
“Hello!” Max called as she walked through the door. “Ready for ice cream?” She wore a light sundress in deference to the day’s heat and carried a bottle of water in her bag. She let the door swing shut behind her, not wanting to waste the cool from the AC. “Hon?” She glanced around, not seeing Bree.

“Would you mind doing something else first?”

Max jumped as Bree spoke from behind her.

Max clutched a hand to her chest. “You scared me!”

“You like it.” Bree smiled with a few too many teeth showing.

Max felt an answering flutter low in her stomach. When Bree smiled like that she usually had PLANS.

“Do you mind waiting for ice cream?” Bree asked again. “There’s something I want to try first.”

Max nodded. “Yeah, ok. Do you need help with something?”

“Not help, exactly. I wanted to try something.” Bree’s voice hardened. “Kneel.”

Flushing slightly, Max dropped to her knees. Uncertain what to do with her bag, she left it hanging from herShoulder. She glanced up at Bree, but couldn’t hold the eye contact and dropped her gaze after a moment.

Bree walked slowly around Max, moving carefully in the small space of the entryway, heading towards the living room and speaking as she went. “Crawl.”

Max dropped her bag and followed on her hands and knees.

“Do you remember a conversation we had months ago? I said I could tell you to strip, and you’d do it, so long as it wasn’t anywhere crazy. You said you had more fight in you than that. I wanted to see. I haven’t had you strip yet, but I think the theory holds so far.” Her deliberate steps had brought her to the couch, and she sat. Max knelt facing her.

“You’d do almost anything I told you to right now, wouldn’t you, girl?”


“Do you like feeling that way?”

“Sometimes, Ma’am.”


“Kind of. Yes, mostly.”

“Good. Put these on.” Bree gestured with her foot to a pair of boots sitting by the couch.

Max reachedfor the first boot. She took a scant moment to appreciate the texture of the leather under her fingertips. Carefully she loosened the laces, and eased the boot onto Bree’s foot. She took care that Bree’s foot was settled comfortably into the boot before doing the laces back up and knotting them. The other boot received the same care and attention. When she finished, Max sat back on her heels, hands behind her back, eyes on Bree’s feet resting on her legs. She wanted to touch Bree’s boots, to kiss them, but know better than to do it without permission.

Bree raised one foot and pressed the toe of the boot lightly against Max’s chest. “Do you want something, little girl?”

“Yes, Ma’am”

“Tell me.”

“I want very much to touch your boots, Ma’am. I want to… to kiss them too. If I may, Ma’am.”

“Is that all? One kiss would satisfy you? That’s all you want?”

Max glanced up, uncertain how to answer. Bree stared back, a small smile on her face.

“I would… whatever you offer me is fine, Ma’am. If that’s just one kiss I would take it and be glad of it. But if you’re asking me what I would like, I would like more than one, if I may.”

“Nicely put. I’ll make you a deal. You tell me why you want to kiss them, and I’ll let you. How long I’ll allow it depends on how convincing you are. Deal?”

Max bit her lip and nodded wardily. To put it into words was… hard. If she didn’t want it so bad she wouldn’t even try.

Bree switched her feet, putting the raised foot back into Max’s lap and the other against her chest. She pushed a little harder this time. Hard enough that Max had to lean into it or be pushed back. “Do it. Tell me why you want to kiss them.”

Max began hesitantly, picking her words carefully. “I… like the sensings. I like the smell of the leather, and how it feels against my skin. I like to trace the seams with my fingers, and my lips. I just… like to touch them.

“It’s not just that though. It’s… there’s feelings behind it too. It matters that they’re your boots. It’s hard to tell you how I feel sometimes. Especially when I feel this way. Words aren’t enough. It’s… better? easier? to show you, tell you this way.”

“Mhmmm.” Bree put her foot down, grinding the heel into Max’s leg. “Tell me.”

Reverently, Max brought her hands to the boots and moved as though to kiss them. Bree’s toe lifted her chin before she could more than start to bend.

“Not like that.” The boot settled back into Max’s lap.


“Say it. Then maybe you’ll have earned the right to touch them.”

Max nodded, and put her hands back behind her. She chewed her lip for a moment before starting again. “I don’t have a word for how I feel about you when we’re like this. Love is the only one that seems strong enough, but this isn’t… It might be love, but I’d rather have chains and tears than hearts and flowers. I love being yours, like this. I want to please you so badly it hurtsSometimes. I want to touch you in the ways that please you. I want to show you that I give you power over me because there’s nothing I want more in this moment that to be what you want. Kissing your boots, touching them in the ways that you’ve told me please you, it’s a way to say that, when I can’t find the words.” She stopped, on the edge of tears though she couldn’t have said why. Bree pressed hard with her feet, and the pressure was comforting.

“Very good, my girl. You may touch them now. You’ve earned it.” Bree moved her feet off Max’s lap, and allowed Max to stretch her body out on the floor.

Max quickly lost herself in touching and licking Bree’s boots, occasionally moaning softly at the feel of the leather against her lips and tongue. The smell of the leather was intotoxicating. She breathed deeply, and rubbed her cheek against them. She licked at the toes and kissed her way up, then down again. Several minutes later, Bree gently nudged her with a foot. “Up, girl.”

Max returned to her knees, looking dazed.

“I still have to test my theory. Strip. Not all the way, just undo your buttons and let the dress hang open.”

A slightly drunk Max compiled. She wore no bra, and the sides of the sundress threatened to slip and uncover her breasts completely. Bree helped the process by nudging the dress open further with her foot before placing both feet back in Max’s lap. This time, she pressed a heel down so the pressure was on Max’s groin. Max breathed out a sight.

“Very pretty. You look so prim in your little skirts. I like seeing what’s underneath them.” Bree ground her heel harder, and Max stifled a small whimper that couldn’t decide whether to be pain or desire.

“Do you think you’re wet, girl? Should I have you check?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I mean, I am, there’s no need to check.”

Bree removed her feet. “Spread your legs.”

Max did, spreading her knees as wide as she thought she could hold. With her gaze directed down,she could see the damp patch forming on her pale blue panties.

Bree laughed softly. “I knew you would be. You like whatever I do to you. Even if I hurt you like it, don’t you, girl?”

Max nodded.

“Do you like it better when I hurt your body, or hurt your mind, girl?”

Max shook her head. “I don’t… I can’t…”

“You like everything?”

Max nodded gratefully.

“Yes, I can tell…” Bree glanced at the growing damp spot. “I want to hurt you now. I’m going to make you cry, girl.”

Max could only nod again.

“You look so damn wholesome in those sweet little dresses. People would never think there’s a cheap whore inside them. You’re as easy as they come though, aren’t you? All I have to do it tell you to strip, let you kiss my boots, and you’re already getting wet for me. God, you’re filter. You’ll take anything I do to you, and I don’t even have to work for it. I can just sit here and look at you and you’ll squirm for me.”

Max bit herlip and fight the urge to press her legs together.

“All that fight you’re so proud of, and you’ll do this for me without a word of protest. All I have to do is tell you I won’t fight back, and you give in to me. Are you that easy for anyone to tame? A proud little brat who really just wants someone to tell her to be good? You like giving into me, don’t you? You like letting go of all that fight and just doing what I tell you. You trust me with all that vulnerability. Little fool.

“I could hurt you, right now. You’d let me. Lay down.”

A shuddering shaking Max lowered herself gently to the floor. She lay facedown, but turned her head to look at Bree.

“I could kick you right now.” Bree rested her foot gently against Max’s face. “I could crush your face. You wouldn’t have time to stop me. The only reason I don’t is I like having something to hurt like I hurt you. I don’t know why you trust me to do this. It’s a bad decision on your part. One of these days I’m going to get tired of playing nice and decide to really hurt you.”

Max inhaled the scent of Bree’s boot.

“Kiss it”

Max did.

“Does it scar you, trusting me like this?”

Max nodded. The motion rubbed her face against the sole of Bree’s boot.

“It should. You’re a fool to let anyone inside you like this. I could hurt you so bad you might never come back from it. You let me inside you, girl, and now you have to trust that I’ll only hurt you in the ways we’ve agreed to. You couldn’t stop me. Even if you used a safeword, and even if I listened, the damage would already be done. I could break you, and sometimes I want to. You trust me, but you shouldn’t.”

Tears began to run down Max’s face. She Shook as she cried quietly.

“I like seeing you like this. How you really are. Not all buttoned up and proper looking, not some pretty fantasy girl, not even fighting to protect yourself. Spread open, and messy, and desperate, and easy to hurt. I bet if I let you speak you’d beg for me to touch you, wouldn’t you? Or maybe you’d beg for me to keep talking. What do you want more, my mouth on your messy little cunt, or to hear me talking to you? Tell me.”

Max only shook her head. She was past the point of knowing what she wanted.

“Tell. Me.” The pressure of Bree’s boot on Max’s face increased slightly.

Max whimpered, and a sob escaped her lips.

“Tell me what you want or I’ll stop. I will sit down, we will cuddle as much as you need, and then we will go get ice cream. Tell me what you want, or we’re finished, and I won’t hurt you any more today.”

“Please, no!” That burst out, and the rest of the words came easier. “Please, Ma’am, anything, so long as we stay here. Please I want to stay like this with you still.”

“Better. But tell me what you want more. Do you want my mouth on your cunt and the chance to cum, or do you want me to talk to you and leave you desperate and needy?”

“Ah, um, kind of both, Ma’am. If, um…” Max trailed off and had to take a breath before she could continue. “Could I touch myself, while you put your boots on me and talk to me?”

“Greedy.” Bree sounded pleased “No, you may not. But you may grind your cunt on my boots while I talk. If you can cum from that you may. Kneel, hands behind your back again.”

Max knelt, and eagerly spread her legs. Bree thrust a rough boot up between them. Max ground herself onto it, her damp panties the only barrier between the leather and her skin. Knowing she probably wouldn’t cum from it didn’t stop her from trying.

Bree looked at her moment, then spoke again. “Look at yourself. You came into my house looking pretty and sweet, and now you’re grinding yourself onto my boot hoping you’ll get to cum. It took what, five minutes to turn you into a cheap who begs me to let her touch her cunt while I watch? You let people think you’re such a nice girl but you’re not. A nice girl wouldn’t be half naked on my floor. Anice, sweet girl wouldn’t be getting wet from it. A nice girl wouldn’t beg me to hurt her. A nice girl would know better than to trust someone like me.”

Bree continued to talk, but Max had gone past the point of distinguishing individual words. As the tears dripped off her face she feverishly rubbed her cunt on Bree’s boot. Not sure whether she was striving to cum or striving to please Bree, she continued till a soft hand lifted her face.

“I said stop, girl.” Bree’s tone was gentle. “That’s all you get for today.”

As the words slowly filtered into her brain, Max nodded.

“Clean your tears off my leg, then your juices off my boots. Then you may kiss my boots to thank them. Take your time.”

Max bent to lick the tracks of her tears off Bree’s legs. She couldn’t do anything about the drops that had landed on Bree’s shorts. Tonguing the leather of Bree’s boot was an experience in and of itself. Max saved the taste of herself mixed with the weak flavor of leather. When she’d finished she planted a soft kiss on the boot, and a matching one on its mate. Bree placed her feet in Max’s lap, and Max unlaced the boots and removed them and the socks one by one. Each newly bared foot also received a gentle kiss.

“Good girl. Now go wash your face and clean up. You’ve earned your ice cream today.”


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