I was never a fan of men in Speedos when I went to the beach, not exactly sure why but perhaps it was the side peeks you would get as they moved, seeing the public hair sticking out from along the edges, but it was just never appealing by far, and my husband knew it, he knew I didn’t prefer them, and in public no less.
“Why the fuck are you wearing those?” I asked in a huff using a very direct voice, as he looked me over standing there in a tiny bikini that covered enough to leave one wondering why his suit showed more than mine as it looked two sizes to small. It made me embarrassed to be on the semi private beach with him. I was thanking god that it was early enough in the day that no one else had arrived yet for the weekend fun.
“I figured since you were wearing that tiny thing to get a tan, why should I have to wear long ass baggy swimming trunks?” he asked.
I ignored his answer and laid out the beach blanket and got comfortable, laying back and looking to him as I let out a soft playful purr, crooking my finger to him in hopes he’d fall for it and come snuggle with me.
It was a trick I used often to get him to come closer when I feel in a dominate mood, one that he knows happens from time to time when he annoys me by doing something that will piss me off.
As always Charlie fell for it. As he bent down to lay aside me, I grabbed him by the balls and pulled him quickly over my lap. “Hey!” he yelled out to me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing Grace? Let me up, we’re in public and there is a time and place for this shit and it sure isn’t here and now!”
“Well Charlie if you’re going to wear that god awful thing in public when you know I hate them, and men in them, you need paid. If you wish to have your ass hanging out and the head of your cock poking out the side to temp other’s, I’m going to make sure next time we come to the beach you’ll think twice about wearing it with me.”
I wasn’t a weak female; I had atoned body and worked out daily, I had strength in my upper arms as well as the rest of me. I tugged down his offending swimsuit and just started waiting his ass, smack after smack, I hit him and it wasn’t those little soft love taps either.
I was making sure that my point was made and he understood what would happen to him if he did it again only worse.
Charlie’s tight little ass cheeses were turning the most wonderful shade of crisis beneath my slapping hand. It was probably the major bitch in me, but I discovered that I was getting off on beating his ass red and sore out in public. The whole crotch of my bathing suit bottoms was soaked with my oozing cunt juice.
Charlie whimpered and cried out like a little girl as he felt the burning sing from my hand as it continued. He never even tried to fight it, oh he squirmed a bit over my lap but never fight me about it, and he pushed his ass up and took each hard flesh to flesh smack.
Charlie was accepting his punishment because he knew he deserved it for his actions, for wearing that out in public when told not to. Then, I felt his rigid cock against my upper thighs, and realized he was becoming excited from the public spanking, which for Charlie was rare. Public displays were not his thing, they were more mine.
Even when we did nut and bolt parties when we swing with other’s Charlie is the guy that stayed dressed or at least in his pants or boxes, and take his screw to another room for privacy. Since he seemed to enjoy it, I turned it up a notch and began to smack his ass one after another as hard as I could as he reared up for more as grunts and groans released from his lips.
I could feel his cock begin to twist and thrust like it was trying to dig a hole straight into my thigh or my navel depending on which way he squirmed on my lap. Charlie was really turning me on with his new fondness of public display. And the more he squirmed and groaned the more turned on I got.
Looking around I thanked god we were still alone, because if he got any harder and I got any wetter we would have been fucking right then and there, which was still a good possibility to come. I prepared for it as I inched off my bikini bottoms from underneath his punished glowing red ass.
Charlie could feel what was happening, he knew what I had in mind, as he turned to me with an impish snicker on his face and spoke up, “I see my Mistress got turned on by smacking her little bad boy in public.”
I whacked his ass hard a few more times as I glared at him, “Don’t be a fucking smartass you little dick.” I said with a direct firmness in my voice.
Feeling like a hard fuck I decided to take advantage of the stiff prick my boyfriend was supporting between his muscle thighs. Stretching out on the beach blanket, I yanked him on top of me and felt the tip of his mushroom-shaped cap between my parted cunt lips.
He shifted just right so that he could glide the head within mywet slick, heavily throbbing cunt lips, and I pivoted my hips just at the right angle to welcome that cock of his home.
Charlie began a nice rhythmic thrust motion, I wrapped my legs around him and dug my heels into his lower burning ass cheeses, I reached around with my arms, and my hands gripped his blistered dark red ass cheeses and then lit my fingertips sink deeply into his crime hot flesh.
“Fuck me deeper!” I demanded. “Don’t make me tell you twice! You don’t want me to humiliate you in public now do you? I’ll take away your morning spankings at home. I’ll take away your privilege to eat my pussy you little fucking bitch!”
Charlie really didn’t need any additional essential to pound the living shit out of me, he was already fucking me like a dog in heat. His hips rocked and pumped me like a runaway jackhammer.
He slammed his cock into my clenching cunt and looked down to me, his breath was smoldering hot as I felt it on my face as he spoke, “Should have spanked me sooner in public I would have maybe overcome my inhibitions to fuck you in public sooner.”
Charlie’s hips pulled back and he rammed me hard, he knew what his bitch of a Mistress was wanting, I needed his dick deep inside me till I felt the swollen knob stuffed in my belly. I needed it hot and hard, the harder and deeper the better. Charlie knew what to do as he leaned over me on his hands, and just pulled the pile-drive rhythm on me and fucked me hard.
He fucked me until I was cumming in oceanic waves that crashed all over our entwined bodies.
Of course, Charlie tried to restrain his own orgasm for as long as he could, bit it was in a matter of seconds I felt him pull out and then as I looked I watched and felt the hot streams of jizz land on my slick sweety flesh from my shamen cunt to my breasts, ropes of pearls landing on my lightly colored flesh. I watched as his hand stroked his cock till every bit of that hot man chowder was emptied upon my body.
I pushed him from me and watched as he fell to his back, and caught my breath listening to his, watching his chest rise and fall hard as his cock glistened from my cum just like my own flesh from his.
A small muscle on the inside of my left tight twitched from the reverberations. I could still feel the last faith twitches from my final orgasm rippling through my inner flesh. I revel in the after glow, my eyes close as I lay there next to Charlie till a shadow castes over us both and I open my eyes, both of us almost fully naked and I laugh as my face blushes slightly. There are Chloe and bill, the couple having the swinger’s nut and bolt party this weekend. Their beach house is about 200 feet away from where we had just fucked.
Chloe held the bowl down towards us. I dig in the small pocket of my shorts and I drop in the red colored nut and Charlie’s red colored screw into the bowl and I can see their blue set is already in the dish.
“Soon there should be a yellow, green, purple and black set. Then the party will really start.” Chloe replied as their four pieces were ready to be picked out. There will be six bi-sexual couples this afternoon; we should be fine with that amount to pick and choose from.”
I looked at hr husband Bill as he starred at Charlie’s glistening cock and snickered.
“Sounds great though I do think Bill is ready to start the party from the way he’s checking out Charlie’s cock and his own getting hard.” I said to Chloe. I have been friends with her and Bill for ten plus years, we were rather open with each other.
Chloe looked at Bill as he had a huge grin on his face, “I think you’re right Grace. Bill, if Grace and Charlie don’t mind, do clean up duty.”
Grace laughed, “Hell, go ahead Bill, Charlie won’t mind. He has no choice in the matter, in any matter.” I responded.
Bill looked to Chloe as she nodded, “Go to it before the sun dries it Bill.” She said and then turned to me with a devilishly snickered and spoke. “I need to finish getting everything set up, last odds and ends; you three enjoy the sun for a while.” She replied as she turned around and smiled wickedly, “Make sure he takes care of you as well grace!”
I laughed, “Oh he will Chloe, he will!”
That’s when our little threesome began on the beach.
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