Superhero Movie Bondage Adventure

Note: This is an innocent male bondage story. Though g-rated, it may be homoerotic to some and hits on various fetish interests like socks, smell torture, gags, cosplay, and of course lots of fun TUGs humiliation.

Neighbor Boys Shoot a Spiderman Bondage Home Movie ( mmmm/m )

It was a warm summer morning. The pavement of the culvesac at Dove Trail Circle was already heating up and it wasn’t even noon.

Five eighteen-year old boys who lived on that block eagerly gathered together to shoot a home movie.

The young men were Aiden, Jake, Ethan, Matthew, and Nicholas. They grew up together and now recent high school graduates. This was their last summer before they parted separate ways for college. They were feeling a little nostalgic about their get together, wanting to make Another epic neighborhood home movie, knowing it may be their last.

They met up in Jake’s garage and discussed the game plan. Aiden, who owned a video camera, liked to shoot the videos andhe would edit and post them online. Jake, his best friend, was already wearing his costume for the movie. He was suited up in a nylon lycra Spider-Man costume. The body suit clung revealingly around his toned, slender frame. He had bought it for Halloween two years back. He clutched the costume’s mask in his hand and had a grin of eagerness on his boyish face as he greeted their friends.

This was going to be a superhero adventure with daring stunts, fight scenes, and ultimately feature the hero taken hostage; tied up and tortured. Aiden and Jake had a lot of experience tying each other up but this would be the first time the other boys on their street would get involved in their innocent TUGs fetish. Their previous amateur movies they shot on the block didn’t involve bondage.

Jake would be the superhero. He was already suited up and ready as Spider-Man.

Nicholas would be the evil villain, the Green Goblin, thanks to an extra costume provided by Aiden. He went as thatcharacter a few years back when Jake was Spiderman.

Brothers Matthew and Ethan would be Goblin’s henchmen. There weren’t costumes on hand for them. It was decided their outfits would be their paintball camo gear.

Aiden would direct. He didn’t need a costume.

Nicholas stripped out of his street clothes, briefly showing off his small but toned frame and his baby blue boxer briefs. He and Jake exchanged looks. Nicholas suited up in the Green Goblin uniform. It was a black lycra bodysuit similar in form to the Spider-Man costume but had thick rubber chest and arm pads that bulked up his compact frame.

Ethan, Matthew, and Nicholas rushed off to their houses and returned with a pile of paintball paraphernalia. They suited up in camo combat uniform, wilded their paintball guns, and donned their protective masks.

The four young actors, suited up in their spandex and heavy gear that covered them neck to toe, ignored the balmy summer weather. They were making art,After all.

He broke down the basics of the script and they set off in to the neighborhood to shoot their epic story.

They started off in Aiden’s house, using his dad’s office as the first scene which they pretended was the HQ of the newspaper from the comic book series, The Daily Bugle. The evil trio, Green Goblin and his dastardly sidekicks, would be robbing the place, looking for something.

Aiden set up the camera on a tripod and started to direct them.

Jake donned his mask, now covered head to toe in his tight body suit and swooped in to bust up the dastardly mob. Spider-Man was there to save the day. He pretended to shoot webbing from his wrists. They used clothesline that was wrapped around Matthew and Ethan, binding them back to back. Nicholas, left unscathed, as the Goblin quickly freed his henchman before boy Jake as Spider Man could shoot more webbing.

A struggle ensures and the four boys toil and fight on the ground. Spiderman Jake escapes theirclutches and tries to shoot webbing but for some reason it fails. He takes off and is chased by the trio.

Aiden got good cutaways of them wrestling each other first in the office before they continued outside. Once outdoors, the evil band of commandos shot their paintball guns at Spider-Man, trying to leap over a fence. He’s hit and knocked unconscious.

Now the fun portion of the plot began as the villains took the captured super hero to their lair.

Helping Aiden carry the film equipment, the teenagers went to Jake’s backyard, opened a large metal door coming from the ground and walked down a set of wooden stairs in to cellar. It now operated as a make shift weight room for Jake’s older brother. Back in its day, it was a bomb shelter and was a musty, cinder block lined square room. There was a faith smell of body odor which the muggy, warm summer air heightened.

Aiden knew the cellar well so he and Jake showed the other boys around. They pointed out the eye bolts drilled in to thick steel beams running along the ceiling, ropes laying in a plastic bin, and the various exercise equipment that could be used. The goal of the scene was for Spider-Man, aka aspiring teen actor Jake, to be restrained. Ethan and Matthew cracked jokes about how these trappings were so conveniently positioned for some kinky stuff and maybe a little gay. Nicholas, normally a shy, reserved, boy, was interestingly the most animated, however, contributing story ideas for Spider-Man’s prediction.

With some input from Nicholas, Aiden said Jake should be tied spread eagle against the wall. A prideful Jake said he was up for the challenge. After some direction on what to do, Aiden started rolling the camera locked on the tripod, Jake replaced his mask, and the scene began.

Jake, fitted in that skin tight spandex Spidey garb, then went limp playing unconscious as Ethan and Matthew dragged him over to the wall, followed by Nicholas the Green Goblin. Nicholas, under Aiden’s expert direction, was the one who started to tie him up.

Rope was looped through the eyesbolts protruding from the steel beams overhead then ran down to Jake’s wrists where they were tied. Nicholas finished up the knots and Jake was now bound, standing up, arms spread wide apart, leaning against the wall. Next, Ethan and Matthew helped with tying rope around his ankles. The ropes were then tied to 80lb barbell Weights off to the sides on the ground and spread out until it stretched Jake’s legs as far apart as they could comfortably go. This partially forced his feet to raise slightly off the ground, making his toes do much of the work to support him.

This put the “unconscious” superhero in to a perfectly stretched out “X” position.

Aiden remarked, as did Jake quietly to himself, how effective their ropework was. Jake’s slender frame was tightly restrained.

Nicholas even improved for the story and ordered the other two to cover Spider-Man Jake’s gloved hands and wrists with socks. It was to disable his webbing powers. Matthew volunteered to help, taking off his boots and removing his own smelly socks, using them for the task.

The three boys lorded over their helpless hero, Jake, who was smoking through his skin-tight garment. Deep dark patches of sweat at his arms were prominently soaking through the lycra bodysuit.

It was muggy and Warming up in the damp cellar. Aiden suggested Ethan and Matthew could take off their heavy paintball gear. They stripped out of the camo flap jackets and even took off their t-shirts. The teens were now shirtless, their slim hairless bodies glistening with a layer of perspiration. Nicholas toughed it out in his polyester skin-tight costume.

Aiden, not decked out in camo wear or nonbreathable costume, was Still in a long sleep shirt that was getting equally hot under those conditions. He undressed from it and underneath had a wife-beaters tank top he kept on.

They continued withThe movie and Aiden suggested they do the big reveal, exposing Spider-Man’s identity.

They removed the hero’s mask, revealing Jake’s sweaty red-face still pretending to be unconscious. His mess of jet black hair was damp. It was hot under that mask.

“Well well… looks like Spider-Man is really Spider Boy! Peter Parker, the nosey photographer!”

Aiden, the diligent director, instructed his actors to “Wake him up now, and gag him” as he rolled the video camera.

“Let’s wake our little Peter up,” Nicholas ordered with authority playing up his evil Green Goblin character. Matthew and Ethan went to it. Matthew grabbed Jake’s lock of black hair and pulled his head back while Ethan slapped his face around. “Wakey wakey Spidey boy!”

Jake, in character, slowly came to, disoriented, then tried to speak. His captors were ready to shut him up.

“Gag him!” evil Green Goblin Nicholas ordered throwing them the first thing he laid his eyes on from the concrete floor.It was a pair of black neoprene weight lifting gloves.

Ethan shoved the used gloves in to Jake’s mouth while Matthew held his head still.

After some debate on what to use to secure the gag, Aiden recommended they look in the pile inside the bin where they found the rope. Nicholas found a long, wide blue soccer sock.

They tied the thick blue soccer sock around Jake’s mouth and double knotted it behind his head.

Jake, dressed up in Spider-Man tights, was quite a sight, tied spread eagle and gagged with a bright blue soccer sock. He was a humiliated superhero unable to move or speak.

“Dude! He looks great like this, ha hah,” Aiden laughed shooting his video. “We need some closeups!”

Aiden went about getting better shots of his best friend. He wanted another gagging closeup. They took off the sock and had him spit out the gloves. As he positioned the camera closer, he asked his buddy jokingly, “How do those gloves taste, by the way, bro?”

“They could be worse,” Jake smiled with relief. “Not too bad.”

With that, Matthew said, “Oh that won’t do. ‘Spider-Boy’ needs to be hurtin’” as he rubbed the stretchy gloves underneath his arms. His brother Ethan followed suit and rubbed the gloves under his arms too.

“Nice! Camera rolling, gag him quick ha ha!” Aiden laughed.

“Wait Wai…Mphhh!” Jake Protested as the soft cushiony gloves, now coated with his friends’ stinky armit odor, were shoved back in his mouth while the camera caught it all up close.

They retied the soccer sock around his face. “Poor Jake just got owned,” Matthew said under his breath.

This time, too, Jake was giving even better humiliating facial reactions no doubt because of the smelly wad of neoprene gloves in his mouth.

They shot more cutaways of young Jake tied up and struggling as the captured Spider-Man, getting close-ups of his bound wrists and bound ankles. Jake, getting sweatier, gave a good show too for the camera.

Jake was enjoying all the fuss and detail they spent in getting shots of him tied up. It felt good being helpless like that too, enjoying the tightness of the ropes around his extremes that prevented him from escape.

Aiden moved the camera and tripod back for a wide shot and told the fallas to “go at it” and torture Spider-Man. Put him through the ringer.

Nicholas was ready with ideas. He ordered his villainous subordinates to start tickling Jake and to break him by all means possible.

Ethan and Matthew began their assault on Jake by attacking his rib cage, his armpits, his torso, etc. with whirlwind of tickers using the tips of their fingers. Jake immediately broke out in to laughter, mostly muffled though by his gag.

Nicholas stood face to face with Jake and instigated his own torque on their bound victim. He playfully gut punched him and chest punched him. But, slyly, worked in a few nipple pinches, squeezing his fingertips through Jake’s sheer, lycra costume in the middle of this pecs. This caused Jake to when with disappoint followed by a quick, interesting set of glances between him and Nicholas.

After a minute or two, the teenage boys shooting their silly little movie realized they didn’t have a motivation for this scene. Nicholas suggested the notion that Spider-Man, aka Peter Parker, was their leverage to rob the city blind. They would demand money for his safe release.

Going with the idea, Aiden continued shooting as Nicholas aka Green Goblin, went “live” with his phone pretending to call the local news station. Using selfie mode, he looked in to his phone, while Jake was seen tied up in the background being tortured by the others, demanding the mayor of their fair city gives them $1 billion or else their hero Spider Man, exposed as the boy Peter Parker, was toast.

Nicholas got more in to his role, continuing to speak in to his phone as if he was addressing the whole city as they watched live.

“Look! Dear citizens! Your webbed warrior is useless, trapped helplessly in our lair!” he snickered as he directed his phone over to the socks covering Jake’s hands and wrists. “Young Peter’s Spidey powers are disabled!”

Jake put up a fight, struggling more in the bondage as Ethan and Mathew held him still. Nicholas moved closer to him, grabbing him by the neck and saying in to his camera. “I wonder If your hero has anything to say.”

As Aiden repositioned the camera for a closer shot, Nicholas yanked down Jake’s gag and pulled out the soaked gloves, ordering him to beg for mercy to his fellow citizens and beg the mayor to pay his ransom.

Jake played like he was humiliated, acting as if he was broken, but then defiantly, yelling back “Never!”

They gagged him again with the wet, smelly gloves. Jake didn’t make it easy this time, bucking and thrashing, trying to spit them out like never before.

Thanks to a handoff by Aiden, being given clear plastic shipping tape,Green Goblin Nicholas was prepared to handle the situation. He throw Ethan his phone and told him to keep shooting for the viewsers back home watching. Then he madly wrapped layers of that shipping tape around Jake’s sweaty face. The see-through material showed the balled up black gloves sinking deeper in to his mouth past his lips with each cruel wrapping.

Nicholas reclaimed his phone and said, “We need your brave favorite son Spidey-Man to stay as quiet as possible. It’s gonna be a loonnnnggg night of bondage for him!”

“Mmmphhhh!” Jake groveled, generally unable to spit out his gag or make a distinctive sound.

“Mayor and dear cities of our city, you have 24 hours to pay us the money. Instructions are advertised in the latest edition of the Daily Bugle!”

Nicholas turned off the camera on his phone and stepped out of character. Aiden was so impressed with his performance.

The three shirtless boys laughed along with Aiden in that sweat box of a room as Jake remained pinned spread eagle to the wall smoking like a dog through his superhero costume. He was so sweaty that the sheer, thin fabric was becoming semi-transparent, showing the outline of his tighty-whitey underwear briefs underneath.

Jake mumbled something, wanting to be heard but instead got disssed. Matthew mockingly patted him on the cheek and told him to shut up. The other boys laughed. Jake just told and accepted it.

Very shortly, Ethan received a text message. Mom was telling him and Matthew to head home as they had chores to do.

Aiden told them to hold off before they left, wanting to get some more action closeups of them torturing Jake. “With pleasure!” Ethan said.

Aiden went handheld with the camera and told them to do their thing. They returned to tickling Jake everywhere on his exposed bodysuit clad frame. Nicholas playedfully punched him in the stomach and chest. Ethan and Matthew also did some intense finger producing deep in to Jake’s armpits. The fabric coloration of his lycra costume around his pits was darkened by all the sweat pouring out. His nasty, sticky armpit sweat got all over their fingertips too. But they still got in to their role, giving Aiden amazing closeups and cutaways as he moved around with the camera.

After about two minutes of that, a tormented Jake was spared further abuse as the camera stopped and they subsided from the scene.

Matthew and Ethan put their t-shirts and camo flap jackets back on. They fist bumped Aiden and Nicholas and quickly made their exit up the stairs back to the fresh air on the surface.

The musty, cinder block lined underground weight room was now occupied by Aiden, Jake, and Nicholas looking for what next to do for their superhero kidnap story. They took stock of how hot it was though and how it reeked worse than the boy’s locker room. Teenage boy body odor dominated.

Aiden decided to remove his tank-top and go shirtless like Nicholas. He wiped an excess of sweat from his hairless chest and told Nicholas to do the same, throwing him his tank-top. Nicholas wiped away much of his shiny sweat from his body, including his armpits. They decided to do the same for Jake’s flushed, dripping face, using the tank-top to remove the sweat from his face and hair.

All the perspiration loosened Jake’s tape gag and it started to fall away as his face was wiped with the shirt. Aiden and Nicholas decided to give him a break so they pulled it down and let him spit out the gloves.

“You okay, man?” Aiden smiled at his best friend.

“I’m gonna have rope burn for a week but I’m good. We’ll have a good movie though, hah hah!” Jake laughed, between gasps for air. “Nice, man. You’re great with the improv,” he said to Nicholas.

“Thanks,” Nicholas replied with a smile. “This is hella fun.”

Nicholas and Aiden massed Jake’s wrists for a few minutes, noting that even the tube socks over his hands were moist with sweat.

Theygave Jake a few sips of water.

Aiden then held up the roll of clear shipping tape, looking at Jake as if to get his permission. Jake nodded with approval. He took a deep breath, accepted the neoprene gloves back in his mouth and allowed himself to be gag wrapped with the tape once more.

The three of them continued with the shoot.

Aiden stood up high, holding his camera in hand and had Nicholas re-enact all the dialog he said in to his phone now for the video camera for POV cutaways. Nicholas repeated all of his best lines about the “dear citizens” needing to save their “helpless hero” as Jake was shown in the background bound and gagged against the wall.

Aiden said he wanted to get extra coverage of Jake comforting and groaning as he was being assaulted. He wanted more close ups of the face. He told Nicholas to do More tickling and punching. Nicholas didn’t mind one bit. Aiden even joined him in on it, after putting the camera fixed on the tripod. Jake let outSome good grunts and gasps.

Aiden said it was missing a certain something. He wanted to be more creative. He wondered aloud about it, ultimately recalling how he caught Nicholas pinching Jake’s nipples as he did earlier. It caught Nicholas by surprise that one, he noticed, and two, that he wanted that. Jake gulped and gave them both a submissive star with his eyes.

Aiden went handheld with the camera and directed Nicholas to attack Jake’s nipples through his costume. Reluctant at first, Nicholas finally jumped in, squeezing his fingers lightly, then more forcibly over the tips of Jake’s nipples. “MMmmmmpphhhh!” Jake moaned, tensing up after reflexively jolting his body held back by the restraints.

Suddenly, Jake’s crotch area started to grow, popping up a boss through the shiny, thin nylon spandex fabric. It was impossible to hide his erection.

Nicholas noticed the bulge and shot an awkward smile to Aiden, as if looking scary. Aiden smiled back and assured himit was no big deal. They got them all the time when they tied each other up he said. It was fun. Still, though, both Nicholas and Jake with looks of embarrassment.

Jake let out a difficult to ascertain comment, softly so, trying to communicate something to his best friend and to his neighbor. He was embarrassed, for sure. Aiden cupped his hand over Jake’s mouth and said “Shhhhh! Just relax, ha hah. You know he’s cool.”


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