Super's Boy

It was an unusually warm spring day in Pittsburgh, temperature in the mid seventies and a touch of humidity. Richie was sitting out on the locking dock in the rear of the apartment building where he lived and worked. He was tired and sweety, his blue Dickie’s work clothes felt like they were glued to him.

He wiped his face again with a grimy painted stained towel he had drawn around his neck. Then he raised the can of beer in his right hand to his lips and rushed the last of his liquid lunch. With the second course of his lunch finished he crushed the thin metal container in his hands, and rocked the chair he was sitting on back on legs so he could shoot the wadded metal like a basketball. He watched the shots trajectory as it spun through the air to bank off the wall behind the big green dumpster and clatter in. Pumping his fist into the air, he mimicked the sounds of a roaring crowd.

“Well better get finished,” He mumbled to himself.

He stood up and stretched hissix foot frame, and then wearily he headed back into the old apartment building. He hoped to complete his “To do list” before the Super found more work for him to do, thank God it was Friday.

Richie felt like kicking himself in the ass, for taking the job his Uncle Joe pitched to him just nine months ago, he could still hear his uncle’s graveled voice.

“Look here kid, I got a friend he’s got place in the city not to far from the University. Now I’m telling ya, its four stories tall and old, but he just needs someone to help keep the place up. You know what I mean. Nothing big, yin’s keeps it clean, slap a little paint maybe, a little this or that. Nothing you can’t handle. He’s paying a grand a month, plus room and board. It’s a great deal kid, so what da ya says, huh?”

Sure it sounded great, an apartment of his own. Within walking distance to class, a paying job; low paying; but still a job. His senior year sounded like it was going to be a good one. After two yearscommunity college, and lousy part time jobs, this was his reward for all the effort he put in with heavy course loads his first three years.

His scheduled of two classes a day; three days a week would a breeze, even with the job; in theory. Then reality opened his eyes, the “apartment” was a musty hovel in the basement. Pay day’s he needed to call America’s Most Wanted to find his boss for his paycheck. Then there was the “Super” Zora Zuckerman, know as ZiZi for short, which she was. The zaftig redhead was a profane ball buster in her forties and a two time dividend, who earned her job the old fashion way; daddy owned the building. ZiZi liked everything her way, right now and Richie learned quickly to never tell her he would do anything tomorrow.

ZiZi’s favorite quote was, “Tomorrow is a day that never gets here.”

Richie’s job became available when ZiZi’s third husband took off to parts unknown with one of the tenants. She was the last person Richie needed, or wantedWhile trudging back up to the third floor. He sure wished the ancient elevator wasn’t still out of order, but that was another thing on her “Bitch List”.

The faith scent of the perfume she bathed in lingered in the stairway, until he arrived on the third floor. The perfume was overpowered by the odor of paint and turpentine. Richie hated the smell so much he pulled from his pocket a paper dust mask to cover his mouth and nose. In a couple hours the trim work on the floorboards and doors would be done he hoped.

As he walked to the far end of the hallway he noticed apartment 3B’s door was ajar several inches. It wasn’t that usual in the building since it lacked central air, and folks left the doors and windows open hoping a breeze would blow through their apartment. Poking his head inside the door he called out to find out if the tenant was home.

He hoped she was in, because Yumiko O’Hara was a twenty year old navy brat from Virginia. Richie was slightly smitten with the exotic art student with a southern drawl and almond eyes.

Receive no reply, Richie entered to make sure everything was alright. The finding the living room empty, he headed to the bedroom. The door was closed so he pressed his ear to the door. He sure didn’t want to walk in on her if she as was sleeping or was indisposed. He sure hoped she wasn’t with someone. Maybe she stepped out briefly to visit or run to the store he thought, but as he started to leave he heard a squeak behind the door. Testing the knob he found it unlocked and went in.

With the curtains drawn, the room was very dark and he smelled of incense burning. He fumbled for a moment before he found the switch to turn on the lights. What he saw in the light frozen him in the doorway.

“Holy shiiit!” He exclaimed while he gathered himself.

Wide eyed Richie and Yumi stared at one another. She stared at a man in work clothes who suddenly burst into her room with his face covered by a scientific mask.

He gawked at the petite girl wearing in a school uniform. Her white blouse was unbuttoned, but tied in a knot her waist. A pleated blue tartan skirt was bunched up around her hips exposing a naked bottom since her plain white panties were pushed down to the tops of the white knee socks on her stocking feet. She was bound by the wrists with a red silk belt or sash to a black metal computer stand. Her feet were bound together with white rope threaded through a length of one inch PVC pipe someone fashioned into a homemade spreader bar. A white scarf gagged her mouth.

“Oh my god, are you okay Yumi?” Rich blurted as he rushed over to pull her gag off.

“Richie… you almost gave me a heart attack. You need to get out of here and quickly.” she drawn.

“What and leave you here like this…are you crazy?” Richie asked.

“Please go…nooow.” she while.

“No, damn it what’s going on?” Richie asked again.

The tone of his voice had changed as a twinge of green eyed monster crept up on him as he wondered who was enjoying this obvious kinky encounter. Before he could get a reply to his question, he heard a voice coming from the living room and it was getting closer.

“Yumiii…we can use this stuff. Sorry I took so long sweetie but it’s such a long walk down to the basement. Gawd damn Richie, that boy better call the elevator guy…Whatthefuck! Oh my god…who are you…what are you doing here?” ZiZi screamed staring at Richie.

Richie suddenly wished the floor would open up and swallow him, so he wouldn’t have to explain himself to ZiZi who was now standing in front of him, clad in an embroidered red silk robe and fire engine red pumps, with four inch heels.

“Well…you gonna just stand there, or are you gonna tell me who you are? She insisted.

“It’s me Richie; you can’t tell it’s me ZiZi?” He said lowering his face mask.

“Of course I knew it was you. And I should have known you wouldn’t be quick enough to catch onand join us, me and Yumi…for a little bit of role playing,” ZiZi huffed.

The full bodyed redhead stomped her foot on the floor angrily and the hair piled on top her head slumped to one side, and her belt less robe opened to reveal the lacey red teddy she wore beneath. Richie also noticed an unopened package of white rope in her hand.

“Oh go back to your chores, momma’s boy,” ZiZi ordered.

Then a sudden flash of anger came over Richie. ZiZi’s mentioning his mother in another harsh reproach; and in front of Yumi made the months of resentment stored up burst like an overloaded levy.

His hand shot out a snatched the rope from ZiZi’s hand, and in one continuous fluid motion, he spanked the package across ZiZi’s ample hip as his arm retracted.

“Hey, stop that Richie.” ZiZi cried rubbing the area where the blow landed.

“Okay, you want to play. I’ll show you how to I play,” Richie muttered to nobody in particular.

He grabbed ZiZi by the arm he shoved her towards the bed. He pushed her down so hard that the bed springs squeaked loudly as she bounced against on the mattress. She sprayed across the bed with her clothes dishheveled, and one of her big flopping breasts escaped from her teddy.

Richie tried to avert his eyes, but couldn’t. When he finally switched his gaze to ZiZi’s face she smiled at him wickedly and pursued her lips. She wounded at him Then slowly lifted the big fat nippled title and dropped it back into her top. Her boldness angered him more.

“Sit there and keep your mouth shut,” He said.

He stated it calmly but the look in his eyes told ZiZi he meant business. So she sat quietly, demurely crossing her legs, to observe what would translate.

Turning his attention to Yumi he walked over and looked into the face of the naughty school girl in an admonishing way. She lowered her eyes submissively, as he put her gag back in place. He then stripped the cellophane packaging off the rope and dropped it onThe floor. He pulled a good length of rope out the coil and used the knife blade of the multi-tool he carried on his belt to cut the rope.

“Go get the tape out my tool box in the hallway ZiZi,” Richie ordered.

Getting up from the bed, she started to adjust herself closing her robe.

“I didn’t tell you to do anything but get some tape. Did I say fix your clothes …or anything like that?” He scolded his boss.

“No…But I’m…” ZiZi started to answer.

“That’s, No Sir,” Richie corrected her.

“What?” She asked.

“That’s, No Sir. When you address me you are to say, Sir got it,” Richie said it forcedly and as if he expected her instant compliance.

Recent looking him in the eyes made ZiZi blink.

“He’s getting a little scary here, and I smell beer on his breath,” ZiZi thought to herself.

“No Sir,” She said in acquiresce to his demand.

Raising his arm he pointed to the door, and ZiZi anxiously moved towards it. As she passed Richiehe snatched at her robe and yanked the garment off of her. She gave a little shriek as the layer of her clothes was stripped from her body.

“Go like that, and I hope someone gets to see you too, so they’ll know what a slut you are. Now get moving,” Richie hurriedly added after he spanked her once in passing.

He enjoyed the view of ZiZi’s rear end in her teddy.

As ZiZi noisily clicked out the room teetering on her high heeled shoes, he measured out the rope. He created a coil by winding the rope around his hand and elbow five times.

Yumi watch with great interest, she wondered what the extra rope was for. Will he suspend me from the ceiling? How decade, she moistened at just the thought.

Yumi also thought to herself it was ironic, that Richie showed up at this particular time. Yumi had made inquires to find a top to her liking for the past year, but she had to be discreet which made it difficult to locate the right person.

Then last week, ZiZi happened to come into the laundry room looking for Richie. She noticed Yumi doing a sketch for class, asked to see some of her other work. The drawing pad she happened to picked up contained some bondage and discipline themeled renderings and an interesting conversation followed.

ZiZi had no experience in the area, but Yumi thought perhaps she could train her to be a top to her liking. ZiZi was horny from being without a man since her hubby abandoned her so she agreed to try, besides that her rabbit was on the fritz.

The experiment had not been going well from either of their point of view. Serendipity intervened on their behalf when Richie entered the scene. Richie noticed Yumi watching him.

“Keep your eye’s down, you naughty little girl.” He said.

He felt slightly silly speaking to Yumi in such a silted way, but he could tell she was into it. He even thought he could see her smiling behind the gag.

“Go on and smile, I going to enjoy wiping it from your face.”he grew, surprising himself with the menace in his voice.

Richie laughed to himself when she looked away from him with widened eyes. Just then ZiZi returned with a roll of blue painter’s in her hand.

“Is this what you wanted Richie…I mean…Sir.”

Richie liked that she said, “Sir”, it did wonders for his confidence getting such respect.

“Yes, ZiZi, that is exactly what I need. Thank You.” He said.

Then he added speaking like a parent would to their child, “Now go sit back down on the bed.”

“Yes Sir…ouch!” She cried.

Rubbing her buttocks, where Richie had smacked her other butt chef when she passed him. ZiZi had changed so readily to being submissive Richie wondered who the top was and who was the bottom during their role playing? He made a mental note to ask later.

Taking the coil and pulling it taunt in his hands until each loop was about eighteen inches long. He grabbed the roll of tape and proceeded to wrapped it about a thirdof the way down the length of the coil. After smoothing the tape with his fingers, he cut ends of the opposite end in half.

He noticed ZiZi, sitting on the bed with her legs crossed, her head cocked to the side and a curious look on her face.

He answered her look by raising his right arm and bringing it down in a whipping motion. ZiZi’s high heel foot started to shake quicker.

Richie slowly knotted the cut strands to keep them from fraying and also give the little cat some bite. When he was finished he walked around in front of Yumi and held out the homemade stinger for her to see.

Yumi started to shake her head back and forth in violent protest to Richie’s intentions. It did her no good, and the first blow of the lash thumbed against her exposed bottom while her head was still moving. Richie felt a rush of excitement surge Through his body when he heard Yumi’s cry of pain. A high pitched wail sounding much like of the female characters of the Hiente he animation he watched on his computer.

The thin rope lacked any real thumb, but the sharp sting more then made up for that. He started with a quick succession of lashes which lit into Yumi. Then Richie slowed his pace in order to enjoy the visual element or this kinky game which was new to him too.

Why rush he thought, he had a very attractive young coed tied up and unable to resist his abusing and eyeballing her exposed body. Then he had the realization he could do almost anything he wanted, of course he would have to use good judgment there was a witness to all this.

Up and down, his arm worked the knotted cords, striking thighs, and buttocks with his improved multi-tailed cat.

Yumi stiffening and jerking against her bindings, with each kiss of the little whip excited Richie. Squirming about like she was caused her blouse to pull apart and he got a good view her small firm breasts squishing against the metal top of the computer stand.

Fixed together by the spreader bar her feet left the floor extremely several times in reflex to the knotted chords striding her, and Richie had to catch her several time to keep her and the cart from crashing over to one side. After about five minutes of this work Richie removed his drenched work shirt, and throw it to one side before recovering the flogging.

ZiZi enjoyed the opportunity to admit the lean wife body of her maintenance man; a former high school wrestler; his upper body covered by a sweaty wife beater that clung on him like a second skin.

Richie felt inspired by Yumi’s piercing cries for mercy. After striking her, he would drag the stingers tips lightly over her skin; to tingle her senses, before tattooing with another cluster of crisis rosettes on her. It all looked quite painful to Richie, but unknown to him Yumi had already cum, and was hoping to do it again.

After ten minutes of flogging she looked up pleading. She could only sob essentially, shiny with perspiration as herchest heaved with each deep breath. Her handkerchief gag was clenched in her teeth, chewed into a soggy mess.

“Looks like you’ve had enough.” Richie proclaimed.

“No she hasn’t, she didn’t even say her safety word once. It’s “Toxon” that means she’s had enough,” Quipped ZiZi.

She quickly put her hand over her mouth as if to capture the escaping words, When she saw the look on Richie’s face.

“Did I ask you for an opinion, ZiZi?” He asked in an angry tone.

“No Sir.” she mumbled softly.

Yumi was disappointed she wanted more attention. She would have asked him to continue, but he might be the type of Top who got mean with push bottoms. She thought better of it, and decided deprivation was a punishment in itself.

Richie looked at the cluster of welts red flesh he created and his hand roamed over Yumi’s once smooth buttocks. He enjoyed the heat emitting from the red welted skin, and he also enjoyed her futile attempts to escape his touch. She twitched in pain as he kneaded and stroked the abused flesh. Cupping his hand he dipped between her cheeks and spread them by sliding his hand down the crack of her ass like she was an ATM machine.

Yumi grimaced from the rough touching and exploration of her body. She tried to be silent not knowing what choice he might make from her reaction.

Then he used his hand to brush over her wet slit and comb through the long fine hairs of the landing strip on her mons pubis. He stopped there to squeeze the puffy shaft of flesh atop her cleft. Then he drew back slightly to feeling the wetness of her vestibule before sliding his index finger completely into her.

A gasp issued from her lips, as the invading finger stroked against her inner walls as Richie plunged his finger in and out. He played her with one finger until she screamed in pleasure. With his cock throbbing from excitement as he let the middle finger join the first. Yumi squealed louder in delight as his curling digits played over the front wall on her vagina seeking her special spot. She shrieked when he found it.

Richie took pleasure from her torque again, but this time by giving pleasure, then denying it.

Whenever he sensed she was nearing an orgasm, he withdraw his skilled fingers. Yumi looked up begging him to continue each time he stopped. He toyed with her, fingering her slurping hole, or circulation the swollen ridge of her clip with the fleshy pad of his thumb.

Yumi tried to hold back her moans of pleasure so his would continue, but the unexpected urge to urinate made Richie’s manipulations unbearable.

She tried to hold out as long as she could know what was going to happen, but as Richie’s fingered churned a stream of fluid squirted from her. A second jet followed, and then a third. The subsequent spasms only produced weak dribbles or sprits of drops. Not that Yumi was aware of anything other then she was in the throes of a powerful orgasm that made her ejaculate for the first time in quite a while.

Richie glanced over at ZiZi fidgeting on the bed. She had crossed, uncrossed, and crossed her legs a dozen times, her hands caresing between her thighs as she watched. Occasionally she’d glance quickly at Richie to see if she was being watched, when their eyes met, she quickly placed her hands on top her knees.

“Would you like some of this?” He asked, looking at ZiZi.

“Yes Sir, please.” She stated excitedly.

“Roll over and show me your ass then.” He ordered.

Moving quickly, ZiZi assume the position; head down, ass up. She even pulled the high cut lace bottom of her Teddy to one side, revealing a tangle of red pubes framing her pink pussy.

Richie slowly slipped his hand out of Yumi. “Nooooo dunt stofp.duntstff…ohhh, Yumi pleaded, muffled slightly by her tongue tangling in the scarf gag.

She yipped an, “owww,” when Richie snapped the cords of the stinger across her hips one last time.

“Silence, I’ll be back to deal with you!” Richie grew, tossing little lash aside as he moved to the bed.

ZiZi had her head and upper body twisted around to see behind her. Richie watched her swipe her long red nailed fingers quickly over her pussy; the quick diddle showed how juicy and inviting she was.


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