Randy and I had been playing a lot online but wanted to realize our relationship in real-time. And so it was we agreed to meet face-to-face.
Yet every time we would set up an appointment, Randy would cancel last minute. Randy finally admitted, I’m apologizing to you a lot these days.
Though we are both switches, I have always considered myself slightly more dominant and Randy More submissive. In our dare or dangerous games online, I won far more of the games than he ever did. But occasionally I would have to endure some payback, which I must confess, turned me on. In fact the role reversal from dom to sub has always been a huge turn on for me.
But back to Randy’s many unexcused absences, by way of trying to make up for it and offering more than a weak-ass apology, Randy offered to be paid by me. As I said he had more of a sub streak than I ever did.
So we agreed Randy would be stripped naked and receive a good bare bottom spanking from me for all his indiscretions. After Randy’s initial punishment, we discussed making some bet involving forfeits on a sporting event that would determine who would be submissive and who would be dominant. We were after all, both switches. As always we both like to leave it up to fate as to who would control the other. We both enjoy humiliation as a fetish and the thought of either winning and having the chance to give the other forfeits or, Conversely, endure them, was a turn-on.
One scenario we came up with was picking a game and each choosing a team. Whoever’s team scored would be dominant over the other and remain dominant until the other team scored. With each goal scored, or points earned a forfeit would have to be performed by the person whose team had lost the point. The forfeit would be determined by the person whose team had scored. This seemed an ideal way for two switches to leave their outcomes as dom/sub to chance.
But before this could be realized the 2015 Superbowl XLIX was upon us.
Though we could not watch it together we decided to each pick a team.
It was agreed the person with the losing team would become automatic sub to the winner for a set period of time AFTER Randy paid the price for his unexcused absences, when we finally did meet. Whoever was sub would be subject to the whims of the person with the winning team and few humiliations were off the table. We were each aware of the others, fetishes and weaknesses having played on line for so long with each other.
He chose the NE Patriots, me the Seattle Seahawks.
As you may recall …
The Seahawks built a 10-point lead to end the third quarter. The Patriots, however, ranlilied to take a 28-24 lead with 2:02 left in the game. Seattle threatened to score in the final moments, driving the ball to New England’s 1-yard line. With 26 seconds remaining in the game, Seattle decided to pass the ball in a highly scrutinized call that resulted in Patriots rookie Malcolm Butler making a game-saving interference of Russell Wilson’s throw.
I could not believe it!
I thought the Seahawk’s would win but NO!! … NOW I was the loser who would be submissive to Randy. I was crushed and more than a little anxious. I had already been planning to extend Randy’s servitude and humiliation but now it seems the tables would be turned on me.
Randy contacted me the day after the game and said he would still honor his commitment to being punished by me but I would now, eventually, lose that dominance over him after that time and become his sub. He wondered how I would like to propose this transition from my punishing him to becoming his sub? I was surprised he gave me any options.
But … I knew Randy had a strong sub streak in him and I was already wondered if he really could switch from being sub to dominating me the same day. And I truly enjoyed dominating and humiliating Randy 🙂
So I proposed a game …
We would take an ordinary deck of cards, well shuffled …
After the time limit was up for me to dominate Randy and punish him for his many absences we agreed we would each pick a card off the top of the deck.
If Randy got the low card he would stay submissive, endure as many spanks to his already sore red ass as the value of the card. And he would endure a further forfeit for each loss. Randy would be required to carry out the forfeit and stay submissive for the same number of minutes as the value of the card before another card could be picked by each of us.
However, if Randy got the high card, Randy got the right to strip me of one article of my clothes. And in fairness I suggested if Randy got the high card, he could also undo one act of submission, aka forfeit, such as removing a butt plug, a gag, a tie etc. that I as his top had inflicted upon him. In this way, Randy would have to the chance to earn his way to topping me, we would not simply switch.
Further …
I agreed once I lost an article ofclothes to Randy, I could not win it back. Once lost the clothes was Randy’s (until the end of the playtime obviously – then I wanted my clothes back).
As said, the time to the next draw of a card was to be determined by the loser drawing from the card deck, .i.e. if you draw an ace, 11 minutes of servitude until we draw again, a nine of clubs, nine minutes etc.
IF I lost all my clothes and was stark naked, Randy and I agreed our roles would instantaneously reverse. I would be the sub. But this simple game of high/low cards would facilitate a transition of role reversal for each of us from dom to sub and sub to dom. Just thinking about the role reversal and now being at Randy’s mercy, (I must secretly confess) turned me on but I wasn’t going to let Randy know that. Randy would have to earn my submission Through literally, the luck of the draw. And he might very well end up staying sub which would suit me fine too.
Sadly, we never were able to coordinate his beingable to make the three hour drive to come up and play real time and the couple of times I made it to NYC he was always too busy to play. But I still fantasize …
What if I had lost all my clothes and suddenly found myself naked in front of Randy. I can imagine him gloating and teasing me over my prediction. Humiliation is a fetish we each enjoy and we know how to push each other’s buttons.
I imagined him making me stand, or worse knee, with my now ohhh so vulnerable ass in the air, my forehead to the floor. I would watch as he went to the bathroom, his ass so red from all the spankings I had given him, never thinking, it would now be I, whose ass was totally exposed, naked sticking up high in the air, oh so waiting for him to abuse me.
He would take his time, cleaning up, showering.
While I would be left there kneeing exposed, naked.
Then he would come back, now full clothed. Now it is me fully naked, exposed vulnerable to his every whim and twisted kink.
He would tease me for what I was about to endure.
I don’t feel very powerful or dominant anymore, being naked in front of him and its about to get much worse.
Randy, being much more sub by nature than me always kept his pubes shabked while I had full growth, hairy cock and pubes. In fact, just a couple of hours or so before, I had Randy on his knees serving me, licking and sucking these sensitive parts of mine, watching my public hair ticket his nose and laughing at him for it. Telling him to smell what a real man smelled like.
But Randy new I like to be taken down a peg and to be humiliated and the way I most dreaded (but secretly craved) being humiliated was by being forcibly feminized. And so he told me in no uncertain terms, I would be losing not only my public hair today, but ALL my hair except for the hair on my head. Then I would be as hairless as a girl and that I would not be teasing anyone anytime soon male or female, about sucking my hairy masculine cock and balls. By the time he was done shaving and encasing them in pink frilly panties no one would think I was very masculine. I would not be looking very masculine for quite some time. That soon, I would be quite hairless, like … and Randy enjoyed teasing me with this label … a sissy. This is something Randy had threatened and wanted to do to me for a long time.
But he did something even More humiliating to me, he left a little shaken landing strip just like a woman would have. He also told me I would be enjoying the services of awaxing salon very soon, once my hair was just long enough to lose it again, and that now, as I was quite hairless I should not think I would be dominating him or anyone else very soon.
After my depilation at the hands of Randy, he laughed at me and said, well now I look much more like a girl so I should be dressed like one.
Before I knew it, Randy had me wearing frilly lacey panties and a bra.
Now it was my ass, not his, that was now plugged and filled.
He laughed as he put some make up on me.
Then to remind me of what had happened he wrote in big letters on me in permanent Sharpie marker, “L-O-S-E-R” and other humiliating things on my body.
Before the end of the night my nails were painted a sissy pink color, of course, my holes were filled and used and my ass was made far redder than I had been able to make Randy’s
The final humiliation was me on my knees in front of him, as he lifted his foot and ordered me to kiss it. Then he motioned with his finger to come forward and take his hard cock on my mouth. I had never done this before. He leaned back and grabbed my head meaning I had lost all control.
He fucked my mouth with his cock, totally in control of me.
I felt him stiffen as he came in my mouth, cum drooling down my lips and face.
He laughed reminding me how, I had started the afternoon clothed, so dominant but was now his little sissy sub naked, with no masculine hair, no masculine clothing, nails done, ass filled, writing all over me, pink nails, HERE!! to serve him and to be used by him.
I know the months ahead would be challenging as there was no going back to my dominance over Randy.
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