Summer Switch Ch. 06a

This series was extremely hard to categorize. As a whole, it fits under many categories: Mutual Masturbation, Exhibition/Voyeur, Group Sex, Gay Male, and BDSM. Each Chapter is categorized according to it’s most prominent theme.

I’ve tried to make each chapter work as standalone stories, but it certainly does work best if you read it in order. Here are a few “catch up” details in case you haven’t read previous chapters.

Basic plot:

A group of 4 best friends head up to a cottage for the week to celebrate their high school graduations and kick off the summer. They confess their fans which leads to a whole ton of exploration and re-evaluation of sexual orientations!

Chapter 1 – Jake and Cole masturbate together thinking the fantasy Cam has confessed.

Chapter 2 – the mutual masturbation session is repeated as a foursome with a little bit of touching. Cam encourages the guys to give her a tiny sample of the guy-on-guy action she craves seeing.

Chapter 3 & 4 – The friends plan their fantasy scenarios for the future, but are keen to explore – they split into pairs (Cam and Cole, Jake and Nolan) for a little taste of sexy times ahead.

Chapter 5 – Cam’s guy-on-guy fans are fulfilled and then some. Cole, Jake, and Nolan all experience their first gay sexual experiences.

A few physical details:

Nolan – 5’10”, white, blond hair, blue eyes, Greek God/”pretty” looks, impressive physique, smooth skin

Jake – about 6″, mixed race (part First Nations), long dark hair, chocolate brown eyes, lean swimmer’s body with long musician’s fingers

Cole – 6’2″, mixed race (white/black), dark curly brown neck-length hair, bright blue-green eyes, huge and solid muscle frame, hairy

Cam – 5″8″, white (& pale), red slightly wavy hair with shaken sides and dyed pink on one side, dark blue eyes, tattoo, piercings, and stretched ears, curvy body with D-cup breasts, soft belly, general hips and fit body

* All sexual activity is between people who are at least 18 years old.

* Story characters don’t get STDs or unwanted pregnances. In real life, use protection.

Chapter 6:

Cam luxurious in her bath, which had started out piping hot but now almost lukewarm. The bubbles had long since popped and disappeared. She still held some of that lovely post-sex relaxation from the night before, most muscles feeling loose and floppy, especially the arms and legs she let float. Her breasts also floated, little islands topped with one nipple each instead of a lone palm tree. She’d already washed her curvy body from head to toe and started leasionally touching herself, index finger lightly wandering through her soft folks and grazing her clip. The intention wasn’t to get off; she was just enjoying the slow build of arousal, skin tingling in anticipation of all that was to come on this night.

She’d been allowing her mind to drift, remembering all the moments from the previous evening’s adventures – flashes of sexy bodies and memories of surprised gasps and tortured moans. When she’d originally confessed her two biggest fans to her three best friends, she’d had her hopes (and fears) about where it might take them. She’d desperately hoped the guys would be the ones to help her travel from fansy to reality… and she was still reeling in amazement at how much they had done so. These amazing men had trusted her enough to let her push them beyond their previous boundaries.

And tonight, Cam would trust them to make her dreams come true once more. She felt glad she’d insisted upon doing things in this order, on having her “guy-on-guy live porn show” fantasy fulfilled ahead of her “sex doll” fantasy. The guys were completely comfortable with each other now, didn’t care about being naked together, about being pressed up against one another. In fact, they were intentionally seeking that out, already added to the feel of it. Just as she had suspected, once they allowed themselves to go there, it was easy and just felt natural.

It was similar for Cam’s friends view of her. They’d all been best friends since middle school and since Cam had been out as queer for that whole time and had only dated women, everyone saw her as a lesbian. She hadn’t done anything to correct that assumption and still felt she wasn’t all that inclined to be romantically interested in a male partner. But she’d definitely had some sexual feelings for men, including her hunky three besties, and wanted to give that a try. So here they were.

Her “straight” friends had all tried gay sex and loved it. Tonight, she would try straight sex for the very first time. She didn’t know if she would be going through with it were it not for these three friends – people she loved and trusted more than pretty much anyone else inthe world.

A knock at the bathroom door interrupted her musings, and she called “come in!”. Cole slipped in through the door and closed it again behind him to keep in the warm air. He immediately became distracted at seeing Cam’s nude form stretched out in the large tub and only snapped out of it at the sound of her laughter at his expense.

“I can’t help it… you naked in the tub is a fascinating sight – I could star for hours!” Cole commented with an exaggerated leer.

“Thanks…” Cam continued to grin but her heart rate had quickened, a little bit anxious now that the time was so close at hand. “Is everything ready?”

Cole nodded. “All but in here. Jake and Nolan will take care of that in a minute. You’re coming out by the lake with me.”

“Really? Outside?” Of all the starting places for her fantasy, she hadn’t pictured that.

“Not telling you the details but I will tell you we aren’t staying there for long.” Cole grabbed a fluffy towel from the counter and stepped towards the bath, holding it out for her. Smiling, Cam stood and pulled the plug to begin draining the bath. “I hope the hot water tank is ready again, Nolan and Jake are gonna wait in the shower.”

“Mmm…” Cam shivered from the cooler air on her skin before Cole wrapped her in the fluffy towel but also at the thought of her sexy friends together in the huge glass-enclosed shower in the corner. She looked over, able to picture them there pretty accurately. They’d seen each other naked enough to have the details memorized. “Wonder how they’ll pass the time…”.

“I’m sure they’ll find something…” Cole was so much less nervous now about the eagerness to which his friends had taken to trying out the queerer side of life. He had been so much more reluctant at the start, clinging to the “straight guy” persona that was pretty damn central to his identity. But after all their experiences, he had zero regrets and was so glad he’d decided to try new things. Everything so far had been delicious, and getting to direct this other fantasy of Cam’s tonight was checking off some kinks he hadn’t fully explored.

Cam reached for her clothes but Cole’s “nuh uh” had her wondering if he was going to make her go outside naked. Part of her thrilled at the idea but the other part thought that might be a bit much. Even though their cottage was fairly isolated, there were still a few other neighbors across the lake.

“Swimsuit.” Cole told her and she wrapped the towel around herself to head back out to the primary bedroom to grab one.

As she pulled on a black two-piece – skimpier and more feminine than her usual boy-short style swim gear – she considered the bedroom where so much had happened in the last 24 hours. Standing in front of the door frame with the bathroom behind Her, she could see the king-sized bed right in front of her on the opposite wall. The lamps on the two bedside tables were casting a warm glow on the room, and alsoough there were now a few candles across the surfaces, they weren’t yet lit.

To her right was the front wall, with two windows overlooking the front porch and cottage driveway. A smaller dresser on that wall held a TV. The wall behind her had the bathroom door on one end, a long dresser with a large mirror along the centre, and then another door that led to the hallway. Along the wall to her left was a large window, this one with a beautiful view of the lake. A small loveseat sat underneath. Several rugs were strategically placed on top of the hardwood floors, one on each side of the bed and a large one at the foot of the bed, running from the couch to the TV dresser. She noticed that a small table had been brought up next to the couch.

Cam had fond memories of that couch and of the carpet in front of it, where she and Nolan and knelt in front of Jake and Cole last night. She gave her head a shake. “I’d better kick the habit of getting lost in sexy memories!” she chided herself aloud. Cole chuckled and tossed her used towel back into the bathroom. He gave her a slow perusal, enjoying the contrast of the black swimsuit against her pale skin. It accentuated her many tattoos, especially the blackwork ones.

“You look so hot, Cam. I can’t wait to pay you back for all your bossy orders.” Cole’s smile was almost feral. She knew she would get to see a different side of him tonight. Last night he had been so submissive, responding to her commands eagerly. Tonight, she would gladly trade places to be able to experience the other side of things. She didn’t think she could’ve tried straight sex in a vanilla way, it just wasn’t her style. “Are you ready?” He held out his hand, palm up, and she placed her small hand in his large one.

Pulling her by the hand, he brought her into the hallway, knocking on the door of the guest room. It opened, and Jake and Nolan stepped out. “All set?” Jake asked, as he and Nolan also took in the sight of Cam in her bathing suit. Meanwhile, Cam experienced a small thrill at being the only one not fully dressed.

“Yep. Go finish up and we’ll be back soon.” Cole told them. He started to move away, still holding Cam’s hand, but Nolan stopped them by stepping in front.

“I just want to do this first.” He held his arms out to Cam and she happily stepped into his embrace, releasing Cole’s hand to fling her arms around her sweet blond friend. He kissed the top of her head and met her eyes as she pulled back. “You’re sure? Like sure sure?” She could tell Nolan felt a little nervous about this.

“Yes Nolan. Think about how you feel the past few nights when I bossed you around…” She paused, rubbing her hands gently over his arms. She could tell Jake and Cole were watching intently, and her Words were for them as well, reassuring them. She knew it would be a bit challenging for them to take on these roles, so different from their amazingly solicitous personalities. They were always so considerablee to their girlfriends and lovers, a report that had had many women seeking the guys out as boyfriends during their four years of school. “…when I `made’ you do something, when I told you to be slutty, when I made these guys come all over you.” She lowered her voice to a sexy purr. “Every time I told you `good boy’…”.

Cam could see Nolan’s arousal with his dilated pupils, his quickened heart rate, quick inhalations, and a slight flush over his lightly-tanned golden skin. He licked his lips and nodded. “Yes, I liked that. A lot.”

“It’s my turn for that. I want it so bad. My girlfriends and lovers have been as sweet as you guys are. For this, I want something different. I promise you I will safeword if I feel too Uncomfortable, OK?”

He nodded, bringing her in for another tight hug. Jake and Cole joined in from behind, until she was in the middle of a sexy-guy sandwich. She soaked in the sensings, feeling warm and cozy, especially at all the places wherere her bare skin was pressed close to theirs. It was like the opposite of after-care, which she knew her friends would be absolute rock stars at too.

Once the guys pulled away, she placed her hand in Cole’s once more, signaling she was ready to begin.

* * * * *

Nolan and Jake stood together and listened as Cole and Cam made their way downstairs together. They heard little snippets of conversation as Cole checked the details over with Cam one last time.

“… want the `treated like an object’ level at eighty percent… keep the humiliation/degradation slider to like, twenty percent…” They could hear the excitement in Cam’s low and sexy voice.

“…try our best… stay in character…” Snippets of Cole’s low voice.

They just barely hear Cam say something like “… worst frat boy stereotypes…” before her and Cole’s voices and laughter gradually faded away.

Nolan turned towards Jake and saw that his friend was grinning. “If we get these candles lit quickly, I bet we can get a few minutes in the shower to get warmed up…” Jake lifted his eyesbrows a couple times to get his meaning across.

Nolan couldn’t help but laugh, even as his heart rate sped up at the instant mental images of what the two of them could get up to in the shower in just a few minutes. He grabbed for the BBQ lighter on the dresser. “I bet you’re right. Ready…” He waited until Jake had playedfully grabbed the other lighter and held it up at the ready before finishing with, “…go!”

* * * * * *

“5, 4, 3, 2, 1… go!”

Cam ran across the lawn of the cottage backyard, heading towards the lake. Cole counted to five again and then was running after her. She knew Cole would catch her before too long; her head start hadn’t gained her much. She was able to reach the shore, legs splashing up water as she quickly stepped across the shallows.

But before she could even get up to her waist in the water, Cole’s large arms were around her torso and she was lifted high in the air and slung over his shoulder in a fire fighter’s carry position. She played along, squirming and fighting. Cole grew at her, telling her she would regret it if she didn’t cooperate.

Cole trusted through the water and across the yard, carrying her up to the porch. She enjoyed the sensing of being lifted, so different from her usual independence. She was extremely dropped in front of the back door and Cole scratched her on the rear. “In you get.” Cam compiled, and once the door was locked behind them, felt her wrists being grabbed in one of Cole’s large hands. He brought the other arm across her chest, engaging his fingers until they were under the strap of her swimsuit top on that should, his hands warm on her bare skin. “If you’re a good girl, I promise we’ll let you go tomorrow.”

Cam shivered. Here was the first hint as to the theme of Cole’s scene. He had told her he had everything all planned out, but hadn’t told her any of the details. “Ohhh, am I-“. The moment she started to speak, Cole reached his hand from her shoulder to cover her mouth.

“Part of being good is being quiet.” Cole leaned over her as he spoke, his voice a low growl in Cam’s ear. She could feel her lust beginning to build with just the feeling of Cole’s hands gripping her, of being pulled tight against his body, of his breath against the side of her head. “I don’t wanna hear more than a few words. Not much more than `yes’, `no’, `more’, `please’… you get me?”

“Mm hmm.” Playing along, she nodded her head vigorously but she struggled against his grap, testing his grip, but finding no quarter. She only felt the pleasureable sensing of Cole’s hand gripping her wrists and his other arm banded across her upper chest. Before long, he had pushed her ahead of him until they were at the base of the stairs and was giving her butt a smack again to get her started. Cam climbed the stairs only to be slung back over Cole’s shoulder as soon as theyreached the top.

From that position, she couldn’t see much when Cole brought her into the ensuite bathroom in the primary bedroom. But she felt him come to a quick halt and heard him ask Nolan and Jake if he was interrupting anything. They laughed and told him he wasn’t and she sincerely wished she was able to see them!

Cam got her wish when the door to the huge glass shower was opened and Cole stepped inside, still carrying her over his shoulder. Even from her awkward partly upside-down viewpoint, she could see Nolan and Jake, totally nude, under the showerhead. Nolan was slightly shorter than Jake’s 6 foot height and slimmer in comparison to his more-muscular friend. His skin was also paler, a lightly tanned cream compared to the dark honey of Jake’s skin tone. Cam couldn’t help but skim her eyes over Jake’s lightly-furred chest and tight abs. Nolan’s slightly soft chest and tummy was just as exclusive, especially shaken as bare as it was. But the highlight of this viewwas Jake’s hair, which had been left loose. It was dark brown and quite long, waves tumbling over his shoulders and halfway down his back. Nolan’s blond hair looked darker, wet and slicked back from his face. Since Cole was still dressed, he stayed closer to the shower door. There was enough room for him to stand with Cam outside the spray of the water that still pelted Jake and Nolan’s nude forms.

“Look what I caught by the lake…” he told the two other men, turning this way and that to show off Cam’s swim-suit clad form, her ass at face level given that Cole was taller than both of them by a few inches. Jake and Nolan reached out and started to stroke her skin, but in a way that felt like it was more for them than for her, like they were testing the softness of some clothes they wanted to buy. As Cole continued constructing their story, Cam found she was really getting into it already. “I figure she was at that party down the street – those little fancy-college bitches that always give us dirty looks. I doubt they’ll miss her. I told her if she was very good, we’d let her go tomorrow. Right?” Cole gave her a little jostle and she nodded, telling them “yes”.

“Good catch! She’s really hot.” Jake got into his role, stroking across Cam’s ass and playing with the material of her two-piece, stretching it away from her skin. Cam allowed her eyes to flutter closed as she took in the wonderful sensing of having so many hands on her body at once, including the one firm hand that Cole used to hold her securely in place, gripping tightly.

“Mm hmm.” Nolan added his agreement to Jake’s statement. “She seems really… innocent, doesn’t she?”

“Definitely. Maybe even… untouched.” Jake added to the story, running his hand all the way up from an ankle to her ass. At the first gentle stroke of a finger between her legs, pressing into the material of her swimsuit, Cam gasped in surprise. Slipping into her role, she allowed herself a moan that wascombined with a fearful jerk away from whoever had touched her. Cole’s response was a swift slap across her exposed ass.

“Behave! You don’t want to be sent back to your snobby friends with bruises, do you? They’d really wonder about that, I bet.” Cole’s voice sounded so different – really strict but still not mean or harsh, just firm and matter of fact. Confident, as though he was entitled to her body, as though she could deny him nothing. But still low and calm, as though he were seducing her instead of controlling her. Cam allowed herself to whimper.

Nolan bent down in a semi-croouch so that he was face-to-face with her, albeit vertically reversed from each other with Cam still upside down. “She’ll be good, right sweetie?” Cam nodded, meeting Nolan’s gaze with a pleading look of her own.

“She’d better be or I’ll have to tie her up.” Cole squeezed an ass cheek possessed with his free hand and then continued fondling her before giving her another smack in the same spot. Cam widened her eyes as if in fear and Nolan snuck a sympathetic look in her direction, moving in close and struggling her face affectionately. Looks like he was taking on the `good cop’ personality among her kidnappers.


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