
I was in the kitchen finishing up putting together some snacks before the Superbowl game was to begin. We had planned to have one other couple over to watch the game and I had made some trays with chips and dips, fresh fruit and vegetables, meats and of course we had beer. I had just put the last tray on the table and was wiping the counter when my husband came up behind me and leaned against me pressing me against the cupboard. He lifted my hair, I thought to kiss my neck, but instead I felt the familiar touch of my velvet ribbon collar as he placed it tenderly around my throat. I knew that this was not going to be a “normal” Superbowl now. A shiver of excitement raced rough my body causing my nipples to go instantly hard and a damp warmth between my legs.

I drew in a deep breath as he leaned in to whisper in my ear, “Go put on the things that I have laid out on the bed, nothing more, nothing less. I wish to show you off today! You WILL serve our guests and me well today andmake me proud or you will pay a very high price. Do you understand me?”

As he had spoken his hands had moved to my breasts, at first caressing gently but then pinching my nipples hard enough to make me want to cry out with the pleasant pain of it. It took everything in me not to moan, but I was not about to start things out by disappointing him and I knew that I did not have permission to make a noise so I bit my lip to hold in the moan as he pinched and pulled my nipples painfully hard as a reminder of the punishment I might suffer if I failed or embarrassed him in anyway. Then, with a hard slap on my ass, he was gone as silently and quickly as he had appeared.

I hurried to the bedroom to see what it was that he had laid out for me. There I found my highest heels, thigh high stockings, a garter belt and a corset that pushed up my breasts nicely but did not have anything covering them and that was all, no dress, no skirt or blouse, nothing. I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me already as I realized that I really was to be on display today, totally exposed. A strange mixture of shame and pride filled me. Pride that my Master wished to display me in such a way and yet shade and embarrassment that our friends would see me this exposed for the first time. It was not like they didn’t know about us, in fact the four of us had spent many hours talking about our lifestyles and sharing ideas. However, we had never “Played” together; we had never “Played” with anyone. This was to be the first time that Master would be showing me off.

As I stripped out of my clothes and into the items laid out for me, Master watched my every move. My hands Shook with the combined nervousness and excitement. I thought back over all the things that we had done in the past and the training that Master had have putting me through. I wanted more than anything to make him proud, whatever I did today would be a direct reflection on him. The other couple had been together fora long time and had a lot more experience than Master and I did. The idea that he thought I was ready for him to show me off made me both proud and nervous. I had finished “dressing” and looked to Master for his approval. He stepped close, pulled me to him, placed his hand on the back of my head and kissed me deeply yet tenderly.

“Wonderful my pet, I know that you will make me proud today! After all, You are such a lovely, slutty little pet.”

Just then, the door bell rang and I thought that my heart would beat out of my chest I was so scared even though I knew that Master would let no harm come to me either physically or emotionally, there was a certain amount of humiliation in being dressed like this in front of others. Without a word, I knew that I was expected to answer the door. My palms were sweaty and my hands shaky as I opened the front door and curtsied to welcome our guests.

There stood Jane, also known as Kitten, in stockings, a trench coat and heels even higher than mine. Standing next to her was her husband Tom, from this point on in the story known as Sir. As Kitten stepped forward, Sir held the collar of her coat and she stepped through the door dressed almost exactly as I was dressed. This had an amazing effect on me. It calmed my nerves in a way that I cannot describe and at the same time, sent a wave of sexual excitement through me. It was instantly clear that Master and Sir had games in mind that had nothing to do with football and I could not wait to find out what they had planned. I knew that they had talked several times in the week or so leading up to the game and I now knew that they had been plotting and planning something very special for today. Kitten moved past me and gave me a shy smile but did not say a word. Sir followed, also not speaking to me, simply handing me Kitten’s coat, which I hung up in the closet after closing the door. I then took my place at Master’s side in the living room. The two men stood there talking about the game and laughing, acting as if Kitten and I did not even exist before finally setting in on the couch to watch the pre-game show.

As he headed to the living room, Master looked at me and simply said, “Beer.”

I went straight to the refrigerator and grabbed 4 bottles of beer. I handed one to each Master and Sir first and then to Kitten before taking one for myself. I then took my seat. Kitten and I sat at the feet of our respective Master’s. At some point, Master had placed low stools there for each of us and as we sat down we both took similar poses, legs spread wide with our hands on our knees leaving us totally exposed to everyone in the room. Master reached down casually and petted my head in much the way he would pet the head of a dog sitting as his feet. I looked up at him and he smiled. My heart leaves in my chest knowing that he was proud of me so far.

This is much the way the afternoon went. Each time Master or Sir emptied their beer, Kitten or I quickly replaced it with a full one. When they wanted food, we ran to fill their plates. For the most part, it was at if we did not exist except for the occasional pet to the head or some other part of our bodies. That is until half-time. Then the half-time show changed the tone for the rest of the day.

I was beginning to feel a bit neglected when Master told Sir to watch something and then told me to stand legs spread and hands behind my head. He reached up and began lightly touching my nipples and then pinching and pulling. He twisted them. He flicked them. All the while knowing how sensitive they are and how easily he can bring me to orgasm without touching any other part of my body. My clip was on fire and my pussy even juicier than normal. My juices were literally dripping from me. Closer and closer he brought me to an orgasm. I fought it hard, knowing that to have an orgasm without permission would result in serious punishment. I tried hard not to moan out loud but at onetime, could not hold it back. This brought on an extremely hard pinch and twist to my nipples. Finally, when I thought I could not hold off the orgasm any longer, Master looked up at me and as he leaned in close to my pussy, said “Now!” My cum shot straight into his open and waiting mouth. His arm came up behind me to steady me and my legs shoot and almost gave way. He again smiled and nodded to the stool.

“Very nice!” said Sir. “Kitten has a trick too. Kitten, another beer!”

Kitten went to the kitchen and quickly returned. At first I did not see the beer that she was supposed to get for Sir. As she turned, I realized that she had the necks of 2 bottles stuffed in her pussy. She walked first to Sir and he removed one. She then walked to Master and he removed the other. Suddenly, Sir raised his voice with obvious disapproval. The sound of his voice started me and I unconsciously moved closer to Master. His command was “Attention”. Kitten moved quickly to the center of theroom and stand with legs spread wide and her fingers interlocked behind her head. Sir drew near her and in a very menuing tone began to admonish her.

“First, slut you only brought out 2 beers and I see 4 of us sitting here in this room. I know that you can fit more than 2 bottles in that cunt of yours. Secondly, look at this bottle,” he raise his bottle and put it right in her face, tears were welling in her eyes and you could easily see the shade at having disappointed Sir. “How do you expect us to drink bottles that still have the caps on? And now as I open my bottle, I will be wiping your juices off totally defeating the purpose of having you bring them out this way doesn’t it? I guess we will have to each taste your pussy some other way then. But first, bend over.”

She did as she was told and Sir quickly rained down a series of very hard smacks to her ass with his hand. They were so hard and fast that the color of her tender skin changed a shade with each blow. I triedto count in my head but lost track, I think it must have been about twenty. Tears of shame and pain covered Kitten’s face. I swear, I could almost feel each of the strikes on my own flesh and tears of fear and sympathy trailed down my face. Even under the circumstances however, the tell tale glisten of excitement was evident on Kitten’s pussy. I almost think that had Sir continued even a few more blows, Kitten would have come right there and then.

Stepping back to examine his work and sitting back down on the couch, Sir said, “Now for us each tasting that lovely twat! Since you have insulted him, I think that you better take that slutty cunt over to our host first and give him a good taste.”

Without any further instructions, Kitten moved towards my Master, stepped up on the couch and straddled him with her pussy hovering right over his face. It surprised me, turned me on, but also brought out some feelings of jealousy as he eagerly dove right in to eating her pussy. This was the first time I had seen him eat anyone but me. I knew so well the feeling of that mouth as it teases and sucks pussy. I could feel the heat building in my own pussy. It was easy to see that Kitten was enjoying it as well. Master knows me so well that he can easily bring me right to the edge of an orgasm without allowing me to come. I was watching closely and could tell that he was able to do the same with Kitten, stopping just short of her coming. I was so proud of my Master’s skill with his tongue.

Kitten’s legs were weak as she moved over and placed her pussy over Sir’s face next. Again, her pussy was licked and sucked. It was bitten and tongue fucked. Her juices were pouring from her into Sir’s mouth. He skillfully switched from tender little licks to hard almost painful bites and was able to keep her on that bond for ages. It must have gone on for at least 10 minutes before he finally pulled away from her as if he had become bored.

He looked at Master with an almost evilyet mischievous grin. Master looked at me and told me to lie down on the floor so that Kitten could give me my taste of pussy. Tears filled my eyes and I hesitated, shaking my head no and begging Master silently not to make me do this. He knew that this was very likely the hardest thing that he would ever ask me to do. You see, eating pussy brought back painful childhood memories and was something that I truly didn’t think I was capable of doing. Master looked me straight in the eye with a mixture of pride, encouragement and warning. I knew that if I wanted to I could use our safe words at anytime and put a stop to this, but I also knew how disappointed Master would be and that was not something I wanted to cause. Nor did I want to suffer the results of that disappointment.

Maintaining constant eye contact with Master, I moved to the floor. Kitten moved over me and I reached up with my hands to gently spread the lips of her dripping pussy as she slowly brought it closer and closer to my mouth. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth, sticking my tongue out and taking a tenative lick of the juices as I barely touched her. I could feel the shiver run through her and it somehow excited me. I had tasted my own juices often and the taste of hers was very much the same but with an indescribable difference. It certainly was not uncomfortable. I reached up for another small taste, this time lingering a little longer and allowing my tongue to trail over her clip. Each time my tongue met her skin and I tasted her, I became bolder, more empowered. I was soon enjoying the feeling of her, the taste of her and the power that I had over her. I was quickly diving into her with my tongue, sucking hard on her clip and trying for all I was worth to make her come on my face. I was so totally absorbed in eating her that I was unaware of anything around me. The world no longer existed. The only thing that existed was this lovely pussy in my face and the task of making her come.

I bent my knees at some point to provide my thighs for her to lean back on. I was so lost in what I was doing that it totally took me by surprise when I felt a hand at my own pussy and heard Master’s voice saying something about his slut liking to eat pussy after all. I let out a cry of surprise, which blew my breath across Kitten’s clip almost sending her over the edge. She tried to pull away slightly to give herself slightly to an opportunity to settle down some so that she would not come. I held onto her and would not let her move away. Just then I felt something at my asshole and worked Kitten’s clip even more intensely as I felt my butt plug being pushed slowly into my ass. Without a word, I know that this was my punishment for hesitating when told to eat Kitten’s pussy. I dislike the butt plug being left in for long periods of time and was pretty sure that this was exactly what was going to happen. Just as the butt plug was pushed all the way into me, I gave Kitten a final assault to her clip. Master quickly flicked my clip hard and fast at the same time. I heard Master’s voice though the fog of arousal that had filled my brain telling me to stop now, that neither of us had permission to come. I didn’t want to stop, I wanted to make her come in my face but I did as I was told and Kitten collapsed against my thighs. Master returned to his place on the couch and Kitten and I were given a minute to compose ourselves.

“Seems that our little sluts enjoyed that,” chuckled Sir.

“It would appear so. I wonder if there is anything else around here that they might enjoy eating?” replied Master giving the bulge in the crotch of his pants a gentle rub.

That was all it took for Kitten and I to be on our knees in front of our respective Master’s begging them to allow us the privilege of sucking their cocks, which of course, they granted. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Kitten taking out Sir’s cock as I took out Master’s. We turned our heads slightly in order to watch each other a bit and began to do our very best to please our masters. It seemed in some way that we were trying to out do each other. We both teased a little before taking the cocks deep into our mouths.

It only took a moment of having Master’s cock in my mouth to lose interest in what Kitten was doing and not much longer for everything to fade from existence except for Master and his wonderful cock moving in and out of my mouth with each stroke going deep into my throat. I felt his cock hardening and reacting to each stroke. I was greedily working to bring him the pleasure that I so love to give him, desperately wanting to taste the wonderful treatment that he so generally and often provide for me. So I was surprised and disappointed when he took my head in his hands and stopped me. He lifted my head and looked me in the eye. Then, without a word, he tipped his head towards Sir and I knew that for the first time, he was sharing me with another man. I was expected to move over and suck another man’s cock.

I had so many thoughts and emotions crashing through me in that split second of realization that I was afraid I would pass out right there. I was overwhelmed with fear that perhaps we weren’t really ready for this and that there would be a high price to pay for it later. Pride that Master wanted to share me and thought that I was ready for that. Excitement at the prospect of feeling another man’s cock in my mouth as my Master watched. But, more than anything else, was the desire to please Master. That desire took over and I crawled the few feet to knee in front of Sir. I presented myself to him and asked permission to suck his cock and do my best to bring him pleasure. He stopped Kitten mid stroke and tipping his head indicating that she should follow suit and present herself to my Master for his pleasure. Sir then looked at me and with a small smile, nodded giving me permission to suck his cock.

I moved in closer to him between his legs and tentActively at first began to do one of the things that Master says I do best. It feel strange to have an unfamiliar cock in my mouth and I looked for a second to Master for encouragement. Seeing the smile that was growing on his face, I returned my attention to the cock in my mouth. I was aware of the differences between this cock and my Master’s cock. Master keeps his cock and balls sad for me making it easier and more pleasant to lick and suck, while Sir does not. Master’s cock meets the back of my throat to the perfect depth when fully taken in, while Sir’s cock went slightly deeper triggering my gag reflexes more. Master’s cock is rather thick in girl while Sir’s cock was more slender. Although Sir’s cock was not as good of a fit in mouth as Master’s cock, I throw myself into the task of proving myself and bringing him as much pleasure as possible.

I wanted more than anything to please Sir and in doing that also please Master and make him proud. My tongue twirled, my throatSwallowed, my head bobbed up and down, my hand gently massed his balls and very quickly Sir was lifting his hips slightly to meet each of my thrusts. Sir grabbed my head with his hands and forced me faster and faster. His cock ramming the back of my throat each time he sunk all the way into my mouth. My gag reflex was working over-time and I feared that I would throw-up and embarrass Master and myself. Tears poured from my eyes. I fought hard to keep myself under control in order to please Master. Sir gave no indication of even being aware of my struggle or that he cared. His only focus was on his pleasure. Although Master’s focus is also on his own pleasure, he is always very aware of my comforts, struggles and pleasures and take his pleasure from mine as well. I was not accustomed to a Dom who seemed to care so little about my feelings.

Finally, I felt Sir’s balls tightened and I knew that I would soon taste cum other than Master’s for the first time ever. I tried to preparemyself for what was to arrive. When his hot juice hit me, I was not as ready as I had thought. The taste was much salttier and I was afraid I would have trouble swallowing it but I was not about to disappoint or anger Master by wasting a drop and managed to get most of it down. I then looked at Master just in time to see him fill Kitten’s mouth with his own wonderful, sweet, juice. I sat back on my haunches (suddenly aware for the first time in quite a while of the plug still in my asshole) and waited for an idea of ​​what was to come next.

Once they had both recovered enough to speak, Kitten and I were told that there were chores to do in the dining room and kitchen, the food needed to be put away and the kitchen cleaned. I was slightly disappointed thinking that this means the end of our fun, but I knew better than to Express these thoughts in any way and immediately made my way to the dining room to clean up. As we cleared the table, I could hear Master and Sir speaking quietlyto each other in the living room and of course wondered what the topic of conversation was. I supposed that I would find out soon enough if it was any of my business and I continued with my chores. Kitten and I worked quickly, not wanting to displease Master or Sir but also not wanting to miss any possible “playtime” that might follow our tasks. It didn’t take us very long to have everything put away, cleaned up and return to our proper places at the feet of Master and Sir.


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