The Submission of Susan
Sunday Punishment
Waking up on the Sunday and knowing my Master still has things he wants to correct with me I try to softly creep out of the bedroom without waking him. The longer I can prolong what will be my ultimate punishment for lying, forcing him to spank me with no plug, climaxing and not telling him…the better. Jeez, it’s some list. I am still sporting the welts from the switching he gave me yesterday by the river. With what is still to come I doubt I will be able to sit down for at least a week if not longer.
I start cooking breakfast nervously waiting for him to come down. I have not changed from the PJs I wore to bed last night. Normally I sleep naked with Master but as I was put to bed at 8 pm with lights out I thought it better I wear something than have him come up and be tempted to beat on my butt last night. Not thatPJs would have saved me if he had decided he wanted to make a start on the discipline before going to bed.
I accept all the discipline I get from Master. I know that except for maintenance spankings, all discipline is due to some infection or mistake I have made. The discipline I receive from Master as a submissive has gone a long way to sorting out my previous attitude problems I had before I met him. Yes Sometimes I think it’s unfair or not warranted but I trust my Master to take care of me and absolutely know it is not sadism on his part but an attempt to keep me on the right path in life.
Eventually, Master shows up and plonks himself down on the chair by the table.
“I don’t know what I am going to do with you Susan,” he says. “You have just got to stop lying to get yourself out of trouble. In the end, it only ends up worse for you.
“Come here and show me that bottom of yours,” he commands.
I walk across to him before dropping my PJs and turning so hecan see my bottom. I feel his hand on me tracing the lines across my bottom.
“I can’t keep spanking you every time you mess up but you have got to be taught a lesson. I still need to address the lying, the plug and climaxing from yesterday but I have thought of something that will teach you a lesson but for once doesn’t actually involve spanking you.”
With that, he stands up and heads towards the door. I of course start to pull up my PJs.
He turns back to me, “Did I say you could pull them up?” he asks in his authoritative voice.
“No Master, you didn’t,” I say meekly as I let go of my PJ bottoms and feel them drop back to the floor. I then stand in the kitchen partially naked waiting for Master to return not knowing what he has in his mind. He said he wasn’t going to spank me so that in itself is a result. I bet it’s bloody lines. He knows I hate doing lines for him. All that repeat writing saying what a bad girl I have been and how I will be good in the future. Last time he made me write it five hundred times!
When he does finally return and sit back down in his chair he places a tail plug, lube, a leash and my collar on the table. I can see the tail is not my normal tail and the plug it’s attached to is clearly a bigger plug. This tail is about 2 feet long and a sort of blonde-golden colour.
“They told me at the shop you can now take two inches Susan so I have bought you a new tail. You’re going to be wearing it and be my puppy girl all day today. Once that tail goes in you will not say anything unless it’s to yap or bark. It will be one woof for no and two woofs for yes. I don’t care what other noises you make but you say one single word across the whole day and you are down in the basement feeling the crop and you will be left there the whole night. This is a new tail so don’t you dare get it dirty. I expect you to look after it like your life depends on it. Do you UNDERSTAND?”
I nod back at him. Actually, this may notbe that bad after all I think. I have been his puppy girl before and other than making me pee in our yard it wasn’t all that bad. The collar I have frequently and he has sort of dragged me round the house on the leash. All in all, I may just have done sort of OK for this punishment he plans to give me.
“Get your butt over the table and spread,” he commands me.
Without any hesitation, I quickly lay across the table and reach back spreading my cheeks giving Master full access to my pumped hole. I don’t want to give him any reason to decide a spanking should also be included today.
I feel the familiar lube being applied to my sphincter before his finger is pushing into me lubing the inside of my rectum. The plug is then introduced and I feel the pressure start to mount as Master slowly pushes the bulb of the plug into me. We both know I can take 2 inches but it is always a struggle. I feel myself start to dilate and try hard to relax willing the thing into me. Just when I feel I can stretch open no more and it’s hurting, the pressure suddenly releases and I know it’s in thank God.
Master then tugs on the plug before commanding me to try to push it out. I try hard to push back but it’s very clear that with this tail at least, it isn’t coming out unless Master wants it out.
Allowing me to stand up, Master turns me around and clips my collar in place. This collar I know has a small tag affixed to it that says ‘Property Of Master Jon’. The lean for the moment stays on the table.
“Right, your tail is in so the rule for you for the rest of the day is not a single word till that tail is back out. Understood?”
I don’t know if this is a trick question or not but I’m not that stupid and reply “Woof woof”. I feel a little silly saying that but hell, it’s my Master so it’s no big deal.
“OK, go upstairs and get dressed. I have laid out your things for the day,” he tells me before playingfully smacking my now-plugged bottom.
I turn and head towards the stairs. I can feel the tail swishing against my tights. It feels like it’s hanging about halfway down my thigh. I also think it’s a little odd that Master wants to dress me if he wants me as his puppy girl. Normally I am left naked and have to crawl around on all fours.
Once in our bedroom, I see what clothes he has laid out for me. There is a pair of white sneakers and white socks, a lovely bright yellow T-shirt and a bright blue skirt. The skirt though is quite short. It’s not dangerously short but still on the high side. I note there are no panties but then I wouldn’t expect them as we are in the house. His rule is no panties to be wound at home. He says that as I am his property he wants access to me whenever he feels like it. I still think it’s a little weird he wants me dressed though.
I get dressed as required noting that the skirt does not hide my tail and it is hanging about three inches below the hemline. Turning and looking at myself in the mirror I also see a small bump directly in the back centre of the skirt. This is being caused by the tail as it exits my butthole before curving downwards. All in all though, if you ignore the tail and the collar I recon I look pretty good.
I go back downstairs and finish fixing breakfast knowing of course now I can’t speak unless I yap or woof. Putting the breakfast down on the table I gingerly sit down putting my hand under the skirt to move the tail to the side.
“It’s a lovely day isn’t it Susan?”, Master asks me.
“Woof woof,” is my reply. I feel so ridiculous saying it. Perhaps this is the punishment Master was talking about.
“Yes,” he says. “Too good to stay inside which is why Tim and I have arranged brunch at the restaurant in the country park. We can eat and then take a walk around the park.”
What!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe what I am hearing. We are going out and I’m dressed like this????? The outfit itself is fine but I have a bloody tailhanging down between my legs and a collar on. I want desperately to tell Master that we can’t possibly go out with me like this but know I’m not allowed to talk on the pain of a severe spanking in the cellar.
I try to make the very best doggy pleading noises I can think of but he is totally ignoring me taking the plates to the sink to wash up. I follow him still desperately trying to make some noise to show him I can’t go out like this but he is having none of it. It’s very obvious what my punishment is going to be today. Total embarrassment! Something that Master knows I have a hard time coping with.
It takes Master 20-odd minutes to get ready and I sit sullenly in the living room waiting for him dreading what I know will be coming today. Oh, how I wish it was a spanking I was getting and not this torture. I could act up of course but I know my Master too well now. I would get a spanking and still have to be a puppy for the day. I am just going to have to try my best to cope with it.
There is a ring on the front doorbell and I know it will be Tim and Sally. Getting up I go answer it opening the door to a bubble Sally and her Master Tim. They of course greet me but I choose not to reply which of course looks odd. It’s at this point that Sally spots my tail hanging between my legs and laughing asks me why that’s there. Of course, I can’t explain and just look at her with pleading eyes.
Master then makes his appearance and greets them both.
“Before we go out I should just explain to you both that Susan wants to be a puppy girl today so she won’t be able to talk to you. You can ask her a yes or no question if you want and she can reply with one woof for no and two woofs for yes… or make any other kind of doggy noise but she is not allowed to talk. Please let me know if she does speak.”
Then of course Sally comes out with the priceless question. “Is that a new tail she is wearing Sir?”
“Oh, do you like it?” Master says.
With that, he turns me around and lifts my skirt allowing them both to see my golden tail poking out from between my butt cheeses.
“I’ve moved her up to 2 inches now so there is no way that is coming out less I want it out,” he says casually. “It dilates her a bit more but other than that I think it’s quite comfortable isn’t it Susan?”
I have no option but to woof twice which causes Sally to laugh and I give her a daggers look. Master then thankfully drops my skirt before unbelievably clipping the lean to my collar. At this point, Sally perks up again asking my Master if she may look after the puppy today. I of course can’t believe what I am hearing and desperately want to tell her to piss off but of course, dare not say anything.
Master laughs and hands Sally my lean. “OK, Sally you can look after her and make sure she behaves. Remember, no talking. If she does you let me know.”
With that, we all head out to the car with Sally pulling on my lean. I want to reach up and yank the bloody lean from her hands but I know that would not be a wise thing to do. What I do know is that my day from hell is about to start!!
On the way to the park, Master explains why I am a puppy girl today. He tells them both that there are just so many times you can spank a naughty submission and occasionally you need to think of other ways to teach them a lesson which is exactly what’s happening to Sunday today. For the whole of today, he would be very grateful if they treated Susan exactly like a puppy.
With this statement, Tim turns round to Sally and says “Well you wanted to look after her so she is your responsibility today Sally. Master Jon doesn’t want her misbehaving so I am expecting you to keep her under control.”
“Oh I will Master,” She replies. “It’s so exciting to have my own puppy. Master Jon, can I play with her?”
Jeez Sally, will you leave it alone I mentally beg. It’s bad enough to be told I’m a puppy all day without you making things worse. I also wish she would drop the bloody lean but she is hanging onto it like her life depends on it.
“Well Sally,” Master replies. “She’s your responsibility so I guess you can do what you want with her. Just make sure her tail doesn’t get dirty. It’s brand new.”
Sally’s hand then casually drops between my legs but I give her a quick smack and she pulls it away. Considering I am now her responsibility it might have been more prudent of me to let her have that play rather than upset her. As it turned out, I was going to deeply regret that little slap I gave her later in the day!
We eventually pull up in the parking lot of the restaurant and I am of course dreading what I know is about to happen. We all get out of the car with Sally pulling on my lean. I am trying to stay as close to her as possible so hopefully, the lean is not that obvious. What I cannot do anything about is the bump on my backside showing through my skirt and the three inches of tailAlso hanging below the hemline of my skirt. I have noted the car park is full which means the restaurant is going to be packed.
Master turns to Sally and asks her if her puppy needs to use the toilet before we go in. I am of course horror-stricken by this comment and quickly woof once with pleading looks to Sally who thankfully tells Master she thinks I am ok.
Inside we all wait for the concierge to guide us to Our table. I don’t know where to look knowing people can see I am on a leash and there is definitely a tail poking out from my skirt. Fortunately, we don’t wait long and are guided to a table in a corner thank goodness. Pulling on my lean I make it clear to Sally that I want the very corner seat and smiling she thankfully lets me take it. As I sit down I am forced to put my hand under my skirt and adjust the tail so it is at least falling to the side and not directly down the back of the chair.
The menus are then passed around and another horror thought hitsme. What if Master is going to make me eat and drink from a bowl? If he does I don’t care what the consequences are, I am going to do a bolt from this restaurant, yank the bloody tail out and get home as soon as possible. He has already taught me a lesson today that I will never forget and we are not even at mid-day yet!
Fortunately, though this does not happen and I am even allowed to choose what I want. I can’t talk but pointing seems OK. I am only allowed to drink water while the three of them sip on a very nice wine. The meal itself is wonderful and the three of them chat amiably. Occasionally I am asked a question and in a very low voice, I am forced to bark my answer’s which seems to amuse them.
As we get to the end of the meal I realise that the water is taking effect and I need to pee. How am I going to communicate this to Sally? I tap her on her arm and point to my now crossed legs and give her a pleading look.
“I think Master Jon, that puppy needs to pee,” Sally says.
“Well, she is going to have to wait till we are outside then isn’t she”.
What!!! Master is not going to let me use the restroom……OMG, what am I going to do? Can I hold out till we get home? I doubt it.
“OK Master,” Sally replies. Would you mind holding her lean while I use the restroom please?”
Master has no problem with that and take my lean from Sally’s outstretched hand. I am forced to sit there cross-legged watching Sally absolutely as she ambles into the lady’s room.
Soon Sally is back and once again in charge of the leanh. The bill is paid and I am again forced to walk through the restaurant displaying my tail before we are outside. Master then suggests a walk around the park and we set off with me trailing behind Sally on the leanh. People frequently give me concerned looks as they pass but I try to smile and reassure them that I am not being captured or tortured and that I am actually enjoying the walk. As if!!!
The need topee is now becoming cute and I start tugging on the lean to attract Sally’s attention. Eventually, she turns and rather gruffly asks “What is it puppy?”. This of course attracts both Master’s attention as well.
I while at her and point to my crotch and cross my legs. Hopefully, it’s obvious what I need and we have to get back to that restaurant quickly.
“I think puppy needs to pee Master,” Sally says.
“Ok, take her behind that bush there Sally and let her do her business,” Master says, before turning and walking on with Tim.
What!!! He’s not going to let me use the restroom and I am going to have to pee out here in the open. I look around desperately. There doesn’t seem to be that many people about. If I’m quick hopefully no one will notice. I quickly pull Sally into the bushes and bop down lifting my skirt before I am peeing like there’s no tomorrow. Sally is looking down at me giggling but I don’t care. I am desperate. Of course in my desire I have totally forgotten about the bloody tail which is happy now playing in the mud my pee is creating.
Eventually, I am done and skirt down, we rejoin our Masters for this bloody embarrassing walk. Fortunately, the walk around the park is not that long. The plug in my bottom is certainly making its presence known but it is not actually uncomfortable. It is just giving me a sort of full feeling and is milkly teasing me. It’s not close to pushing me towards a climax of any sort but I would say it’s an interesting feeling.
Eventually, we are back in the car and heading home thank goodness. I sit with my tail between my legs just slightly hanging over the car seat and thanking whatever god there is that my ordeal is coming to an end. If a god was listening then what he would actually be saying to me is “You poor deluded fool. You really think your Master is going to let it end now?”
On the way back I listen as Tim invites Master and me back to their house.
“You might as well come back Jon and make a whole day of it. Sally can rustle us up something and I have a great movie we can watch later,” Tims suggests.
Oh please please don’t agree I think. Please let this torture be over now. I am willing Master to say no but guess what? Yep. He agrees!!
We park the car and Master asks Sally to take the puppy in and he will be back in just a few minutes. He needs to get something from our house. Sally gently pulls on my lean and I miserably follow her to their front door before being led in. I am taken into the living room and we both sit down. At least I am away from strangers looking at me and it’s just Tim and Sally.
There is a knock on the front door and I hear Master being led in and watch as he comes into the front room carrying a small bag.
“I hope you don’t mind Tim,” Master says, but as Susan is a puppy girl all today and we are in your house I would like to dress her approximately”.
This doesn’t sound good at all I think and watch as Master removes some mitten gloves, two straps and some knee pads. I groan loudly as I just know what’s coming.
“Sally, as she’s your pet you can dress her please? Take all her clothes off. Put the mittens gloves on her hands, the knee pads on her knees and use the straps to secure her ankles to her thighs.”
I am almost crying as I stand and lift my hands to allow Sally to remove my T-shirt. The skirt is soon down at my feet and I am standing there naked except for the tail. I miserably hold my hands out as the mitten gloves are placed over my hands and then Sally is bending down securing the knee pads to my knees. I know I now have no choice but to drop down onto my hands and knees and wait as Sally lifts each of my legs and secures them to my thighs.
“Oh almost forgot,” Master says and produces a ball gag from his pocket handling it to Sally. “Put it on her. I don’t want any speaking accidents today.”
I open my mouth to accept the gag. The gag that Master uses on me occasionally is quite big and once in I cannot do anything but mumble. Hell, I’m not even going to be able to woof if they want me to.
I am now on all fours in Tim’s living room, totally naked, tail in my butt and unable to say anything with just a little saliva already dribbling from my mouth. My breasts are hanging down and sway as I move. The straps holding my legs stop me from standing and I know my Master will go out of his way to make the rest of the evening as uncomfortable and embarrassing as possible.
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