Super Blow Party

Every year we host a Super Sunday party. It gives us a reason to get together with like minded folks who are all in the cuckold lifestyle. We have a close knit group of cuckold couples in metro Detroit and each couple hosts a theme party once every couple months or so. My wife and I handle the big game. Another couple does Valentines, one does St. Paddy’s day, Fourth of July, Halloween, New Years. . . you get the idea. Each party is hosted at the couples home or cottage and we all dress according to the theme. We have party games that are also in theme as well. This gives us a chance to be semi out in public as ourselves without judgement or ridicule.

This year the girls all came in their football jerseys and jock straps. The cucks were dressed as cheeseerleaders complete with full makeup and wigs. Four bulls were invited to join us around midnight as it usually turned into an all nighter and we all had taken the Monday after off from work.

A lot of “prop” bets are alwaysmade and this year was no different. We bet on anything from the coin toss, length of the national anthem, who can shoot a can of beer the fastest, etc. My wife and I bet the game winning team outright. She had New England and I had Atlanta. Loser owned the winner a blowjob for each point their team lost by. I know what you’re thinking, but you are a cuck, you have to suck dick for her anyway, right? Well yes that’s correct. In this case the blowjobs I would have to perform are not on her bulls. . . but instead on anyone else she chooses. This leaves a lot of options open. Co-workers, neighbors, vanilla friends, strangers, the possibilities are endless. . . for her.

The win for me if my team ‘came’ out on top would be that I would be receiving actual blowjobs from my cuckoldress. Most true cucks don’t get such a treatment. In fact some cucks don’t even get to have ‘release’ that often, many of them caged as their cuckoldress uses orgasm denial as a form of punishment. A typical year for me results in one orgasm a month which has to be earned and often at a stiff price. Out of my twelve orgasms each year two on average are the result of a blowjob and those are with a condom on, the semen being immediately fed back to me direct from the condom. So you can see that I had a substantial upside to this bet.

Then came the game. You know how the old advance goes. . . don’t count your chickens Before they’re hatched? Yep, I not only was counting them but I was flaunting them around like a princess at a soup kitchen. 21-3 at the half and I was feeling pretty confident. No team in the 50 year history of the game had come back from more than a 10 point deficit. Imagine my glee when the Falcons scored first in the second half. No way could New England come back from 25 points down. Nothing worse than a cocky cucky. I announced that the first blowjob that I was going to receive would be immediately after the game in full view of our guests.

“It ain’t over til it’s over” said the wife.

“Well then Ma’am, would you like to up the stakes?” I mocked.

“What do you propose?” she inquired.

I proposed that if I lost I would triple the amount of blowjobs I would perform on non bulls of her choice. If SHE lost she would not only blow me as the main event of the night but she would also perform oral on the other cucks AND we’d all get to tape it on our cell phones.

“You’re on” she snarled. Her face was stoic but I could tell that she was ultra pissed at me and that I would pay for this in spades.

Now deep down my wife is a true slut, as are most hot wives. They wlll suck and fuck any dick they deem worthy and she is no different. She also has always been an exhibitionist and would love nothing better than to be the center of attention. She would get to live out her fantasy of being a porn star, even if it’s only for a limited audience. Now that the details have been worked out, back to counting my chickens I thought.

Hmm Ipondered. . . 25 points, 25 blowjobs, how would I collect? One a week? One a day? The possibilities were numerous. What if the Falcons ran the score up even higher? Keep counting those chickens cucky.

Then it happened.

The greatest comeback in the history of football. What are the odds. One percent at the time there was a 25 point delta, those were the odds. You could see the joy evaporate from the cuckolds in the room with each score that Patriots made. You could see the look of condescension in the faces of the cuckoldresses as they mounted their comeback. I guess us cucks finished where we belong, last. As it should be. Talk about wasting a good buzz, the beer quickly turned into a hangover for me.

There would be no blowjobs for us cucks. Three times six equals 18. 18 blowjobs to random people she would pick out for me. ‘Me and my big mouth’ I thought. I was sad. When the Pats won the flip of the coin for overtime, the women huddled in the corner discussing theirStrategy. The cucks looked like we all just lost our best friend and our dog. The wife and one of her friends disappeared for about five minutes. Two other cleared off the food table leaving only the table clothes.

When the Patriots scored the winning touchdown a silence fell over the room. My wife walked to the center of the room and only had to give me ‘the look.’ I immediately came to her and knelt Before her, head down, awaiting instruction. She grabbed my chin and forced me to look up and delivered several slaps going from open hand to back hand, my already aching head was now on fire with pain. She grabbed me by the throat and forced me to my feet. She directed me over to the empty table and instructed me to lay flat on my back, my head hanging slightly over the edge. The post game show was about to begin.

The cucks were instructed to knee on one side of the table and watch. The cuckoldress clan stood on the other side of the table. My wife left the room for a moment,returning with props aka instruments of pain/pleasure. She handed each of her counterparts a piece of her arsenal left over from our days we were heavy into bdsm.

“Who won our little bet cucky?” she spouted at me in her sarcastic voice.

“You did Ma’am” I replied.

“What does that make you?” She inquired.

“A loser Ma’am” was my response.

“Indeed you are” She quipped. “Now you’re going to pay off your bet cucky”.

She enlisted the help of her cohorts to pull off my cheer uniform as it would no longer be needed. Quickly I was naked, my tiny cock at attention and being mocked by all of the women. I lay there, the anticipation was killing me. That ended quickly though as my wife grabbed me by the head bending it over the end of the table. She was Wearing her strap on with her biggest blackest dildo attached and she proceeded to throat fuck me brutally. I heard my throat pop the first time the device passed my gag reflex and continued to slide down my throattil my face was buried into her harness. As she started to get into a rhythm going slow then fast with her thrusts, as if on cue, the others joined in providing pain with their toys. I felt a cane snapping across my legs, maybe a cat o nine across my crop mixed in with a crop and paddle on my torso. Severe pain as one of them applied clothes pins to my genitals and nipples. This went on for 20-30 minutes before I was granted a break.

My wife announced that she had noticed in my internet search history that I had been frequently porn sites specializing in extreme face spitting/slapping. True, in my surfing of the web I had gone to Bing videos and for some odd reason was drawn to videos of spitting and slapping. Looks like I was going to see how it felt to have six women hawking loopies and gross amounts of saliva into my mouth and all over my face. My makeup was already ruined from the extreme fucking my mouth had just received. It was about to get worse, tenfold. My tiny cockwas still hard as I am a true humiliation/pain slut.

Before the fun got started, the cucks were all directed to get their wives’ iPhones/Androids from their pursuits as they each wanted their own personal video of this new way to abuse a cuck. Each cuck jumpeyed for position as well as the hotwives getting ready, lots of noise as they each had a bottle of beer or water to aid in the production of spit for the proceedings. My head was already aching so I was sparred the slapping, besides, by the time they were done I would look like one of those bukkake models except I’d be covered in saliva instead of cum. Or would I?

Started out one by one and then it escalated to several of the women joining in for extremely spitting in my face and into my open mouth. My wife was in charge of rubbing the spit all over my face, holding my nose to force me to gargle and eventually swallow when my mouth was full. After the first few minutes I could no longer see as my eyes were completelycovered with spittle and burned anytime I did try to open them.

The cucks did their best to play amateur cameramen, getting me from all angles. They also had been instructed to pass around a beer mug, quietly filling it with their own spit for a special “treat” for me. Unbeknownst to me the ladies were leaving the room one at a time for a pee break. Little did I know that they were pissing into glasses to force upon me later. The camera jumpeys each took a shot of the group of glasses that were staged on the counter some of them full to the top, some of them a bit less. After about a half an hour of being a “saliva reception” I was given a break to just breath a bit and gather myself. My face was a frikking disaster. I thought the spitting was over but my wife had one more trick up her sleepe, the mug of cuck spit which she slowly forced me to drink down. They were kind with their spitting, unlike their hot wives who were trying to outdo each other hawking loopies and blowing sNot out of their noses in addition to the regular spit they were feeding me. But I wasn’t done yet. Shit, the bulls were due to arrive shortly. . . what the hell can they do to me further? I wondered.

“Had enough loser?” my wife demanded to know.

“NO Ma’am, may I please have some more?” I begged, knowing that any other response would be unacceptable.

“As you wish faggot” she replied. “Cucks, line up. . . you were promised a blowjob earlier by this piece of shit and I intend to hold him to his promise. Unfortunately I won’t be the one sucking your tiny dicks but instead your cuck brother will be sucking you all to completion” she announced with certainty.

I was slid down the table so my head was once again hanging over the edge. One by one the other cucks took Turns fucking me in the mouth. No throat fucks as most of them are in the 3-4 inch range but the thing about cucks is that the smaller the cock, the larger the load. This plus the fact that many of them hadhave denied orgasm, some since New Years or earlier. I received some blue ball drainage and gagged down an unbelievable amount of sperm. Easily over a billion of those little buggers were swimming in my saliva filled belly. Still holding their iPhones they now had POV proof that they did in fact get a blowjob to celebrate the big game.

Five BJ’s down, 13 to go. Wonder who and when those would take place. “I have one more surprise for you baby” my wife swooned as she caressed my head, still completely drenched in spit which was now starting to dry a bit. Again one by one the hotwives now, took their turn forcing me to drink their urine which was now cold. Yummy . . . cold beer piss. I took it like the trooper than I am and was able to keep most of it down only spitting up two times when my stomach had Just had enough and rejected it.

“Let’s get you cleaned up a bit before the bulls arrive” my wife said almost lovingly. That was short lived. She took me in the bathroom and her idea of ​​”cleaning me up” involved several swirlies with my head forced deep into the toilet bowl. At least they were clean swirlies I thought to myself. Count your blessings and definitely not your chickens I mused.

Like clockwork, the bulls arrived one after another, each of them brought a friend, one brought two friends. Nine bulls, six hot wives. Should be a fun time I thought. All of them black, all of them hung. This is what all true cucks live for. The rec room downstairs was set up with three couches and a few mattresses in the center of the floor.

The cucks were ordered to strip and the hotwife group just naturally lost their clothes as soon as the bulls arrived. They too were soon naked. A lot of nudity, soon to be the makings of a great porn if we had just hired a videographer. That’s ok though. We all have enough film of our wives taking black in all of their holes and us there to fluff their lovers and clean them up. The tiny dicked white men serving the superiod black man. . . . as it should be. Offering our hot wives to ensure they are sexually satisfied by real men.

Although sore as hell, the next several hours I bucked up and did my part to service my wife’s many lovers as she had taken all nine dicks in at least one of her holes, often time having two and even three holes filled at once. My favorite part of being a cuckold is when she forces me to suck those big black cocks, holding my head as she shoves the cock in as far as it will go. Face buried in their pubes as i gasp for air, even passing out on occasion. Her yelling at me to “suck that black dick” or to “prove that you love me” as she watches her once manly husband succumb to his bisexual tendencies and prove what a worthy cock sucking, cum eating, loser of a man he truly is. All that matters to me is that she is satisfied. That is my only mission in life, to ensure she is happy and her insatiable sexual appetite is filled. At the end of the day, she has that look of total bliss on her face and I have millions of the black man’s semen floating in my stomach.

Another successful party, albeit quite a department of the normal cuck party. The combination of brutal Femdom was a nice touch, reminded me of days long past. Can’t wait to see what Valentines and St. Paddys day will bring us. Stay tuned.


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