She’s wearing her mid-thigh baby blue skirt with her white button collared shirt he had decided for her. Her makeup was very simple and natural just the way he liked it.
Just before she left her house she glanced back to the mirror one last time. She cocked her head to the side and turned up her nose. Reaching down to the back of her skirt she realized the skirt wasnt long enough to cover her backside. Pulling at her skirt as far as she could realize it is too short to cover the bottom bit of her booty. Yanking on the backside only made it worse as it pulled the top down. She shrugged her shoulders and surprised softly as she walked outside to meet the driver.
He looked her up and down with a slight nod he opened the door for her and she got in. As he shut the door behind her a smile appeared across his lips. He got into the driver’s seat and started the engine and the car began to move. She was sitting there unsure of how she was feeling. Her stomach twisting and turningas she rode in the back seat.
Suddenly the car stopped. She looked around and nothing she saw was familiar to her. The driver’s door opened followed by hers. The driver spoke to her in a soft tone, “Miss the gentleman asked that i put this on you.” He presented her with a black mask to cover her eyes. She allowed him to place it on her. He then reached for her hand to help her out of the car. She followed suite and got out. He then told her, “These were also to be placed on you.” A pair of hand cuffs were then placed on her wrists.
As she felt something was off she moved her elbows the best she could against him and screaming as loud as she could. His hand flew to her mouth covering it. She then bit him. He scratched her face and proceeded to fill her mouth with a piece of clothes he had in the car. In order to keep the fabric in place he used duct tape over the top. She kicked her leg back and nailed him square in the crotch. He then fell to his knees and then proceeded to wrap duct tape around her knees and ankles. Once done he whispered in her ear, “You stupid bitch next time I won’t be as nice.” He lifted her over his shoulder with ease and carried her a short distance to what she assumed was a door. He set her down and she heard a latch of a door opening.
He lifted her again and carried her inside. The room had a darkness she sensed through the mask. The room smelled of dust. She tried to hear anything but there was nothing but dead air. She was then set down and she felt him walk away. She tried to feel anything with her elbows and shuffled around the best she could. There was nothing she found.
She then heard muffled voices from the corner. She tried to hear anything she could. She could only make out a few things, something about the girl and her ass.
She bites her lip hoping he wasn’t speaking about her. She tries to push herself up against the wall as if to hide. Doing this she knocks into something hearing it fall to the groundand roll away from her. The voices stopped abruptly and footsteps towards her got louder. Suddenly before her was the smell of the same man from the car. He lifts her over his shoulder again but this time he carried her to a different spot in the room. She could sense some light present.
While still being held she felt a hand glide up her skirt and pull on her panties, yanking them down to her knees. Once they were down she was set down as well. Her skirt was then lifted exposing her lower body. A voice from behind her, “Dammnn that ass is amazing!” Then swiftly two hands grabbed her ass and squeezed. She wiggled under the hands trying to get away. Doing so she realized the was a table directly in front of her. The man that carried her pushed her head down against the table forcing her bare ass to be just on the edge of the table.
The hands that were on her ass began to spank each of her ass cheeses. One after the other, back and forth. Tears streaming down her cheeses with every heavy swat. Feeling the welts appearing the hands suddenly stopped as did any noise in the room. She tried to lift herself up off the table when a hand forced her face back down to the table with a clunck.
As the hand was holding her head down another hand was on her legs attaching something to one ankle. Then cutting the duct tape allowing her legs to spread apart and attaching it to the other ankle. Her legs spread apart her panties are then cut off. The hand on her leg is then dragged up to her ass again and swiftly swatted it again. The men chuckling as it wiggles to a stop.
She is let free of the hand holding her head down and feels they had walked away from her. She breathes a sight of relief the best she can around the duct tape. She tries to adjust herself but can’t move too much. Feeling defeated she lays her head back down to the table. Another minute went by as she rested, then she could feel the presence of someone again. A hand went back to her ass and squeezed it harshly as he said in a deep whisper, “You don’t move and we will be gentle.”
Tears began to stream again from her eyes.
His hand moved from the middle of her ass down. Once at the bottom she feels the other hand pull her ass open to him. Once she was opened he slide a finger into her ass. Then slide out slowly. Another’s hand grasps her hair into a ponytail and begins to gently pull it back.
Opening her ass even more she feels the presence of something cold at the opening of her hole. With a quick hard yank of her hair, her ass was entered again with something harder and definitely thicker. Constant tears streaming down her face.
Her ass being occupied he moved his hand to play with her pussy. He notices how wet she is and forces two fingers into her pussy. A moan escapes her lips. Moving in and out of her faster and faster. She tries her best to move and keep up with him. Her hips moving faster and harder against his hand. He feels her getting closer andhe brings his fingers out of her. Her juices pooling on the ground below her. Feeling empty she sights softly in frustration.
He lifts her up off the table and smacks her ass so hard she cries out. Not caring much about it he tosses her on the ground with an oommmphh. Her eye mask slightly ask, so she can partially see what he looks like. Her knees fall to each side of her exposing her open pussy to him. His face in the same stupid smile it was when he shut the door for her.
His voice changes tone, “You look perfect, slut.” She glares at him as she tries to close her knees. He leans down to fix the eye mask again. Once again in complete darkness she can hear the zipper of his pants open. She keeps her eyes shut as she squeezes her knees closed.
Feeling the sense of another person by her head she tenses up. She feels hands moving to the buttons on her shirt. Making quick of the buttons on her shirt and the clap on her bra she is exposed to them both.
They both chuckle with an evil tone.
The one by her feet pry open her knees with a bit of force placing his body between them so they don’t close again. She can feel his cock touching her pussy.
She feels a hand on her breast as she hears another zipper come down and a pair of pants tossed aside. Then across her neck is the sac of the second man. A cock is then placed between her breasts as the hand is placed on her other breast. Her breasts wrapped around his small cock.
With the hands on her knees opening her more he forces his cock into her. She whimpers as he pounds into her.
Her breasts pushed and held tighter around his cock as she feels him moving faster against her.
Hearing the mix of grunting voices and moans from the men she knows they are both getting closer to cuming.
She feels the one holding her breasts is getting closer as he speeds up with each grunt. Suddenly he stands up and spews his cum all over her chest and a few dribbles on her face. Seeming satisfied he slapsed he slapses her and says, “good slut.”
The one in her pussy slows down some as to not interrupt the one at her breast. Once done, she feels him speed back up. After a few moments of his continuous grunting he grabs her hips and one last thrust, fills her. After a few moments he removes himself from her and gets up. Releasing her knees to fall to her sides again. She hears his zipper going back up.
After a few moments of laying there she feels her bra reclasp and the buttons on her shirt closing back up. Slightly confused she shakes her head back and forth as if she was in a dream. Once her shirt was back to the way it was, she was lifted off the ground and stood up right. Her knees were once again duct tapered together as he undid the bar forcing their distance. Then he moved down to her ankles and redid the duct tape on them.
He carried her over his shoulder back to the car and placed her inside. Slamming the door shut he walked to his door opened it climbedin and shut it. She felt the car start and begin to drive down the road again, this time for a longer period of time. One last right turn she feels the car come to a stop. The front door opens and shuts then her door opens.
She feels the tape around her ankles being cut off, then the tape on her knees, and finally the handscuffs are removed. She then removed the tape from her mouth. She began incoherently screaming nonsense to him.
He proceeds to help her out of the car and slams the door once again behind her ignoring anything she says. He walks her up to the door knocking gently, yelling, “Delivery, sir!”
Opening the door was a tall gentleman clean cut dressed in a dark suit. She is smiling happy to see him. He signs the paperwork for the man and he leaves her to the gentleman.
The gentleman grabs her around the waist swinging her around laying a wet kiss on her lips. He looks her dead in the eyes saying, “Baby you know I love when you dress for me.” She moanssoftly under his touch. He continues whispering to her, “Baby, did you enjoy yourself?”
Smiling up to him she said, “You set this up?”
“Yes Baby”
She replies, “I was scared to death.”
He said smirking, “Good then I can say it worked.”
She playedfully slapped at him.
“Come with me Baby.” He reaches for her hand to take her upstairs.
She removes all her clothes for him to inspect her. He walks around her backside asking her to bend at her waist. With his hand on her firm, round ass, he traces the many hand printed welts left behind. She tenses as he touches a few of them. “Oh, a souvenir was left behind,” he said a bit shocked. “Stand up, lets get you in the shower.”
He guides her to the shower and gently massages the soap into her delicate skin making her nice and slippery. Once she is relaxed enough he bends her over to remove the item they had put in her ass. Once removed she relaxes and falls against him. He guides her slowly out of theShower and dries her off placing her in bed. She closes her eyes and quickly falls into a deep sleep.
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