Surrendering Control Pt. 01


Abigail was sick of being in charge. At twenty two she was a redheaded beauty with a perfect figure that came from her years as a softball player, her body toned, as firm and round, breasts a perky B cup. Everyone noticed her, everyone wanted her, but Abigail had no time for any of them. In her final year of college and captain of her softball team, Abi had many Things to worry about. The college softball champions. Running the team almost single handed whilst her co-captain Erica was off doing god only know what. Graduating. The future after college. It was all too much for one person to handle. What she would give for someone to take all the stress away, even just for a little while.

Thankfully, Abi knew just the person.

“It’s all just too much Jess y’know?” Abi told as she flopped back on her bed, phone to her ear, hand running through her hair, “I just… I need this.”

“Are you sure Abi?” Abi could hear the concen in Jessica’s voice and smiled softly, “We tried this once before and it was too much for you.”

“I know.” Abi winced a little as the memory of how quickly she had caved last time flooded her mind, “But that was a long time ago Jess. I was just a freshman, we hadn’t been doing it long… and besides we’ve managed shorter sints since. I trust you to know what’s too much for me by now, it has been four years. We’re in love now, back then we were just two girls trying to cope with the stress of college in our own ways.”

“That is true…” Jessica mused, “And I do like the idea of ​​having you completely at my mercy for a week and a half.”

Abi could practically hear Jessica smiling as she blushed, feeling heat shoot to her core at simply the idea of ​​what Jessica would do to her.

“Well it never took much convincing to get you to agree to that.” She chuckled huskily.

“Careful Abi.” Jessica chuckled, “Do you really wantto tease me before spending time with me?”

“Maybe I do.” Abi bit her lip as she grinned, “As long as I don’t have to make any decisions, be in charge or in control of anything that whole week, you can do whatever you want to me.”

“I’d be careful what you wish for my love.” Jessica’s tone was equally husky and caused Abi to clnch her thighs together in arousal, “Are you absolutely sure this is what you want?”

“Yeah.” Abi nodded, knowing it was a sincere question, “I really need this Jess. I promise, if it gets too much I’ll use my safe word, but please… I need you.”

“Alright Abi. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Thanks Jess.” Abi beamed, “I can’t wait.”

“Me neither. Now get some rest Abi, you’re going to need it for what I have planned. I’ll text you with instructions in the morning, eight am sharp. I expect your response within five minutes.” Jessica’s tone had taken on its familiar edge that caused Abi to bite back a moan.

“Yes mistress.” Abi breathed, “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight love.”


Abi had done exactly what Jessica had asked with great enthusiasm that morning. She had awoken at seven thirty in eager anticipation of Jessica’s text message and the content of it had not disappointed:

JESS: Good morning love. Have some breakfast and then put on that lacy blue lingerie set that I love with the bra that unclasps at the front, and that scandalously short button up summer dress that manages to barely cover either your breasts or your ass. I want photographs to prove that you’re following my instructions.

ABI: Yes mistress!

Abi had thrown back a cup of coffee and two pieces of toast (sending Jessica before and after pictures) before scrambling to her closest, knowing exactly which items of clothing Jessica had wanted to see. It had taken her only a few minutes tochange and take the photos, one in her underwear, the other in the dress. It had taken even less time for Jessica to respond.

JESS: Exquisite. You’re such a good girl. Now get in your car and meet me at this address. Do not get out of the car when you arrive. Text me when you’re here and wait for your next instructions.

ABI: Do I need to bring anything else mistress?

JESS: No. Just your phone and that beautiful body. As quick as you can.

ABI: Yes mistress 😉

The drive to the mysterious address had taken Abi almost an hour, growing damper with every turn and lane change until she found herself in woodland as her anticipation drop Her imagination wild, a bumpy and gravel-riddled path leading her up to the front door of a wooden cabin. It was completely secluded, cut-off from civilization entirely, and if anyone else but Jessica had told her to meet her here in these clothes she would turn the car around immediately. But it was Jessica, and she trusted her completely.

ABI: I’m here mistress

JESS: I know. I can see you.

Abi looked up from her phone with a delighted grin on her face, scanning the area around her. The text notification from her phone caused her to look down and blush furiously as she saw its contents.

JESS: Did I say you could look up?

ABI: No mistress. I’m sorry…

JESS: You will be. I expect better behavior from you from now on. Do you understand?

ABI: Yes mistress

JESS: Good. Now undo your seatbelt, get yourself comfortable, and masturbate until you come.

Abi’s blush only deepened at this,but a smile spread across her face as she undid her seatbelt and pushed her seat back as far as it would go.

ABI: Will you be watching mistress? Of course. One more thing. Do not take those panties off. I want you to come in them.

ABI: Yes mistress. Whatever you want x

JESS: You’re such a good girl. Now stop texting me and get on with it. I have other things to do today.

Abi caught herself before she texted back a reply, setting her phone down on the passenger seat. She hadn’t been able to spot Jessica in her brief glance up from her phone, but she could still feel her mistresses gaze burning into her. Never one to put on a subpar performance, Abi let her head fall back against the head rest of the driver’s seat, hands pulling up the short dress and one hand slipping under the waistband of the underwear she hadhave told to wear. She easily found the swollen bundle of nerves between her legs, already incredibly turned on by the morning’s events and finding it incredibly easy to begin the tightening in her stomach that signed the impending orgasm. Abi bit her lip and smiled, breathing deeply as she let her eyes roll back in her head, pushing her chest out. Jessica was watching her and she was damn sure going to make it worth her While.

Before long Abi was panting, free hand tangled in her hair as her back arched against the seat. She was so close to coming undone, chest heaving as her fingers continued to push her closer and closer to the edge. Abi wondered if Jessica was doing the same thing whilst she was watching her, if this was as arousing for her mistress as it was for her. Abi came a few moments later with a long moan, fingers still but hand remaining in her now soaked panties as she basked in the afterglow of her orgasm.

She was expecting another text chime now thatshe was finished, but instead the driver’s side door was opened and Abi was pulled gently but inevitably from her seat and pressed with her back against the car. She smiled lazily at Jessica who was smiling at her, hips pressed against hers as she pinned her to the side of her vehicle.

Jessica was a stunning and tall woman, long blonde tumbling past her shoulders, not a hair out of place as her green eyes burned in Abi. She was two years older, a up and coming prosecution attorney whose hourglass figure and C cup breasts caught the eye of everyone in the office but none of them interested her. She had met Abi when the young redhead had turned up at softball try outs in her freshman year, her brightly blue eyes and fiery curls attracting her instantly. They had dated for a little while before Jessica had nervously introduced Abi to the world of BDSM and her fetishes, but rather than being disgusted as Jessica had feared, Abi had been incredibly enthusiastic about the idea andher training as Jessica’s submissive had begun. There had been a few hiccups along the way, but for the most part they had both taken to their roles incredibly naturally, and now four years on they were comfortable with each other and themselves, their trust unwavering in the other.

“Did I do well mistress?” Abi asked, feeling her skin prickle along her tights as Jessica traced her fingers along the exposed skin.

“Very well pet.” Jessica pursued against Abi’s neck, revealing in the soft groan that left Abi’s lips as she began to lay hot and messy open mouthed kissed against her throat, “Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Oh yes mistress.” Abi nodded, feeling the tightness begin to build inside her again as Jessica’s hands began to massage her breasts through the thin fabric of her dress.

“Good.” Jessica smiled as she pulled away and caused Abi to groan in disappointment, “Because that is the last orgasm you will have before the end of the week.”

Abi gasped as Jessica spun her around, pinning her against the car again as her fingernails grazed lightly over her ass cheeses. A whole week before she could come again? And unfortunately more of this expert teasing from Jessica? God how was she going to survive that?

“What is our safe word love?” Jessica leant in and murmured in Abi’s ear, a soft tone in her voice than there had been moments ago.

“Alice.” Abi breathed. Oh yes, the name of their former softball captain was certainly a mood killer, but that’s why they had chosen it.

“And knowing that I’m going to deny you any chance at an orgasm for the next week, do you need to use it?” Again Jessica’s tone was soft as she gently caressed Abi’s cheese with her thumb.

“No mistress.” There was no hesitation from Abi as she turned her head to smile warmly at Jessica, “I mean what I said last night. I am yours to do with what you wish.”

Jessica smiled back and placed a gentle kiss to Abi’s lips, “Okay love. I will be asking youperiodically if you need to, but you must use it if and when ever you need us to stop. Do you understand?”

“Yes mistress.” Abi nodded, a grateful look in her eyes as Jessica’s demeanour shifted back to its dominating air.

Jessica pulled Abi’s hands behind her back and quickly secured them with a pair of handscuffs, double locking them as Abi offered no fight or resistance. This was exactly what she needed. For Jessica to just take control from her and simply leave her with only one concern: obeying her mistress.

“Spread your legs a little.” Jessica commanded, Abi complying immediately and gasping again as Jessica’s fingers slide easily under the skirt of her dress, trailing along her stomach before wrapping around the waistband of her now ruined underwear and tugging them down her legs.

Abi groaned and squirmed as Jessica took her time pulling the lace fabric down her legs, kissing down her legs as she did. Jessica lifted Abi’s left foot from the ground and untangled it from her underwear, taking care to make sure the panties didn’t touch the floor. Her motivation for that was soon revealed as Jessica stood once more and used her empty hand to grab the handscuffs around Abi’s wrists and pull her against her, tapping her chin with a finger of the other hand.


Abi compiled, eyes widening a little as her soaked underwear was pushed into her mouth, moan at the taste of her own desire and ejaculation on her tongue muffled by the damp fabric. Jessica grinned at the noise, fixing a black ball gag into Abi’s mouth to make sure the item could not be removed before she said so.

“I want you to taste yourself and remember how generous I was to allow you to come before I began your tasks for this week. Are you grateful pet?” Jessica breathed huskily into Abi’s ear, hands massaging Abi’s ass cheats as Abi groaned again.

Abi nodded furiously, hopelessly aroused already as Jessica’s hands moved around to her front, making quick work of unbuttoning the dress she was wearing and sliding it down her arms until it bunched up around her handscuffs. She felt her whole body blush as she stood almost entirely exposed in the open air, pressed against her car by a dominating woman who had left her with no choice but to taste the only orgasm she would have for seven days, all for anyone to see. Jessica noticed this and turned Abi to face her, brushing her hair from her eyes.

“Don’t worry love. There is no-one around for miles. This cabin was my graduation present, a place where I could get away from the stress of the world for a while. Although I doubt my grandmother would approve of what I’m about to do to you in there.” Jessica smiled at the dark look of lust in Abi’s eyes, letting her fingers trail slowly from her neck down Abi’s body until they Found their way between Abi’s legs, “Although as I seem to remember you seem to enjoy the added risk of someone seeing you be completely dominated by me.”

Abi feltHer hips buck as Jessica’s fingers pushed inside her, thumb pressed against her clip. Jessica’s promise was briefly forgotten as her fingers pumped violently in and out of Abi, Abi’s head falling back against the car as her breathing grow more laboured with every movement of Jessica’s hand. It was as she teetered on the edge of her orgasm that Abi was reminded of the promise, Jessica’s hand retreating from inside her as Abi while, trying to chase Jessica’s fingers but earning a sharp slap on her inner thigh for doing so.

As Abi yelped her expression turned apologetic, Jessica’s eyebrow arched as her mouth set in a hard line.

“Since when are you allowed to dictate where I put my fingers, hm?” Jessica asked, tone clipped.

Abi’s gaze dropped to her feet as an act of contrition, Jessica gripping her Forearm tightly and guiding her away from her car and into the cabin. They stopped in the entry way, Abi left standing in nothing but her bra, dress scrunched around herhandcuffs, underwear in her mouth as Jessica stalked over to a table on the right to inspect the items on it.

“Knees.” Was her sharp instruction, Abi’s head still bowed as she obeyed. Jessica surveyed her for a moment, lifting her head with a finger under her chin, “I do so hate to be curt with you love. Will you behave better for me so I don’t have to be?”

Abi nodded eagerly, smile hidden by the gag but Jessica could see it in her eyes too. She ran a hand through Abi’s hair, grinning at the way Abi pressed her face into her hand knowing it wasn’t simply an act of affection but as a way of reassuring Jessica whilst she couldn’t verbally do so. Jessica walked behind Abi, unfasted the handcuffs to pull Abi’s dress from her entirely, her bra soon following it.

Now completely nude on Her knees, Abi felt desire begin to drip from her core and onto the floor, blushing furiously as she did so. It never ceased to amaze her how quickly and easily Jessica could turn her on,or how quickly she fell into the submissive role around her. Abi knew it would never be like this for anyone else, but Jessica had this way of making her feel so comfortable in her own skin, in way no-one ever had before.

Jessica set a collar on the floor in front of Abi, not needing to tell her to put it on as Abi fastened it around her neck, feeling the last bit of tension leave her body as she did so. It was an Important part of their dynamic that Abi put her collar on herself, voluntarily surrendering herself to Jessica rather than Jessica forcing her to submit by putting it on for her.

“I do so love to see you in my collar love.” Jessica pursued, finger tracing along the edge of it as Abi’s eyes grew darker, lust course through her as she squirmed a little, “Do you like surrendering yourself to me like this Abi? Do you like giving yourself over to me to be used as I wish only as I wish to?”

Abi nodded furiously, blushing at the admission but not taking her eyesaway from Jessica’s for a second. There really was no-one else that she would ever do this for, no-one else that she would be this vulnerable for. Yet for Jessica? She’d do anything that she asked her to do.

“I’m so glad to finally be able to share this cabin with you pet. I’ve been renovating it for the last year ready for you and I to have fun in.” Jessica’s eyes ran over Abi hungrily before walking over to the table and retrieving a few items from it. Abi watched eagerly, excited for what Jessica had planned for her.

“Hands and knees.”

Abi compiled immediately, back arched perfectly, her most intimate parts proudly on display for her mistress as she spread her legs as far apart as she could to maintain her balance. Jessica hummed in approval, running her finger down Abi’s spine as she walked behind her slowly.

“You are so well trained my love.” Jessica’s approval made Abi’s chest swell with pride as she lifted her hips a little higher for her, “And ever so beauthentic… I have so missed being able to play with you. Spring break came at the perfect time.”

Abi’s noises of agreement could be heard despite her stuffed mouth, Jessica smiling as she ran her finger through Abi’s soaking folds again, Abi squirming a little. A smoothed groan could be heard when her finger pulled away, Jessica chuckling softly before bending forward to fasten a belt around her pets wait, a leather strap passing between Abi’s legs that, now secured, ensured that Abi couldn’t be touched where she most craved it until it was removed. Abi while a little at this, hips squirming as she adjusted to the feel of the leather around her. It was just tight enough to rub against her clip when she moved without being uncomfortable, and Abi knew that she would be wearing this for a while.

“Now now love, is that you being on your best behaviour?” Jessica chided her, Abi still immediately, “That’s better. Do you need to use your safe word?” Jessica’s question was asked in a soft tone as she moved to look Abi in the eye.

Abi shook her head furiously, nuzzling her face into Jessica’s hand again once it cupped her cheek. She was incredibly turned on and knew exactly what she had done by handing Jessica control. She also knew that Jessica was being overly cautious after the last time they had tried to do this for more than two days, so Abi was more than happy to keep Reassuring her as often and as much as she could.

“You are a good girl pet.” Jessica smiled warmly, retrieving a lean from the table and clipping it Abi’s collar, giving it a gentle but pointed tug, “Follow me, I’ll show you where you’ll be spending most of your time.”

Abi followed Jessica on her hands and knees, a content look on her face as she did so. She was at her mistress’ best, and that was the only thing she had to worry about for the entirety of Spring Break. Jessica had, as always, thought three steps ahead and every corridor and room they passed throughhad been laid with soft carpet so as so to be gentle on Abi’s body, a step Abi made a mental note to thank her for later once she was allowed to speak again.

Once they stopped, Abi kept her eyes on the floor despite her overwhelming curiosity, waiting for Jessica to allow her to look around. Jessica smiled at the willing compliance of her pet and the way she didn’t have to give her certain Instructions.



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