Sunday Drive

It would have been a pleasant drive in the country. It was a Sunday afternoon. The sun was bright, the breeze was warm and a little moist, and the countryside was empty. They hadn’t seen a car along this back road at all, and only two total since they had left the gas station an hour ago. Steph had had to go then, could have asked to use the restroom then, and Greg would have let her. The play would have been different, he would have been disappointed, but he would have let her, and he would have adapted. But she hadn’t, and out here in nowhere she was going to have to. They were too far out to make it back to a proper toilet and this is what she wanted, what she hated, what she needed. She took a long pull from her bottle of water.

The Subaru wagon crested the top of the low hill and the road stretched a mile ahead straight to the next hilltop, empty, desolate. There were some trees along the roadside, and the pasture was a little shaggy and brown. There weren’t even any cattle or horses in view. It was a good spot, she would have some cover.

“Greg,” Step stammered, shy to start, always shy to start. “I’m sorry, I … Oh, this is … I just …”

“What, Step.” Greg said, pretending not to know. “What’s the matter?”

“I just haven’t seen any place to stop in a while, and I, well I tried to…”

“Oh, you need a restroom?” Greg laughed, a little smug, a little playful. “You’re right, you’re kind of out of luck. Can you hold it for a bit, I’ll try and find you a place.”

Steph squirmed in her seat. He wasn’t going to suggest they pull over and find a private hedge, he was going to make her make the move, humiliate herself. That was part of it for him, part of his enjoyment. Steph moaned a little and tried to relax the grip on her bladder. Just a little, just enough to make a wet spot, but it wouldn’t go. She squirmed some more.

“I can try, honey.” She said, through gritted teeth. “But, it’d better be soon.”

Greg snortedand stared ahead out at the road. Steph grunted and squirmed in her seat, playing it up a little. Her need, her age, her desperation was all that existed in the car, in their world. They reached the bottom of the little valley and began climbing to the top of the next hill. Steph took another swallow from her water bottle, knowing that will only make it worse, but she needed to just wet, just get it over with, get it started.

Greg turned down the air conditioning, letting the sun and the day get into the car. They reached the top of the hill and a thin film of sweat formed on her browser. The road continued on, no break, no traffic, no civilization. The trees fell away and the top of the next hill there was no cover at all. They drove down into the little valley.

Sweat trickled down between her breasts, and from her hair down the back of her neck. Her t-shirt started to get clammy and stick to her, to the seat. Her pierced nipples shone through the thin fabric and hardened up with anticipation. She felt a spasm in her bladder and let out a moan. Greg chuckled.

“I don’t know, Steph.” He crooned. “Not seeing much of anything up ahead. You gonna be ok?”

Steph doubled up, panting waves of pressure pulsing through her. She couldn’t keep still, but the moving made it worse too. She shook her head, unable to speak. The effort of holding on vied with the effort to let go. Greg glanced over at her and the car drifted towards the shoulder. They hit a bump and the car bounced.

Steph’s piss flooded into her lap, splashed out in a burst. She groaned and surprised, relishing in the relief for a moment, before clamping down, feeling the warm soothing spread along her tighs and ass. It cooled quickly, leaving her feeling soggy and foul. She sobbed.

“Oh, Greg.” She cried. “I’m sorry, I’ve made a mess, pull over, please. I’m sorry.”

Greg rejected and coasted to a stop at the top of the hill. He turned off the engine, and got out. Steph was doubledover, with the momentary pressure relieve gone she was still in ago, and afraid to move lest she makes it worse. She heard Greg open the hatchback, and rummage around a bit. He walked up beside her and opened her door.

“C’mon, get out.” he said, grabbing her hair and pulling her. “I guess I’m going to have to show you how to behave.”

Another trickle escaped, re-warming her pissy spot, and he dragged her to the back of the car. He had her collar and manacles ready, and had her locked in with her wrists clipped behind her neck before she was even aware of her surroundings. With a gentle shove, she stumbled back away from the car.

“Such a nasty little girl, Steph” He crooned “Wet your pants like a schoolgirl. Is that what you want?”

Steph Shook her head, forcedly. The tears on her Cheeks shook off in a spray. Greg pulled out his pocket knife and came at her.

“That’s right. You’re a woman.” He said as he cut through the fabric of her shorts, tearing them away and dropping them to the side of the road. “A woman drops her pants before she pisses, right?”

Steph nodded. Greg cut at her shirt as well, then just grabbed it in his hands and tore it from her, leaving her naked at the side of the road but for her leather collar and leather sneakers. She sobbed again, racked with spasm, felt another squirt and the piss dripped down her left thigh. She clutched her knees together and held on, he hadn’t given her permission yet. In the distance, she heard the rumble of an engine.

“Stand up, Steph.” Greg ordered “If you’re going to just piss anywhere like some kind of animal, you might as well act like one.”

Steph straightened up and looked at him. He had his suede flogger hooked to his belt and he was greasing up the ponytail buttplug. She sobbed again, knowing what he was going to do. Her asshole spasmed in fear and another squirt of piss splattered the road between her feet. Greg stalked over and forcing her knees apart, spanked her hard on the cunt, twice, then shoved his pissy fingers into her mouth.

“Not yet, slut.” He hissed, violating her mouth, probing under her tongue, squirming his fingers in the back of her throat. “Not till you’re ready. Now give me your ass.”

Steph arched her back and turned her heels out, presenting her asshole as best she could. The pressure in her bladder made her knees shaky and she couldn’t stop her pelvis from rotating, grinding the air. The car engine drew nearer, grow louder. Greg kept his finger rape of her mouth going and reached down with his free hand and slowly worked the slick plug into her ass.

“That’s it, that’s my girl.” He crooned in her ear. “Just relax yourself and take it. Open up for me, c’mon arch your back, give me that little asshole. Ok, push down, Just a little, and take it. I’m giving this to you, so just open up and take it.”

The plug slid home with another splatter of piss. Step groaned and gasped, sucking greedily on his fingers. Greg grabbed her by her mouth and turned her around so she was facing back they way they came. The road was clear, but the engine noise was closer. Greg pulled a leather blindfold from his back pocket and set it over her face, pulling the elastic over her head. For Steph, the world went dark.

Greg grabbed her wrists and yanked her upright. She cried out, disoriented and the flogger came across her breasts, heavy and sharp. She let out a little scream, the surprise giving rise to fear. The flogger slapped again, against her manicured mound and tighs, and she thrust forward, her long trained response.

“Spread your legs, my pretty little pony.” Greg whispered in her ear. “Turn your knees out, push out your cunt. Now open it up for me. Are you ready?”

The engine was close now, and slowing. Steph could feel the stranger stars on her naked flesh, burning into her, knowing her, invading her, taking her. The flogger snapped upward into her cunt and she came and went.

She would have collapsed if Greg didn’t still have her wrists. As it was she went a little limp and the piss poured out of her. The flogger spun, slapping up into her over and over, spraying her hot urine up her belly. She opened her mouth to scream and drops splashed her face, her mouth, her tongue, just a hint of sour and salt. Distantly, she heard car windows rolled down, cameras going off, harsh feminine laughter. She sank slowly to her knees, the flood tapering off to a trickle. Greg’s hands let go and he stepped away.

Steph knelt in her punch, panting. She sensed Greg in front of her, heard his zipper, him reach in and pull himself out. She mustered her strength and straightened herself up, opening her mouth, offering herself to him. The breeze picked up and she felt her piss drying on her thighs, her belly, her face, dripping from her hairs. She waited in offering.

“God, look at that whore.” The woman’s voice mumbled. “What kind of dirty trash does that?”

The camera clicked again, and again, then the first splash hit her. Greg’s hot piss stream hit her left cheek and up her forehead into her hair. The second spurt came down across her nose and into her mouth and became a steady flow. Greg had been waiting a long time for his relief as well, and her mouth filled fast. She swallowed quickly, compulsively. The stream came fast and showed her face, her hair, dripped down over her completely. She drank as much as she could. As it slowed, she followed it upstream until her lips were around the trickling head of his cock.

She swallowed him all the way, deep into her throat, moaning greedily. She wanted him, his cum, his lust, to show him she was his, to repay him for his gift of degradation, and to protect herself from further trials. Greg reached down and removed her blindfold. The camera kept shooting.

“Oh, that’s good, slut.” the woman said. “Let me get your face. Go on, choke on that cock, work it like the whore you are.”

Steph moaned, nodded, redoubled her efforts. Greg grabbed fistfuls of her piss damp hair and fucked her throat, brutal and intent, taking over the rhythm. He bruised her lips, and gagged her, unstopping, until he burst into her mouth, flooding her with his sticky, salty seed. She moaned for him and sucked and swallowed. and swallowed. Greg kept her face pulled tight, not letting go. The car started up and pulled away.

“I’ve got you, you filtered cow.” The woman shouted out as they drove off.

Greg finally pushed her off, and dragged her back to the car. He picked her up and set her in the hatchback, grinding the plug well up into her ass. Her ankles were lashed wide apart, spreading her open, exposed. Her wrists were unclipped, only to be re-attached, spread to the walls as well. Without words, Greg put the rubber bit gag in her mouth, clipped some heavy sleigh bells to her nipple rings, and another clamped right on her clip. Then he shut the hatch, climbed back into the carand drive off.

Steph stared out the back window. It was tinted, hard to see from the road, but in half an hour they’d be back on the highway with the trucks, and she would probably need to pee again.


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