Sunday Service Ch. 01

ti ti ti ti…

ti ti ti ti…


That was my hand right there, spanking watson my alarm.

“Thank you Watson, your services are no longer required,” I said out loud.

As my soul was awakening, it was very excited for the day up ahead. It is Sunday, and as every Sunday, my little sissy Sasha and myself have our weekly session.

Sasha is a male in his late twentyties with a very successful career in a big marketing firm. He literally manages a team of over a hundred. And yet, he willingly devotes all of this services and attention to me, on a weekly basis.

It all started out when we met a couple of months ago at a bar. A mutual friend introduced us to each other and we hit of real quick. He started ranting about girls Not giving him anything more than sex and that he needed more.

“What exactly do you need Sasha?”

“Well” he took a sip of his jin & tonic.

“I need someone who can relieve me from the amount of responsibility Ihave at work.”

He took another sip, I could feel he was slightly nervous sharing this with me. I like that and this very thought arouses me. I looked at him in the eyes and asked him: “So Sasha, what would you have me do?”

I had to get of my bed and get ready for today. A quick work out session would do me good, but I wanted to keep it for later. The plan needed to work flawlessly today.

I didn’t both grabbing breakfast neither.

I simply wore some clothes, took my bag and car keys and sent Sasha a text: “Be ready in 10 minutes.”

That night we met, was a wild night. Unlike any other guy I was with, Sasha was unusually lucky. I could feel an enormous amount of energy in him that was begging to be tamed. And, oh boy, that night, I played Sasha’s desires. I denied him sex, but I pushed him to the edge 5 times before giving him the relief of a well deserved release, while I made sure he was pleasure me. I wanted to hook him to me. I wanted to see him again and I wanted more: I wanted to own him.

Bip Bip

“Hey Mori how are we today?”

I got an amazing car – it’s a volvo. I bought it 2 years ago and decided to name it after an old Japanese clan. Those Japanese have such a fascinating culture that I could spend hours writing books about them.

But now was the time for Mori to take me to Sasha.

10 minutes later I was on 14th Avenue. Sasha enrusted me with a key of his house which I used to open the door of his mansion.

It was a fairly big house for a person living alone. There were 2 bedrooms, one living room and one kitchen. But my best part is the basement. I can take Sasha there and tease him for hours without having to worry about his sounds. Let him scream, in here, no one will hear him!

I was delighted to be welcomed by a very docile Sasha. He was standing by the door, legs slightly opened up, hands behind his back and eyes focused on the floor in front of him. Exactly as I instructed him to do thenight before.

“Hi Sasha”

“Good morning Mistress”

I walked a bit towards him, my high heels smoking the floor in front of him. I like that sound, it is as if it says “I own this”.

“I am very pleased by your posture Sasha””Thank you Mistress””However, your clothes are disappointing. When did I allow you to wear any in my presence and anyway, Even if you were to wear anything, it would at best serve as a light cover. Even then, your body parts are to remain exposed!””I…””Don’t say a word bit when you are wrong.”His face was lifting up”And don’t you look at me, ESPECIALLY when you are wrong.”

My left heel was knocking on the floor and I paused for a minute. You see, one of the things about being in control, is to control oneself. I was in charge here of both Sasha and myself.

His job is to do as I say, but mine is to decide when he gets to speak and how long silence is to be observed. Decisions requires a great amount of self-awareness and control if they are to be made in the most optimal way.

I also needed a minute of silence for him to ponder on what I had just said. Those 60 seconds felt in his mind like eternity.

“Look Sasha, the deal is simple. You made it clear to me when we started our little weekly exercise of ours, that you needed someone to baby sit you? Isn’t that right?” I asked in a very serious tone. And Without even waiting for an answer I proceeded.

“You told me you are such a bad boy…

trapped in an infinite cage of energy…

needing for someone to tame that fury…

and in the process turn you into a toy…”

I found it fun that I had come on with a pseudo poem here.

“Now, let’s proceed. You are going to undress real quick and keep your panties on.”

He was obviously in a hurry to get started “Did I say start?”

He stopped with a shadow of sadness crossing his face. Funny, that’s a grown up man who is aware of his untamed energetic nature, who needsa woman like myself to limit his impulses and in the same time, who gets turned on by that very imprisonment that I impose on him.

“I am going to time it boy. You have 10 seconds to get everything out.” I took a deep breath.

“One…” Oh my, someone was in a rush. Maybe he expected some kind of reward for completing the task before the timer was over?

“Two…” shirt is of

“Three…” he starteds to unbutton his pants

“Four…” pants are of

“Six…” “Left sock is out

“Seven…” Right sock is out

He was left with his panties on.

“Interesting, you did it before the ten seconds were over. That’s not so bad.” He was looking at me with a quirky smile on his face. “Where you expect something from it?” I asked. “Yes I did!”. I pinched my lips together, raised my eye browser and paused for 5 long seconds. I wanted him to feel the pressure in the air as well as make him anticipate my reaction.

That bad boy expects something eh? Let him wait for it.

“So, you are looking at me in the eyes. You expect a reward from me. You did not address me properly. Besides, I never said that undressing in under 10 seconds would grant you a reward. Actually, it was either you do in under 10 seconds or you get paid for failing to succeed. We don’t train losers here. Failure is not tolerated!” I paused again.

Boom, he He knew what he had done. And he knew what to await. His eyes were already looking back at the floor.

I took a deep breath and gradually released the air from my lungs. I then walked towards him. Slowly but surely. When I reached right in front of him, I paused and then turned around him. I was behind him now.

My hands reached out to this back and his reaction at my touch was instant. That kid Even let out a small moan as soon as he felt my nails tackled his pure flesh.

I then slid those nails across his body all the way down until I reached his ass. “You failed 3 times already, and that’s me beinggenerous, skipping some other mistakes.”


His body shook and he almost lost his equilibrium.

“I should not administrator any punishment unto you since you made it on time.”


“Especially that you have become a more docile pet lately.”


That was it. Three spanks.

“Those spanks are my good morning to you. I’d have to go easy on that ass of yours. At your rhythm, I am confident I will be spanking you often and you know, a simple act of pain is N.E.V.E.R.” I made sure to put the pressure on each letter “as painful as repeated continuous acts of a more timing shallow pain.”

My hands were now caresing his ass checks and from time to time stretching them. I then slowly started reaching to the front of his belly, while getting progressively close to his body.

I wanted to make sure that he won’t get the pleasure of feeling my boobs against him. Actually? None of my body parts was meant to touch him apart from my hands.I knew how much he loved my body. Heck he’d worship it if I told him to!

I knew that hidden beneath those shy white panties of his, was a big and hard erect cock becoming for some kind of attention. I had told him to wear panties, cuz they offer more room to play compared to boxes, especially when the cock gets harder. The other parts of the panties suddenly become more exposed and I can slide things in there 😉

I planned on rubbing his hips for a bit waiting for him to start to moan. I shortly heard some sounds coming out of him and that was my cue.

My left hand got closer.

This moment is the generation.

This is for any man, the moment they are dying for.

The moment of attention and ultimate reward.

Because at this very point, they will feel instant gratification.

“I Wonder, should I reward you with a tiny touch of that hard cock of yours?”

Did you ever hear a man let go of a very deep moan only to cut it short and recover his breath? I mean, I didn’t even need to do anything know. The IDEA of me touching him was, alone, a torque. And I didn’t need any other answer.

I make him wait at the door for a minute.

I make him undress in less than 10 seconds.

I reprimand him for his bad behavior.

I tease his back with my nails.

I spank his ass 3 times.

I cares his hips for a while, while denying him the touch of my body on his.

And I inject in his mind the thought of me touching his cock and then, I spray on top the doubt of this never happening.

God, I’m a fucking bitchy person.

He knows it.

And I know he likes it.

No.. he WANTS that.

He begs for it.

Every week.

The tip of my left index finger flirted with the tip of his cock. Spasms went over his body.

“Oh waw, we’re not even remotely close to cuming” and I let go an evil smile and in the process took my finger away, and my hand out of his hips. And I stepped back. His body was left alone.

The reaction was divine. The sight glorious.

This my friends, is how you train you man.

Every man, is at the end of the day, bound to his cock.

When a woman owns that cock, she owns the man.

Deny a man his most intrinsic need and he will obey you until you reward him. Maybe!

He was now standing still in front of me all alone.

“Interesting isn’t it? I don’t need any tool to bound you. Look at you, standing here, not allowed to move. You feel my presence but you can’t see me. You want me to touch you but I didn’t it.

You can do something about it since you are completely free, and yet you are not. You are bound and tied up without me even tying you up.”

I got closer to him and gave him a gentle kiss on the neck.

“That’s for being a good docile boy. Now, follow me to the kitchen.”


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