Chloe’s, Matt’s and Dianne’s adventures in New York continue. They attend another play, and go to a BDSM club with Margot. This chapter contains oral, anal, lesbian, group, and public sex as well as bondage and discipline. My thanks to JohnnyGalt for his editorial assistance. No STD’s or COVID in my fantasy world.
Summer Surprise, Pt 15 – New York 2
“There are five Michelin three star rated restaurants in New York City, all of them in Manhattan, although one originated in Brooklyn,” Bill said. “I chose Per Se because it’s close and it has a ten person private room in addition to the main dining room. The menu is prix fixe and changes daily. There’s a nine course vegetable tasting meal and a nine course chef’s tasting meal. No single ingredients is repeated in any of the courses.”
There were ten in their group, as Bill had invited Delphine to go with them, hiring a sitter as they did when Delphine was given the night off. They were walking as a group as the restaurant was only a few blocks from Bill’s home.
Dianne was wearing her sheer black outfit with the black Louboutin shoes. She was without her vagina jewelry because she was wearing the Slave Trainer instead. It was currently off, though Chloe had tested it before they left. She was aware that most of her body was exposed under the dress. A point made evidence by all the stars and not a few catcalls and whistles. She was sure not all of them were for her as every one of the slaves wore revealing outfits, yet it felt as if they were all addressed to her because her dress was so revealing. Dianne felt like she was under a spotlight, or more than one, all following her as she walked. She could feel vaginal juice run down her thigh. Only the fact they were walking briskly might have kept everyone else from seeing her arousal and perhaps smelling it as well.
Bill was the only one who hadn’t seen the dress before, having been at work while they shopped. He’d appreciated all of their dresses, but made a point of commenting on hers and after asking Chloe and Matt for their permission, cupped her left breast and ran a thumb over her lust swollen nipple. She practically climaxed on the spot, moaning dramatically. They all laughed at her.
Dianne was not used to walking in heels. None of the young women were except Delphine; the students more used to sneakers than heels. Dianne felt she was tearing on them, and they made her barely covered ass sway as she walked, appreciated by everyone behind her. Matt’s cock was hard, though his tuxedo was cut in such a way it wasn’t immediately apparent, nor were many eyes on him anyway. He was aware of all the attention Dianne was getting, as much as she was. The fact it was his girlfriend getting all of the attention was exciting to him as well. He was holding Chloe’s hand though, both of them in more comfortable shoes, walking behind Dianne, appreciating the view.
“Are you hard?” Chloe asked him.
“Hell, yes.”
“If I were a guy, I’d be hard too. Dianne looks amazing.”
“What’s the lesbian equivalent of an erection?” Matt asked.
“My mouth is watering. Does that count?”
Matt laughed. “Probably.”
“You three are such a cute throuple,” Brianna said. She was holding Rosilyn’s hand who was teatering on her own set of heels. “You’re amusing and fun.”
Chloe did a brief cursy as they walked. “Thank you, Madame Worth.”
“Do you think you’ll survive the upcoming separation?”
“We’re hoping,” Matt said. “I plan to spend every weekend with Dianne that I can. Chloe’s the one who might slip away.”
“I’m hoping that Dianne’s continuing submission will keep me involved with them enough that I don’t. She offered to carry a child for me, you know. I’m not sure I want to give that up.”
“You can’t carry one yourself?”
“I could. Monica was going to carry one for me so I didn’t have to stop working andcould keep my girlish figure. Dianne’s now offered to do the same. It’s not decided yet, but I love the offer.”
“Who would the father be?”
“Who else? Matt. He’s giving me regular sperm injections anyway.”
They arrived at Per Se and the hostess said, “Welcome back to Per Se, Mr. and Mrs. Thornhill. So good to see you again, and with guests tonight. Right this way please.”
She led them to the private room. Chloe turned on Dianne’s Slave Trainer when she sat down. In a couple minutes, two waiters were delivering menus and pouring water. Matt was looking at the drink menu deciding what else he wanted to drink. The wine list was over seventy pages long divided by country of origin and color of wine.
“Is this a typo, Bill? There’s a bottle of wine in here for 15,000 dollars.”
“Not a typo, no,” Bill said, laughing. “There are a number of expensive bottles here, based upon quality and relative rarity. Don’t worry about it. Based upon what’s being served tonight, I’ll have the Sommelier recommend something. The courses are small. My suggestions would be to take a small helping of any one bottle based upon his recommendations, then change to another sampling for the next course. You probably don’t want to exceed the equivalent of two regular glasses for the women, or possible three for you, Matt, but have small helpings of at least six bottles, a sip or two of each. They’ll give you a different glass for every bottle you wish to taste. I’d skip the cocktails for the same reason. Limit your alcohol consumption so you’re not too inebriated to enjoy all the evening has to offer. We still have ‘Moulin Rouge’ after this. We’ll have cocktails at the club tomorrow night. Their wine selection is not nearly as good as this one is.”
“How much is this meal going to cost?” Dianne asked.
“Between ten and twenty thousand depending on the wines selected. We might end up with a couple thousand dollars bottles, but unlikely to crack one heftierthan that.”
“It must be great to have money,” Chloe said.
“It has its benefits. I don’t have to budget anything. I usually don’t have to think twice about a purchase unless it’s over say ten million. What’s that, a house, a jet, a yacht? Everything else is hand someone a card. Cars are write a check and don’t worry about it.”
“One meal here, no beverages, would be our food budget for a month,” Matt said.
“And therein lies the difference,” Bill said. “It’s not a ticket to happiness by any means. Evelyn wasn’t really happy with all the money she had to spend. There was something missing from her life. Her unhappiness caused discord and unhappiness in mine. On the other hand, I don’t have many monetary worries. Ethel has plenty of money, but she was relatively unhappy until she met your mother. I think the secret to life is being happy with what you have, no matter what it is. That’s not to say you don’t strive for more, but don’t measure your success or failure bythings or money.”
“I suppose,” Matt said. “Can’t say it wouldn’t be nice to find out.”
There was an interruption in their conversation as the waiters took everyone’s orders. The older women more concerned with weight choose the vegetable menu, four of them, the rest choose the chef’s selection, and they got seven bottles of wine of various varieties to go with their meals, spread among all ten diners. The meals ordered, the conversation continued.
“What would make you happier, Matt?” Bill asked. “Making two hundred thousand dollars a year at a job a half a world away from Dianne or making thirty a year in La Crosse?”
“Making thirty in La Crosse,” Matt said.
“What if it were 500 thousand, or a million?”
“It’s getting tough to answer, because Theoretically, I could do that for a couple years and come back to La Crosse when Dianne graduates and give her a life I want her to have. I’d say no to 500 thousand thousand, yes to a million.”
“But that’s assuming you have Dianne to come back to in two years. If you’re away that long, that’s not guaranteed. What then? Would it be worth a million a year knowing Dianne might have moved on from you before you come back?”
“Fuck no!” Matt answered forcedly.
“So the money really isn’t as important to you as your relationship to Dianne, is what I’m hearing?”
Matt squeezed Dianne’s hand. “You got that straight.” She squeezed back.
“Then your happiness isn’t measured in dollars and cents, but by the life you have with the ones you love and money did not, could not, make you happy. Of course, I’ve met a lot of people who would have gladly taken the money, but I’m not sure they’re any happier. Perhaps money is the driving force behind most of their decisions. You might have reason to remember this conversation some day.”
“Why’s that?”
“No particular reason,” Bill said. “We’re all faced with choices in life. Some of them are monetary. Although good actors can be very successful in life, I imagine Chloe is more interested in the types of roles she could get as opposed to how much she gets paid for them, am I right?”
“Probably,” Chloe admitted, “though I’d like to be paid what other people would get paid for the same roles. I’m cognizant that some people have box office draw leading to more sales, so until that’s me, they’ll get paid more.”
“I’m good at what I do and could probably make money all over again, but I can’t say I’m in it for the money as much as the challenge. The money is a by-product of what I do, not the reason. Of course, having money, it’s also easier to make more money. I can even hire people to look for good investment opportunities. Makes it easier to find those things if I’m not the only one searching.”
The food started being delivered and it was delicious. Flavor combinations the young people hadn’t had before. Not everything was for everyone, but on the whole, if they liked a type of food, they liked the way Pro Se prepared it. They spent a lot of time talking about the food and wines, and Chloe and Brianna shared some of their food with each other as Brianna got the vegetable selection and Chloe the chef’s selection. Delphine said her mother had been a chef at several highly rated French Restaurants so she was used to eating really good food. Nothing throw her, she was used to eating a wide variety of unusual foods prepared in unique ways. She said she thought this food was comparable to anything she’d ever eaten before.
Dianne was getting desperate. The Slave Trainer had been running for over an hour. She’d been on the cusp of orgasm five or six times and all of them had died when the damn device turned off. Her pussy felt like it was melting, but without any relief.
She whispered to Chloe, “Mistress, could you please let me cum?”
“Louder, Pet,” Chloe said, “I can’t hear you.”
Dianne knew what her Mistress wanted to do, ask loud enough so everyone would hear her beg to cum. She knew she’d be embarrassed doing so, but needed to cum so desperately.
“Mistress, may I please be permitted to orgasm?” Dianne asked, loud enough her voice filled the room and everyone looked at her in her practically naked dress, including the two waiters constantly attending to their food. One of them was staring at her as if he could see through the opaque panels on the dress at her hot, slippery cunt.
“No, you may not, Pet. Be a good girl and don’t ask me again for a half hour.” Chloe kissed her.
So even though Dianne had humiliated herself, it hadn’t done any good. Evelyn, Monique and Adele all looked at her with pitying looks, knowing what she was going through. Rosilyn didn’t know yet, but she would at some point as Brianna apparently used them on her other slaves. No wonder the other slaves didn’t like it. It was frustrating as hell.
They were working on desserts when her half hour was up.
“Mistress, may I cum please?” Dianne asked, her voice as loud as the last time. Everyone looked at her again.
“Yes, you may, Pet. Good girl,” Chloe said, turning off the denial setting. She let Dianne have precisely one orgasm.
Dianne’s orgasm, when she had it, was monumental. She was frozen in her seat making the loudest of moans and whimpers despite her attempts to squelch them, letting everyone know she was cumming. Chloe kissed her, capturing some of the noise she was making. As soon as it was over, Chloe turned it back to orgasm denial mode. Dianne whimpered again.
“How long must I go this time, Mistress?”
“Until the battery dies.”
“I see why you hate this thing,” Dianne said to Monique, seated opposite her.
“It’s a bitch, isn’t it.”
“I hate it.”
“Join the club.”
Chloe laughed. “How much does one of these cost?”
“Over a grand,” Bill said. “Another place where it pays to have a little extra cash on hand. Robert should be waiting outside for us.”
Bill took care of the tab and everyone thanked him for his generation. “It’s one of the most enjoyable weekends I’ve spent in a while. There’s something about hanging with young people which adds some pizzazz to the day. Their enthusiasm in infected.”
“Especially this bunch,” Brianna said. “Chloe reminds me of what being a fresh young Dominant was all about. One can get a little complicated as one grows older.”
“For that comparison, I think Pet should lick you to orgasm at the theater, conditions permitting,” Chloe said. “Slut has to pay attention to the play; Pet doesn’t. Matt will probably need to be served as well.”
Brianna laughed. “I’ll happily take you up on that.”
Dianne wondered what the conditions would be like for Chloe to consider ordering her to pleasure Brianna? Would there be another log? Would other people be able to see her. Her dress was already scandalous. She could imagine what others would say if they saw her pleasure a man and a woman right besidethem.
Thankfully, Chloe turned off the Slave Trainer on the drive to the theater, wanting to save any remaining charge for during the play itself. She gripped Matt’s arm thinking of what she might be doing shortly. He patted her hand and kissed her. It wasn’t far to the theater, a half dozen blocks or so. They could have walked it if necessary, though Dianne was grateful not to have walked, dressed as bare as she was and tottering on her heels.
They had another log, and even though the people in the boxes on either side could see into theirs, Chloe had Dianne on her knees licking Brianna under her dress. Fortunately, they were in the middle of the box and the bodies on either side of Dianne blocked anyone from having a very good view of her activities, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out what her head was doing under the dress. After Brianna, she sucked Matt’s cock and the looks she got when she sat up let her know her depravity had been witnessed by those on her left, two lovely young women, one white, one black, who’d had to look towards their box to see the stage. Although, or perhaps because of being observed, Dianne was ready to pop. At least the Slave Trainer had finally died.
During the intervention, the couple in the box beside theirs approached them.
“Mr. William Thornhill, I believe, it’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” the white woman said.
“Do I know you, Miss?” William asked.
“I don’t believe so, sir, but I believe you know my boss, Joshua Greenbriar. I’m his personal assistant. He’s spoken often of you. My name is Hannah Smithers, and it’s Mrs. This is my wife, Angelique.”
“Pleased to meet you, Hannah, Angelique,” Bill said. “I do consider Joshua one of my very good friends. Please convey my best wishes to him when you see him next.”
Bill also introduced all of the other members in his box.
“I’ll be sure to do that. I couldn’t help but notice that several of the women have collars, including Dianne. May I inquire who her Master or Mistress is?”
“That would be me,” Chloe said.
“You started as a Dominant quite young, didn’t you?”
“A fortuitous happenstance,” Chloe replied. “It was meeting Mr. and Mrs. Thornhill and Dianne realizing she was interested in submission that caused me to discover my own interest in Dominance.”
“I was wondering if it would be possible to borrow Dianne during the next act to do for us what she was doing for Brianna and Matt?”
Dianne knew for sure they’d seen her and she blushed.
“Matt, would you have an object to Dianne pleasure these two lovely women?”
Dianne knew Matt would have little to no objection to her satisfying two beautiful young women and she would soon be having sex with two new strangers, much as she had Margot. The thought both thrilled and scared her. Angelique was especially intriguing. She had to be close to six feet tall.
“I thought you were her Mistress?” Hannah said.
“I am,” Chloe responded, “but Matt is her boyfriend and he has a say in anyone new Dianne has sex with. What says you, Matt?”
“I don’t have a problem with it.”
Just like that, Dianne’s fate was sealed. Her pussy started to melt some more.
“That sounds like an interesting story,” Hannah said.
“Why don’t you take Dianne back to your box for the next act,” Chloe said. “Be aware, Matt will have to go with her to ensure she’s treated nicely. I’d do it myself if I weren’t teaching Rosilyn what I expect of her when she acts in my next production. He won’t both you, but he might need his own relief when Dianne is done with you. He tends to become aroused watching Dianne service other women.”
Hannah and Angelique looked at one another for a moment and Angelique nodded and Hannah said, “Done.”
Everyone chatted amiably until it was time for the next act to start, then Matt and Dianne joined Hannah and Angelique in their box. Dianne was allowed to wait until thelights went down before Hannah told her to start with Angelique. Dianne got on her hands and knees and went under Angelique’s dress and removed the brief g-string she was wearing. Angelique was shaken and aroused, already wet in anticipation. She tasted delicious. Dianne enjoyed licking her, nearly as much as her own Mistress. She licked Angelique to two orgasms before Angelique stopped her and sent her on to her wife.
Hannah was mostly hairless, having only a landing strip above her slit, like Chloe had. Dianne supposed it made sense to have neatly trimmed pussy if you were a lesbian and knew you’d be licking each other frequently. She tasted good as well and Dianne had no more trouble licking her than she had Angelique. Both women were not vocal during their climaxes, given where they were. After Hannah finished with her, Dianne looked at Matt and he unzipped his fly and released his rampant prick. She crawled to him and took care of him for the second time during the play. When Dianne finished gulping down his semen, she took her seat and watched the rest of the act. Hannah handed her a Kleenex so she could wipe her face.
So far, Dianne had pleasured four different people, and except for the one orgasm Chloe allowed her at dinner, she’d been bereft of physical comfort herself. Her nipples were throbbing with her need. She knew the dead Slave Trainer was likely damming a flood of her fluids behind it. When the next intervention was held, Dianne and Matt rejoined their group. They continued to chat with the couple from the next log.
“Where do you live?” Chloe asked.
“On Central Park West, across from Tavern on the Green,” Hannah answered.
“That must be very close to Bill’s residence,” Chloe said.
“A couple buildings down,” Bill agreed. “Would you like a ride back in my limo?”
“Thank you. Saves us from catching a taxi.”
“What does Angelique do?” Evelyn asked. “I know I’ve seen her before.”
“I’m a model,” Angelique said, “and I often used to see you at fashion shows, Mrs. Thornhill. Not so much lately.”
“I don’t buy as many clothes as I used to,” Evelyn said. “My tastes are simpler now. You’re very beautiful.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Thornhill.”
“How could you tell we wore collars?” Dianne asked.
“You mean other than the fact yours has a padlock on it,” Hannah laughed. “I was Joshua’s slave for a time before I became his personal assistant.”
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