Supermarketing Ch. 02

It was a couple of weeks before I was able to get together with Betty as she had been away on a sales conference in Switzerland. However, as soon as she returned she called me and we arranged to meet on the Friday evening, neither of us having to work over the weekend.

Once again I went to her house as it was more secluded than my one-bedroomed flat in a house shared with three other people, one couple and a young woman who I saw occasionally when I was setting off for work. She was quite attractive, in a quiet way, and always smiled and said ‘Good morning’ as we passed.

It was full dark when I arrived and, as before, all of the curtains were drawn and there were several lights on in the windows. Betty answered the door as soon as I rang the bell, smiled and drew me inside. As soon as the door was closed she came into my arms and melted against my body. Her lips were so soft and warm that I found myself wanting to sink down into them and loose myself forever in her depths.

She was wearing a dark, close-fitting dress of some soft, smooth material that clung to her every curve in a way that left nothing to my imagination. It was sleepless and the silky softness of her arms as they clung around my neck were the most heavenly touch that I had ever known.

We kissed deeply, our tongues twining around each other, each trying to slide deeper into the others mouth so as to become one. The perfume of her hair was intotoxicating and I buried my face in it, inhaling the sweet, womanly smell of her. Her body pressed close to mine and I felt her knee slide between mine, pressing them apart, and then lifting to push firmly against my overheated balls.

My cock stiffened as she rocked her leg against me, caressing me and pressing hard against my balls. She rubbed her belly against my hard cock and ran her hands down my back until she could cup my buttocks and then she pulled me against her so hard that I almost lost my balance.

‘Martin,’ she breathed, ‘I have missed you so much. I have had to resort to one of my toys every night just to get to sleep, imagining that it was you filling me up with every inch of your hot, hard cock. Now I want the real thing!’

‘You shall have everything that I have.’ I smiled. ‘I’ve been longing for you just as much but all that I have is my strong right hand. I was afraid that I might develop RSI with all the work it has been doing on your behalf.’

‘Did you think of me while you played with yourself?’ she asked. ‘Who else could I think of but you.’ I replied. ‘You fill my mind completely and I can’t wait for the opportunity to show you how much I love you.’

At this she frowned and said ‘Love me? I didn’t know that we were going down the path of love. I thought that we were just excellent sex partners.’

My heart sank. Had I blown it totally by using the L word? I tried to recover some ground by saying ‘Well, perhaps love is a bit strong. You know that I love what we did togetther and I suppose that I am mixing that up with something rather more serious.’

‘Don’t worry.’ she replied. ‘When you experience something as intense as our last meeting it can leave you with some rather confused feelings.’ She smiled up at me, loosing those tiny frown line between her eyes. ‘Let’s just see how thing go with us shall we?’

‘Of course we can.’ I murmured. ‘There is lots of time and many things to do before we find out exactly how our lives will continue. Maybe you’ll get tired of me in a week or two and want another young man to fulfill your fansies with.’

‘Oh no, not that.’ she answered. ‘I am not a butterfly that flits from flower to flower. I am more like the ivy that twines around it’s chosen support and never lets go. Let’s Just allow things to find their own path and if we find ourselves going willingly down the same path, then, maybe, the word ‘love’ might have a place in our relationship.’

I pulled her to me and kissed her gently, herseyes, her cheeks, her ears and then her lips, soft and inviting and so warm. ‘Yes, let’s see where we go from here. Shall we start in your playroom?’

Her eyes twinkled and she took my hand an pulled me further into the house and up the stairs and finally to the door of the ‘playroom’. Before she could open the door I bent and swept her up into my arms, pushed open the door with my foot and carried her over the threshold. ‘Tonight I will take charge.’ I said. ‘Remember what you said last time?’

‘Of course I do. What do you think that I was imagining all those nights away from you with only my toy and memories of you to keep me company in bed? I hope that you have been using your inspireuity to come up with something special for me.’

I put her down and closed the door. ‘Tonight will be a very special night for both of us.’

I looked around and saw, on the floor behind the door, the red holdall that Betty had shown to my the last time that I was here. I walked acrossto it and pulled open the zipper. Inside was the familiar aerosol can and a wide association of straps, gags, clamps and dildos ranged from a slim 5 inch gold one to the big black monster that she had used on herself. I reached inside and began to take out these items one by one.

I held up the big black one and asked ‘Will you be needing this one tonight?’

‘I certainly hope not.’ she replied. ‘I am sure that you will be able to satisfy me without the aid of artistic substitutes. What would you like me to do?’

‘Perhaps you would go and dress in the same outfit that you wore last time, the black rubber one, and I will get things ready in here.’ She did not answer but obediently left the room and I heard her walk away down the corridor.

In the holdall I had seen several pairs of padded cuffs and a bar with a cuff at each end. The bar was made up of two tubes, one sliding inside the other, with a range of holes down the length of the outer one and a spring loadedstud on the inner one. This could obviously be adjusted to any length from about 3 to 5 and a half feet. I could just imagine what this had been used for and would be again tonight.

I took the bar and two pairs of cuffs over to the bench where we had occurred ourselves before. I could see that the legs were easily adjusted from about 1 to 4 feet in height and at the base of each leg there were Steel ring bolts firmly set. I went back to the holdall and took from it a pair of long, black rubber gloves and a tube of Super Lube. As an afterthought I also collected the aerosol can. This had no label but I was only too aware of the use to which it could be put. I then crossed to one of the other benches and quickly stripped out of my clothes which I folded and put tidily on the end of the benchmark.

At this moment Betty entered the room, dressed in her black rubber, open-tipped bra, extremely tight hot pants and thigh length boots. Her nipples bulged out through the openings surrounded by a bulge of her smooth, milky-white flesh. They looked good enough to eat and I determined that, if I had the stamina, I would sample them later.

When Betty saw the look on my face and the way that my cock was rapidly rising to attention she lowered her eyes and a blush rose from her chest to her cheeses. ‘I know that you have seen me like this before,’ she murmured, ‘but then it was my choice. This time, obeying you, it feels quite different, as though I am on display! I don’t understand it.’

I moved to her and took her in my arms. ‘It’s quite natural.’ I said. ‘This time I am in control and you feel appreciate about what the evening will bring. I love the fact that you trust me sufficiently to obey without asking. I promise that if, at any time, you wish to stop you have only to say. Shall we have a ‘safeword’? Then you can say whatever else you like and it will not stop me, but if you say the word we will stop instantly.’

‘That sounds like a good, and very familiar, idea.’ she laughed. ‘Remember, all of this that you see around you is mine and it isn’t just for decoration! My safeword is Rudolph, after the red-nosed reindeer. Believe me, my nose is not the only part of me that as been red in the past! But in addition to a safeword we need a gesture, just in case I can’t speak.’ She grinned as she said this, obviously realising what was in my mind. ‘If I put two fingers up in a Boy Scout salute, that means stop. OK?’

I feel a bit of a fool for making this suggestion when Betty was obviously completely familiar with all the ins and outs of sexual fetishism. ‘Sorry,’ I said, a bit shamefacedly. ‘I should have realized that you would understand the sort of precautions that you must take when giving yourself into the hands of another. I promise that no harm will come to you.’

‘A little bit of harm isn’t always a bad thing.’ she admitted. ‘Just so long as there is no lasting damage. Shall we begin, Master?’

I led her to thebench and instructed her to stand at the side of it. I then placed the bar, a ‘spreader bar’ I learned it was called, behind her feet and asked her to move her feet as far apart as she could. She leaned down to rest her hands on the top of the bench and shuffled her feet apart. When they were as far as she could manage I took the bar and pulled it open until the cuffs were level with her ankles. It took only a moment to snap them around her ankles so that there was no way that she could bring her legs together. I then clipped them to the conveniently placed ring bolts so that she could not move her feet at all.

I helped her to stand upright and swiftly extended the legs of the benchmark so that the top was just level with her hips. She was then able to rest her hands on the padding and take some of the strain off her legs. ‘Is this what my Master wants?’ she asked. I didn’t answer, but moved to the other side of the bench and quickly attached one end of each pair of cuffs to her wrists.

‘Now lean forward over the benchmark top.’ I instructed, and when she did so I clipped the loose ends of the cuffs to the ring bolts in the legs. Betty was now lying across the bench with her legs held widely apart and her arms stretched out on the other side. Being pressed down onto the top of the bench made her breasts bulge out to the sides and I could see her rosy nipples pressing out through the cut-outs.

I picked up the aerosol and gave her nipples a short burst, at which she gasped and flinched as the iciness took her breath away. As my cock had, her nipples swelled even more and took on a darker hue.

I moved closer to her until my cock was only an inch from her lips. ‘Open wide.’ I commanded and when her lips parted I leaned forward and slipped it into her hot and willing mouth. Her lips closed around it and for a minute I just stood there, not moving. Her tongue began to cares the head and she began a slow, rhythmic suction. I could tell that she wanted more of my cock in her mouth but she could not move an inch. After I had enjoyed the feeling for a minute or two I began to rock back and forth, gradually sliding my cock deeper and deeper into her mouth until I felt it began to slip down into her throat. As she could not speak and so was unable to use her safeword I kept one eye on her hand. So far her fingers were still in a fist so I pressed even deeper. Her tongue was softly rubbing against the underside of my cock, right on that most sensitive spot, and the hot suction that she was applying was drawing me even further in. I felt that I was ready to explode so I had to pull out otherwise it would all have been over far too soon!

‘Close you eyes.’ I commanded. Betty did so without a murmur. I went over to the holdall and took out a length of black fabric which I then bound Around her head, blocking her eyes so that she would not be able to see my actions. Then I moved behind her and slowly pulled down the zipper in her hot pants, ​​relishing the way that her pink rose bud came into view as the rubber pulled her buttocks apart. Further down and the lips of her pussy were exposed and then spread showing the already dewy entrance to her cunt. Further still and the little nub of her cliporis was visible, peeping from under the hood.

Then I lifted the long, black gloves and pulled them on. Although they were quite tight, they were well powdered with talc so they slipped on without much difficulty. Meanwhile Betty just lay there, swaying her bottom slightly to a tune that only she could hear. Or it could be that she was exclusive me with her tiny pink rosebud which periodically turned at me from between her buttocks.

‘Oh yes,’ I thought. ‘You are going to get all the attention that you could possibly want. Maybe even more!’

I brought over the tube of Super Lube and released the top then squeezed a fair amount into the palm of my hand. Putting it aside I worked the lube all over my gloves making sure that the fingers were well covered. I knelt down behind her, keeping very quiet so that she would have no idea of ​​where I was then leaned forward until my nose almost entered the cleft between her buttocks. Then I gently blew directly onto her anus. Her buttocks clnched and she drew a sharp hiss of breath.

‘You started me,’ she gasped. ‘I had no idea that you were down There.’

I didn’t speak but placed the tip of my left forefinger directly into the centre of her anus. Betty tried to push back onto it but the cuffs prevented her from moving her body. She was helpless to prevent me from doing whatever I pleased.

I slowly began to circle the rim, pressing very slightly so that the tip of my finger almost entered her.

‘Oh, that’s so nice’ she murmured. ‘I like that very much. Don’t stop.’

I gradually increased the pressure until my finger slide inside to the first knuckle. Then I brought my middle finger into play, pushing until that too had slipped inside. I then began to rotate my wrist so that my fingers were twisting inside her – then more pressure until they both moved in to the next knuckle.

Betty was beginning to breathe heavily and kept whispering ‘Go on, go on, don’t stop!’ I brought my third finger into the action, moving it in between the other two so that I had three fingers burying themselves deeper and deeper into her body. Then I closed my thumb and little finger onto the others and continued with the twisting pressure, going deeper until all of my knuckles were past the outer ring of her anus. Although it seemed a terribly large thing to be penetrating her, I vividly remembered that enormous black dildo that she had used during our first encounter. That was half as large again as my fist so I knew that given care my hand would not cause her any undue Discomfort.

Betty was panting now and keeping up a constant stream of encouraging murmurs and her legs were beginning to tremble. I pushed a little harder and experienced the thrill of feeling my hand slide right through the tight ring into her rectum. Her anus was clinched tightly onto my wrist and my whole hand was bathed in the incredible heat of her insides.

‘Oh God, oh God, oh God! Don’t stop, give it all to me!’ she shuddered. Carefully feeling my way inside her I pushed and pushed until, incredibly, almost my whole forearm was embedded in her! ‘Now fuck me, fuck me hard!’ she grunted so I began to pump my fist back and forth, slowly at first until I could see that she was OK, then faster and faster. The feeling for me was almost as good as the first time that I ever shoved my cock into a willing pussy and for Betty it must have been pretty good too because, after a couple of minutes, her anus began to clnch spasmodically around my arm and she cried out ‘I’m cumming, oh God I’m cumming!’

Her whole body was shuddering and the muscles of her belly were gripping my fist as they contracted during her shattering orgasm. Her pussywas wet and with each spasm it squirted a little of her sweet juice. I wished that I was in position to catch each squirt in my mouth, but I couldn’t get near enough.

‘Enough, enough’ she gasped as her spasms slowed down. ‘Don’t move, just keep it there until I come down to Earth.’ I was happy to do so as I wanted her to receive as much pleasure as possible. I gently moved my right hand between her legs and began to finger the outer lips of her pussy, teasing them with feather light touches and gradually moving higher towards her magic button.

‘Oh Martin – that isn’t fair’ she gasped. ‘I don’t think that I could take any more just yet.’ I didn’t stop but increased the stroking and now flicked past her cliporis every now and then. ‘Stop, stop. I can’t take it’ but I continued Relentlessly applying more pressure and allowing my fingers to slip inside her dripping pussy. ‘No more, please, no more!’ she cried but I ignored her pleasure and pushing well into her pussy curled my fingers down slightly when they encountered that little firm, spongy place that is the G spot. I increased the frequency of my probing, rubbing harder and harder on the spot until she cried out in ecstasy, heaving great shuddering breaths and then went limp.

While she was in the faith I eased my hand very carefully out of her anus and stripped off the gloves. Then I released her ankles from the spreader bar, her wrists from the cuffs and carried her gently to one of the soft mats that were scattered about the floor and laid her carefully on it.

Then I sat down beside her and gazed at her beauty and wondered ‘How could I be this lucky?’

After two or three minutes Betty took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She pushed herself up into a sitting position and looked straight into my eyes.

‘Martin,’ she said. ‘I have never failed from ecstasy before and I truly wouldn’t have thought it possible but you have given me the most powerful sexual experience in my life. I rEally don’t know where we go from here. I feel that we have something so strong between us that we may be unable to control it. Do you think that’s possible?’

I didn’t hesitate because these were my feelings precisely. ‘It’s true, my love. We are so suited to each other, both in temperature and physically that I am sure that we have a future together, if we want to accept it.’

Betty put her hands on my face and pulled me towards her until our lips touched. After all the password lovemaking that we had done, her kiss was as tender and innocent as a child’s. For a moment. Then her lips parted and her tongue pushed between my lips and began a slow, sensitive exploration of my mouth. My erection, which had subsided somewhat after her violent orgasm, quickly began to stir, pushing up between us.

She pulled away and laughed. ‘We’d better take care of this for you I think. So far you haven’t ‘had the pleasure’ have you? What is your desire Master?’

‘I think that I shoulderd rest from my exercises and take it easy so I want you to get that ‘rabbit’ that I saw in your bag and bring it here – and bring the lube too.’ ‘Yes Master, your wish is my command.’ She spoilt this subservient appearance by breaking into a fit of giggles and grabbing my cock and squeeze it – hard! Then she walked over to the holdall and the bench and collected the items that I had asked for.

‘Here you are Master. What shall we do with these?’ and she placed them down beside me.

I took up the ‘rabbit’ and lay down on my back. ‘Now Slave, come and stand astride me, facing me so that I can see your face.’ She did so, giving me a perfect view of her still wet cunt lips and the rosy bud of her cliporis.

‘Now I would like you to take some of this lube and anoint my cock with it and, for your own sake, put plenty on.’ She dropped to her knees and squeezed some of the lube into her hand and then began to spread it over the length of my cock. The feeling of those slim fingers, so unlike my own, brought me up even harder. She continued rubbing it into my shake and then began to slide her finger down around my balls, giving them a gentle mass.


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