Susan Finds a Dom – The Munch
I woke up to the soft clocking of the chains that connected my wrist and ankle cuffs. I have already learned to love the sound of the chains and the feel of the cuffs restraining my body. I reached down to find my cunt already wet as I started my morning edging. Recalling my orgasms the night before, a reward from Sir for pleasure him with my behavior the day before, I quickly reached the edge. I licked and sucked my cunt juice from my fingers and rolled out of bed.
Master had given me new directions last night, a new morning routine. I crawled to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet, removed my collar and cuffs and rubbed the red marks where the cuffs had been. Master’s new directions were to give myself a 2 quart Castile soap enema every morning after my bowel movement. I Checked the water temperature, added the cap full of soap to the bag and filled it with the warm water. Hanging the bag on the shower rod, I lubed the plugand inserted it into my ass. I opened the enema bag valve and felt the warm water begin to fill me.
I didn’t know what to expect, this was my first enema ever. A warmth started to fill my belly as the bag started to empty. Once the bag was about half empty the pressure in my belly started to grow and become uncomfortable. The lecher at the pharmacy had told me I might not be able to take it all the first few times, so When it reached a point of almost pain, I shut off the valve and removed the plug from my ass.
I wasn’t sure that I would be able to hold it, but Master had told me to hold it while I showed and shhave. I took my shower and removed the stubble from my legs, pits and cunt. As I shaken it occurred to me how quicky my breasts and vagina had become tits and cunt, and how quickly my life had changed since I approached Master on-line.
By the time I finished in the shower, the pain in my belly had subsided. I still felt very full and really needed to releasethe enema. I sat back on the toilet and was amazed at how much came out of my ass, disgusting.
I dressed for my day working from home, a leather collar and a pair of four inch heels. In the short time Master had me wearing them I had become quite stable on them and had no more issues wearing them constantly around the apartment. A quick breakfast and time to check mail and start work.
Master had told me to put my suction bottom dildo on my office chair. I would spend my workday impaled on that device. As usual anymore, my cunt was so wet no lube was required as I eased myself down the length of the toy. I rocked back and forth enjoying the feeling of the penetration as I checked my overnight messages and mail.
There was a reminder from my boss about the new client requirements we had discussed. Nothing new from Master. I opened the project I was working on and compared the program against the new client requirements. It looked like about three modules would need to beredone. I messaged John and Jerry two members on my team about what I had found and what I thought needed to be done. Jerry came back a bit later, with two more required changes that I had missed. John followed a short time later agreeing with me and Jerry.
A PM from John popped up right after I got the team message. “Would you like to go to a munch Wednesday night?”
“What is a munch?” was my quick reply.
“A munch is where a small group of lifestyle people get together at a restaurant to eat and share. A chance to meet and talk with people on the same road that you have taken.”
When I had shown up for work dressed as Master directed, John had taken note of my unusual dress, heels and collar and correctly assumed I had a new Dom. He had also shared over lunch that he was himself a Dom and had been for several years. He was now asking if I wanted to join him and others out in public. My immediate reaction was “Hell No!, but I messaged John back telling him I would have to think about it.
John came back, “Think about it and discuss it with your new Dom. Let me know what he says.”
I sent a message to Sir telling him that John had invited me to a munch and I was pretty sure I didn’t want to go.
After that discussion I wasn’t ready to concentrate on work, so I got up, licked and sucked the dildo clean and crawled to in front of my mirror. I knelt there as master had instructed, back straight, shoulder back, chest out, knees spread, hips rolled forward to present my, no Sir’s cunt. My hand went to Sir’s cunt, two fingers in deep finding the g spot, rubbing it, withdrawing across my clip and up to my lips to be licked and sucked dry, then repeating the cycle. My other hand went to my nipples, pinching pulling and twisting, each time a little harder. My eyes watched myself in the mirror as I rose to the edge and then rode the edge. I had no permission to cum, so I adjusted my pace to stay on and ride the edge. I finally had to stopto avoid the forbidden orgasm and the punishment that would follow, a clothespin on my clip.
I licked my fingers clean one more time and crawled to the kitchen for a fresh cup of tea. I carried it back to my desk, impaled my cunt on my dildo, and noticed a reply from Sir. He didn’t direct me to go to the munch but said I should go to meet others “like me” and to see if I might find the local community Supportive and helpful in my submission.
Submission, that phrase caused me to consider the changes since I had contacted an on-line Dom, my Sir, my Master. The obvious external physical changes: the collar around my neck, the heels on my feet, my naked body sitting on a dildo at my workstation, the cuffs and chains I slept in, my clothes restrictions, short skirts, no bras, no panties, naked at home, and the new plugs. Those were the external visible changes.
The internal mental, emotional, and physical changes were equally proven. I was always wet, a manifestation ofmy constant arousal, my near constant sexual need. But on a deeper level I was calm, satisfied. I was happy1 My constant anxiety and frustration was gone. I was submissive, and more importantly I was someone’s submissive. The stress caused by the disconnect between who I really was and who I thought I was no longer existed. I had heard the phrase before but now I understand finding your freedom in submission.
The realization sent a warm glow through my body and a deep sight of contentment. It warm glow was helped of course by the fact that I had been rocking on my dildo for a good fifteen minutes without vividly thinking about it.
I note from my boss asking how the changes were coming brought me back to reality. I sent a note back to him that the team had determined what changes were necessary and we were working on those adjustments. A half-truth, but I couldn’t tell him I had been edging instead of working.
With that reminder I got to work on the required modifications. I checked in occasionally with my two teammates to coordinate changes and to keep us all on track. I did PM John that I would attend the munch and to please send me the details.
By the end of the day, I noticed a change. Whenever I sent or got a message from John, even though work related, my cunt clnched on the dildo. WTF, I’ve worked with John for five years, why now? We had Worked together but no contact outside of work. He had always been attractive, both physically and the aura/presence that he carried himself with, and he was wicked smart. But it had never been more than a friend at work. But now, just a message made my cunt react. We joke about men having their brains in their pants, but apparently, I do too.
About an hour later than normal we agreed that enough progress had been made with the program to stop for the day.
I found the next sized larger butt plug, lubricated it and my ass and slowly worked it into my ass. It stung a bit before sliding into place. A full feeling, not nearly like the morning enema but I was constantly aware that it was there. A finger length skirt, a blouse unbuttoned down to the nipple line and shorter heels and I was dressed to leave the house.
I stopped by a larger exercise clothing store to see what acceptable options they might have. I was looking at yoga pants when a young sales lady asked if I needed any help. I explained my camel toe issue. She nodded and led me over to another rack. “These really show off your butt, and have an extra piece in the front that minimizes your issue. I took a pair to try on and on my way to the dressing room passed the sports bras. A bandeau model caught my eye. It had minimal coverage and was so thin and stretchy, support would be minimal, but was interesting. I grabbed one to try on too.
I stepped out of the dressing room to check it out in the mirror. The yoga pants reminded me of an old bra commercial, it definitely “lifted and separated” My ass looked amazing. Most importantly there was only a bit of camel toe, not the obvious show of my other pants. From the looks and whistle of the two young men waiting for someone in the dressing room I apparently wasn’t the only one who thought so. The bandeau top covered my breasts but that was about it. The lack of support wasn’t an issue unless I wore it jogging, but my now constantly erect nipples were quite evident Through the thin elastic fabric. Hopefully Sir will accept it as a substitute for the white t-shirt that went transparent with sweat last time.
As I stepped out of the dressing room after changing back, I met one of the two young men who had appreciated my fashion show earlier. He was carrying the same outfit I had back to is ladies dressing room for her to try on. I took that as a vote of confidence for my new outfit.
I also checked out swimsuits and found a one piece racing suit that I would never have forgotten before, unlined, high leg cutouts that covered just enough of my ass to get away with at the gym., and low arm cutouts that tended to flash side boob if I moved wrong. If Sir wanted to show off my body this was the suit. I debated on the cover up to go with it but decided Master would not like my attempt at modesty.
With my new suit I headed for the gym for a swim. I found a quiet corner of the dressing room. Still a bit nervous about my shaken naked cunt. There were two other ladies in the same area and I couldn’t help but notice that they both had pierced nipples. Master had mentioned that I might be pierced. I wanted to ask what they felt like but was too shy to approach either one in the locker room.
The suit felt good when I put it on. But after I showed, I passed a mirror and the wet suit was plastered like a second skin to my body. It showed every curve and especially my now always erect nipples, my ass, and my shaken cunt. I started to run back to the dressing room, but thoughts of disappointing Master stopped me andforced me to walk with head high into the pool area. All the lanes were full, but one lane had only one swimming and he seemed to be swimming at about my pace. I waited till he was at the other end of the pool to slip into the pool and start doing my laps. As I kept passing him going the other way every lap I couldn’t help but notice the broad shoulders and that he was wearing a skimpy speedo, that he filled It out nicely. I also noticed that when we passed on each lap, he skipped a breath and checked me out. The old me would have freaked at the attention, the new me timed my strokes to give him the best views of my body. He finished before I did and stayed standing in the lane at the end of the pool. Each time I approached him I got a very good look at a set of abs and a well filled out Speedo.
When I finished my laps he was still standing there, “cooling off from his workout.” The new me stood up next to him and chatted as he not too discreetly checked out me in my skin tight swimsuit while I checked out his abs, pecs and got lost in his deep blue eyes. He finally asked if I would like to join him for a drink. I told him that I couldn’t tonight, but if he met me in the lobby we could share numbers. He smiled and accepted that offer, I watched him pull himself out of the pool in one easy motion and watched his incredibly tight ass as he walked to the locker room. I hurried to the locker room for a quick shower and change. As I showed, I reached back and discovered that I still had the plug in my ass, I had forgotten all about it. How quickly I was learning to adjust.
Rushing to my locker making sure no one in the room saw my ass, I dressed, ran a brush through my hair and walked into the lobby. The hunk was sitting there waiting for me and stood immediately when he saw me. I was a little self-conscious with my short skirt and heels, but hell he had seen far more. We exchanged names and numbers and agreed to meet again at the pool a week later, for a swim and drinks. I was going to have to talk to Sir about dating. His name was Hank, but my mind still called him Hunk.
As I was driving home my mind kept going back to Hunk and his full swim trunks. My mind kept picturing me on my knees sucking on his cock while looking into is deep blue eyes. My hand went to my cunt, and I couldn’t convince myself that it was still wet from the pool.
When I got home, stripped and changed heels, there was a message from Sir, requesting, no telling me to go to the munch. It would be a safe way to meet members of the local community.
I sent him a note back telling him that I would go to the munch.
I told him about the new “lift and separate” yoga pants and asked if I could wear the bandeau top instead of the disappearing t-shirt.
Finally, I told him about Hunk and his checking me out while swimming and our agreement to swim together again next week and go out for drinks. I then asked what were my rules for dating?
Justthinking about Hunk had me unconsciously rocking on my dildo. The rational brain asked if I was that attracted to him or just too horny from edging all weekend, plugging my ass, and spending hours sitting on the dildo currently filling my cunt.
Master came back: “Well slut you have already broken rule one, but you get a pass this time.
sluts rules for Dating
- Permission must be requested and granted before slut can set up a date with anyone new. Full details of the person and planned date are required when requesting. Desired activities shall be included in the request.
- When/IF permission for the date is granted, it will include limitations on activities and physical contact. It will also include requirements for slut’s dress. It may also include REQUIRED activities, including physical contact.
- After the date a full report is required, what happened, including any permission violences, what slut thought of the person, whether slut wishes toContinue dating the person. The report may include the request for approval of a following-up date, with all of the initially required information.
Since this date is already set, the following rules will apply.
- Location of the is to be agreed upon before the date. Last minute decision is not acceptable
- slut will drive her own car by herself to and from the date.
- Alcohol consumption is limited to one drink or two beers
- Duration is limited to two hours
- slut may offer/accept a kiss and/or hug upon arrival and departure.
- Since Hunk has already seen you approximately dressed, follow the same rule with the addition of a plug and bright colored thong.
I read Sir’s rules. They were strict, but I didn’t see any immediate problems with them and were certainly reasonable and certainly safe for a first date with a person I had only met at the pool. However, thinking of meeting Hunk again kept me rockingon my impaled dildo.
I opened the project we were working on and went of the work accomplished earlier. I spotted a couple of issues and texted both John and Jerry about my thoughts on them.
John came back about fifteen minutes later, “Good girl, Nice catch we will have to fix those.”
The “Good girl” made my cunt clnch hard. That was the phrase my Master uses when I have Pleased him. John had never used that unprofessional phrase with me. Was that a coworker telling me “Good girl” or a Master? Why did my body react as if it had been my Master? Should I call him on it, or let it slide. I decided to let it slide this once.
I did my blog for Master, telling him about the enema, that I couldn’t take the whole two quarts but would keep trying. I told him About working on the project revisions all day with John and Jerry without telling him about my physical reactions every time John sent me a message. My shopping trip and the guy liking my outfit so much he took the pieces back to his girlfriend in the dressing room. Finally I told him about Hunk and thanking him for the rules and permission to see him next week.”
I sent the blog, shut down my laptop, rose off my dildo and knelt to lick and suck it clean. It was strange, I had been fantasizing about sucking on Master’s cock, but tonight it kept switching back and forth between Master and Hunk. Of course, had had seen Hunk’s equipment.
I did my nightly bathroom routine and crawled to the mirror to spank and edge. Using the new leather slapper, twenty swats on each ass cheek, ten on each nipple, and twenty on my soaking wet cunt. I then edged, fingering my cunt and clip, licking and sucking my finger clean, while I pinched, pulled and twisted my nipples. When my cunt started clenching my fingers I stopped.
I removed the plug from my ass. It only stung when the fat part passed my ring. I was to lick and suck everything clean that came out of my cunt, but Master hadn’t mentioned myass so I just put it aside. I wet my fingers in my cunt and finger fucked my ass with one and then two fingers, God it felt good despite a couple of twinings from wearing the plug all day. I didn’t even think about it till the fingers were in my mouth to be cleaned. Kind of an earthy taste plus the taste of my cunt that I had become quite familiar with.
I took off my heels and put the cuffs and chains on my wrists and ankles before studying Master’s slut in the mirror smiling, and crawling to bed.
I laid in bed edging as I had in front of the mirror, two fingers in my cunt running across the G spot, then up across my clip to my lips to be licked and sucked clean while my other hand pinched, pulled and twisted my nipples. I couldn’t help it, I kept seeing that tight speedo and the large bulge in the front of it. A ripple went Through my cunt and I stopped edging, because I’m a “good girl” and don’t cum without Sir’s permission. I chuckled at my own joke and licked and suckedMy fingers clean.
My routine during the day on Wednesday was the same. I was able to take more of the enema but still not the full two. My cunt still clenched on the dildo every time John sent me a message. John did not “Good girl” me again. We did a conference call with the boss and everyone was happy with the changes we had made and the fix of the problem I had discovered.
After work it was gym night. I inserted the same larger plug as the day before and pulled up the “Lift and Separate” yoga pants. I decided a coverup over the bandeau top was appropriate until I got to the gym, so a blouse with the top buttons undone as required. Added socks and shoes and was ready to go.
As I walked into the weight room, I took off the blouse and stashed it in a cubby. My favorite elliptical was available, so I grabbed it, set my resistance and elevation and climbed on. As usual I quickly got into the rhythm of the machine and the music in my ear buds, ignoring everything aroundme. I got a good workout and worked up a good sweat without worrying about a white t-shirt going transparent like last time. The bandeau top stayed put and kept my tits covered though my nipples were threatening to poke through the thin fabric. My abs were also displayed by the thin bandeau top. When I got off and looked around the same three guys as last time were hanging out at the counter but had been joined by a couple more. It was pretty obvious that my ass had been the center of attention and discussion.
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