Sun's Out, Bums Out

“Lexy, come here,” Miss calls, she sounds cheerful. I get up from the hall, where I have been kneeling naked for the past 2 hours. Although the sunshine outside, there is a chill in this small room. I struggle to my feet and skip into the living room, hoping that Miss is as playful as her call to me suggests.

“Sit on the floor Lexy, by the sofa, facing the tv.” Miss mentioning the tv immediately brings me back to last night and the fun and games she had, whilst humiliating me watching various videos. Although the fear of embarrassment I know to do as I am told. I don’t wish to ruin Miss’ happy mood.

The mid morning sun is streaming in through the windows and the living room is quite warm, unlike myself. Miss comes to the sofa, she is wearing shorts and a t-shirt, dressed for the weather outside. She sits behind me on the sofa, her legs either side of me, they gently brush my shoulders as she gets comfortable. “Oh Lexy you are a little cold. We will fix that once I have done your hair. Although it looks like Mr. Soft likes the cold.” Miss points to my withdrawn penis. I imagine her winding with a slight grin, but I am facing the opposite way.

Sitting between Miss’ legs is such a mental tease. I am doing everything in my power to fight the urge to cares, cuddle, kiss, worship her powerful thighs and calves. Oh I wonder is she realizes the torture this is. It doesn’t appear that she does, as she is casually beginning to prepare my hair, firstly spraying it with water and brushing it.

The brushing continues, with any tangles removed. I am so glad I have long hair, I wouldn’t want to miss the closeness of these moments, it feels so intimate. I am starting to get excited from the proximity and to the tenderness Miss is showing.

“No pigtails today Lexy. We want to tie your hair up and keep it off your face today. We are going to give you a top knot, nice and simple.” With that Miss proceeds to brush my hair into a ponytail and then twists itaround itself. It seems so quick and effortless. Within a matter of minutes, a couple of pink hair bands and clips, Miss is satisfied with my hair and she gets up.

“Right Lexy, wait there whilst I go and get your clothes, you can’t exactly go out naked. Can you?” The excitement from my penis drains instantly, I have never been out dressed before. I feel myself starting to panic, my breathing quickens. I know I liked being pushed but this is too much, this is a limit for me. I am concentrated on my breathing, trying to calm down. I feel like I am about to disappoint.

I hear Miss return, humming to herself, she is in such a good mood. I don’t want to risk her wrath by telling her I can’t go outside. I hear something drop on the sofa behind me. Judging by the lack of noise it made I would appear to be small. Miss sits on the sofa at the side of me this time, no closeness, no intimacy.

“Okay Lexy, on your feet and face me. Time to get you dressed. We wouldn’t want you arrested for instant exposure…although I wonder if there is a loophole if they can’t see anything between your legs.” Miss chuckles to herself as I stand and face her. I am trembling.

“Right I know how much you enjoyed those love island boys last night, but what you didn’t notice was the nice tans that the girls had. So you are going to do some sunbathing in the back garden. I told you I would make you warm.”

Relief and fear hit me simulateneously, relieve that I would only be in your back garden, but then the fear of being exposed to the neighbors. Miss recognized my conflicted expression. “Are you worried about my neighbors seeing you Lexy?” I reply, “Yes Miss.” I feel a tearing forming in the corner of my eye. “I tell you what Lexy because I am very fair, you will get to decide how long you will be sunbathing for. It could be 30 seconds, it could be hours. The choice is yours. How does that sound Lexy?”

“Very fair Miss, thank you.” There is gratitude in my voice and my panic is starting to subside. “Ok Lexy, time to get dressed in your bikeni.” With that Miss pulls a hot pink string bikini from behind her back. She has me step into the bikeni bottoms, she then re-ties the side strings, making sure they are correctly positioned. The bikeni top is wrapped around my chest, Miss turns me to face away from her and ties one set of strings around my back. She then ties the top string of the bikeni around my neck.

Miss makes me turn as she is inspecting her work. I feel like I don’t exist to her, like I am a mannequin in a shop front being dressed however she sees fit. She continues to make adjustments until she is happy. “Ok Lexy there you go. Now let’s get some sunscreen on you.” Miss begins to rub sunscreen all over my body. I was going to say that I wouldn’t need it, as I wouldn’t be out there too long, but I am not going to turn down her hands touching my body.

I am scanning against my bikini bottoms as Miss works her way down my body. My back is done, now my bum. Miss’ hand slightly slips inside the edge of my bikini bottoms, making sure my bum is protected even if the bottoms move a little. The touching is driving me crazy. Miss moves me round so she is facing me, she sees the front of my bikini bottoms straining. “You dirty girl!” Smack, she slaps my inner tigh. It’s painful. Smack, Smack, Smack.

Miss is repeatedly hitting the same stop. I am winning in pain with each blow. My hand instinctively begins to move towards my store tigh. “Put you hands behind your fucking back. You stupid horny bitch.” Smack, smack, smack. I feel the tears start to run down my cheeks and myself starting to sob. “Be quiet you dirty whore.”

The smacking continues until Miss is satisfied that my excitement is gone. She continues to apply the sunscreen on my legs and thighs. I wince as she applies it to the spot she has been punishing. She then stands up and give me a cuddle. “Oh Lexy, you were punished for your own good. I don’tI understand Miss’ concern and I reply “Yes Miss, thank you.”

After holding me whilst I pulled myself together. Miss wipes the tears from my face and reapply’s the sunscreen. “It’s okay Lexy. If you are a good girl we will have some fun today.” I immediately love the thought of this, especially as Miss’ mood is still playful.

“Right Lexy, I did promise that you would get to decide how long you spent topping up your tan,” Miss said whilst opening a drawer and taking out a writing pad and pen, which she handed to me. “You are going to complete 300 lines whilst tanning. That is 10 A4 pages. The quicker you complete the lines, the earlier you can come in out of the garden. But, be aware that once you finish the lines you will tan for the same time, laying on your back. We wouldn’t want an uneven tan.” Miss giggled as she explained. “So if you finish your lines within 15 seconds, you will be in the house within 30 seconds. No chance forthe neighbors to even catch a glimpse.”

How could I complete 300 lines within 15 seconds. I wanted to cry at the meaning behind Miss’ game, but instead of upsetting her and voicing my protests I bowed my head and began to follow her into the garden. Miss grabs the two towels and bottles of water as we both step into the garden.

The mid morning sun hit me, two other things suddenly came to the forefront of my mind. The first was that I am totally exposed, Miss’ neighbors would definitely be able to see me and the second was that I would definitely get a tan. Both caused me to shrink even further, maybe the lack of bulge in my bikini bottoms would be an advantage, if someone was to see me at a glance they may not pay attention.

There were two sun loungers, both in the shade. Miss put her bag on one and placed a towel on the floor about a couple of metres the other one. The towel was in the sun. “Lexy, you lay on the towel and complete your lines.” Miss’ tone was still friendly, playfully and I wanted to keep it that way, so I proceeded to do as I am told.

Before I start the task of writing the lines and take a look at the surrounding houses. One of Miss’ neighbors can definitely see me from their upstairs windows, the others I am not sure can. Miss noticed me looking and giggled. “Don’t worry Lexy, I am sure they won’t be able to tell. It’s not like you are hiding anything significant between your legs.” The shame washed over me, it brought a conflict in my mind. On the one hand I wanted to be as small as possible to not attract attention, but for some reason, probably ego, I wanted to grow, to prove Miss wrong.

I snapped out of the strange conflict in my brain and opened the writing pad to begin my lines. “Before you start Lexy, I expect consistency. Remember I am quality control. And once you have completed a page put the page number in the top right corner, we wouldn’t want you to forget how many you had completed.” My only replywas “Yes Miss. What am I to write Miss?”

Miss began laughing, “oh Lexy, in all the excitement I forget to give you your assignment. Bring your pad here.” I stood up, relieved that my bikini bottoms were still relatively flat. Even that thought caused a conflict in my mind that I couldn’t understand. I handed my pad and pen to Miss. She held the pad at an angle, so I couldn’t see what she was writing. She placed the pen in the corner of her mouth. She had a slight grin and her face had a quizzical look, as if she was developing an evil plan. She started writing, the grin on her face was growing. When she stopped writing, she was actually chuckling to herself. She tore the page from the pad and folded it up, handing me the pad, pen and folded piece of paper. I instinctively started to open the piece of paper. “Go and lay down first Lexy, then you can read what you will be writing. I’ll start the timer when you are ready.”

I returned to the towel, back in the sun. I opened thewriting pad, ready to start my task. Then I unfolded the paper Miss handed me and I read what I was expected to write, 300 times…

‘Lexy should not be embarrassed by finding the love island boys attractive. It’s cute.’

“Is that okay Lexy?” Miss asked, but it wasn’t really a question, or should I say it wasn’t a question I could say no to. “Yes Miss, thank you Miss,” was my only reply. “Oh and Lexy, don’t forget to end each line with a little love heart.” Miss was back to the playful tone. “Yes Miss.” was all I could respond.

“I’m starting the timer now Lexy, 10:42.” I began to write the first line. I felt a conflict swirling through my head. Of course I shouldn’t be embarrassed by finding the love island boys attractive, but I didn’t. I mean I don’t, so it’s not cute. I have to stop thinking about the unwinnable battle and just concentrate on the task at hand.

I get to the bottom of the page, my hand is starting to get tired and I have only done one page. I can feel the heat from the sun beating down on my back and legs. It must have taken me 10 to 15 minutes to complete the page. On cue, with impeccable timing as always, Miss speaks up “Lexy, after each page bring me your pad, so I can check your work.” I reply, “Yes Miss, I have just finished the first page.”

Grabbing the notepad, I stand and walk to Miss. “Please can you check my work Miss.” Miss replies, “Of course Lexy. Let’s see.” She opens the notepad. “Very consistent Lexy.” Miss’ complete pleases me, I think I may be about to blush. “The only problem, why are you using a blue pen?” I want to reply that this was the pen I was given, but I know that won’t be acceptable. Miss goes in her bag, grabs a pink pen and give it to me with the notepad. “This will be more appropriate for you Lexy.” I am about to turn and resume my work when Miss stops me in my tracks “Do you think blue lines is acceptable Lexy, or do you think you should tear out the page and start again?” This is anothe non-question question. “I think I should start again Miss.” Miss smiles and holds out her hand. I tear the page and give it to her. Returning to my towel defeated.

I decided to concentrate on the positive. Miss thought that I was consistent with the first page. Again I start writing my lines. Another 10-15 minutes passes and I reach the bottom of the page. I stand and walk to Miss. “Please can you check my work Miss.” The sense of dread, I don’t think I could take any more negativity. “Of course Lexy.” Miss takes a look, she looks mindfully at the lines, I can’t get a sense of her thinking, will she approve or not. “Very Good Lexy. Onto the next page.” The relief is palpable. “Lexy, you must be thirsty, take a bottle of water and keep yourself hydrated.” Miss hand me a bottle of water. I smile knowing that Miss cares for me and I set about my tasks with added enthusiasm.

The next 6 pages follow the same routine, only my hand is starting to really hurt, but I know to ignor the pain. After receiving Miss’ approval for the seventh page, I ask Miss permission to use the toilet. Miss grants my request, asking me to bring out more water bottles. I rush into the house and go into the bathroom, sitting to pee of course. I then wash my hands, grab some extra water bottles from the fridge and return to Miss. I grab the pen and the pad and return to my towel.

Only 3 pages to go, I think to myself as I flip through the notepad. Wait, this is strange, some pages are missing. I count, only 4 pages. I look at Miss confused, she is not paying attention. “Miss, there appears to be some pages missing.” Miss looks up, “Oh yes I forget to mention I spilled some water on the ground and didn’t have a tissue. It’s okay you can do those again. It won’t take long.”

Oh the frustration I wanted to cry, why does water on the ground need mopping up? Why would you use my work? Why do I need to do them again? I knew verbalising these questions would lead to punishment, so I bit my lip and returned to the task at hand.

I eventually get to page 7 again, this time my hand is starting to cramp. Miss approves the work and then states “You are doing so well Lexy, what a good girl you are. Would you like some fruit? Wait there,” Miss stands and goes to the kitchen. After several minutes she returns with two bowls. Hers is a fruit salad, bananas, berries, apples. Mine is a single whole banana, with two plums either side. Miss giggles as she hands me the bowl. “Wait, there are instructions on how to best eat those.” She opens the notepad, rips the first page of lines out scribbles on the back of them and sends me back to my towel. Another page I have to redo.

After laying down, I look at the ‘instructions’…

‘Licking and sucking only, no biting. Don’t neglect the plums.’

Miss can’t be serious, but I know she is. I do as I am told, and I begin licking the bananas and 2 plums. I glance up at the neighbor’s windows. I hope that no oneis looking, what a sight I must be. Miss is giggling away watching me essentially preform oral sex on a banana and plums. After her amusement starts to die down she says “Lexy stop playing with you banana you whore, eat your snack and get back to your lines.” I take this as permission to eat the fruit, which I do and get back to the lines.

Finally I finish the last page of lines. My hand is hurting now to the point of tears. Miss approves and stops the clock, 13:34. Nearly 3 hours of writing lines. I am broken. “Okay Lexy, let’s make sure that tan is even, go lay on you back. Here wear your airpods and I’ll play you some music to pass the time.” I return to the towel, this time laying on my back but with my airpods in my ears and await Miss’ musical selection for me.

Laying on my back I notice that my bikini bottom has a slight bump, maybe nobody will notice. What am I thinking, hoping that I am small enough that nobody realizes I am a sissy. This conflict I put to one side, I know I have to concentrate to ensure that I don’t bring any unwanted attention to myself. I decided that I would rather be small and unseen, than excited and humiliated.

I start to think about neutral thoughts, how blue the sky is, wondering what it would be like to sit on a cloud, anything to make sure I don’t get excited. I hear clicks in my ears, Miss is selecting a song for me to listen to. She has excellent taste in music, so I know the time will fly. Then…

“Oh sissy, take Mistress’ cock. You dirty whore. You like that don’t you sissy. A big cock in your sissy pussy.” Then moaning. I look at Miss stunned, she is giggling to herself, playing porn on my phone, which only I can hear. How the hell am I going to stay calm. I hear slaps “Take that you little sissy bitch. You love a cock in your pussy. Push back you greedy slut. That’s it, take it all you hungry tramp.” More moaning.

My mind starts to paint the pictures from the words I am hearing. I imagine Misspegging me, saying those things to me. Oh good, I am getting excited. I look down at the bikini bottoms and it’s clear they are hiding a secret. I want to touch myself, but Miss would be furious. I want to remove the airpods, but I know that punishment will be severe. The video just continues to play. More moaning.

“Oh I like you moaning bitch. Aren’t you glad I stuffed my panties in your mouth as a gag. What would the neighbors think if they heard you moaning from being fucked by a mistress?” Oh, what would the neighbors think? Equally what would the neighbors think to the every increasing bulge in my bikini bottoms.

I turn to look at Miss, my best pleading eyes. She isn’t even looking, she is reading her book. I stare at the back of the book hoping to somehow get Miss’ attention. It’s no use, Miss is either ignoring me or too engrossed.

Looking back at my bikini bottoms, there is a tent, albeit it’s a small one, but a tent neither the less. I also see the redness on my thigh, where I was slapped for being hard and stretching my bikini bottoms. Now Miss is a willful accomplish. I can’t take nearly 3 hours of this, I will pass out from exhaust. Oh my, the video continues without any thought of my prediction.

“Oh sissy, you’re such a good girl, taking this nice big cock. You like it don’t you. Feel it go in and out, filling Your sissy hole.” The moaning is getting louder. I hear myself breathing heavier, I can’t help myself, I shut my eyes, hoping to somehow stop the images that my brain is making. I cross my legs, trying to stop myself getting excited.

Suddenly a painful slap on my thigh. Miss is standing over me with a cross look on her face The audio has stopped, so I remove the airpods. “Uncross your legs you stupid bitch, you will ruin your tan. It looks like you have already ruined those bikeni bottoms. You dirty slut.” I look down and there is a wet patch in the bikeni bottoms.

Thankfully Miss still seems to be ina playful mood. “Oh your cheats are red, I hope you are not sunburned. I’ll get you some more sunscreen.” Miss says as she pinches my face. I am sure Miss knows that the reason my cheats are red is not the sun. Then Miss abandons her playfulness for some stern words, “put your earphones back in and keep your legs spread or I will tie you down and leave you in the middle of the garden for all my neighbors to get a good look at you.”

I replace my earphones and I spread my legs to the corners of the towel, worried by Miss’ threat. She walks back to her locker and hits play on my phone, the porn fills my ears again…

“Oh you dirty sissy slut, you’re leaking from your sissy clip. You’re going to lick all that sissy juice off the floor, you filterthy whore.”

With my legs spread it feels like I have no way to stop myself getting excited. The age of not being able to touch myself. I instinctively bite my lip and close my eyes. The porn continues…

“Stop cumming on the floor you stupid sissy bitch, that’s so rude. Would you like someone to cum on you.”

Splashes start to hit my face and chest. I open my eyes. Miss in holding the sunscreen to her crotch, like some makeshift penis and squirting the cream onto me. She is laughing whilst she continues, she pauses the video. I am frozen, I don’t want to touch myself, for fear of punishment and also any physical contact may result in release without permission.


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