The Submission of Susan
Susan takes Sally Shopping
Continued from the story ‘A plan is hatched’
Today is the day that I knew our Masters had decided on our shopping trip. It was just one week before we were all set to go on the campus expedition and Both Masters had ideas about what they wanted packed for the trip.
Today Master had decided to dress me in a fairly revealing short skirt. It did not fall far down my thighs and with the black thong he had also chosen for me, I knew I was going to need to be somewhat careful walking and sitting without revealing my bare bottom. I was also to wear a half-cup bra and a white blouse. With the half-cup bra in place and the blouse on, my nipples were very clearly protruding into the fabric and I loosened the blouse to try hiding the nipples but honestly, there wasn’t much I could do.
Whilstout and about, Master insisted that I could only wear either tos or crotchless panties. Generally, I wore crotchless panties only when out with Master knowing I must be available to him. Most of the time though I wore tos and whilst these covered my pussy, did nothing to hide the globes of my bottom which Master frequently liked to show off.
Outside of the panties, Master’s choice of attire for me was starting to get more and more revealing and it was only when I was working at the college that modest clothing was the order of the day. In the summer he frequently made me wear high-cut shorts so the bases of my globes were on show. This could be some embarrassing in certain situations, which I am sure Master was aware of.
Fully dressed I am waiting impatiently for Sally to come knocking when Master appears and hands over an envelope.
“Give this to Amanda when you get to the shop Susan. It has a list of what I want for you along with some other instructions. You are to obey Amanda and do as she tells you. I do not want to hear that you have been disobedient. Understood?”
I take the letter from Master and mumble a “Yes Master.” I have no idea what is in the letter but being told to obey the shop assistant and not be disobedient does not sound good at all.
At that point the front doorbell rings and opening it I see a beaming excited Sally bouncing there. With a peck on my lips, she excitedly asks me if I am ready. Smiling at her then turning to kiss Master I offer my goodbyes and head out to our car. I note that Sally is also dressed in similar attire to myself also with a fairly short skirt.
We get into the car and I pull out of the drive heading towards our first destination. I know that as well as the BDSM shop, we will be going to Jim’s for Sally’s piercings.
“Look at what Master is making me wear,” she says trying to pull the skirt further down her legs. “Honestly Susan, everyone’s gonna get to see my panties wearing this.”
I look at her and laugh, “People seeing your panties is going to be the least of your worries today Sally. Don’t forget where we are going.”
“Oh yeah right,” she says as a worried look crosses her face. “Still it will be cool getting those piercings like you have. I sure hope my Master is asking for the same thing. I love your labia rings and nipple piercings.
Yea, I think. My Master loves the rings as well. I can’t count the number of times he has spread me open pulling on those rings. He has designed these thigh cuffs and chains my rings to the cuffs. That keeps me spread open all the time. When he has me open like that he says that the female vulva is a beautiful thing so as he owns one why shouldn’t he see it? There’s not a lot I can say about that. As his submissive I am owned by him which means my body is owned by him so if he wants me spread open then that’s what happens. I have no say in it.
It takes us about half an hour before we pull up outside the BDSM shop. We both get out of the car and head in seeing Amanda standing by the counter.
“Hello Susan,” Amanda says.
Reminding myself about the last telling-off I got from Master for not addressing her properly I say “Hello Mistress Amanda. I hope you are well today. I have brought my sister Sally with me. Our Masters have lists and instructions for you please.” With that, I pass my sealed letter across to Amanda. Sally also produces a letter and hands it across the counter.
Amanda takes both letters and then opening them she reads carefully occasionally smiling. Calling her assistant Jane over she hands her the letters with simple instructions to go find these items while she deals with the other instructions.
“If you ladies would follow me,” she says and proceeds to walk down her side of the counter. We both follow her until we meet at the end by a door which she opens and ushers us in. Inside is a room which has several pieces of bondage furniture along with a raised bed in one corner. The furniture is there as demonstration pieces for prospective customers. In fact, Master purchased the Saint Andrews Cross from here. I even recall being strapped to it as part of the demonstration although thankfully fully clothed.
“Sally, please sit over there,” Amanda indicates a chair close to the raised bed. “Susan, please hop up onto the bed and lay on your front.”
I look at Sally and remember Master’s warning about obeying Amanda so move across to the bed, get up and lie on it face down, pulling my skirt lower which is frankly a pointless exercise. Sally sits down on the seat next to the bed.
I watch as Amanda moves to a cupboard before taking down blue rubber gloves and placing them on her hands.
“Ladies, your Master’s want you both sized before we sort out the purchases,” she says.
Sally has no idea what Amanda means giving her a very blank look but I know exactly what Amanda is talking about having had this experience once before. She is going to check our sphincter opening and what it will comfortably open to. Thank you Master. Yet another embarrassing experience to endure.
Amanda approaches me with a small tray and then pats my covered bottom. “Skirt up please Susan.”
I know I have no choice and grace the hem with both hands, I pull my skirt up above my wait exposing my naked bottom and black thong. I then feel fingers on both sides of my panty waistband and feel the thong being pulled down with my cheeks releasing the thin string of the back of the thong. I turn my head to look at Sally who has no idea what is going on except that her sister sub has just been relieved of her panties and is now naked from the waist down.
I feel Amanda part my cheeks and the familiar feeling of KY being applied with Amanda’s finger pushing the lubricant deep past my sphincter. Her finger is then replaced by the cold hardness of what I know is a speculum. There is a clicking sound andI start to feel my sphincter being slowly forced open. I clench around it but cannot stop myself from being slowly opened.
“Good Girl Susan,” she says. We are now at your previously recorded 1 1/2 inches. Can you take any more?”
” I am not sure Mistress. You can try,” I say through gritted teeth. I hear more clicks and feel my arsehole being stretched painfully wide.
“Hmm you could just about manage 2 inches I think Susan but I am going to recommend we keep you at 1 1/2 for now. When you have been used a little more I think we can probably move you up to 2 inches.”
“Thank you, Mistress,” is all I can think to say.
She then releases the clamp on the speculum and I gratefully feel my sphincter close before she withdraws the horrid device. Patting my bare bottom she hands me my thong and tells me to get up. I am quickly off the bed and pull my panties back on.
Amanda now indicates for Sally to take my place. Sally slowly stands before clearly reluctantly climbing onto the bed face down. She looks worriedly at me and I mouth a ‘don’t worry’ to her.
I watch as Amanda pats her rump with a simple command “Skirt please”. Sally pulls up her skirt and I note she is wearing a simple pair of red panties which are soon pulled down exposing her bottom which I have to say is very cute.
Amanda then gets in the way of my view but I can tell from the grimace on Sally’s face that the speculum is well and truly inside her. After a few minutes, Amanda announcements that for now, 1 inch will be enough for Sally before instructing her to get off the bed and get dressed. That’s a half inch less than I have to end lucky girl.
Following the sizing we are both soon back outside and again by the counter facing Amanda who has once again got the list in front of her.
“Right ladies, let’s see what your Masters want. You seem to have quite a list Sally.” She says scrutinizing the lists carefully.
Turning to Jane her assistant she asks her if she has got everything on the list to which Jane nods she has.
“Ok for you Susan, it seems that Master Jon wants an anal hook correctly sized, two gold chains and nipple clamps.
I look at Amanda blankly. What the hell is an anal hook and what does he want with gold chains.
“For you Sally, Master wants a leather paddle, anal hook, trainer dildo and nipple clamps.”
Pretty much what I am either getting or already have. The anal hook though still puzzles me. I have never even heard of such a thing.
“Excuse me, Mistress Amanda. Can you tell me what an anal hook is, please? ” I blur out.
“I can do better than that Susan,” Amanda says. “Since your Master is buying you one I can show you.” With that, she gestures to Jane who passes her what looks like a silver piece of metal which Amanda places in front of us both.
” OK Susan, this is an anal hook. The round end goes into your bottom. In your case, it’s 1 1/2 inches wide but Sally’s will bejust one inch. The hook part bends out of your bottom and heads up your back. You will see a hole at the end and effectively using your hair and rope, your Master can position your head in any way he desires locking it in place. Your bottom will of course then prevent you from moving your head forward. Of course, it can also be used as a restraining device, especially in hog-tying games.”
I look at the hook almost disbelieving. I just know that this will be coming on our camping trip and will rarely get a lot of use. I turn and look at Sally who is just glaring at the two hooks with mouth wide open.
Since I am on a roll with Amanda I decided to ask her another question that has been playing on my mind since our last visit. ” Excuse me Mistress Amanda, but what exactly is a training dildo?”
“Oh, I’m surprised your Master hasn’t already used the one he bought for you. The training dildo is a very specialized piece of equipment, Susan. The dildo is inserted into yourvulva and then remotely turned on. It then begins to vibrate however due to very specialised electronics inside it, when it senses you are near to a climax, it switches off and then turns back on again effectively keeping you extremely horny. Should you climax with it, a message is relayed to your Master advising the fact that you have cum. Your Master can override the device and it will continue to vibrate allowing an orgasm. In some ways, for the submissive, it is quite a sadistic device.”
I look at her with almost disbelieving eyes. My Master has one of these already and now it looks like Master Tim is getting one for Sally. We are both not allowed to cum without permission so this sinister device could potentially result in us both having permanently sore bottoms.
I thank Amanda as she hands us our respective purchases. ” I hope your Masters have fun with their purchases,” she says. Oh right. There is nothing about the potential misery or pain that the purchases mightcause us. It’s all about the Masters. Still, I guess for her, it’s them that are paying the bills.
We jump into the car and head off towards Jim’s talking about the purchases. With both of us understanding the use of the training dildo it’s pretty much all we can talk about totally disregarding the fact that we have both just experienced our arseholes stretched open so our Masters know what will fit in There.
Sally is also not entirely happy about the leather paddle and I try to soothe her by saying it’s not that bad. The truth though is that it bloody hurts like hell and frankly, your butt goes a deep shade of red very quickly when Master starts swinging it. Fortunately, my Master doesn’t use our leather paddle on my butt that much thank goodness.
The anal hook also comes Under discussion and we both agree that we will be very surprised if they don’t make an appearance while we are on this camping trip
With all this conversation going on it feels like we arriveoutside Jim’s Parlour in seconds and hoping out of the car I lead Sally inside. Jim is there to greet us and say everything is ready as per Sally’s Master’s instructions. He leads us into his back room and turning to Sally he tells her to strip. She looks at me and I nod back to her. She then removes her clothes before standing naked before us with her hands between her legs in an attempt to cover her pussy. I am sure that Jim has seen many naked women in his piercing parlour and does not seem that bothered about this one.
He indicates the bed and Sally climbs up onto it before laying back still with her hands covering her pussy. Jim moves over to her putting a small silver tray on her tummy before grabbing her hands and moving them to her side.
“Well, you’re a lucky girl Sally. Your Master wants three piercings down here and one has a little expensive diamond set in the ring.”
Her head turns to me and I see a look in her eyes which I am not sure is joy or fear.Whilst I cannot see what is being done, I hear the familiar noises of the piercing machine with Jim bent low near Sally’s crotch working hard. Sally’s hands are by her side shaking a little and she has her eyes closed biting her lower lip.
After about 10 minutes Jim’s head rises. “All done Sally. Would you like to see it?”
Sally nods and raises her head. Jim places a mirror between her legs and I can see Sally first looking concerned before a smile appears on her face. Jim calls me over to look and I get up from my chair go over and look down at Sally’s crotch. She has the same two gold rings in her labia but she also has what appears to be a small diamond ring in the hood of her cliporis.
I point at the ring, “Isn’t that going to hurt or …. Well stop her?” I says
“Oh no, that’s fine,” Jim replies. He then starts to rub her clip and we both watch as it slowly engorges and moves out from the hood. “See, works fine he says.” He then pulls on both rings spreadingher labia open. “these little babies aren’t going anywhere either “.
I look down as he spreads Sally open demonstrating the strength of the rings before glancing at Sally who is now going a deep shade of red knowing two people are critically surveying her exposed pussy. I have to say I am a little jealous of the clip hood ring and have it in my mind to convince my Master to get one for me. Hopefully, I can do this on the camping trip when Master will be seeing Sally naked.
Jim then announces he must get on and I remain by his side as he gets out the machine that will piece Sally’s nipples. He then announces he needs to go get the bars that are going in her and I might as well do something useful and get her nipples up.
I look down at her and then grasp both nipples between my fingers and thumbs and begin rubbing and pulling on them. Sally has shut her eyes again but I do notice that she is starting to lift her chest to meet my rubbing fingers.
Jim is soon back wit both the bars and his nipple-piercing machine. I note that Sally’s bars are almost identical to mine except she has red jewels on each end where mine are blue and according to my Master designed to match my butt plug!
I watch as Jim places the machine on each nipple before the familiar sounds are heard and a nipple is expertly pierced. Jim then fiddles with her nipples and the bars are soon in place with the red twinkling in the light. She does look very good and I glance down again jealously looking at her clip piercing.
We help her off the bed and guide her over to a full-length mirror where she can admire her piercings. She looks exceedingly happy and I notice she drops her hands down to play with her clip and labia rings. She is then allowed to dress and I make sure she thanks Jim before we leave.
Jim smiles at her and says she is welcome. He then turns to me and says “You better convince your Master to let you have a clip ring, Susan,” he says.
“Oh, I will Master Jim, I reply.” I am going to try real hard.”
We are then both in the car and heading home. Sally can’t resist the temptation to look again and pulls up her skirt before pushing her panties to one side so she can again view her piercings.
“Don’t they look cute Susan,” she says and I have to admit, yep they do.
Once home Sally goes off to her house with her bag of goodies and I head into ours. Master greets me and asks if there were any problems. I handed over his purchases and told him there were no problems. Amanda has confirmed I am still 1 1/2 inches but could push to 2 in the future.
“That’s good to hear,” he replies. “I’ve got plans for that cute little butt hole of yours”.
I desperately want to ask him questions about the training dildo and the hook but know he does not like to be pressured into answers he doesn’t want to give. One thing I do know for sure is that in the fullness of time, and knowing my Master, I will become fully aware ofWhat both toys are capable of….
Continued in ‘Camping Trip Day 1’
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