
Walking towards the club, I checked my mobile to double check the time. Good, I still had a good 10 minutes to kill to grab myself a drink and enjoy the music…which I hopefully wouldn’t be doing when he arrived.

Moving confidently, I smiled at the bouncer as he opened the rope to let me into the dark building ahead. This was one of my favourite clubs, as the sound of heavy metal pounded around me. I moved towards the ladies, scanning the dance floor. It was rather crowded in here tonight, more than usual, but at least there were a lot of rather attractive men to observe, especially as out of the corner of my eye there were a few people checking out my outfit.

I slipped through the door, and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, to check my outfit before he arrived. I was dressed in my favourite ‘date outfit’, my red silk shirt and underbust corset, which accentuated the hourglass figure I usually kept hidden. It also had the added bonus of pushing up the boobsthat although weren’t excessive, where still visible as creamy white swells under the red silk. My red hair and pale skin shone under the bright lights. Add to that a black pencil skirt and high heels and I felt surprisingly sexy and feminine.

I smiled again, thinking ‘that didn’t happen often’ as I made my way past the queue already building for the bathroom. I knew I wasn’t excessively unattractive, but I was aware I was built more Valkyrie than Vogue. I had yet to find a man who wasn’t threatened by my outward tough masculine demeanour to be a relative challenge in bed.

Walking back through the crowded dance floor I moved towards the bar to get my first measure of Dutch courage, and I smiled at the barman as I made my request for a martini and lemonade.

As it turned out that was where I stayed, sadly, for the next half and hour, waiting for the date that didn’t arrive. I checked my phone again. Nothing, the bastard stood me up. I covered my disappointment with emptying my drink, figuring at least his loss may be another man’s gain, if I can find myself something to keep my interest.

I stood and scanned the dance floor. Bodies cramped together, gyrating, moving with the beat, all on show in front of me… if I were interested in putting in the effort, but there was nothing that caught my eye.

Sighing, I finished my drink and started to move towards the door, when a masculine voice spoke from my left.

“Shame you’re leaving. I was about to ask if I could buy you another drink.”

I looked towards the voice, and noted the interested gleam in the man’s eyes. Dark hair curled around a sensitive handsome face, and as I took in the rest of his body, clad mainly in leather and a skin-tight black t-shirt he smiled, as if he knew that I liked what I saw.

“I was about to, but I may stay a while longer”, smiling as I took my seat again, crossing my legs and making sure the tops of my stockings weren’t visible…yet. “At least I should be able to address the man who made the kind offer. I’m Jane, and yours?” I gave him a smile, noting that his eyes were a beautiful mix of brown and green, the hazel colour strangely intotoxicating. “The name’s Nikos. I’ll leave that last name out to add an air of mystery” I laughed at that, as he attracted a bartender and ordered me another. As he bent over the bar I felt something tingle as I looked at the defined muscles in his back. Whether it was my stomach or lower, I wasn’t worried about analysing it. I just wanted him.

“So Nikos, what brings you here? I assume you’re not connected to anyone or you wouldn’t have offered to buy me a drink.”

He looked around the crowd on the dance floor absently before his stare returned to me, almost like a hawk in front of rabbit “No, I’m not connected to anyone at the moment. And as to what I’m doing here…same as you I imagine. It would be a very dull world if one couldn’t go and…find a little entertainment of an evening. Atleast, I would like entertainment, although I have yet to find it.” He stopped then, as if he was going to add something else, but the gleam in his eyes told me all he didn’t say. It seems this night isn’t going to be so bad after all.

“What sort of entertainment where you looking for Nikos?” leaning into him, noting his eyes went to the v in my shirt, where I know my breasts where pale and swelling.

As his eyes darkened with some kind of hunger, I was aware no man had looked at me like that before, like I was prey, rather than my usual predator. It gave me a certain type of thrill, almost fear, but with it my body shimmered to life. He looked at me then, like he was aware of how aroused I was for him, smiled, held his hand out for mine, and together we left the club.

Walking back towards the car park, I laughed and said “To sound clichéd, your place or mine?”

“Mine. I think I can surprise you.”

“How so?”

His lips lifted at that. “I think, my dear Jane that you haven’t had a sexual encounter where you weren’t in control. Wouldn’t you like an experience where you give your pleasure over to a lover who can fulfill your fans?” As we walked to what I assumed was his car, quiet shock raced through my mind at his scarily accurate reading of me and on the heels of it an almost painful feeling of arousal that made me instantly hot. How did he know that? I covered up my shock quickly “You’re rather hasty to make assumptions about me when you barely know me.”

He looked up at me on that, and as I was about to open the passenger side, he moved around the car and kissed me strongly, pushing me against the door. He let me go suddenly, breathing hard and under his breath I heard him say “But I would like to know more of you Jane.”

I opened the door and sat down, buckled up and waited for him to start the engine. Trying to get my breathing under control after the shocking but albeit chaste kiss, I was hoping this was going to be aquick trip, because I was dying to get closer to him.

We began moving away from the centre of town and into the residential, and I had a full opportunity to study the man in the seat next to me. The lights from the streetlamps highlighted a stunning face and a stunning body, and my eyes (traitors that they were) moved down and his leather trousers did nothing to hide what was a stunning erection.

“How far away is your place?” He looked round with a grin. “Impatient are we?” he replied, to which my response was to stroke his thigh, moving closer to his erection. “Not at all…I’m perfectly content. Can’t say the same for you though…”…moving my eyes down, indicating his hard on.

“Oh…that. I’m perfectly content…or at least I hope to be.” He shifted his hips up as my hand moved closer to his cock. My hand moved on it through the skin of his legs, and I heard him breath raggedly. Another shot of heat ran through me, just in time for him to pull into a drivewayand stop the car. I opened the door, but he got there first, pulling me again into another breathless kiss. His tongue pushed in, full of ownership as were his hands which I felt pressing and squeezing my backside. I responded, pulling him closer, pushing my hips against his groin and grinding against him, feeling his erection hot and heavy against my stomach.

He stepped back, fire in his eyes and led me towards the front door of a lovely barn conversion. Unlocking the door and all but throwing me inside, he shut and locked it and I felt a thrill of something akin to fear, watching as his shadow moved towards me.

He walked to stand in front of me, his mouth lowered to my ear.

“So…Jane. What am I going to do to you? His husky voice sent chills down my spine, and I brought my hand up to his chest, feeling the muscles there. “I Thought the agreement was that I didn’t get a say in the matter?”

He chuckled lazily at that, and taking me by the hand, led me upstairsinto a room, switched on the light, and let me look at what he means by a ‘surprise’. The room was tasteful, in blacks and purples, the four poster was wrong iron but what caught my attention was the chains and shackles attached to the sides. Candles were everywhere, which he began lighting, and one by one the room was filled with a flickering light that made everything look even more forbidden and heavy erotic. He switched the wall light off, walked over to me and ran a finger down my cheek, slowly tracing my lips, moving slowly down my neck, making me shiver, and coming to rest in the cleavage open at my shirt.

I moved my hand up to his face, stroking and moved down to unbutton his shirt, when his hands grabbed my wrists, halting me. “Not yet, love.” His hands began roaming around my corset, and unhooking it, he began to undress me. The shirt was next, the skirt followed and I stood in my stockings and suspenders and my bra whilst he was fully clothed.

“Undo your bra for me love. I want to see you expose yourself for me.” I made a show of it, slowly moving my hands round my back, and whilst unhooking pushing my breasts together, enjoying the sound of his sharp inhalation. I let it drop, and decided to take the initiative turned round and shimmied out of my pants as well; wiggling the arse he’d so hungrily groped. I felt him grab me and pull me back to his front, and I feel that incredible erection against me.

His hands moved up towards my breasts, cupping them and then I felt his fingers tugging at my nipples, making me moan. He bent back, and came back with my underbust corset, fitting me back into it, only this time with my breasts on full display, pushed up and swelling from his rather brief touches.

“Lie on the bed” he nearly grew, and I made my way towards it, bending forwards and bracing myself on all fours, very aware of what I was showing him. I looked back over my shoulder, loving his hungry expression.

“Like what you see, I take it?” knowing full well that most men don’t mind the fact that I held myself regularly. I loved the feeling of being bare to his eyes, and knowing I was wet, it gave him an idea of ​​what to expect.

I lay down on the bed, one hand up behind my head, and watched him as his eyes feasted on my body. He pulled his shirt off, and I watched his defined muscles move in the candlelight.

“So, what do we have here?” He moved his way over to the bed, leaning over me to kiss me softly on the lips. “Something beautiful and bare and just begging to be taken…well lover, I intend to make you beg. You’re not allowed to talk and you’re not allowed to come until I say”

He took his time fasting my arms and legs into his equipment, stroking and touching just enough to tease, and by the end of it, I was desperate before his eyes in the candlelight. He knew this, watching my shiver, as his eyes kept going back to the place that was warm, wet and shining for him, any part ofhim.

He stood back to admire his handiwork, and went to a chest of drawers over to the left, and opening the first one, brought out a blindfold.

He came over and pulled it over my eyes, robbing me of my sight completely. I heard him moving, and the lack of sight made it all the more erotic. What was he going to do to me?

I heard his footsteps come nearer, and felt his mouth against mine, owning, tongue moving in and swirling with mine.

His mouth moved lower, caressing my neck, biting as he made his way slowly to my breasts. My nipples tightened, wanting his mouth on them but he avoided them, kissing and licking my breasts whilst I prayed for his mouth to suck my nipple between his lips. Instead, I feel a sharp pinch on one nipple, then the other. Expecting pain, I tensed, but the pinch was gentle and arousing, even more when he pulled on what I supposed was a lead joining the two.

I nearly moaned, and I heard a chuckle. “Well done. You look a sight lover.Your breasts are heaving and your nipples are tightly pinched. You should imagine how turned on I am, how rock solid my cock is, how much I want to be here.” As his hand hit my clip I nearly moaned again, wanting some contact, any contact, just to sit this arousal. His hands found my breasts again, pulling the clamp lightly, and I felt his mouth around the tip of my breast, flicking and I arched off the bed.

His hands began to move on my breasts, caressing and finally moving lower, and lower until his hand rested on my mound.

Reaching down, his finger ticked just above where I wanted him to go, a teasing touch, before I felt his fingers move down to sample my wet core, and by that time I was drenched. “Oh god…” I heard him murmur “You feel so good. I can just imagine this around my cock.” I moved myself against his hands, and as his fingers began to slowly tease my clip, I began to feel myself getting hotter, and that was before his fingers pushed into my core in a movement that had me bucking my hips off the mattress in impatience of orgasm. He stopped suddenly then, “I told you this wasn’t about you being in control here love.”

He pulled away, and moving down the bed I felt hot breath on my clip, but I knew better than to move. I didn’t want this stop. I felt his breath catch, as if he was looking at my smooth and slick core and without any warning his mouth was on me, sucking my clip between his lips and flicking with his tongue. I barely restrained myself from coming, remembering his earlier instruction, but it was so hard.

His mouth felt perfect against me, his tongue talented in me and the way it moved drove me crazy. He kept at it, ramping up my arousal to near orgasm again and again and slowly down, teasing me and prolonging my exhaust torture. By the end of this I was panting and desperate and I felt him speak into my core, “How much do you want to come right now? And you can’t say anything, can’t respond. How long could I leave you like this? Doesn’t that turn you on how much power I have over your ability to orgasm?”

He moved up, pulling on the lead between the clamps and pulling “I think I’ll take goal on you this time…” He kept his hand on the lead between the clamps and as his mouth moved back to my core he kept a rhythmic pulling. I was getting so close, getting so aroused, when he slipped a vibrator in my core and pushed it in hard it took all my self control not to.

His mouth vibrated into me as he told me to come, and come hard on his mouth. I lost it. Completely lost it. And all the while the thick vibrator was pulsing in me and his hand was on the lead on my nipples. I screamed out, working myself against his mouth, coming over and over again.

Gradually the pulses faded, and as I lay still he Pulled the vibrator out and the blindfold off and laid them aside. Oh…my god, I thought, that was amazing. His eyes moved over my body, and saw the relief on my face and he gave me alook that turned me on all the more.

“You think that’s all? I have a so much more to make you beg for.” He moved back from the bed, and his hand went to the zipper on his legs. He cupped himself through the leather, looking at me teasingly, before ditching them and standing naked before me, his hand on his heavy cock.

“How much do you want this in you Jane?” His hand moved on his cock, His stomach muscles clenching, the head pushing through the nest of his palm and all I could imagine was how thick it would feel inside of me.

He moved up on the bed, and his cock was pushed against my lips. “Suck me.” I obeyed, and my lips teased his cock, my tongue expertly circled and flicking and being tied up only made it hotter. I knew he liked it by the soft moan that came from him as my tongue licked around a very sensitive area, teasing before sucking him deeper into my mouth.

I could see him watching me, so I pulled away purposefully and slowly ran my tongue over the tip of his cock, keeping my eyes trained on his. I sucked him in again, working my mouth around him, finding a rhythm that left his breath deepening and his hips working against my mouth.

He pulled away then, moved between my thighs and pushed himself into the very threshold of my sex, my flesh giving way to that hardness in a way that made me nearly moan, before his lips moved up to claim mine.

I could taste myself on him as he took control of my lips, his tongue moving against mine, his cock still only millionimetres into me, but I know better than to try and push him deeper.

He paused for a minute and grabbed the vibrator next to him, and placed it against my clip in between the two of us. I moaned from the intense dual sensing of something thick and hard barely filling me and something pulsing against my aching sensitive clip. He moved it against me whilst making small teasing movements with his cock, making me wrong on the bed.

“I’ll reward your patienceNow love” as he knew I was dying for more and he pushed hard and pushed deep, sliding in easily.

Nothing could describe the way he felt in me, his thick cock moving as he began to thrust hard into me, pushing my clip tight against the vibrator still between us.

His hands moved back to the clamps on my nipples; pulling, the pain ramping up the pleasure and I strained against the bindings, wanting to grab his arse and his back, moving my hips up to meet him stroke for stroke as much as I was able,

He undid my arms and legs then, and I pushed the vibrator aside as my hands clamped onto his arse, thrusting him deep into me, as I wanted to feel every inch of him.

He pushed harder in me, his muscles tensioning and releasing with every heavy thrust. My body edged further to the pinnacle of orgasm, dying for release, but I was still waiting for his command. “Please…”I moaned breathlessly “I want to come so hard on your cock. I’m begging you, please.”

He grew atthat, pulling on the lead still attached to my nipples, his hard cock plunging into me and with that my body orgasmed wildly, crying his name.

He didn’t stop, going faster and harder and no sooner had my body orgasmed once, I came again hard, crying his name and digging my nails into his back and this time felt his cock exploiting in me, hot jets filling me as the pulses of my orgasm rendered me helpless.

He collapsed on top of me then, our breathing ragged and I felt his seed spill down my thighs from where we were still joined.

He raised himself up on one arm, still breathing hard and smiled rakishly at me.

“Told you I’d surprise you.”


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