Summer Sexploration

Summertime in New England is short at best. We that makes our lives here don’t mind though. It is 3 months of warmth and greenery. Of swimming and bathing suits. It is skimpy clothes and sweaty nights. It is a time to be outside from sunrise to sunset. When you live here, you relish the brief summer time that is yours and then move on to enjoy the next season for what it brings. Labor Day weekend marks the end of summer here. The end of warm nights. The end of lush vegetation. The end to a last humrah.

Friday night

We both had managed to work only a half day so that we could get to the campground early Friday evening to set up camp before dark. John and I worked well as a team, he got the fire going and dinner started and I set up the tent and tossed the sleeping bags in.

It was still early when dinner was cleaned up and the fire was cracking under the darkening sky. As we sat back at the campfire, the first of the stars could be seen starting to peek out and the sounds of night beginning to come to life. To me, this is summer- hearing the crickets and the peepers, seeing the fireflies twinkle in the darkness. The heat of the day was behind us and a light breeze was blowing off the water.

The campground we were staying at wasn’t exactly crowded, but it certainly wasn’t secluded either. John “suggested” that now would be the appropriate time to put my collar on. I innocently told him that I hadn’t thought to bring it. I had of course packed it, knowing that he had plans for us, but it is such fun being a brat sometimes. Additionally, I knew that my impertinence would be “rewarded” later on.

John looked intently at me and tried to discern whether or not I was joking. For the most part he can read me, but sometimes I can still pull off the dumb blond routine. He scowled, and I knew my ruse had been a success.

I pulled the collar out of my jeans pocket. “Oh wait” I smiled devilishly, “did you mean this collar?”

In an instantJohn had cleared the space between us in 2 quick strides. I had no time to react. He was towering over me and the look in his eye showed me meant business. “Buckle it now”, John hissed.

I fumbled with the clap as I struggled to get the collar on as quickly as possible. The second it was affixed, John grabbed the D ring and dragged me to a tree. I realized that John apparently, had done more than prepare dinner while I had set up the tent.

From a branch high above my head there was a rope dangling with leather cuffs at the ends. John yanked my arms up and fastened my wrists securely. My heels were slightly off the ground and I was trying to steady myself as I spun gently around with little ability to control it.

Could other campers see me though the darkness? I didn’t think so, but should they wander closer, perhaps…

John pulled out a jack knife from his pocket and I saw it glint in the light of the fire. Even though I trust him implicitly, I still shivered. He slowly grazed my cheek with the blunt side, moving further down my neck, and across my tits. John started a tear in my t-shirt with the business end of the blade, making me sweat and hold stiller than still. He then ripped my shirt down the middle, exposing my black lacy bra underneath

I was panting slightly and doing what I could to ease my body away from the blade. “What’s wrong, slut?” John asked.

I tried to appear in control and aloof. “Nothing, sir” was all I could muster in the form of false bravado.

“So, you’re feeling bratty this evening, huh slut?” John smiled. He was pleased to have a reason to tease me like this.

Slowly John slid the knife under the front of my bra and with almost no pressure, cut through the material. My tits spilled out from their confinement and were exposed to the night.

I tried to suppress a groan to no avail. “You enjoying yourself, slut?” John asked. I hated to admit it. I remained mute.

Immediately I felt my jeans tugged down and the night air on my legs- only my panties remained between me and the campground. John slide a finger along the lacy trim and I held my breath in anticipation.

But his touch didn’t come.

He walked back to the fire, took a gulp of his drink and sat down to poke at the fire. I dangled there for a few minutes awaiting his return, but he sat quietly enjoying the night.

I didn’t dare complain, but wondered how long he would leave me like this. I managed to get myself spun a bit and occasionally I glimpsed John. The knowledge that he was still sitting there was calming.

I heard him approach before I actually saw him. My senses were heightened with the lack of control of my limbs and I was acutely aware of my surroundings. I didn’t however anticipate the sting of the pine bough on my upper thighs until it had happened.

I cried out involuntarily.

“Are you still feeling bratty, slut?” John asked.

I shook my head no. John reached over and pulled my panties up, wedging them into my ass and gave me another whack with the branch. I winced and tried not to make any noise. I could hear other campers and know that they could hear me as well.

“Aren’t you forgetting something, slut?” John asked.

Another whack. “One, thank you sir”

Whack, whack. “Two, three, thank you sir”

I was trying to muffle my cries, to not draw attention to our site. John was well aware of it and enjoying the situation. “What’s wrong slut?” John asked. He continued his assault on my ass. I found myself more and more aroused as my ass got hot with the spanking. Soon I was wiggling not only to get away from the sting of the branch, but to try and find some relief to the growing desire.

Of course John noticed. He traded the pine bough for a fallen tree branch and started teasing my nipples, grazing the bark along the sensitive underside then flicking the nipples. I was going out of my mind. I was panting, sweating and begging for relieve and his touch.

John undid the cuffs restraining my wrists to the rope, but left the cuffs themselves on. I practically fell, as my arms and legs were nearly numb from the strain that they were under for the last… how long was it? I’d lost track of time. John held me under the arms and led me to the picnic table.

He pushed me face down onto the table and kicked my legs apart. He attached the cuffs to each other behind me. I was wet and ready. But he wasn’t…

On the table John took the candle that had been burning and dripped the hot wax all over my ass, thighs, arms and back. He knows how much I love wax play. Between the heat of the candle with the cool night air and knowing that this part of the camp site was much more visible in the campfire’s glow I was out of my mind with desire.

John apparently was feeling similar. He yanked my panties to the side and plunged into me from behind. The force lifted my feet off of the ground. He had no problem sliding in as I was soaking wet with arousal. John wrapped one of his hands in my hair and with the other reached around in front of me and rubbed my clip as he fucked me from behind.

I came hard and fast. My body throbbed and the scream was inevitable. My pussy was pulsing. As my body milked John’s cock and spasmmed around his hardness he came too

“Sounds like you’re a bit loud tonight, folks.” I heard the park ranger but didn’t dare to lift my eyes.

John pulled his jeans up, and left me as I was. “Sorry if she got a bit loud, I’ll remember to gag her next time.” John said.

I was horrified. I could barely hear the conversation over the thudding of my heart. Their voices were dropped to a conspirators tone and I remained as still as possible, willing myself to melt into the table. I knew that it wasn’t possible, but the fleeting thought was comforting.

John was telling the ranger about what a slut his girlfriend is and offered to demonstrate for him. The parkranger all too eagerly agreed, as he proclaimed “Well, I do need to be sure that everything is OK over here.”

Now I felt a gag being placed into my mouth and clipped to the D ring forcing my face up off of the table, making me feel all the more visible and exposed. The ranger came up behind me and after squeezing my ass cheats, gave them a series of hard smacks.

He then picked the bug zapper racket off of the table and swatted me with it. John had suggested this use before; however, I had not been open to the idea of ​​having 1200 volts of electrical current touch my skin. It caught me completely off guard. I yelped repeatedly against the gag, very glad that it was there. The ranger was extraordinarily pleased with the affect. I was wriggling and squirming all to the ranger’s enjoyment. He had me roll over and Continued his assault, now on my tits, stomach, thighs and mound.

John wanted to push me more. He grabbed his bag out of the back of the truck and brought it over to the table. Out of it he pulled an association of our toys. I was completely humiliated. None of my girl friends, let alone a random stranger, had ever seen our toys. John selected one the vibrating butt plugs that I enjoy. Enjoy in private with him that is!

The ranger’s eyes lit up. John continued telling the ranger about my slutty ways and how much I enjoy being fucked up the ass. I was spun again. As his cum was dripping out of my pussy, John rubbed it into my ass and started fucking my ass with the toy, until he had the whole butt plug buried in my ass. The ranger then selected a crop and began to smack my ass while John started the victory on low. I moaned into the gag.

John and the ranged pulled me up and pushed me roughly into the tent. With my arms still bound behind me, I fell face first into the sleeping bags. My ass was raised and legs knee apart as the ranger plunged into my throbbing pussy. John moved quickly around front and removed my gag. Without theuse of my arms, my face was buried onto John’s cock; I was choking on it in the back of my throat.

Back and forth, I was rocked between the two cocks, with the vibrator still in my ass. John would occasionally turn the vibrator up or alternate the speed and the unexpected change would drive me insane. The ranger was spanking my ass and fucking my pussy, while John was busy fucking my face and telling me what a great cum slut I was. It was overload.

I don’t know how many times I came before I passed out.

Saturday morning

I awoke alone in the tent, my body naked except for my collar and the wrist cuffs which had been left loosely on my wrists but no longer joined. The daylight was making the tent glow softly and I stretched luxuriously enjoying the lack of rushedness that most mornings involved. I knew that it must still be early as the campground has little signs of life to it yet.

When I had set up the tent I had tossed in the sleeping bag, but not the cleverything duffels. I pondered my situation. I poked my head through the flap and saw John in the lake that abused our site. He noticed me at once, and motioned for me to join him. The water looked very appealing. And additionally, I was sticky, still covered in last nights cum and desperately needed an opportunity to rinse off.

Dashing quickly, I crossed the campsite and was in the water before anyone could notice. The water was chilly, but felt refreshing and soft on my skin. I dove under and came up laughing at John’s side. He grabbed me in a great bear hug and we kissed long and deep. “Good morning slut,” he said “it seems like you slept rather well last night.” I grinned and a faint blush came to my face with the memories of the night. John laughed. “I’m glad that you had fun- and to think, the weekend has just begun.” he grinned. I wondered what other yummy plans he had in store…

We splashed and swam while the campground came to life around us- mommy’s bringing their todders to the bathroom, children racing each other on bikes along the dirt paths, the smell of bacon frying and the hum of conversation all around.

John got out of the lake (he was wearing a bathing suit) and started the propane gas stove. He put on the camping percolator for coffee and heated up a griddle to start cooking our breakfast. I lazed a bit longer in lake and enjoyed my moments of solitude.

While I was debating my options for a fast dash to my duffle bag, I saw two men from the site next to ours staring at me. I sank deeper into the water hoping that they hadn’t noticed my lack of a bathing suit. “Good morning” they called and waved. I waved back, and subtly kept as much of me as possible in the water. I hoped that would be the end of the conversation and that they would be on their way.

It looked as though they were preparing to launch their canoe for a morning fish. In my mind I screamed, “Please just go before John hears you.” But obviously it was Johnthat could hear my unspoken words, not the neighboring campers.

John came down to the edge of the lake and started making small talk about fishing with them. What type of fish do they generally catch here, what type of bait were they fishing with- stuff that I really don’t listen to. I enjoy fishing. Just as long as I don’t have to bait my hook, don’t have to touch whatever I catch and can simply cast my line out and reel it back in.

After a bit of manly small talk, John suggested that I get out of the lake and help him by getting the eggs cooking. I glared at him. He knew I was naked and was toying with me.

I tried to stall the inevitable. “Just a few more minutes John” I smiled sweetly and innocently.

John raised an eyebrow. Ugghh, I knew that look. “Okay, I’m coming…”

I started out of the water quickly with my arms across my breasts, eyes down in embarrassment. I could feel the stars of the men. My plan was to make a dash for the truck and grab my bag and dive into the tent to change. But once again, John has other ideas.

As I tried to slide past him, John grabbed my arm. “What’s the rush?” he smiled. “Don’t you want to meet our neighbors?” Under his breath John grew, “Put your hands by your side and don’t even think of covering yourself again unless I tell you to”. I did so, still unable to raise my eyes. John grabbed the D ring of the collar forcing my face up and introduced me as his pet to our wide eyed neighbors. Their first reaction was to simply stare, and then the knowledge dawned in their eyes and they both grinned wickedly at me. I was excited and humiliated at the same time.

“We are headed out onto the water ourselves shortly” John told them, “but we’ll be back later on tonight.” “Come on over and visit- have a drink with us and maybe my pet will be in a more friendly mood by then”. All men smiled knowingly and confirmed that they would indeed stopped by to later.

When they were a few hundred yards out onto the water, John finally released my collar and I ran for my bag, dug out a bathing suit- my favorite tankini and dressed hurriedly.

We had a filling, leasurely breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and coffee. Clean up went quickly and I prepared a picnic lunch while John readied the kayaks.

It was a perfect day. The sun was shining and there was a slight breeze- enough to cool you off, but not enough to push the kayaks around on the water.

John and I stashed our things into the watertight competitions. Sun lot, towels, a blanket, water bottles… Ahh, it was a perfect day to be on the lake.

Saturday afternoon

We got onto the water and I couldn’t imagine a more beautiful day. The lake was already dotted with boaters of all sorts- small sailboats, canoes, kayaks and motor boats. Along the sandy beach, sunbathers were busy staking their portion of space with blankets and towels.

John and I paddled separately yet together, we enjoyed each others’Companionship, shared stories and engaged in friendly banter. The lake was littered with islands, big and small. A few of the larger ones had people camping on them, while some of the small ones were barely big enough to hold a cluster of pine trees which appeared to be desperately clinging to the tiny bit of earth rising out of the water.

We explored the shorelines, the coves, and the rocks just below the surface. A few short hours later we Pulled the kayaks up onto one of the smaller deserted islands to indulge in our picnic lunch and avoid the high noon sun.

John and I took a quick divide to wash off the sweat from the exertion of paddling. The day felt at least 10 degrees cooler in the shade of the trees and it was a welcome break.

Covering the island were wild blueberry bushes. While I spread out the blanket, John grabbed a bowl and went to gather us an impromptu snack. We feasted on the fresh fruit, cold sandwiches and cheese curls. It was washed down with slightly warm, but still refreshing water from our bottles. I was feeling relaxed, sanguine and content.

I rolled over on the blanket and smiled languorously up at John. He reached over and rubbed my sensitive nipples to stiff buds. My body heated up instantly. I made a soft moan of delight and that was the only encouragement he needed. John got a gleam in his eye and I knew that we was going to play.

John rose without saying a word, and went over to the kayaks. He pulled a bag out of the compartment. I realized he had packed more than the basics for this trip. I was seeing rope and lots of it.

While John spent himself with the next scene we were to partake in, I cleaned up lunch and carefully stood the leftover food back into the kayaks. By the time I was done, John seemed anxious to begin. I was told to strip. Unlike earlier this wasn’t difficult as there was no one around. We had the island to ourselves and the cover of late August growth made the interior of the islandNearly invisible.

John led me over to a group of trees. He carefully tied my wrists and ankles to the prepared branches. I was spread eagle and getting hornier by the minute. John made a makeshift blindfold out of my tankini and stuffed the bathing suit bottoms into my mouth, securing it with more rope.

John then rubbed some of the remaining blueberries into my tits and started licking and sucking the juice off Making me groan with delight. My nipples were hard and erect. I wanted him to touch my pussy and lick the blueberries there too. I tried to demonstrate my desires with my body arching towards him, silently becoming to be licked.

Instead, he took more rope and bound my breasts tightly, making my nipples even more sensitive. Shooting darts of pleasure radiated down to my pussy, making me throb and crave his touch. John laughed. He was enjoying his own joke. I could hear him, but I didn’t get it until I felt the clothes pins being placed onto my nipples.

I was out my mind with sensings. At this time John did in fact take a handful of blueberries and smear then all over and inside my soaking wet pussy. “Mmmmm” John said knowingly, “I see my little slut is enjoying herself.” I could only groan into my makeshift gag in reply.

His fingers plunged into my pussy hooking up to my G spot. I practically came, grinding with the limited movement I had on his hand.

John anticipated this, and with his free hand he slapped my ass hard. Ohhh, I love being spanked. And the very idea that we were in broad daylight on an island in the middle of the lake was incredibly hot.

“Today slut, you will not cum until I tell you that you can” John breathed into my ear. He said this while he continued his onslaught on my pussy and ass and I was drowning in the sensings. I struggled now to avoid his fingers in my pussy as I knew that I was so close and I didn’t want to displease him.

He moved away from me briefly. My curiosity was short lived, because he must have only been grabbing a towel or blanket. The next thing I felt was fingers spreading my hood and his hot tongue assaulting my clip. He would lick it gently, and then gain his teeth across the sensitive node until without warning I came hot and fast. I desperately tried to clamp my legs shut as the orgasm shook my body, but bound as I was, there was no escape. John had planned this. He knew that I would not be able to avoid climax. He loved the idea that he could punish me later for this translation. My body was on fire with the combined pleasure and pain.


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