Surrender to Divinity, Part One
Chapter One
An Inconvenient Chain of Events
On a dark and cold noon, where grey volumeous clouds keep the spears of light rays emitted by the sun, from brightening up the surrounding terrain, a boy was standing on an auction stage. The floor of the stage was made of dark wooden plans, recently drenched in the seemingly never-ending rain. The boy seemed uninterested in the large audience of fancy and wealthy women before him. In fact, his glance wasn’t even in their direction. The boy’s eyes were transfixed on the above. On the dance of ethereal light, just behind the bulky layer of dark clouds, attempting to penetrate through the darkness and light up his world. Unfortunately for the boy, darkness seemed to be the one and only constant in his life. One he could Rely on; despite being utterly annoyed by it. This boy’s name was Adam, and his life was about to change drastically.
“I cannot believe this… Couldn’t they at leasthave let me wear some shoes? My feet are beginning to get all wrinkly from the rain on the floor. So annoying,” Adam thought to himself, uninterested in the reality before him.
Adam could make out a distorted noise lingering in the background. It was a woman talking, very loud and very fast. If only he had the energy to expand his interest, he might have been able to make out what she was saying. Adam However, couldn’t care less. He just wanted to escape this cold and inconvenient event.
“I never imagined my 18th birthday would be this dull. I thought this auction would be interesting, but there’s so many women and so much talking, I can hardly make out any details. It’s just one big blurry image of boringness,” he thought to himself, as he tried to itch his right ankle, with the heel of his left foot. Unfortunately, the heavy and inconvenient chains locked around his ankles, made it nearly impossible for him to get rid of the itch.
In the midst of the large audienceof fancy and wealthy women, one lady stood out. Her bids significantly increasing, every time she opened her mouth. She seemed determined to buy Adam, despite the intensity competition from the other ladies, who seemed equally determined. The lady’s name was Luna. Her family was one of prestige. A famous first and last name, and money stacked to the roof. There was no way she was going to lose this auction, for when Luna has a goal in mind, her determination is unmatched.
“SOLD!” yelled the auditioneer.
“What is this feeling? Why have I never felt such a rush of excitement before? Perhaps it’s because of the way he looks. Such a cute boy. His glittering light blue eyes, and curly dark brown hair, are in such beautiful contrast with one another. Perhaps the rush of excitement is because of his lackluster and Disrespectful demeanor. The way he stands up there on the audit stage, with his hands chained behind his back, and his ankles chained to one another, with a little chainin-between, that keeps him from walking too fast. Both his chained hands and feet, are connected to a chain behind his back, that is connected to a black leather collar tightly squeezing his neck. He is leaned backwards, with his head tilted upwards toward the sky, and his shoulders lowered, as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. Surely that’s not the demeanor they teach slaves these days,” Luna thought to herself, as she realized the boy now belonged to her.
“Congratulations on the boy, Luna!”
“Huh? Who’s that? Oh, it’s Marcella. She must be so jealous, after all, her bid on the boy was the second highest,” Luna thought to herself.
“Thank you, Marcella.”
“You better share him with me and the other ladies soon!” Marcella said.
Marcella Couldn’t keep still. It was clear just how excited she was, despite losing the auction to Luna.
“Of course. Look at his demeanor though. This is a boy who needs some serious training,” Luna said, as her rush of exccitem increased.
“You two are going to have such fun together. Please turn him into a good little obedient pussy licker!” Marcella yelled, as she jumped and clapped her hands in uncontrollable excitement.
“Oh, I have an idea of what I’m going to do with him. I will turn him into a very versatile slave,” Luna said, as her glance caught onto two women from the audition stage approaching her, with the leashed boy being dragged along behind them.
He was so little. The top of his head reaching no higher, than the height of the two women’s shoulders, who were the same height as Luna herself.
“Look at how little he is! You will be able to discuss the boy with ease,” Marcella said, sounding increasingly more jealous and excited at the same time.
Luna’s face was possessed by a cunning grin. She was so excited to get started with the boy, that she hardly processed what Marcella just said.
“Congratulations Luna. He is all yours,” said one of the women fromthe audit stage.
“Thank you so much! What’s his name?”
“The boy’s name is Adam. He might be a cute looking slave, but he is beyond annoying. He has absolutely no interest in anything,” the woman said, sounding very relieved to have finally gotten rid of Adam.
“Oh, that’s no problem. It should give the slave training a little more substance I suppose,” Luna said with a wide smile across her face.
The woman handed Adam’s lean over to Luna, and walked back onto the auction stage, as another slave auction was about to begin.
Luna tilted her head down a little, and glanced directly into Adam’s glittering light blue eyes, “Hi Adam, so nice to meet you!”
Adam looked at Luna with absolutely no interest. Without replying, Adam tilted his head to the right, as he was looking at a sign hanging just outside a store, with a picture of a French hotdog on it.
Luna was both shocked and excited over Adam’s behavior. She had never encountered a slave so uninterested. She knew she was going to have to have to severely discipline him, and transform him into an entirely different person.
“You want something to eat from the store?” Luna asked.
“A French hotdog?” Adam replied, as he tilted his head back in Luna’s direction, and looked into her big light brown eyes.
“Sure, why not,” Luna said, surprised that she had caught Adam’s attention.
They went over to the store and bought some food and drinks for the long ride to Luna’s house.
As they got into the car, Adam looked at Luna, who was eating her French hotdog, while still holding his French hotdog.
“Can I have my hotdog?” Adam asked, in a frustrated tone.
A cheeky smile emerged on Luna’s face, “Can I have my hotdog, what? I think you Missed something, Adam.”
Adam surprised, “Can I have my hotdog… Please?”
“Hmm, are you talking to someone, Adam?” Luna said, even more cheekily than before.
Adam rolled his eyes, “What do you want me to call you?”
“How about Goddess? That’s quite fitting, don’t you think?”
“Goddess? I mean sure she’s beautiful with her big curly black hair, light brown eyes and thin little nose, but Goddess seems a bit excessive. Usually, ladies prefer to be called Miss or Mistress. Whatever, I will do anything for a French hotdog right now,” Adam thought to himself.
“Okay sure. Can I please have my hotdog, Goddess?”
“Of course you can, my new little slave!” Luna said loudly, as she burst into an excited innocent laughter.
Luna reached out with the hotdog in her hand, however just before Adam could grab it, she pulled it back to herself.
She pulled out her tongue, and produced a thick stream of transparent spit, which she carefully guided down onto the hotdog with the tip of her tongue. She then proceeded to pass the hotdog to Adam.
Adam looked utterly disgusted. It was clear as day, that he had never experienced such an act before.
“Why would you do that? I’m sure the hotdog was perfectly fine, before your spit ruined it!”
“My sweet boy, I promise you, it won’t be long until your favorite part of that hotdog, will be my spit.”
“Keep dreaming,” Adam thought to himself.
“Now I want to see you eat it. You might as well try to get familiar with the taste of my spit.”
Adam carefully examined the hotdog. Luna’s spit, had drenched almost every inch of it. He slowly took a bite, and nearly spit it out. He couldn’t believe what he was eating and he certainly didn’t enjoy it. Not one bit.
“Good boy. You want your drink as well?”
Adam surprised, “Depends on what you are going to do with it.”
Luna wasn’t very pleased with Adam’s sly response, so she decided to force three large transparent streams of spit into his drink, rather than the one stream of spit, she had initially planned. Adam looked even more disgusted than before, but knew he had no choice but to drink. He was Luna’s property now, after all.
Chapter Two
The Subtle Power of Divinity
Adam had slept for most of the trip to Luna’s house, whereas Luna had been imagining all the things she was going to do to him, and in great detail. As they arrived at Luna’s house, she gave Adam a hard slap on the cheek.
“Wake up, my boy,” she said calmly despite the hard slap, as she was caresing his now red cheek.
Adam woke up in an instant, very much confused as to why Luna was talking to him so nicely, after having slapped him so hard on the chef. It was the complete opposite of what he would expect from someone, who had just given him a slap.
“You didn’t have to smack me! What’s the point of smacking me, if you are just going to cares my chef?”
“Why does there need to be a point in anything?” Luna said with a cunning smile. “After all, you are my property now and therefore I can do whatever I want with you. Surely a little slap to the cheese isn’t the worst thing you can imagine.”
Adam was annoyed, all he wanted was to get away from this society. He wanted to be free and spend the rest of his days fishing. Those were distant dreams however.
“What exactly is it you want from me? Do you want me to be a cleaning slave? I can clean your house, no problem,” he said, clearly annoyed that he didn’t have much of a say in anything.
“What do I want from you? Well, I guess I want everything from you,” Luna said, even more cunningly than before.
“Everything? What does that even mean?”
“Well, currently you seem like a slave who has never been distributed. You have no respect and no manners. It’s clear that you want an easy life, a life of absolute comfort, but… That’s not going to happen, for as long as you are my slave, which you will be for the rest of your life. You see, one day you will beg for my spit. One day you will beg for my piss. One day you will even beg for my shit. You may not believe it, but one day you will beg for what you now thinkof as suffering, because the alternative, will be a whole lot worse,” Luna said, clearly very excited.
Adam was in disbelief. He wasn’t scared or nervous, for he was sure that would never happen.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you Goddess,” he said sarcastically. “But that’s not going to happen. There is not a thing you can do to me, that will ever make me beg for something that disgusting.”
“Oh really? I can think of so many things that would make it a reality.”
“Right, so your goal is to turn me into a slave that will do everything. I’m sorry to break it to you, but I am still a human being and while I might belong to you, I’m still a free thinker. There are also types of foods I hate and will always hate, no matter what. You can’t just tinker with my biological structure to suit your needs. That’s nothing but a fantasy,” Adam said defiantly.
“What foods might that be?” Luna asked nicely.
“Well, I absolutely despise champignon. There’s no way that’s going to change.”
“But I am such a vivid lover of mushrooms myself…” she said. “Oh well, I will go and buy some dinner for us. I want you to clean up the house, while I’m gone. Shouldn’t take much longer than half an hour.”
Luna showed Adam where the vacuum cleaner was, and gave him a few instructions on how she wanted him to clean the house. She then went out to buy some dinner, which certainly excited Adam, for he was very hungry after only having had a hotdog for the whole day.
As Luna returned home with dinner, Adam was still in the middle of cleaning.
“You can have a break from cleaning now, Adam!” she yelled loudly to make sure he heard her.
Adam quickly went down to the kitchen, which he had already cleaned up quite nicely. Luna was standing tall right before him, with two large green bags in her hands.
“What’s for dinner?” he asked, while being completely out of breath from the cleaning.
Luna’s big light brown eyes lit up, as a wide cunning grin formed on her face. She reached her hand into one of the bags, and pulled up a large transparent bag of mushrooms.
“You have got to be joking…” Adam said clearly infuriated.
“Do you want them served raw or cooked?” Luna asked nicely.
“I don’t want them served at all…”
Adam almost wanted to just break down crying. He was starving, but he knew this was about More than just dinner. He knew that Luna wanted to break him into little pieces, so that she could resemble him into whoever she wanted. Adam decided to go to bed hungry that night.
The next morning, Adam’s stomach was growing, as if an angry dog was stuck inside him. Luna kept him active, by making him clean up the house again. She was well aware, that his hunger was getting worse by the minute.
Adam keep on cleaning with a growing stomach and when he was finished cleaning, he was completely drained from energy. He went into his tiny little room, and sat on his tiny little bed, and collapsed straight into a deep sleep.
At dinner time, Luna woke him up with a hard smack on the cheese, and then immediately began caresing the same red cheek. Adam woke up a little less confused this time, than he did last time she woke him up in such a way.
“Dinner is ready, my boy,” she whispered calmly, as she kissed the top of his head.
Adam exhaustingly got up from the bed, and walked down to the dinner table. He looked at the mushrooms for a couple of minutes, as the growing in his stomach was getting louder.
“Please eat. You will feel so much better if you eat,” Luna said calmly.
Adam took a deep breath and grabbed a fork, as he started eating the mushrooms. His body language was that of overwhelming defeat. He didn’t say a word for the rest of the evening.
As he was about to go to bed in his tiny little room, Luna entered the room.
“Come with me, Adam,” she whispered.
Adam surprised, as he followed Luna into her bedroom. Luna’s bedroom certainly belonged to a Goddess. It was huge, with a fluffy carpet covering the wooden floor and a huge bed in the center. She was butt naked, and if Adam wasn’t so exhausted from the short time he had spent in her house, he would have definitely been excited to see such a stunning body.
Luna got into her bed and covered herself with the blanket. She looked at Adam for a while, without saying a thing. Adam was rather confused, as he thought she just wanted him to look at her sleeping. After a little while, Luna pulled up her blanket revealing her beautifully natural large breasts to Adam. She tabbed the mattress right next to her breasts, as she looked at him. He now knew she wanted him to sleep next to her, and without hesitation, he began to take off his clothes.
“No Adam, take off your underwear too,” Luna said calmly.
Without saying a word, Adam took off his underwear and revealed his cock to Luna for the first time. She looked quite pleased, as it most certificatenly was above average in size, although still not huge by any means. She tabbed the mattress right next to her large natural breasts again, and Adam lied down next to her. Luna covered him with the blanket.
Adam turned around, facing away from Luna. She clearly wasn’t very pleased with that, as she immediately spun him back around, so that he faced her. She then forced his head further down, so that his head was no longer resting on the large pillow. He was now lying with his face planted deep into Luna’s large breasts.
“Suck on them,” she said calmly.
Adam did as he was told, and began sucking her nipples. After a few seconds of sucking her nipples, he was immediately surprised, as a warm liquid filled up his mouth.
“Do you like it? I know you haven’t had much to drink, so you might as well get familiar with my milk, as you will be drinking it often,” Luna whispered.
Adam nodded his head, and filled his dry mouth with her warm tasty milk. Luna was enjoyingg every moment of it, and held him tighter and tighter in her arms. Adam fell asleep that night, with Luna’s large nipple still in his mouth. He didn’t say a thing, and it was clear that he was still feeling defeated after having been forced to eat the food, that he hated the most. Although his conceded demeanor however, it was clear that he felt comfortable in-between her large warm breasts, as she held him tightly, kissing The top of his head and caressing his back, while sleeping like a baby.
Chapter Three
The Next Step
After weeks of only eating mushrooms, Adam had grown quite familiar with them. He no longer despised the taste, and he could eat them both cooked and raw, although he did feel a little tingling in his stomach, whenever he saw Luna eat her delicious expensive brunches and dinners. He had also been sleeping with his face planted in her large tits, sucking on her stiff nipples for weeks. He certainly wasn’t happy, but happiness isn’t a very wise emotionto pursue as a slave. He was comfortable however, and he felt at home around Luna.
Luna was loving every second they spent together. She would often tease him, by smacking him hard across the face multiple times, to the point of tears streaming down across his red and sometimes purple cheeses. She would then tightly embrace him, often even carrying him up on her lap, tightly holding his head beneath her chin, rocking him back and forth as if he was a baby, with an occasional kiss on the forehead. It had an effect on him, one nearly magical. He would break down crying as a result of the smacking or spanking, but then as she embraced him and caressed him, he would calm down and feel more comfortable and safer than ever before. Rough discipline immediately followed by loving nurse, brought him ever so closer to trusting Luna, every time she did it. So naturally, she did it multiple times a day. Whenever she sat down and worked, she would command Adam to come and lay his head onHer lap. She would then tuck his head beneath her shirt, and let him suck on her large tits for hours, as she worked with high intensity.
It was now a Saturday many months after Luna bought Adam, and Luna was at a restaurant with Marcella. She wasn’t worried about leaving Adam at home all by himself. She knew he was cleaning up and taking care of the garden. She also knew, that if Adam was getting hungry, he wouldn’t hesitate to eat the many mushrooms available to him in the fridge.
Luna and Marcella were enjoying an expensive bottle of French red wine, along with a fine meal of Caesar Salad accompanied by a medium rare steak.
“I must admit you have impressed me a lot,” Marcella said. “I can’t believe he has become so obedient.”
“I think it was the mushrooms that gradually did it. The first day, he hardly ever referred to me as Goddess, but now he hasn’t forgotten to call me Goddess for months. The last time he forgot to call me Goddess, he immediately lowered his head, turned around and pointed his butt towards me,” Luna said, as she laughed. “It’s incredible, because it took me a few seconds to process, that he had forgotten to call me Goddess, but as I had finally processed it, he was already prepared to get spanked!”
Marcella gasped and clapped her hands in excitement, “How hard do you spank him?”
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