“Who gets three stupid Yahztees in one game? Nobody can beat that!”
Mark was playing board games with Tina online and she kept winning. Tina only lived a short drive from Mark, but she was out of town tonight, so they’d settled on a video call.
“Sounds like a skill issue,” came her response through the call.
“You’re distracting me on purpose,” Mark said.
“Oh sure, it’s my fault. How?”
“That tank top shows like half of your bra.” Mark had been staring at her all night, eager to see as much down her tank top as he could.
She looked down. “I didn’t even notice it’s showing, and it’s not half, you can barely see it. And if you could see that much of it, you’d notice it’s a bralette. Plus, it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”
“Yeah, but it’s been a while.” They used to mess around together, but both had been dating other people in the years since then.
The conversation turned to their lives and they caught up on what each other had been doing before they hit a lull in the conversation.
“You’re quiet. What are you doing?” she asked.
“Huh? Nothing. Just staring. Enjoying the view.”
She laughed. “First you complain about it, then you like it so much you stop talking.”
“It was better before when you were leaning forward. You should do that again,” Mark teased. He knew she didn’t mind him looking, but she wasn’t going to go out of her way to do that.
“What, like this?” Tina leaned in towards the camera with her arms crossed, pushing her boobs together.
Surprised but happy with her response, Mark smartly said, “Uh, yeah. Something like that.” He felt himself getting hard just by looking at her and felt the urge to masturbate to his beautiful ex-girlfriend. He figured his camera was high enough she wouldn’t notice.
Tina held that pose as they talked a while longer before another gap in conversation.
“You keep going quiet. What are you doing now?”
Trying to get off without being too obvious about it, Mark thought. “Uhh, still nothing. Just looking.”
“Just looking, huh? So that suspicious shoulder and arm movement that’s been going on for the last few minutes isn’t anything?”
Mark stopped immediately and his face flushed, embarrassed. He thought about trying to make an excuse but realized there really was no way out of this. He wasn’t being sneaky and it was pretty stupid of him not to just wait for the call to end. “Sorry,” he mumbled.
She giggled. “It’s fine, I’m flattered. Like I said, it’s nothing you haven’t seen before. And that’s nothing I haven’t seen before either. “
Half of Mark thought he should cut his losses and just leave the call as soon as possible. But the other half was out of his mind horny, and wanted to gamble. “If you’re that okay with it, you could take your tank top off.”
She giggled again. “You’re lucky I’m so easy,” she said. She pulled her tank top off over her head and revealed all of her bright redbrallette showcasing her big round tits. The brallette was basically sheer in some places, making him almost feel like he was looking at her naked tits, except the area around the nipples was especially opaque.
Mark could hardly believe his luck. They’d had a great sex life when they were dating, but she hadn’t shown any interest in the years since.
“Well don’t stop there. Take that off too,” Mark said.
“No, I think I’ll keep this on.”
She Shook her head and smiled at him. “Nuh uh.” She always did enjoy teasing him.
“You could help me out another way.”
“I don’t know, I’m already giving you plenty. You haven’t even moved your camera so I can enjoy the show.”
Mark quickly adjusted his laptop so his dick was also in the shot, showing Tina how hard she made him. His hand was still giving it attention.
“How about now?” she asked.
“That’s better. What did you have in mind?”
“Talk dirty to me.”
“That could meananything. Tell me exactly what you want me to do.”
“Tell me what you’d do to me if you were kneeing in front of me right now and this was your hand on my dick.”
“I can do that.” Her voice slipped from playing to sultry. “I’d look up at you from between your legs as I wrap my fingers around your shaft and slowly slide my hand up and down. I’d smile as I rub my thumb around the tip, liking how much you respond to what I’m doing.
“Then I’d start going faster. I’d be completely naked and you’d see my tits jiggling as my arm moves them.
“Oh god, yes.” Mark had already gotten himself most of the way there during their conversation, but not needing to hide his movements combined with Tina’s imagery got him very close. “I’m going to cum soon.”
“And then I’d stop,” she said teasingly. Then she paused. “You have to stop when I do.”
“Oh god,” he said, reluctantly stopping. “Please keep going.”
“Where’s the fun in that? I like seeing how turned on I make you.”
“You’re such a tease.”
“You love it. Okay, you can start again, but slowly. And you can’t cum.”
He followed her instructions, gasping a little as he resumed touching himself.
“That’s it. Imagine me slowly touching your dick, just like that. I’d bring my mouth to the tip and just tease you Along my lips.”
“Oh, please suck it.”
“So impatient. I’d lightly lick the tip, knowing how desperately you want me to take it all in my mouth.”
“Oh god, I want to cum again.”
He stopped and groaned.
“I’d keep on the edge, hardly touching you with my tongue. I’d open my mouth wide and you’d watch your dick disappear inside, but you can barely feel anything and you wish I was giving you a real blowjob. I’d look up at you and lightly graze your dick with my tongue.
“Then I’d take it back out and start deliciously touching it with my hand again, knowing how sensitive you are.
“Play with yourself again, slowly and gently.”
He started again and immediately said he needed to cum.
She Shook her head with just a hint of a grin. “You better not.”
“Please!” he groaned.
“I’d start struggling you faster. Go faster.”
“That’s going to make me cum!”
Her grin broke into a full devilish smile. “Not yet. I’d grip you tighter and go faster and faster, asking you if you want to cum all over me.”
“Oh god, I can’t help it! I’m going to cum!” he nearly shouted.
“Okay, cum for me! Cum all over my chest!”
His hand was a blur as he moaned and reached his climax.
“Yeah, just like that! Imagine me kneeing in front of you, and it’s my hand making you shoot your cum on these big tits, covering me as it drips down.”
Mark stared at her on the screen and imagined exactly that as his cum flew instead into his hand and on himself.
Tina smiled and enjoyed the moment, then said, “That was fun! I’m glad you convinced me to do it. Now I’m going to go take care of myself.”
Mark was still breathless, but managed to get out, “Wait, you just watched me. It’s only fair that I watch you.”
Tina laughed. “Nice try,” she said, and ended the call.
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