Today was my 28th day as her full-time live in sex toy.
I only knew the exact number because she found creative ways of using that number to tease or torture me.
Today, she had instructed that I was to edge 28 times over the course of today between my chores, all of which needed to be done before her and her husband returned from work.
She promised that she had a big surprise in store for me When they got back, but I would only earn it if I had completed all of my edgings. They both worked 8 hours shifts and I had a daily list of chores as well as a grooming schedule that I was expected to get done before they arrived home.
The list was extensive, from laundry to dishes, ironing to vacuuming, I did whatever was asked of me each day before they left. Once their house chores were done, I would next be responsible for grooming and maintaining my body and mind so that it would remain appealing and useful to her once she got home.
This included one to two workout sessions per day to stay in shape, which were hinted to be incredibly valuable as my time serving her went on. I was also expected to shake off any hair on my body below my neck.
Most days I would fill the entire 8 hours with my daily tasks so fitting time in to edge 28 times was going to be a real challenge.
For my grooming alone, I would take my time looking over myself in the mirror trying to find any hair I might have missed, knowing that if she found it after coming home she would not be happy. I would then eat a modest meal to keep up my energy and later flush out my ass with an enema in case she wanted access to it later.
This process was both exhaustive and blissful, but most relevant to my situation today, it was also time consuming.
Lies were not an option, as security cameras Followed me in every room of the house, including the bathrooms, so she could see what I was doing remotely from her smart phone while at work, at any time, and without me ever knowing when or if she was watching.
Her surprises always made me desperate to please and earn them. She knew this and seemed to always deploy them as a motivational tool to push me further into my submission to her. During my first week of service, she had challenged me to shine her entire boot collection spotless using only my tongue. When I completed the task, after washing out my mouth with soap and water, she surprised me by letting me lick her asshole for the first time.
On day 8, after completing her challenge of taking her eight inch strap-on in my ass all the way to the hilt I was surprised with a large, jeweled butt plug to wear around the house to continue stretching me out to take even more up my ass as time went on. Then last week I was surprised with a pretty pink cock cage to be locked in while she was away after I Successfully swallowed every drop of cum that she milked out of me over the course of that week.
Every task of hers either messes with my mind or stretches my limits for her pleasure. To accomplish this task, it seemed prudent to design a plan of attack for the day to make sure and complete all of my edges. I knew missing a single one was not an option, I wanted to earn whatever surprise she had in store for me.
I worked out the math in my head, and after accounting for the morning and afternoon commute I would have to edge once every 20 minutes from the time they left to the time they returned. I was grateful that she unlocked the cock cage before she left this morning as to make it easier to reach the edge of cumming using my hands.
She whispered a threat of leaving it on for the next year straight if I dared cum today while she was gone. As soon as the door closed and locked behind her I reached down and began stroking my cock. I though about the first time I got to taste her asshole and got hard almost instantly. I had been locked away for the better part of a week so getting it up was easy, almost too easy. I realized I needed to be very careful as to not accidentally cum right then and there, or I would not only lose out on her surprise, but access to getting hard for a year!
I slowed my stroking down, lessening my grip, taking care not to push myself too far too fast. I felt the surge of sensitivity begin to well up, cursing down my shake to pressurize my balls. I let go in that moment, and Watched nervously as the minor bobbing and bouncing of my engaged member thumbed to the pace of my heartbeat, dribbled a few clear drops of precum from the tip, before starting to wild and lower at the lack of stimulation.
Swabbing the precum on my finger tip I brought it to my mouth and licked it off as she had instructed me never to waste it.
Feeling proud of my successful edge, I began my list of chores, savoring the salty flavor in my mouth as I worked. I continued on like this for the rest of the eight hours, vacuuming the whole house, then edging. Washing the dishesFollowed with another round of edge. Each time I began to touch myself I seemed to get harder a little faster, reaching the edge a little quicker, than the time before. Each time I let go before I could finish, I felt a deeper level of desire wash over me. After 10 edges I wanted desperately just to release, to feel that sense of pleasure flow through me. After 15 edges I just wanted to let the cum out Since my balls felt full and achieved each time I teased them into thinking they could shoot it out of me, only to prevent that exploration and force myself to go back to work.
Something changed inside of me when I got to 25 edges. I no longer thought of myself.
My wants, my needs, none of them mattered anymore. The only thing that matter was that I was getting close, or rather, she was getting close. Edge 26 means that she was only an hour away. What did she have in store? Edge 27 means she was about to clock out.
God, I can’t wait till she walks through that door. I wantto make her so proud.
Edge 28, one denial for every day I had been in service to her. It wouldn’t be long now, and I had done it. I felt like a good toy. A few minutes passed and then I heard the sound of the door being unlocked.
I got so excited I could’ve screamed but knew that I would be expected in the living room, presented in a pleasant manner, and that I was expected to be silent. I quickly got into my position I always assumed right before she arrived home, on my knees, hands clapped behind my back, eyes staring down at the floor.
I could hear the sound of her shined boots making contact with the hardwood floor as she walked into the home I had spent all day taking care of. When she reached the living room she walked right in front of me and stopped for a moment. I knew better than to look up or Say a word, despite being desperate to look her in the eyes and tell her how obedient I had been today.
As I stared down at her boots in front of me, a pair oflacy black thong panties began to enter my field of vision. They were slowly being slide down her long legs. An aroma of sweetness and sex entered my nose and I realized how horny she must have been. A drip of her pussy juice fell onto the underwear sliding down her legs. When they reached her ankles she stepped out of them and bent down to pick them up.
She ignored me as she bent over. Grabbing the soiled panties in one hand she brought them up to my face. The cent was stronger now, and it alone could’ve made me cum in that moment had I not lost my focus.
Her free hand reached my chin, and pulled my jaw down ever so slightly.
She quickly stuffed my obedient mouth full of her panties that had spent the entire day resting against her womanhood. The sweet taste of her juice mixed with the sweat from a days wear dropped my mind into a deep subspace.
I was horny, on edge, brought to the broke and back for a full day, and now I was muzzled by the tasteand scent of the thing I worshiped. I was hers to use in that moment. No longer a person, but a human sized sex object, for her enjoyment and pleasure.
She knew it too, as she had told me she could always tell when I had entered subspace. But this time I hadn’t entered it, I had been taken captive by it. I forget my name, lost track of time and space. I was just a toy being played with by its owner. It’s all I wanted to be.
“I watched you all day on my phone toy. You were so obedient. So diligent in your duty to me.” The words left her mouth and entered my soul. I heard them but could not react to them, frozen in place by the sheer anticipation of what would could out of her mouth next. The intensity of the silence after she spoke made me shake involuntarily. My cock, twitched and grew, wanting to be a dildo for its owner to play with.
“You’ve earned your surprise toy. You have edged all day and have withheld for me. I can see what it has done to you. What I have doneto you. Your transformation into my sex toy looks to be nearly complete and that makes me so happy. It makes me want to fuck.”
A sound escaped my lungs. I didn’t intend for it to happen, but the way she emphasized the word “fuck” set off a bomb of lust inside me. It shot through my insides to every nerve, hitting my lungs and forcing the air out of them in what ended up as a muted grunt that escaped my gagged mouth.
“Aww, did that excited you my little toy? You didn’t actually think I was going to fuck you though right?” she asked, followed by a laugh. “My silly, stupid toy. No, you have so much longer, so much more to give to me before you can ever earn to feel this pussy wrapped around your pathetic excuse for a cock. No, I am going to fuck my husband tonight. Watching you twiddle your dick in your hands all day long got me in the mood for a rough pounding from a man who knows this pussy inside and out and knows just how I like it abused.”
It was almost to much to bear. She paused and I waited breathlessly for what felt like an eternity, playing it over in my head all the ways her husband was going to dominate her. I trembled before her. She leaned down and put her lips to my ear and whispered softly, “Your surprise that you earned for being a good little toy… you are going to be the bed I fuck him on.”
“Judging by your pathetic worm’s throbbing, you Want to be that useful for me. Can you smell how happy it makes me to think of you supporting my hot little pussy while my husband takes me as hard as he wants. You’re going to hear us fucking, our orgasms and everything we are denying you first hand. I haven’t quite decided yet if I’m going to cover you up with a sheet or if I’m going to have your skin available to claw up and bite as he finds that spot that makes me loose my mind. I know! You can beg me for your preference. One fun game before he gets home.” She looks at me, jerking my head back painfully so she can see my response.
“Sound like fun?”
I nod as my mouth has gone dry from her description. I also didn’t trust myself to say anything that wouldn’t be helpful.
“Good. Fetch the vase of flowers.”
I scrambled to get them for her, quivering a bit with my hardness slapping my thighs with every step. I returned to her sitting on the couch. She took the flowers from me, took them out of the vase. She then started throwing them around the room in a haphazard arrangement.
“Pick then up with only your teeth, one at a time and put each flower back in the vase before the timer runs out and I will let you speak. If you miss any, you loose your begging privileges. Miss more than 1 and I’m going to turn your ass into the vase. Go.”
She must love seeing me at my most awkward because the process to pick up the roses and deposit them into the vase was comical and graceless. I was picking the last one up and the timer went off. I finished putting it in the vase and knelt in position in front ofher.
“Well, it seems you managed to fail a task toy. I think it’ll be you under a sheet while I get fucked.” She pulled her underwear out of my mouth.
She knelt and slide the wet underwear up my legs until it was stretching tightly across my cock and balls. I felt her touch the tip of my head and groaned at the shields it sent through my body. I eagerly licked at Her fingers when she presented them to my mouth.
The door opened, and the master of the house walked in. She greeted him with a hug and kiss, wrapping her body against his. I knelt into greeting for him and waited to make myself useful.
“Dinner, toy.”
As I started cooking, I day dreamed about the evening to come.
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