Story note: The premise of this story is that I go to a BDSM munch, occasionally to have fun with people who share an interest with me, and perhaps also to pick up some new ideas, new contacts, etc. And while I can take either role, as the situation requires, I go to the munch as a Domme. This simply makes sharing relevant information much easier.
Then, I have met a man at the munch, himself also a Dom, and we decided to retire to a more private play area to share ideas, and also, of course, to have a little fun. Perhaps in the future I will write a prequel to this story exposing all of these things in the more normal way, or perhaps I will edit this story to expose these ideas in a more elegant way, but for now I just want to get the story down. Please pardon me for this unconventional beginning.
A short bark of laughter escaped from Mike’s lips. Jamie could not miss the note of frustration in his voice, as well as the fact that the laugh was clearly being emitted through gritted teeth, “This is almost… diabolical.”
He was standing in a very awkward position, with one foot on each of the beds in the hotel room, his legs necessary spread wide apart. If he had been inclined that way, the fact that he was completely naked might have served to embarrass him, especially as Jamie was standing behind him on the floor, able to see every twitch as he tried to keep himself upright.
However, even if he had been inclined to embarrassment, it is likely his concentration would have been more focused on a much bigger problem, that of the seizing pain across his buttocks caused by the lash from the whip in Jamie’s hand. He teetered crazily as the blow threatened to unbalance him and send him extremely to the floor. Jamie smiled, “Yes, I particularly like this one. All too often What we do to submissives allow them to physically relax and passively accept what we give. This way, they are much more, well, involved. Oh, and I also love to usenormal, unthreatening places and things in new ways to inspire them. That way they never truly relax, in any situation.”
Finally able to control himself, Mike looked over his shoulder at her ruefully, “I do like it.” He witnessed deeply, “I’m afraid I may owe you an apology, Jamie, I think it’s becoming quite clear that you are much better at this than I am, I’m not sure I have much to teach you in return. You already seem more than familiar with the techniques I know. Truly, you have made up for your disadvantages admirably.”
“Oh, no, Mike, you did *not* just say that, did you?”
Mike stepped off the bed, and turned around to look at Jamie quizzically. “Hmmm? No, No, Jamie, I don’t mean any of that sexist crap. You really don’t Know what I’m talking about?”
Jamie took a deep breath, looking at him through half-closed eyes. “No, I don’t. Why don’t you explain it to me?”
“Oh, God. Listen, I’ve offended you. I’m really sorry, but it’s really *not* what you think.”
Jamie stopped, not saying anything, considering this man standing naked before her. All evening he had been wonderful, perfect: A gentleman, but not in the ‘let me take care of you little lady’ sort of way. She had felt that he was treating her as an equal.
“All right, you’ve caught my curiosity the tiniest bit. Why don’t you tell me your theory, and I’ll judge for myself how sexist it is.”
“Sure, except, a lot of this is difficult to tell, it’s much easier to show. Both physically and psychologically, you understand it much more if you actually experience it. I’m sure you have plenty of experience with this phenomenon? You never really know what something will feel like, what it will *do* to you, until you’ve actually done it, or had it done to you, as the case may be.”
“Yes, I suppose that’s true.” Jamie paused. A few minutes ago she would have agreed to most any sort of play with this man. Finally she realized that she was judging him on a single piece of data that he was telling her she misinterpreted. Jamie let out the breath she realized she had been holding, and raised her arms in an inviting gesture, purring, “All right, show me.”
Mike smiled in a boyish way, “Wonderful! What should we use for your safe word? We won’t need anything beyond that, I won’t gag you.”
Jamie blinked, somehow not expecting that this demonstration would need a safe word. “My normal safe word is ‘Palace’”.
“That’s fine, but I do have a request. I would like it so that you can *only* use that word in the cases where I exceed your pain tolerance.”
“Excuse me? Why do you want to restrict that?”
“Well, beyond a doubt, what I want to show you is mind-blowing, and it takes on a completely different meaning if you bail out before the end. Jamie, you can handle anything within your stated limits, can’t you?”
“Oh, let me guess: You think you’ve found something that I forget to include in my limits?”
“No, no. Nothing like that. Everything I plan to do is quite orthodox. I don’t intend to push your limit at all, except for possible the pain limit.”
Jamie couldn’t help but be confused. Obviously he thought that whatever he was going to she would want to stop, perhaps even desperately. And yet, he was promising to do that without violating her limits. “A time limit, then? You *do* realize that fatigue is pain?”
“Yes, of course. Fatigue should have nothing to do with this.”
Jamie took a deep breath. “All right, 2 hours then.”
Mike smiled, “That should be plenty.”
The man’s demeanor subtly changed. He seemed to become a professor before her eyes, lecturing to a bright, intelligent audience. “In essence, my theory is quite simple. The male human body has been engineered, whether by God, or by natural selection in a *much* more advantageous way to be dominant.”
He ticked off a point on his finger, “First of all, let’s get some of the fluff out of the way.” Pointing at thewhip still in her hand, “All of the toys, the objects, the arrangements that are used as part of dominance are completely superfluous. A true dominant does not need them. They may be fun, they may heighten the experience at times but they are unnecessary. Even if they weren’t, it would be very hard to prove that they favor one gender or the other.” He turned to look her in the face, “Any rebuttal?”
Jamie shook her head in a bemused way, “No, not at all.”
“Good. Now, in a similar way, any action that one person does to another that does not involve the genitals of either participant, such as,” he reached forward at this point, past Jamie’s face into her long hair, taking a firm grip and then pulling her to him, “Pulling hair, or,” He quickly sat down on the edge of the bed, using his grip in her hair to lay her across his lap, “Spanking,” very quickly his free hand came down on her exposed backside, causing her to gasp and tension in his grap, “are completely gender independentnt.” Mike turned her face, again using the grip in her hair so that she could see his face, “Any rebuttal?”
“No.” She gasped.
“All right.” He immediately let go of her hair and helped her to stand. Looking into his face, he seemed almost disinterested, this truly seemed to be a academic discussion for him. Intellectually, she couldn’t decide if she liked this or not. Her body, however, was giving her the clear signs that she was enjoying this. “Now, as for the things that *do* involve genitalia… let us start with the obvious, anal sex.”
Jamie thought for a moment, and then decided to interrupt, “Well, I think I see your point there, it’s very hard for a woman to use anal sex as a dominant tool, whereas it is very easy for a man.”
Mike smiled, “Yes, exactly, I’m glad you’re getting the idea of my argument so far. However, it is still important to continue with the demonstration, the reason why will become clear later. And, if you don’t mind, I believe I will use a condom for this part, for reasons which I’m sure you will understand and appreciate.”
“Oh, yes. You intend to use that engaged stick of yours on me in many other ways, and you know my aversion to scat.”
“Yes, exactly.”
Once the condom was in place, a tube of lubricant also appeared. Spreading some on the condom, and then a liberal amount around Jamie’s anus as she let herself be guided on the bed on hands and knees. “You do understand that I am only using the lubricant to avoid damage. And, I’m afraid I’m not going to try to prepare you too much. Pain is such an important part of the anal experience. For full effect, of course, no lubricant should be used, and no preparation, but this will be sufficient.”
Jamie took a deep breath, waiting on the bed. She fully Understood that she was about to be in a lot of pain, and she tried to prepare herself for it. All too soon she felt the large head probing at her, and then a sudden thrust “Oh, God… palace… palace….” He immediately stopped his thrust, and held his position, waiting for her to signal that she was ready again.
Jamie did her best to hold her part of the bargain. She understands that he wanted her to experience as much pain as she could handle, even though each time she indicated her reading, he thrust into her roughly, mechanically, almost immediately causing her to use her safe word over and over again. Finally, as she felt his hips pressed firmly into her cheeks with intense relief, he face was covered in tears, and her throat felt a bit raw from screaming. Her anus was still sending strong signals to her brain about the abuse it had suffered, but it was just within what she could handle. “There… that was very good Jamie.” She looked over her shoulder at him, her sweat-and-tear soaked hair covering her face, but she was Surprised to see that disinterested look still on his face. “And as you mentioned, it is almost impossible for the woman to exert any sort of controlin this situation.” He started to thrust in and out of her… “And there are other positions where anal is possible, but they are all really the same for our purposes. I’m assuming there’s no rebuttal.”
“No,” Jamie responded through gritted teeth, the long hard strokes re-inflaming the pain through her, “you’ve definitely made your point… can we move on?”
“Not quite yet. It’s necessary to Continue until your body has fully relaxed to accommodate me, until you are feeling no significant pain.” He patted her back consolingly, “Believe me, it’s necessary.”
Jamie nodded her acquisitions, and then buried her face in the bed. Mike proceeded to fuck her ass thoroughly, slowly increasing the force of his thrusts, until he was almost viciously pounding himself into her. “Oh! And I almost forgot.” A sharp yelp came from Jamie’s mouth as she felt the sudden singing on her ass cheek, and she realized she had been spanked again. She groaned as she felt a hand in her hair again, pulling her back and making her arch painfully. “I don’t think I need to mention how this position allows the man to do other things as well.” Finally, he could see her body relax, now just ending rather than suffering. Immediately he pulled out, and then helped her up into a sitting position on the bed. He held her for a few moments as she recovered from the intense ordeal, but continuing his lecture, albeit in a quieter voice.
“I’m sure you noticed that with the increase in tempo, the possible control that you could have exerted dropped.”
“Yes.” She whispered quietly.
Once her breathing began to slow, and her eyes began to brighten a bit, he asked her quietly, “Can we continue?”
Jamie nodded. “On a side note,” he said, as his hand slide around her bottom, and easily inserted itself into her anus, “isn’t that a fascinating feeling, to have your anus stretched out like that?”
Jamie nodded again ruefully, “I don’t know of any other physical sensing that suggests ‘violation’ so strongly.”
“Exactly! You had better be careful, Jamie, you are agreeing with me an awful lot, maybe my conclusion will make sense to you, too.”
Jamie kept her quiet, those same thoughts had been swirling in her own mind, but she was too embarrassed to say it. Mike ignored her silence, and then leaned forward, his face passing just beside hers, and his chest pressed against hers, easy her back onto the bed. She very quickly found herself in the missionary position, and again felt his cock pressing against her, but this time at her pussy. She looked down in alarm, but saw that the condom had disappeared. She settled back, wondering exactly what his plans were now. The lesson continued. “Now, in normal intercourse, pain can also be involved, but it is of the same nature as anal sex, so I won’t repeat that part of the demonstration. Not that I really could, could I?” His hand reached down between her legs, where he found her extremely hot and wet, very ready for him. Gently he began to ease into her. After the intensity of the previous experience, this was such a relief, and so pleasant that she couldn’t help but be caught up completely in it. Soon enough she found herself wanting to beg him to dive completely into her, to go a bit faster. About halfway in, he stopped, and took her chin in his hand, turning her face to him. “Now, pay attention.
As you are no doubt aware, in this position teasing is much easier from the top.” Jamie took a deep breath, and nodded. “And then, so is control.” Now he did begin to thrust into her, long powerful strokes that rocked her body each time his hips slammed into her. “I…. invite you… to try… to change… the rhythm… if you can.” Jamie knew the funility of changing the rhythm of her hips pressing into him, so she tried the only thing she could think of. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and tried to hold him in her. Mike smiled above her, and reached behind his waist, andgrabbed onto an ankle, and then swung the leg around, pinning it onto the bed near her shoulder. He repeated this on the other side. “Now, with that little nuisance taken care of, I am free to continue as before.” Jamie felt him drive into her again, proving his point. “Any rebuttal?”
“Oh, God, No.”
Jamie felt herself starting to let go, trapped as she was on the bed. However, just as the heat began to really rise, she felt him pull out, and then release her legs. Pulling her up onto her knees, he lay back on the bed himself, pulling her on top of him. “Now, this position, on the other hand, does allow the woman to exert some control.” He quickly maneuvered her onto him, impaling her quickly, almost giving lie to his words. He then lay back, his hands behind his head. After a few moments of no movement, he gently prodded her “Jamie?”
“Oh!” Realizing what he means, she started to rock back and forth against him, long languorous strokes that sent wonderful warm thrillsThrough her.
“However… this difference from what we just did in that the man still retains some control.” Suddenly she felt his arm wrap around her, pinning her to him, and his hips began to thrust into her. These were much harder strokes that she had been enjoying, and she whimpered a bit on his chest. After a minute or two, he slowed his motion, returning to the tempo Jamie had initially selected. “Now, Despite your submission, I actually think that the woman has a bit more control in this position than the man, but when compared to man on top, I think we still have an advantage for men. Any rebuttal?”
Jamie moaned into his chest, “No.”
“There are of course other forms of intercourse. However, they are all either highly co-operative, or clearly more beneficial to the man, such as doggy-style. I trust we don’t need a demonstration of that?”
“Now let us consider oral sex.” With a sudden movement, he rolled the two of them over, and then slide down her body, his mouth now between her legs. “It really is hard to say whether the top or the bottom really has the most opportunities for control.” He spent a few moments teasing and licking her, smiling as she understood on the bed, clearly enjoying his manipulations. “Of course, only one participant is receiving direct pleasure, which can make dominance difficult to keep. However,” He reached for her hand, and placed it behind his head. “As long as one controls one’s self, physical control is still quite possible. And, of course, the psychological implications of only one person getting pleasure are obvious. There is however one difference if we switch positions.” Mike sat up on the bed, and guided Jamie’s face to his midsection. Her mouth opened obediently, and he pressed her gently onto himself. Jamie went to work on him, her tongue and mouth caressing him, thrusting gently onto him. Suddenly, however, the pressure on the back of her head increased dramatically, and she felt the shaft pressing into her, trying to force it’s way into her throat. Unprepared, she quickly began to gag, and tried to push herself off. For a moment, she felt him resistant her, and she began to panic. Finally the pressure eased, and she was able to throw herself off, cought and gagging pinously. “There is no parallel when a man goes down on a woman. Oh, sure, a woman can cut off a man’s breath, but it will take quite a while before This becomes critical. The gag reflex is immediate and intense.”
“The last thing to consider would be genital manipulation, in other words using one’s hand to stimulate the partner, but there is no clear advantage here. Oh, wait, I haven’t given you the chance to rebut for a while. Any rebuttal?”
Jamie sat for a moment, feeling overwhelmed, and then suddenly her eyes flashed. “Well, yes, I *do* have a rebuttal. You said there is no clear advantage during manipulation? What about this?” Jamie reached forward suddenly between Mike’s legs and firmly grasped his testicles, her fingernails digging into the skin, and slowly increasing the pressure until she could see Mike in clear pain. She smiled grimly, “Any rebuttal?”
Mike, in very clear distress, raised his arm above his head, “Actually……. Yes!” He punctuated this sentence by bringing down his arm so that it crashed into Jamie’s forearm, forcing her to let go of him. However, the scream that followed let her know that he had done this at great personal cost. He curled up in a ball on the bed, facing away from her, his hands cradling his abused testicles. Jamie sat in wonderment, watching him, confused why he would have done such a thing. When he finally started to relax, she reached out to touch his back. “I’m sorry… I didn’t intend for that.” She laughed quietly, “But are you sure you have a rebuttal, even now?”
Slowly, she saw him sit up, still facing away from her. He swung his legs over the edge, and went to stand up. Once upright, he took a deep breath, and turned around. Jamie was shocked to see that his eyes were aflame, and he was staring right at her. He started to walk around the bed, picking up speed as he went, his hands clutching at his sides. With nowhere to go, Jamie tried to slide back, but she quickly found herself against the wall. She raised her hands to try to ward him off as he approached. With ease, he brushed her hands aside, and brutally backhanded her, sending her out spraying on the bed. “Yes. You are entirely right. It *is* a disadvantage for men to have such a tender target at such easy access for attack. But my rebuttal is that men were given something that more than makes up for it: superior strength. The average man has *much* more strength than the average woman” Mike manipulated her body on the bed, stretching her out on her stomach, and then taking a pillow and propping her ass up in the air.
Slowly, Jamie began to continue herself, and she said weakly, “This is still part of your stupid lesson? Your idiotic theory?” Very quickly his intentions became clear as he positioned himself behind her, his cock pressing forward towards her ass again.
“NO! Stop that… Palace. PALACE!!”
Mike immediately stopped, with just the head inside of her. Almost cruelly he hissed, “Is this causing you pain? Somehow I don’t think so. I stretched you out so far before that there’s no *way* this is beyond your limit.” Jamie looked back at him in horror, and tried to fight him off, but she was no match for him, especially now. “I’ll take that as you agree with my theory.” He immediately thrust into her again, driving himself deeply into her, but this time with none of the disinterest he had shown earlier. He was clearly enjoying himself, and her disappoint.
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