Sunday on My Mind

A Sunday in February

‘You’ll have to wait until Sunday, baby.’

‘Keep Sunday evening free in your diary, babygirl.’

These and numerous similar statements had been keeping me itching for Sunday. However, nothing seemed out of the ordinary when Sunday finally arrived and I was starting to worry it was all just a big tease. As per usual, I got up first and did a brief version of my daily stretching routine, brief because we were going out to the gym together after breakfast. After waking up all my muscles and joints, I went down to the kitchen to bake off more of the croissants I had made from scratch as a weekend treatment. As I was setting the table with yoghurt, fruit and blueberry jam my mind kept wandering ahead in time to tonight.

I called up the stairs to tell him that breakfast was ready and started throwing together some leftovers to create a light lunch for on the go as I was waiting for him to join me.

The croissants were a success, seeing how much he liked them filled me with happiness and pride. Giving has always been my main love language so everyone I’d ever been with had been shown with handmade gifts, cards, poems and homemade pancakes, cookies and other treatments. Only this time, with him, it was more than that. I had never given myself to anyone before, not like this. Not this fully, this trustingly and this willingly. I loved being at his mercy, ready to fulfill every single one of his wishes and fansies. We had discovered my natural submissiveness the Summer before and had been exploring ever since, pushing me further and further, so far without hitting any hard boundaries. The development of our relationship and our excursions into kinky territory changed me in ways I had never imagined. I had no idea I had all of this inside me. The soft toughness and the tough softness of being this slutty submissive babygirl.

I knew work had been chaos and he was easily distracted at the best of times but I really didn’t think he could have forgotten his promises about today. Not that I even knew what those promises held. I was kept in the dark, his power over me like a mental blindfold. Just how I liked it. I always tried to get him to talk when he was being mysterious but really, I wanted to be surprised.

We went off to the gym, spent a few hours tiring ourselves out, and went back home. No mention of tonight’s plans. I hoped in the shower and scrubbed myself squeaky clean with some sparkly shower gel anyway, one can only hope. After my shower I sat down with a book, but wasn’t really taking in any of the words, I was far too distracted. I could hear him rummaging around upstairs now. So maybe, after all…

I was sitting with my back to the door when he finally came in. I pretended not to notice but felt a tingle going all the way down my back. He put his hand on my shoulder.

‘Come with me babygirl, time to have some fun.’

I slowly stood up and walked up the stairs. I was awareof his presence behind me, his eyes on my back and ass. The flutter in my stomach almost made me giggle. I walked into the bedroom. I noticed that the under-mattress restraints we had recently invested in had been slightly adjusted, but nothing more than that. What had he been up to?


His voice pulled me out of my thoughts and his tone reminded me I wasn’t in a place to ask questions. My role is to take orders. Only speak when spoken to. Never ask, always answer. Sir. I am a lump of clay, to be constantly shaped and reshaped by his hands. I am a piece in an interactive art installation, just as much a toy as the massive purple dildo, or the shiny nipple clamps. As I stripped I could see him picking up the blindfold. He eased the strap over my head, I feel the soft dark fabric replacing my view of the room. This padded darkness filled me with a calm trust. A feeling I had been missing, a state I had been craving ever since he mentioned Sunday.

‘Give me your hands.’

More padded limitations to my freedom. He tightened the wrist restraints but instead of taking me to the bed as I expected he lifted my arms up above my head. I felt him fiddle with knots and my arms were being pulled forwards and upwards.

‘Step forward.’

He nudged me gently and I took a careful step towards the force pulling on my hands. I felt my tits pressing up against the cool white wood of the bedroom door. He had somehow tied my hands to the top of the door, maybe the frame even. I sawed and felt my body settle into the comfort of this lovingly inflicted discomfort.

‘Good girl.’

And before I could even register what was about to happen I felt a sharp slap on my ass. The fire of the impact made me gasp and didn’t even have the time to close my mouth before the next hit came. Even harder. The tip of the crop left a burning mark as he flicked it up just when it hit my soft skin. He paused. Gently caresed my tights with the tip of the crop, thesame tool that had just inflicted such pain. He dragged the crop higher up my inner tigh, up up until he patted my desperate pussy. I felt my whole body squirm to get more contact, more pressure out of this touch. He laughed, knowingly. He would keep me waiting, of course.

‘So…needy…’ he said with feigned disapproval.

He pulled the crop away and brought it down hard again. I could picture how red my ass must be by now. At first the hits were slow, building up in intensity but not speed. He alternated between spanking me and slowly massaging my sore cheeses. Then all of a sudden the crop rained down in a storm of sharper and duller slapses and thuds. I was so stunned I couldn’t even move away from the impact. Not that that would have made him stop anyway. Not that I even wanted him to stop, really. My twisted, pain loving instincts made me lean into the path of the crop, savouring each burning hit.

And then just as suddenly as it had started, it was over.

A warm embrace from behind and his soft voice in my ear.

‘You did so well, babygirl, such a good girl. I am so proud of you.’

I gasp, catching my breath, not being able to fully snap out of my marvellous cocoon of red hot pain .

‘Yes?’ I managed to whisper.

‘You took it so well, and looked beautiful as you did.’

He knelt down behind me and I felt his hand between my legs.

‘I have never seen such a wet pussy before. Literally dripping. Good girl. You enjoyed that spanking, didn’t you?’

‘Yes.’ was my slowly exhausted response. There was no point lying, my body had already given me away.

He reached up and my arms came down to my sides as I felt the rope slacken. He did not take the cuffs of my wrists as he roughly pushed me onto the bed. The first phase of his plan seemed to have pleased him and that made me very happy. Little did I know how much more he had in store for me.

My arms were above my head again, each hand being pulled to a cornerof the bed by the restraints he had now fastened to the cuffs. A soft pull on my left foot, a set of cuffs being slipped around my ankles, as well now. I expected to be tied to all four corners of the bed like so many times before. However, he grabbed my legs and pulled them up towards my chest. I had always been naturally flexible but still silently thanked the gymnastics coaches from my childhood for teaching me how to stretch. This was definitely not what they had in mind when they made us train splits and repeatedly told us that yes, it should hurt. I smiled at that thought. Pain isn’t so bad after all.

Once I was bent double with my ass and pussy up in the air, he spread my legs and clipped each ankle to the corresponding wrist. Now, that’s what I’d call being exposed. As he started teasing me I Couldn’t help but moan and whimper so he quickly and deftly stuffed a gag in my mouth. It wasn’t long before I felt the drool running down my chin.

The next half hour was a blur of near-orgasms.

‘Please Sir, can I come, Sir?’ half words, half moan.

‘No.’ would be the steady answer.

He kept me on edge with a selection of vibrating toys, dancing fingers and finally the comfort of his warm hard cock inside me. When I was told I could tip over the edge I moaned my way through a deliciously intense and overwhelming release until I collapsed under him. It took me a couple of minutes to register how numb my legs were, still attached to my wrists. He quickly untied me and we just stayed there, cuddling and smiling and kissing, a blissful grin lingering on both our faces.


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