Chapter IV
When Clare woke up the sun was much lower but it was still very bright outside. She felt an ache to drink something and decided to go to the kitchen and make some coffee. The rumble in the kitchen woke up Alice.
“What are you doing?” asked yawing Alice.
“Coffee, you want some?”
“Sure” answered Alice while stretching her body.
She rose from the couch and slowly walked into the kitchen. Her arms wrapped around Clare and she gently rested her head on her.
“Ok, done” proclaimed Clare as she grabbed two full cups and walked over to the table dragging Alice with her.
“You have to let go of me sweetie, or I will spill the coffee all over.”
“But I’m so tired…” mumbled Alice as she finally let go of her girlfriend and dropped onto a chair next to the table.
“I’m sorry, I must have tired you a lot” Clare apologized and sat on the other side of the table, placing the cups on it.
“No, it was fun.”
Alice reached out for her cup and took a sip.
“Much better…” voted Alice, “So, what do you have planned for me next?”
“You’ll see darling, you’ll see” Clare chuckled, lifting her cup to her mouth.
“Well I can’t wait then… Oh, why am I more tired after sleeping?”
“Just drink the coffee baby, you’ll be up in no time!”
Both finished their drinks and Clare took the cups back to the kitchen.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” asked Clare while washing the coffee stained cups.
“Sure, why not, it looks quite nice outside”
Clare slammed the faucet lever and walked past Alice.
“Well come then!”
Alice rose from the chair and followed Clare to the front door.
“Can I put my shoes on?”
“Sure” giggled Clare “good girl for asking.”
“Oh, thanks” chuckled a very flushed Alice.
Clare passed the sandals to Alice and opened the door.
“I’ll wait outside” she added and shut the door behind her.
Alice quickly finished putting her shoes on and followed Clare out the door. The evening smell rushed into Alice’s nose creating a pleasant sensing. The whole front yard was washed in slightly warmer than usual light. Alice went down the porch stairs and joined Clare. They walked through the garden and left the property through a small fence nestled in the corner of the hedge. The sandy path beneath their feet was the only thing They could hear apart from some lone birds singing around them from time to time. On the right-hand side lush forests and yellow fields covering neary hills were patiently waiting for the sun to finally set. More and more reddish sunshine painted the entire landscape with a glowing aura. The couple walked marveling at the views and each other for some time until the sun was just about to hide behind the mountains far on the horizon. Without a word, they both stopped to gaze at the ending day. Alice felt her stomach clutch. It was beautiful, maybe a bit too beautiful. The sunset, her and Clare, all of their time together. She was the happiest she’d ever been so what was wrong? Alice lost herself in the unsure future, afraid of losing what she had and although the beauty of the moment she could’t enjoy it. She wanted to say something but for an unknown reason could’t say a word. The sun had finally set. A sight of relief escaped Alice’s mouth.
“Let’s come back” said Clare.
It was pretty dark when the couple reached the house. Clare let Alice inside and locked the door with a key.
“Go ahead and clean yourself” ordered Clare “there’s a shower upstairs.”
“Of course, right away”
And with that they went back into their dynamic. Alice left her shoes in the hall and slowly dragged herself up the step stairs. After what felt like a mountain climb she at last arrived at the bathroom.
Stepping through the door she was surprised about the decor. It looked quite modern and luxurious compared to the rest of the house. She sToo in front of a mirror that covered almost half of the wall and dropped her dress to the ground. She examined her red with marks left there by Clare back and a sense of contentment of being owned filled her. She exchanged a quick smile with herself in the mirror and stepped into the shower. She spent most of her time there filling her head with ideas of what Clare had prepared for them. The water stopped and Clare exited the cabin. Looking at the dirty dress laying on the floor she decided it would be best not to put it on right after she washed herself. Promptly drying herself, naked Alice left the bathroom and caught the glimpse of Clare’s room in the corner of her eye. The keyhole was big enough to see through it. The temptation was too strong and she slowly approached the room. After making sure she was alone she lowered her head to take a peek through the hole. Before she was able to make out anything a loud cought made her jump and almost immediately fall to her knees.
“I- I’m sorry Goddess” apologized Alice as Clare’s footsteps grow louder. “I- I shouldn’t have- I-“
“Shush!” harshly commanded Clare standing over her naked slave. “What was that about, huh?”
“I- I- I just, I don’t know how this happened” stuttered Alice as her heart trembled with excitement. “I noticed the keyhole, and- and I just had to look through it, I- I-“
“You like looking huh?”
“I, I-” Alice tried to respond.
“Answer me.” loudly pronounced Clare and stared at the kneeing girl for a moment “Now!”
“Y- yes Goddess, I like looking”
“Then go ahead. Look.”
Alice looked at Clare confused.
“Look through the keyhole. Go ahead” Clare crossed her arms.
Alice slowly stood up and positioned herself directly in front of the door. She took a glance at Clare and bent her back bringing her eye to the keyhole. It was completely black, Alice couldn’t see anything. After a few seconds she turned her head to Clare.
“Did I tell you tostop looking!? Look.”
“But I can’t see anything!” gasped Alice returning to her previous position.
“That’s because I tapped it from the other side. Did you really think I wouldn’t think of that?” Clare laughed. “But go on, exam everything you wanted”
A few dozen seconds passed.
“I’m sorry Goddess, can I stand up now?” said groaning Alice.
“Oh no, I don’t think you quite saw everything”
Alice let out a loud sight and readjusted her legs which was met with an almost immediate slap on her butt.
“I didn’t tell you to move, did I?”
“No, no you didn’t Goddess, I apologize.”
“Do I need to watch you or can I go take a shower?”
“Of cou- “
“That was a rhetorical question. I’m going to the bathroom and you don’t move an inch, understanding??”
“Yes Goddess I understand” Alice answered with a tight voice.
“Good then. You’ll tell me what you saw there after I’m done.”
Clare patted Alice’s head and vanished into the bathroom. After a short while Alice could hear Clare taking a shower. She of course enjoyed the prediction but her muscles slowly started to tire and it was becoming more and more uncomfortable. Alice tried to focus on the sound of falling water to take her mind off her body. Suddenly she felt tingling on her face. A strand of hair must have fallen there. Alice was hesitant to disobey her girlfriend and tried to dismiss the trouble. After a short while the announcement was too great and Alice quickly put the strand back where it belonged making sure not to move her body a lot. At that point Clare was showing for almost 9 minutes and Alice’s willpower was beginning to hit its limit. Alice tried her best to maintain the stress on her body for as long as she possibly could.
“How long is she going to be in there!?” Alice thought to herself.
She started considering taking a little pause. Since the water was still on Clare wouldn’t see that anyway. Alice was a bit disappointed in herself but ultimately gave in to the pressure and readjusted her body to a much more comfortable position as a sight of relief escaped her mouth.
“Alice.” whispered a voice in the corridor.
Alice’s heart stopped and she jumped away from the door falling on the ground. There she was, bare naked with her hair already tied and all ready to hop into the shower, leaning against the wall watching her the whole time as the water was running in the background.
“You’ve held out longer than I expected. Although I removed points for that hair thing.” calmly pronounced Clare looking at the shocked girl beneath her. “C’mon you’ll help me shower I don’t want to waste any more water.”
“You scared me!” gasped Alice as she rose from the floor.
“Well yeah, I can see that!” laughed Clare.
Alice followed Clair into the bathroom and they both stepped into the glass cabin.
“Alright, make me wet!” joked Clare passing the showerhead to Alice.
“Oh yeah, like I don’t do that already!” answered chuckling Alice pointing the water stream at Clare making sure to cover her whole body neck down.
Doing that Alice made sure to marvel at every curve in her girlfriend’s body. After she was done she turned the water off and grabbed a shower poof hanging on the wall covering it with soap.
“Alright where do you want me to start?”
“Let’s start at the top and move down.” proposed Care lifting her head and exposing her neck.
Alice softly grabbed it with her left hand and gently started massaging it all around with the puff.
“Alright move down now…” gently said Clare closing her eyes and turning around.
Alice pushed herself against Clare’s body and began to rub her chest slowly moving down towards her belly button and crotch causing Clare to let out a bit of air out of her mouth. She took a step back and covered Clare’s whole back with soap along with both of her arms. Alice then got down on her knees and carefully started massaging her legs exploring every square inch right from the very top to the feet.
“Are you done with everything?” asked Clare.
Alice began to stand up.
“Yes Miss-“
“Did I tell you to stand up??” asked Clare with wide-open eyes looking through her shoulder.
“N- no” answered dumbfounded Alice and knelt back down.
“I asked you if you were done with everything.”
“Yes Goddess”
“Well ok then, wait right there a bit” ordered Clare as she grabbed the showerhead and rinsed the foam off herself. “Open your mouth dear.”
Alice hesitantly parted her lips a few centimeters.
“What is that supposed to be?? As wide as you can, and stick your tongue out. Yeah, just like that. See? You can do it when you want to!”
After those words, Clare let out a warm stream to a sight of relief towards Alice’s mouth aiming as best as she could though a lot of it landed on her face and torso as well. Alice immediately closed her eyes shut andlet out a grunt after tasting what landed on her. After a few seconds, the salty liquid filled up Alice’s mouth as she knelt fully humiliated in front of her superior.
A blast of water hit her face and washed out the urine from her mouth.
“Alright, spit it out”
The contents of Alice’s mouth collided with the acrylic shower floor with a loud bang.
“Goooood girl” Clare tried her subject prolonging the first word “what do we say?”
“Thank you Mistress” answered Alice with a heavy breath after clearing her voice.
Clare grabbed Alice’s hair pulling her head back and put her tigh over the kneeing girl’s shoulder. With one quick motion, Alice’s lips were squished against Clare’s vagina. Taking the quite obvious clue Alice pushed her tongue out and started grazing her labia up and down to a noticeable content on Clare’s face. Alice, well-versed in pleasure her girlfriend, was hitting just the right spots at just the right time sending vibrating waves over her body. Alice was slowly speeding up and intensifying until Clare’s moans turned almost into screams.
“Ok, that’s enough now” said Clare catching her breath and pushing Alice’s head back “go dry yourself and wait for me on the floor”
Alice slowly straightened her red knees and left the cabin still a bit out of breath. The still damp towel from when she took her shower about twenty minutes ago did the job and Alice was now dry and kneeing in front of the shower door. She carefully positioned a small rug underneath her to ease her wear knees and waited patiently for her Goddess to finish. Alice could feel blood rush to her crotch in excitement as she was getting hornier and hornier. The concept of waiting for her girlfriend on the floor like an obedient submissive she was just too good. Alice’s pussy was becoming for more and more attention with every second she thought about that. It was so close, she could just reach and pleasure herself a bit. Obviously Clare would get a little mad but it would feel oh-so-good. Her hand started moving almost on its own, slowly creating towards Alice’s vagina. A loud noise caught Alice off-guard, the cabin was wide open and dripping Clare was standing in front of Alice. Shit, it’s too late now.
“Be so kind and fetch the towel from that cabinet” ordered Clare pointing to her left.
Frustrated Alice stood up and returned with a new dry towel. Clare opened her arms wide open and allowed Alice to wipe her dry. Not only was she fulfilling her girlfriend’s every order she was also experiencing her perfect body up close. Clare could sense Alice’s arousal growing, and she knew exactly what she was doing, teasing Alice like that.
“Clare can I touch mys-“
Slap! Alice couldn’t even finish her question.
“How do you address me??”
“I’m sorry Goddess, may I please touch myself, I hardly can stand it, please Mistress I-“
“No.” Clare firmly cut away Alice’s pleasures.
Alice gaped indisbelief and fear at Clare. Knowing what she was about to be subjected to.
“C’mom you’ll help me get dressed now. We still haven’t unpacked our things from the car.”
Clare yawned and left the bathroom along with Alice running after her. They both made their way downstairs and stopped at the front door.
“Wait for me here a second. Hands by your side.” commanded Clare and Disappeared into the living room leaving Alice with an opportunity she dared to take. But it was too late already, Clare was back with a key and she opened the door letting the refreshing evening air inside.
“Alright, go grab our stuff and pass it to me, you know where everything is.”
Alice walked outside and stepped off the porch onto the cold ground. “God I hope I won’t have to clean the floor again If I dirty my feet like that” Alice thought to herself. Feeling Clare’s gaze carefully watching her, she arrived at the car and opened the back door revealing a fully packed duffle bag on the passenger seat. It was pretty heavily being fully loaded but Alice managed to slowly carry it back to Clare overlooking her the whole time.
“Leave it here” Clare pointed next to herself on the floor where Alice dropped the bag and turned around for the second one. Reaching the car again she opened the trunk from the driver’s seat and looked over the open gate. She could probably make a run for it and get off out there hiding in some bushes. It was extremely dark already so Clare would have a hard time finding her. Even that she would probably make a lot of noise and-
“What are you staring at like that?” Clare interrupted the train of thought of Alice.
Confronted, she abandoned the idea of running away and took out the bag from the trunk and carried it to Clare’s feet.
“Wait on the floor” commanded Clare as she locked the door and started going through the bags.
Alice obediently knelt on the floor again which only heightened her arousal. Clare was busy rummaging around in the bags and wouldn’t notice if Alice touched herself a little. She full well knew that that would only make her more turned on and in the end probably worse her torture but that only turned her on more. Fuck, she couldn’t resist. With her finger, she slowly caressed her parts starting at the very bottom and arriving at the clip. Her eyes rolled back just a little and she managed to finish just in time before Clare took out everything she needed out of the bags. She put on her panties and throw her silk robe on Alice.
“Help me put it on”
Alice fumbled around with it figuring out where the armholes are and after standing up she carefully slide it onto Clare.
“Alright let’s secure you for the night” said Clare as she pulled out a coil of red nylon rope from the bag.
“What do you mean by that Mistress?”
“I didn’t tell you to speak did I? Now turn around and bring your arms to your chest”
Clare began to carefully bind Alice. She didn’t even try to resist, it felt too good being trapped which of course only made her more horny.
“Ok all done!” pronounced Clare with a proud voice “try touching yourself now bitch” she added laughing.
“Mistress please-” tried to plead Alice but Clare quickly gripped her jaw.
“Did I tell you to say something?” asked Clare through her teeth “that’s a question.”
“N- no Mistress.”
“Then shut up. It’s that fucking simple.” Clare slapped Alice’s crotch and dragged her hand across it still holding her slave by her mouth. Alice let out a weak moan hear by Clare.
“Didn’t I just tell you to shut up?”
“I’m sorry Mistre-“
Clare smacked Alice again this time sliding her finger inside. Alice tried her best not to make any sound.
“Good fucking slave.” Clare almost whispered and grabbed Alice by her hair and dragged her upstairs meanwhile grabbing another coil of rope. Clare stopped in front of Alice’s bedroom and she throw her inside.
“On the bed now!”
Frightened Alice jumped on the bed illuminated by the light spilling from the corridor. Clare went over to Alice and secure her chest to the bed with the leftover rope before moving on and tying her feet to the frame as well. She took a step back and admitted her bound slave. The sight of her helpless girlfriend unable to move and being hopelessly teased was one of the best there was for Clare. She loved Alice but she Also loved torturing her, seeing fear and despair in her eyes. Clare walked over the creaky floor and sat on the bed next to Alice. She looked into her eyes and leaned in a little with a smile appearing on her face. She placed her hand on Alice’s inner thigh and started slowly creeping towards her parts, still observing Alice’s face which took on a configured grimace as Clare arrived at the place of interest and began to ramp up the intensity to Alice’s amusement. Starting with delicate motions she quickly moved on to more extreme moves.
“Oh God yes, thank you Goddess, thank you!” moaned Alice as Clare started really going to town on her.
It was finally happening, her torture is over, God yes did it feel good, Alice was squirming and contorting in her bonds. The waves of pleasure suddenly stopped and surprised Alice looked over to Clare.
“Wha- what are you doing?” asked Alice, catching her breath.
“I think that’s enough for you, don’t you think?” smiled Clare and stood up from the bed.
“No Clare please don’t go away, please Mistress!” begged Alice but to no avail.
“Sweet dreams” Clare leaned in leaving a kiss on Alice’s forehead and walked out of the room to Alice pleading and begging her to come back. The last thing she heard was the key being turned and the whole room was plugged into darkness. Alice needed a while to settle down and stop screaming for her girlfriend. She desperately tried to free herself and masturbate but it all was futile. After a few minutes Alice understands her condition and accepted her fate. It took an exciting amount of time before her libido finally fell and she could start to fall asleep. She could hear footsteps coming from Clare’s bedroom and the creaky bed bending underneath its user. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness she looked around the room, although there wasn’t much to see except for some old furniture. Eventually, her eyes got too heavy and fell over Alice’s eyes. She went back through her memories of the day. All the excitement she felt. She wondered what Clare had in store for her tomorrow and for however long they were going to stay there.
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