whatever the hard object is, it has now slide firmly into my pussy and is spreading me unbelievably.

He is pulling hard on the belt before he secures itto the front of the jacket. I am just in a state of complete shock as to what is happening. I am now obviously plugged in both my arse and pussy and the belt is making sure that neither hole is going to be empty any time soon.

I now feel him lift one of my bare feet and feel some kind of shoe-fitted which raises me on tip toes and is rigid to a point where I am unable to now get my heel on the floor. Soon he has the other foot also encased in this weird shoe.

Standing back, he admires his handiwork. Grabbing the reins, he flicks the crop at my arse and commands me to “Walk on”.

With the essential of the crop in his hands, I carefully leave the stall and hear the clip-clopping of my feet on the cobbles.

I am led outside and with the constraint of the reins in Stuart’s hands and the blinkers, I am forced to only look forward.

I am led around the corner and in front of me see what appears to be a small horse cart. I also see Star dressed the same as me and strapped to the front of the cart with a space designed for me next to her.

Stuart backs me in between two bars and I am then secured in place. I cannot now see Star and am certainly unable to talk to her.

Nothing then appears to happen and we are left on our own. I can hear her shaking her head and breathing hard. I am also now very conscious of the two devices between my legs.

The tail plug is bigger than what I am used to and feels like it is stretching my arsehole to splitting point. Couple that with whatever is in my pussy and I am exceedingly uncomfortable. I cannot believe the surreal situation my Master has put me in.

Shortly I hear talking and soon can identify it to be my Master and Madame. I feel the bars of the carriage rock slightly and assume they have both climbed aboard.

There is a shout of “Walk on.”

I feel a flick of a whip across my arse followed immediately by an electric jolt deep down in my pussy and I am forced to stagger forwardd. There is movement next to me and it appears that Star is moving and we appear to be off.

I am now forced to pull on the bars and help Star move the carriage forward.

Every time I start to slow down I either feel the sting of the whip or a jolt from my pussy and I am instantly back to pulling hard.

I can hear Madame telling my Master that as it’s such a nice day she will take us around the lake for a nice ride. The strain of pulling using my legs and the feeling of the two plugs inside me is causing me a great deal of disappointment and I cry out in anguish when I hear Madam tell Master that we should try a little canter.

Before I know what is happening the whip is constantly flicking across my bare arse and my pussy is being pulsed by electricity every second. The only way to stop it is to move faster and I am soon running and panting with Star doing the same beside me.

Once we reach what must be the required speed, the pussy pulsing stops, and the whip disappear however any slowing down and both immediately recommendation forcing me to again pick up the pace.

I cannot tell you how long we are forced to canter around the lake till eventually I feel my head being pulled back by someone shouting “Whoa.”

I am exhausted and just stand there panting heavily. I feel Master and Madam dismount and we are left standing for what seems like a long time. I try to sit down but the bars fixed to each side of me prevent this.

I can feel motivation trickling down my inner thighs and surprisingly suspect that the stain of running with the feel of the butt plug and the pulsing in my pussy may have made me cum. God, I hope Master doesn’t find out.

I then see Katty and Stuart approaching us. Stuart seems to go off to one side while Katty starts to unstrap me from the cart. I presume that Stuart is doing the same to Star.

Once Katty has finished she waits holding my reins before I see Stuart appears in front of me leading Star.

Katty then says “Walk on,” and feeling a flick from her crop I follow Star watching as she steps high with her tail swishing from side to side.

We are led back into the barn and I see Master and Madam standing to one side. Katty leads me to a post and secures me. I then watch as she takes the reins of Star from Stuart and leads her to a post next to me.

Unlike me, however, Star is secured with her head much lower forcing her to bend at the waist. Katty then appears to unbuckle the strap that sits between Star’s legs and I watch as the device slips from her pussy before the belt is removed from her tail which falls covering her intimate area. A spreader bar then appears and Katty couples this to Star’s ankles forcing the pony girl’s legs apart.

There then appears to be some sort of heavy breathing sound before I see Stuart leading Duke forward. Duke has his arms secured behind his back but his cock is still stiff and hard protruding from his front. The cock ring is still in place and his balls are still encased in the silver cage.

I immediately realized what Madame means when she said that Duke would be put to Star later. This was incredible. They were going to watch while this Duke guy fucked Star who has no choice in the matter.

Stuart was struggling to hold Duke who was pulling forward to get to Star. At a command from Madam, Katty went over to Star and lifted her tail. With Star’s legs spread about two feet apart, we could now see a beautiful little pussy winding at us. Katty pushed a couple of fingers into Star before declaring “She is ready Mistress.”

With a nod from Madam, Stuart eases Duke towards Star and I watch as Katty catches his cock and steers it into Star who immediately bucks back on the cock pushing it deep inside her.

Katty Grasps Star’s hips holding her steady as Duke rams into her. With both not being able to speak all you can hear is the snorting from the pony girl and boy. Even though Duke is unable totouch Star it is clear he is enjoying himself and we all watch as he continues to pound into her. At one point he is pulled back and Katty slips two fingers into Star before withdrawing shaking her head.

I hear Master ask Madame why the Duke has been removed.

She explains that since her stallions had permanent hard-ons it was impossible to tell when they came unless you checked the filly. Duke has not come yet so he will be introduced back to Star.

I watch as Duke is once again guided into Star and again starts fucking her hard.

It is so weird being party to two humans acting and being treated like ponies fucking together in some kind of controlled environment. Whilst I was happy that it wasn’t me in Star’s place it was very very erotic watching Star getting a good boning by Duke.

Eventually, Duke starts to slow down and he is withdrawn before Katty once again sticks two fingers into Star’s pussy before nodding an affordive which I assume means Duke hascum. With Star’s tail still lifted in the air by Katty we are treated to seeing Duke’s cum slowly seeing out between Star’s pussy lips.

Duke is then led away before Katty drops Star’s tail and bends down, to remove the spreader bar. Madame approaches her pony and pats her backside telling her what a good pony girl she is. Star shakes her head and whinnies back. Star is then unhooked from the post and allowed to stand up before Stuart leads her off to her stall with Madame instructing that she is to receive a good rub down and clean.

I watch as Madame turns to my Master.

“Did you enjoy that Jon,” she asks.

Jon replies “Yep that was very enjoyable. I can see that Duke enjoyed himself. Did Star enjoy it?”

“Ohh all my maris like being serviced by my Stallions. Anyway, it doesn’t matter if they enjoy it or not. I control my maras.

‘Jasper is still available if you would like to have your pony serviced,” Mistress then states.

Ohhhh dear god no …… please please don’t say yes Master. I am sure I could not take getting fucked by some calmion boy. I am silently praying to any God who might be listening.

My Master laughs. “It is tempting but I think I will give it miss this time. Perhaps another day.”

“Well, it’s your choice,” Madame says.

Clapping her hands she instructs Katty to take Susan away and give her a good rubbing down.

I have no idea what that means but before I can even worry about it, Katty has grabbed my reins and is leading me away to a stall.

I am once again tied to the stall by my reins and I feel Katty undoing the belt holding in the diabolic electric device. I feel it slip from my pussy before the belt is passed over my tail and removed.

The tail is then un-ceremonially removed from my arse. I hear a trickle of water before my neither region is hosted down with cold water. I squirm and try to get out of the way of the cold water but Katty hits me hard across the arse with the crop.

“Behave,” she yells.

I calm down and let her finish washing me feeling her hand rubbing my vulvar and arsehole. The water is turned off before I feel her opening my arse crack.

There is no point in struggle so I just let her do what she wants. With deft hands, I feel a lot being rubbed on my orbs and a finger goes deep in my crack and arsehole as she rubs some sort of cream into me. I have to admit the tail plug had made me sore but with Katty pushing cream deep into me with her fingers I was starting to feel really horny and turned on.

She turns me round and starts on my front again with the cream. She spreads me open and rubs cream on my inner labia and down into my hole……it feels so good. She smiles as she can see I am getting extremely moist and teas me by paying a lot of attention to rubbing cream around my cliporis. I am still fully restrained so can say or do nothing to stop her attentions!

Eventually, she stops and I feel the jacket being undone and my arms released. Soon finally the headgear is removed and the bit is taken from my mouth. I am told to open my mouth and she runs her fingers around my mouth checking for any signs of damage.

She then hands me my clothes and watches as I step into my thong and pull it up at last covering my pussy from her gaze. I am quickly dressed back into my clothes and led out to my Master.

Master says it’s time to leave and thanks Madame. He turns to me and instructs me to thank Madame too.

I look at her. “Thank you Madame for allowing me to experience life as one of your ponies. I thoroughly enjoyed it and can’t wait to come back again”. How I even managed to get that lot of crap out of my mouth I don’t know. There was no way I ever wanted to be back here.

She smiles at me and with a laugh and a smile by Master on my bottom, I am led back to the car by my Master.

Yet another of Masters trials completed hopefully to his satisfaction. While beinga pony had its erotic moments it surely wasn’t something I wanted to ever repeat…


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