A fictional tale of Super Krissy getting roped up by her nephews and put through the ringer.
All characters in this story are at least 18 years old.
Now for a little background info. My wife’s name is Kristen. She’s in her mid-thirties and I have known her since college. She’s 5’1″ with beautiful red hair. We have no children so she still has a beautiful figure. She is a 36C and has a cute little bubble butt. Lately she likes wearing pushup bras to further accentuate her chest and to drive me wild.
Chapter 1 Recap:
When last we left off, Kristen and J were just chilling and watching Disney + before they were interrupted by her sister Lauren and her two nephews. The boys, Anthony and Paulie, had not seen their favorite Aunt in months and challenged her to roleplay as Super Krissy and to escape their ropes of her nephews, the robbers. Kristen reluctantly agreed and was bound and gagged. One thing led to another and she was stripped, panty gagged, stocking hooded, and ultimately crated. The boys eventually left her to her demise in solidary confinement until J found her, ball gagged her, and banged her. Kristen was eventually released and she filled J in on what her nephews did to her.
Start of Chapter 2:
Kristen wakes up the next morning and nestles up to me. We embrace and hug.
I tell her I love it when she sleeps naked and we need to do that more often.
She replies with normally she prefers to sleep in her pj’s but I didn’t leave her much choice last night.
I laugh and tell her it’s more like Anthony and Paulie didn’t leave her much choice.
She asks me what I thought of yesterday. If I think she let it go on too far and if the boys were rough with her in a sexual nature.
I tell her the boys are just boys and they are having fun. They are experimenting with their Cool Aunt because she is hot and playful. There is nothing sexual behind it.
Kristen tells me that when she was bound, they made her hop like a bunny when she only had her red bandana tie top on and her boobs were flailing everywhere. Then they stripped her naked and made her hop some more. Both times staring at her boobs and completely distracted.
I tell her not to worry. The boys were just happy to finally best you in an escape challenge. I continue with if I was their age, I would be chasing her around and wouldn’t let her out of my sight.
Kristen responses with “Thanks Babe. I hope you are right about the boys.”
Meanwhile, Anthony wakes up in his bed with a sly smile on his face. He wakes up from having an extremely vivid dream. He reaches under his pillow and grabs the red/yellow/blue stretch panties and the red bandana tie top. He breathes in the smell of Aunt Krissy’s brown sugar and shea perfume. Anthony instantly goes back to the events that translated the night before.
Just then his Mother knocks on the door. She asks if she can come in.
Anthony says “No” as he tries to hide the panties and tie top.
Lauren comes in just has Anthony hides it back under the pillow. She asks what is he trying to hide.
Anthony responses with “Nothing”.
His Mother laughs and says “It doesn’t look like nothing.” She reaches under pillow and finds Super Krissy’s top and panties. She calls him a sly dog just like his Dad.
Anthony turns beet red.
Lauren assures him that it is okay that he stole Super Krissy’s costume as a trophy but he really should give it back to his Aunt.
Anthony says he likes it and it helps to remember yesterday by it.
Lauren tells him there will be other times to rope up Aunt Krissy and that she’s been doing it since high school.
Anthony says “Really???” and continues with “but did you have to wait months at a time before you could do it again???”
Lauren replies “Yes and that they will happen more frequently.” She continues with text Aunt Krissy and tell her you had a great time yesterday and that you would like to make a fair exchange. Her for her costume.
Anthony smiles.
His Mother says his imagination can take it from there. Besides she has to take Paulie out shopping at the outlets for new clothes so he’ll have the house all to himself. She kisses him on the forehead and says “Don’t be too rough on Aunt Krissy.”
Anthony replies with “He won’t”.
Then Lauren gets off the bed and closes the bedroom door.
Anthony gathers the Super Krissy costume and lays it out on the bed. He snaps a quick photo of it and then texts it to his Aunt Krissy. He writes “Had an amazing time yesterday matching ropes and wits with Super Krissy in an escape challenge and have a proposal for you today. If you choose to accept it, I will Offer to return your Super Krissy costume if you offer yourself to my ropes today. Don’t tell anyone. This is just between you and me.”
Anthony waits for a reply before continuing.
Inthe meantime, Krissy and J are lying in bed while her cell phone goes off. It keeps ding and she asks J to get it.
I look at the phone and notice the picture. I tell Krissy she is going to want to see this. I show her and she asks me what she should do. I tell her there isn’t much choice. She needs to get her costume back. I tell her that don’t worry, I’ll be her backup if things get out of hand.
She replies with he told me not to tell anyone.
I laugh and say “Too late.”
Kristen takes the phone and writes back she accepts his challenge.
Anthony replies with “Excellent.” He says to get dressed and come over immediately. To wear her tight white button-down tank top and short shorts like yesterday and a tie off bikini bottom. Bring a reusable shopping bag with the following items: a pair of shoes, her tallest open toe high heels with ankle straps, multiple rolls of vet wrap, a pair of scissors, lavender baby oil, fishing line, two pairs ofHandcuffs, and a dental mouth gag. Park down the road in the commuter lot and then cut through the woods to the back of the house and enter by the gate.
Kristen reads out loud the text.
I tell her it seems very elaborate and specific.
Kristen starts to worry and say she believes Anthony is going to put her through her paces.
I respond with don’t worry, just wear an ear bud and I will be watching from afar to make sure nothing happens to her too seriously.
Kristen says that sounds like a great idea and that with one ear bud in her ear she can hear me and I can guide her.
I tell her to just talk to herself out loud so I know what is going on. I mention if it gets too much for her, she can use a safe word and I’ll come to her aid.
Kristen asks what her safe word should be. She says how about “Koala.”
I say that will stick out too much and draw red flags for Anthony who told her to come alone and not tell anyone. I say make it “Milk Me Likea Cow.”
Kristen says she is not so sure about that and why can’t they just use “Red Light,” instead.
I reply with Anthony will know something is up and that you are signaling someone. Besides with “Milk Me Like a Cow” there is no way her nephew will know what to do with that except think you are horny and just rambling in a cum drink state.
Kristen agrees and says good point.
She texts back to Anthony and tells him she is just getting up and needs to take a shower as she is still a sweaty mess from yesterday.
Anthony texts back to anxious up and to make sure she uses the brown sugar and shea body wash she has.
She says she will.
Krissy continues with she will also need time to gather the items he requested.
He writes back she has 1 hour to get here.
Kristen texts back “Yes, Sir. I’m on it.”
I tell Kristen I will gather the items while she takes a shower. As I collect them in the reusable bag, I try to contemplate what each one will be used for.
The shoes will be for either a toe-tie or to tie her thumbs up. The open toe high heels with ankle straps are obviously for her feet and to make her more feminine and hobble her without her being able to kick them off unassisted. The multiple vet wrap can be for any number of things: ball up her hands, tie her wrists or ankles, secure a gag in her mouth, blindfold her, or to wrap up and compress her chest. A pair of scissors to most likely cut off her clothes. Lavender baby oil is obviously for her chest and legs. Fishing line would be similar to the shoes. Two pairs of handscuffs will go around her wrists. A dental gag is for her mouth so he can place things in it.
I start to get hard of how unique my nephew is with my wife. And start to put other things in the reusable bag to see If Anthony will come up with a diabolical or fiendish use for them on Super Krissy. I put in 1 pair of chopsticks and 3 “X” shaped KT Strips, and a handful of hair tie elastics. I then grab a pen and a piece of paper to draft a note. Once done, I bury them on the bottom of the reusable bag.
I hear the water turn off as Kristen finishes her shower.
She starts to towel dry and gather her costumes before she blow-dries her wet hair.
I knock on the bathroom door and tell her the reusable bag is full of the requested items and that she should be leaving shortly.
Kristen replies she just has to put on light makeup and finish drying her hair.
I state that Anthony seems like the kind of kid that doesn’t like to be left waiting.
Kristen responses with he needs to learn to hold his horses and that 1 hour is not enough for her to get donated up as she walks over to the dresser and picks out a black bikini bottom with side ties.
She stops and asks if I would rub lavender baby oil all over her body.
I say “Happily” as I pour out the baby oil from the bottle and later it all over her chest and legs. Then I apply a generous second coating to her boobs.
Kristen laughs and says “Well someone is excited,” as she stars at the bulge in my pants. She continues with someone must be thinking of the plight this damsel in distress is about to be put in.
I confirm her accurate assessment.
She responses with hopefully she can take care of that when she gets out just like she did last night.
I tell her I am looking forward to it.
Kristen reaches over and picks up her short shorts and slides them over the black bikini bottom with side ties. She picks up her tight white button-down tank top and does all the button but the top three.
I tell Kristen this is quickly becoming my favorite shirt of hers.
She laughs.
I respond with it has ample cleavage and I love how her nipples protrude from the shirt.
She asks if this would be too overtly sexual for her nephew.
I tell her no and that in fact it is missing something.
Kristen asks what?
I squirt the lavender baby oil all over her tight white button-down tank top.
Kristen jumps back and say “Really J???”
I say “Really.”
She says now I look like I am about to enter a wet tee shirt conversation and I don’t have any time to change. I have to leave immediately.
I hand Kristen her phone and she notices numerous missed texts from Anthony.
He is sending her photos of pieces of her costume scattered throughout the woods by his house. He tells her some are easier to find than others. Anthony then continues with her hour is almost up and to text him when she is on her way.
Kristen texts back that she is on her way.
I hand her the reusable bag full of goodies, her ear buds, and car keys.
Anthony writes back to text him when she parks and to Not get out until she hears from him.
Kristen confirms she understands.
She kisses me good bye and give me a long-drawn-out hug. I assume her that I will be on the phone with her and that she willhave backup if things get too rough.
Kristen slides on her open toe black high heels with ankle straps, gets in her car and leaves.
Kristen pulls up to the commuter lot that is completely empty. She texts Anthony. Then calls me to make sure the one ear bud is in her ear and working. She gives me the play by play as she waits. Krissy tells me she is squirting more lavender baby oil over her chest and knows that is turning me on.
I tell her to stop teasing me.
She just laughs.
Anthony responses that she is over her allotted hour and needs to worry up to look for her costume and get to the house.
Krissy asks what he wants her to do next.
Anthony then tells her to put the reusable bag over her neck to help carry it.
Kristen follows those orders and relays to Anthony she has.
Anthony tells her to step out of the car and lock it and put her car keys in the reusable bag.
Kristen does and then lets Anthony know.
He tells her to handcuff her hands tight behind her back and place her cell phone in the reusable bag and start walking towards the woods in search of the articles to her Super Krissy costume.
Krissy does as instructed and cuffs herself behind her back and starts walking on the pavement of the commuter lot to the dirt and rocks of the wooded area.
In the distance, a set of eyes in long range binarys looks on with a sly smirk.
Anthony says to himself out loud, “Today you are all mine Super Krissy.” He admits the attractiveness of his Favorite Aunt and loves her playful nature. It allows him to live out his childhood fantasy to be a ruthless supervillain that puts damsels in distress.
He loves the outfit she has on and notices that the tight white button-down tank top is plastered to her chest showing off ample cleavage and her protruding nipples. He has big plans for those magnificent mounds.
Kristen is slowly walking in the woods looking for her articles ofher Super Krissy costume. One by one she starts to find them. Nothing ever put at eye level. They are all placed either in a hole or on a branch. This ensures Krissy has to bend down and focus on not losing her balance or bending over and reaching up backwards like her hands were tied in a strappado.
Anthony is enjoying the show through his long-range binarys. He uses them to stare down her ample cleavage when she leans over or to focus on his protruding nipples. Other times when she bends over, he uses them to focus on her tight ass.
Kristen finds everything except her red/yellow/blue stretch panties and the red bandana tie top. She quickly realizes that the woods are ending and that she is within distance of Lauren’s backyard and gate.
Before the gate are lots of little pebbles on the walkway. Kristen slowly navigates her way through in her high heels trying her best not to get any pebbles in her open toe high heels until she gets to the gate. She tries to openit but quickly realizes it is padlocked. Krissy tries to think about how to get around the locked gate and into the back yard. She starts to talk to herself out loud wondering how she can get around this obstacle. She pulls on the gate and says it won’t budget. I tell her she needs to look for another way in. Krissy replies she is looking but doesn’t see how she can hurry over a 5 feet fence with her hands cuffed behind her back and with her feet in 6-inch heels.
Just as Krissy is trying to shake the loose pebbles out of her right high heel, I hear over the ear bud, “What the???” out of Krissy’s voice and she continues with she has been hooded.
Anthony greeters with “You got that right, Hooded by the Better Half of Double Trouble.” He continues with I hope you like dark black pantyhose stockings from Mom’s drawer.
Kristen tells him she doesn’t and it makes it hard for her to see.
Anthony responses that’s the point and that his Mom would tell him about all the times Kristen would steal her clothes. So he thought it would be just desserts if he got to return the favor. He then lifts the reusable bag off Aunt Krissy’s neck and says “What goodies do we have here???” Anthony rummages through it and says he is glad she brought all the requested items and then some. He continues with because she was such a good girl, he is going to help her with the next step of her journey. He pulls out a key from his pocket and waves it in front of Krissy’s face. Anthony information her it is the key to the padlock and all she has to do is grab it and insert it in the padlock to get in.
Krissy reaches for the key with her hand.
Anthony says “Oops…” and drops the key. It bounces off Krissy’s ample cleavage and falls down her shirt. He smiles and says “Allow me the honors,” as he buries his face in Aunt Krissy’s chest.
Krissy feels little bite marks on her chest and starts to squirm.
Anthony starts to lick her chest and then catches the key withhis teeth. He pulls it out. He stops and take a sniff of her chest. He pauses. Then thanks her for using the brown sugar and shea body wash as well as the lavender baby oil all over her chest.
Krissy just stars back at him while he informs her, he has big plans for her today as she works to get her Super Krissy costume back. Anthony checks Krissy’s handcuffs to verify they are secure then take the handcuff key and slides it into the little hole locking in that they can’t be tightened or released without the key. Once pleased, he then puts the key into the padlock and opens the locked gate.
End of Part 2.
To be continued???
What will happen to our helpless superheroine??? Will she ever escape the dastardly clutches of her nephew???
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Let me know what your favorite parts were and if you would like me to continue this fictional tale.
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