The sun splashes on the mountains on a Friday, early afternoon. Her work day behind her, she now waits at a small outdoor café downtown. Under her sunglasses, her warm brown eyes roam the periphery wondering which direction he would come from. Her radiant hair glistens in the sunlight, her flesh warm smelling of strawberries, her mind consciously aware of every curve of her body as she waits impossible for him to arrive. The delicious anticipation makes her heart and her thighs flutter while she tries to appear nonchalant.
There was something – something very different – about this visit. It wasn’t their first time together. Her mind drifts back, six days, to when her cell phone rang on Saturday and his voice penetrated her ear.
“Good afternoon greous,” he said in a voice that made you think he was much larger than he really was. It was a voice he had no reluctance to use loudly in bed, and that made her cream from the first time she heard his moans on the phone so long ago.
“Hi brother dear,” she laughed. The incestuous pet name dripped from her tongue.
“I have a question for you, my darling. Have any plans next weekend?”
It took her a moment to get over the shock of his request, such a sudden visit, and her body tingled. She felt her nipples awaken. Her mind ran through her normal schedule – lots of workout time, time with her pets, reading time, nothing more.
“Hmm…well, only a few things but nothing is written in stone, why do you ask?” she replied coyly, her lips curling into a wicked smile that she wished he could see but knew he could hear.
“Is there anything that could not be rescheduled?” She could hear the smile in his voice.
“Well, what would the reason be for that?” She knew he loved the fact that she was a smartass; it was something they adored in each other.
“I have something special in mind. I’m coming to visit. Take Friday afternoon off, and clear your schedule as best you can.”
It wasn’t a request…and it moved her..
“What, no please?” she laughed.
He laughed and then paused, auditably inhaling before replying. “Not this time.” And without another word, he hung up.
So she made her arrangements, and they exchanged emails and phone calls throughout the week but she couldn’t get him to tell her much more. The week dragged by with anticipation. But now here she Was, waiting for him.
The mountains welcomed the spring with lavish green, the snow-capped peaks pressed against the blue sky. She sits admiring the view from within the steel and concrete confines of the city, comfortable watching cars and people drift by. She tilts her face towards the sun, a soft breeze kissing her skin, her body quivers in response. She wears black mesh panties and a matching bra, and could suddenly feel the articles against her flesh. Her toned legs cross, a black skirt and clingy red blouse were more than enough on such a day. She had described this particular set ofbra and panties to him once, but hadn’t shown them to him. It was her own little surprise.
The hair on the back of her neck rises. She senses him near. Her eyes shift under her sunglasses, searching.
He smiles from inside the café, hidden behind a group of loud women having lunch. He had arrived there 30 minutes early, knowing she would arrive early as well. He had told the staff where to seat her, and tipped appropriately. They were intrigued at whatever game he was playing. The fact that she was stunning certainly helped. At 5’8″, lean and taut, with auburn hair and alabaster skin, she turned the heads of men and women alike. He watches her looking around, smiling softly. He lingers a few more minutes, letting the anticipation build in her. He sips water, idly passing the time while his khakis confine the growing bulge underneath. He licks his lips, remembering the taste of her skin. They had been together just 2 weeks ago. He just couldn’t get enough of her.
Wearing a French blue shirt and a navy blazer, he nods at the waiter who was watching for him. He puts his sunglasses back on, and slowly stands, angling himself behind various others in line in case she looks back.
Her tongue runs over her lips, he’s close…I know it. She tries to hold back the wicked smile that keeps trying to creep across her face. Under her sunglasses her eyes roam her field of vision trying to find him,
The sound of the city is just distracting enough for him. He leans down, and whispers into her ear, “Hello baby doll.”
She jerks only slightly at the surprise and turnes with the devilish smile he loves and say, “You are very sneaky.” He laughs softly with his resonant voice, and leans down to brush her lips with his, the kiss lingering…knowing others were staring at such a display but neither one caring.
The waiter slips next to them, leaving something on the table as they withdraw from their kiss. The movement catches the corner of her eye as his lips move away, and she spies a white box, half the size of a normal gift box, where her plate should be. The box is simply adorned with a red ribbon, a white rose lying on top.
He pulls the chair out, the soft scrape of the iron legs against the concrete, and eases into the chair next to her, quietly dragging it closer as her eyes roam the package. There is something so oddly different about him today. She can smell it, sense it, and it makes her tights tingle. Her toes wiggle nervously inside her 2-inch black pumps. She lets her eyes roam him slowly, drinking in this change, trying to pinpoint it. His hazel eyes are hidden under dark sunglasses. His shoulders, broad for his average frame, rest easily against the back of the chair. His pale toned skin, with a hint of tan, exudes something that she cannot put her finger on. She did notice the bulge in his crotch as he sat, and she felt the warmth between her thighs increasing when she saw it. She of course looked there deliberately, wanting that reaction. Something about the smile that he wore, the calm way he eased into the chair…something…mysterious…had her senses whirling.
His eyes watch hers as the waiter brought him another water and then leaves.
“Mmm..I missed you.” His words are soft yet dripping with meaning. Her mind keeps searching for telltale signs of what it might be.
She adjusts in her seat, trying to play the part of the casual friendly lunch. “You know you shouldn’t get me gifts, sweetums.”
“Ignore that for a bit, Tori,” He smiles and makes chit chat, intentionally trying to distract her. And he is relentless to move the conversation that way. So she goes along with it. They order lunch and talk about inconsequential things, catching up as if they hadn’t communicated since he left 2 weeks prior. Occasionally she lets her foot rub against his calm under the table, and each time he moves his leg away and smiles a wicked smile. They continue their dance as thelunch crowd thins. He watches her as they talk, occasionally noting the clock inside the café, visible through the glass to the left just behind her head. He smiles to himself, thinking “She has no idea,” and he watches her reaction to the deliberate change in his expression.
Forty-five minutes since the kiss, and the lunch remnants have been cleared. She wrestles with her words, almost obviously, then give him the opening he needs. “So what brings you back to me so quickly?”
He takes a pause, leaning forward, elbows on the table, hands clapping together in front of his face, just below his chin. He whispers inevitably. but just enough for her to hear, “You.”
Her perfectly trimmed eyesbrows rise, and then settle back behind the frames of her sunglasses. He watches her breathe. “Awww, how sweet” she replies sarcastically. “A business client needs you again? Hmmm?” Then that wicked little giggle that sends chills through his spine.
He laughs once, reaching up to remove his sunglasses, and lowers his hands onto the table.
“Nope. This is simply about you. This visit is just about you. Now I have one question for you. Do you trust me?”
His hazel eyes are tinted green, a sign of his desire she had noted many times before. And they seem to be burning through her clothes, or maybe she was just letting her imagination mingle with her own impulses.
She tries to deflect him. “Ooooooo now this is getting interesting,” again with a wicked smile in her reply. His eyes seem to get brighter as he leers at her. She flips her highlighted hair as she toys with him.
“If you do trust me, sis,” laughing again at their pet name, knowing those that might over hear could well be appalled, “open the box.”
She stars at him for a long moment. What the hell was he up to? This is not what she was expecting, and she admits to herself that it is driving her crazy. She ponders the question, nervously tapping at the table top with a finger, uncrossing and retranslated her legs, clearing her throat, until she finally lifts her hands and grasps the box, placing it back in front of her. She carefully picks up the rose, sniffing it as she cocks her head towards him, teasing him slowly with her deliberate movements, then putting it aside and beginning to tug at the ribbon.
Her eyes dart between the box and looking at him, to see if her slow movements are getting a reaction. He is nonplussed, leaning back in his chair, watching. Not a care to the world, and fully engaged in watching her.
She undoes the ribbon, leaving it lying on the table top, and grasps the little white package in her hands, her fingers separating edges and lifting the top. Inside, instead of wrapping paper folds of silk cover the contents. Red, pink, and black silk pieces mingled together instead of tissue paper. She searches in the silk, looking at him as her fingers lift the edges of the fabric, feeling something weighty under them. Her hands stumblefirst upon a tiny envelope, like one that would come with a bouquet of flowers. She pulls it out slowly, and holds it up.
He simply nods, just once.
She opens it, again trying to unnerve him by doing everything so slowly…even letting her finger slowly run around the edges of the tiny envelope before actually lifting the flap. He remains leaning back in the chair, unphased. She succeeds in frustrating only herself, and she finally pulls the card out. Written in his hand is one word, “Pearl.”
A perfect eyebrow arches.
“Do you trust me,” he calmly asks.
“You are acting weird. I should say weirder than normal, even for you!” Another smile. Why did her spine tingle?
He leans in close, almost mocking her by doing it slowly, taking a dramatic pause just to tease her, and finally opening his mouth. “Inside there, there is a gift. If you put on that gift, this weekend will be one you – make that we – will remember for a long time. But that’s all I’m going to tell you. If you trust me, and you are willing to ask no questions, put it on. If you are at all hesitant, don’t look. And we’ll enjoy the weekend together regardless.”
He sits back, and lifts one ankle on to the opposite knee.
Her fingers toy with the silk clothes as she considers all this – the difference in his demeanor, the mystery, the gift, the tingle of unknown excitement Stirring in her. She feels the object in the box, and turns her head towards it. She uncovers her gift and pulls it out, holding it low to examine her gift – a leather picker with an “O” ring holding a silver pendant with etchings on it. She lifts it up to her eyes to examine it closely, and realizes the etchings are flowers surrounding a pair of handscuffs.
She feels her nipples harden against her bra.
He watches, not saying a word.
Her tongue drags over her lips, and her eyes dart from the pendant to his face. His grin is as wicked as she has ever seen.
Her eyes meet his andhold, and the burning reach deep inside them both. He smiles broadly at her, asking, “Shall we begin?”
He stands, his left hand extends out for hers.
She puts her right hand clutching the picker into his, and gathers her small purse, the rose, and the box with her other hand.
“Don’t forget your safe word.”
She stops, cocking her head. The quick jerk of her neck makes her hair flip as she looks at him. He nods toward the box.
“The card, darling.”
Her mouth opens…then closes. Her eyes widen for an instant. She softly bites her bottom lip and makes a delicious little purring sound that makes his spine shudder.
She glances around and sees that two people have watched their exchange, a couple tucked away in the corner of the café. She realizes by the quick Turn of their heads that they could sense the fire burning in them. Knowing they know makes her body tingle. She turns back to him and looks down at his crotch, seeing the tent that has formd. A moment later she feels a trickle of her own juices escaping.
He leads her away from the café casually.
“Where are we go…”
“NO QUESTIONS,” he says, cutting her off discreetly but firmly. “Just follow..”
They walk a few blocks in the sun, her mind burning with questions and wondering what she may be getting into, and him leading the way until he tugs her gently into a hotel. She bites her bottom lip again, recognizing that it is not the hotel where he normally stays. This one is decidedly more upscale and posh, clearly chosen for reasons that were not business related. The door gently whooshes behind them, and they are enveloped in soft music and gentle air conditioning.
Her heels click on the marble of the entry as they move past the desk and into a gleaming elevator. The metal of the choker, now warm from being held between their linked fingers, feels heavy with luxury promise to her. He reaches with his right hand and presses the button for the 11thfloor, and stands against the wall, letting go of her warm hand. Both his hands are quickly on her hips pulling her in front of him, both of them facing the closing doors. His right hand finds the zipper at the side of her short black skirt quickly, unzipping and slipping underneath. She is caught by surprise by the swiftness of his movements. He turns her slightly, so she faces the center of the elevator. His hand moves quickly, slipping under her panties as the elevator bell suddenly rings; they are both fleetingly weightless as the brakes are applied, then they come to a soft rest and the doors begin to open. Her eyes widen in a slight panic—exhibitionism in the middle of the day in an elevator wasn’t something she expected! She starts to grab his wrist with one hand but he does not budget. Instead he gently swats her bottom with his other hand while the fingers inside Her panties tease her soaking and slippery slit.
There is that moment when the doors open when you wonder just what lies behind, no matter which side of the doors you are on. At first was no one there, but Tori’s breath of relief catches in her lungs as the simple black heel steps into view. The business woman smiles at the lovers, and presses a floor several above the one he pressed.
He says hello to the woman while his fingers swirl at her dripping entrance, her own voice lost for the time being so she just smiles. Her hips involuntarily roll with his exploration, the muscles of her gentle neck tensioning with fear. She looks to the stranger with panic in her eyes, seeing she was just a little shorter than herself, blond hair pulled back in a pony tail, navy pants suit. She catches the piercing blue of her eyes for just a moment as the business woman gazes at them and then turn, facing the numbers above the elevator doors as they close.
His middle finger is strumming up and down her slit, deliciously, and she wishes the young business woman wasn’t onboard so she could reach out andpress the red emergency stop button and lift her leg to the wall to let him fuck her furiously with his fingers. Inside her head she purrs and moans, while doing all she can to keep her jaw clenched to the world.
The balls of two of his fingertips suddenly press in tight slow circles on her clip under her panties. Her ass bumps back to his crotch, and his hard cock is there to meet her. He starts tapping his middle finger on her clip. Her eyes grow wide, her nostrils flare, her breathing quickens as she tries not to breathe so the other woman can hear. She tries to squirm away but his other hand grabs her hip tight in a silent yet stern reply.
God this is taking forever, she cries outside inside her head.
The elevator finally arrives at their floor, and he presses the balls of his fingers to her clip during the fleeting moment of weightlessness before the bell rings, and the doors open. She starts to move, and realizes he isn’t moving at all, and he’s not letting her. Her frantic eyes dart between the buttons for the floors and the lights above – this is the right floor! Why aren’t we going? Oh god what is he up too? The doors are going to close!
Then almost as if he heard her minds cries, he gently nudges her forward leaving his hand still slipped inside her skirt from the side.
As they exit the elevator, he pauses, looking back of his shoulder. “Have a nice day,” he smiles to the blonde haired woman. The blonde business woman lets a little giggle slip, seeing where his right hand is, replying, “You too.”
“Oh, we will.”
The elevator door closes, and he gently nudges Tori down the softly lit hallway, with cream colored walls and burgundy patterned carpet. The gentle soft-white glow from the sconces along the way make her wonder if she is in a dream, but the feel of his fingers against her as her legs move unsteadily forward reminds her that it is very real. With his left hand on her left hip, he gently guides her to a dark mahogany door.
He leans against her, pressing her torso against the door. His mouth suddenly is at her ear, ordering her gently to drop the white box, the white rose and her purse to the floor. The normal gamely response, to toy back with him, is lost as her hips grind towards his fingers and she quickly complies, dropping everything to the floor where it barely makes a sound against the plus carpet. She keeps the chase wrapped around her right hand. He grasps her left wrist, lifting her hand up above her head, and places her left palm against the door. With no warning he begins attacking her clip again with his fingers underneath her panties.
He leans against her just enough for her to feel his raging hard-on against her ass..he hisses into her ear “Stick out your ass more, press your face against the door, there’s no one coming…just close your eyes…feel it….”
With no other alternative, she relinquishes her fear as his fingers roll, switching directions with no rhyme nor reason. Her right hand joins her left against the door without any encouragement from him. Her eyes lift to her right hand when she hears the gentle scrape of the silver pendant against the door. Her hips buck and roll in reply as she tries not to make a sound, her gasps telltale enough, and she closes her eyes, pressing her head to the door.
In such a state of desire, with the shroud of sexual mystery enveloping them both, her hips start moving faster, and he slides his fingers lower under her panties and pushes them inside her fully. She spreads her legs out, ass high in the air, in the quiet hum of the hallway. Her eyes open, glazed with lust, the red patterned carpet losing its form in her vision as she rides his fingers, trying to fight her gasps until with a heavily suppressed groan she bucks and squeals and coats his plumping fingers. Her knees nearly buckle as her cream leaks out and down his fingers and hand. His fingers keep moving as her body spasms. When finally her ripples end, he slowly withdraws his fingers and moves them to his mouth, sucking her taste from them with a growl. Her upper lip trembles with desire and she lifts her wicked eyes to him. He winks with his left eye, and reaches into his left pocket as he continues sucking her cream from his fingers. He hands her the card key for the door. She reaches for it, unsteady, then turns with her left hip pressed and resting Against the door, slipping the card key in and out of the chamber. The soft click is heard, the green light blinks, she presses down on the handle and opens the door into a darkened room.
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