I started writing this story about half a year ago I recently came across it and decided to post it. It’s my first ever story so excuse me if it has some issues. I hope you enjoy the first chapter and come back for more!
Chapter I
Alice was sitting in the passenger’s seat looking at the passing landscapes on the other side of the car window. More and more buildings were disappearing until all that was left were some lone homes in the distance. Concrete walls were now replaced by golden fields and green hills behind them. To Alice, they seemed like gentle giants peacefully sleeping on the ground, with little homes scattered on top of them. She had no idea where Clair was taking her. They had been driving for about an hour when the car suddenly stopped on the roadside.
“Get out.” said Clair with a firm voice.
Alice felt her heart speed up and she instantly open the door and stepped out of the car on the gravelly sand. Squiting her eyes from the blinding sun she felt her light summer dress gently brush against her skin. Her blond slightly wavy hair danced with the warm summer breeze. Clair walked up to her and at 5’6 towered over the blond girl. Standing beneath her Alice stared into her deep brown eyes. Her head was framed with shoulder-length dark hair gracefully falling down her face.
“Where are we going?” quietly asked Alice.
“Shush, now be a good girl and cross your arms on your chest” ordered Clair as she started unraveling a coil of rope.
Alice compiled with the command and in a few minutes, her arms were secured to her body. The dark-haired girl pulled out a blindfold and put it over Alice’s eyes, and gently pushed her towards the back seat, and sat the bound girl there.
“How long will I have to be like tha-?”
“Do you also want me to gag you?! Now don’t complain, I can’t have you knowing where we are driving.” said Clair as she slammed the door and walked over to the driver’s seat.
They continued driving for another hour and a half until Alice felt the car going uphill and then finally stop. Clair stepped out of the vehicle and opened Alice’s door. She helped her out, and now they stood in front of each other again. Alice feel Clair’s hands on her shoulders as she rotated her 90 degrees to the right and undid her blindfold. Bright daylight rushed into the blond girl’s eyes and it took a while until she could see anything. And when she did she could see for miles. They were standing on the highest hill around. Green plains stretching to the horizon seemed like an ocean with hills for waves with little forests here and there all bathed in the strong summer sunlight. The sky was so bright she could barely look at it, especially because she had spent the last hour in darkness. Alice looked to her left to see quite a big cottage house Complete with a white wooden porch. In front of it was a huge open field surrounded by a thick hedge with trees sprinkled in every dozen meters. Near the house, there was an old wooden stable with its doors closed so Alice could not see what was inside. On the other side, the view was just as breathtaking. With her eyes now adjusted to the light, she could admire soft yet colossal clouds slowly marching far far away on the horizon line. Their size evoked a sense of power yet gentleness.
“It’s beautiful here” eventually said Alice.
“I’m glad you like it here. Don’t worry you will have a lot of time to admit this place, now follow me.”
Clair grabbed the rope still tied around Alice’s chest and pulled her in the direction of the mansion. They arrived at the porch and the tall girl started untying her captive.
“You don’t need these anymore. And take off your shoes, you won’t be needing them as well.”
Alce knelt and gently removed her leather sandals.
“Now hand them over, shoes are a privilege that you don’t deserve” commanded Clair reaching her hand for Alice’s sandals. “You have no right to wear shoess around here. Is that understand?”
“Yes Goddes” mumbled Alice still kneeing on the ground.
“What was that supposed to be?” throw Clair raising her voice.
“Yes Goddes!” said Alice now with more confidence.
“Whole sentence.”
“I have no right to wear shoes Goddes” said the kneeing girl as a smile of excitement from the humiliation she was just subjected to appeared on her face.
The same smile was visible on Clair’s face too. They had been dating for around 2 years and got into BDSM about half a year after their relationship had started. They sometimes switched but it was obvious from the beginning who was really in charge between the two of them. They both loved it and loved that the other one loved it just as much.
“On your feet and follow me, I’ll show you around”.
Alice walked in through the front door right after Clair. She felt the hard wooden floor underneath her bare feet. In front of them was a long corridor at the end of which was a window looking over the back garden.
“Come.” ordered Clair leading Alice forwards. “This is the door to the dining room combined with a living room” informed Clare passing a door on her right. “That is the bathroom” she added pointing at a doorway on her left. “And that is the entrance to the kitchen and a little closet for your work stuff” said the brunette crossing her arms at the end of the hallway. “You’ll have plenty of time to get familiar with individual rooms, now follow me again.”
They both walk upstairs revealing yet another corridor. Clair again explained the layout of the rooms. First, there was a bedroom on the left side, then a bathroom and the right, followed by a second bedroom on the same side, and finally “Clair’s room” on the left which Alice was forbidden from Entering.
“I left you a list of rules on the dinner table downstairs. You have an hour to memorize all of them. You are free… for now.” Alice could help but giggle at the thought of thepredicament she found herself in. They both smiled at each other, looking deeply into each other’s eyes, knowing how much they were going to love whatever was coming next. Finally, after a while, Clair broke the silence.
“Well better get ready the clock is ticking it’s your final hour of freedom” said Clair chuckling.
“Of course, Goddess” answered smiling Alice.
“I’ll call for you when the time is over” added Clair walking downstairs.
Alice was now left alone. She walk to the window at the end of the corridor which looked over the front yard. She could see the car parked in the driveway. The view that covered by some trees was still stunning. Most prominent of those trees was a huge oak standing mightily a couple of dozen meters from the house a little to the right. Its wrinkly trunk climbed up to then give Its way to green spreading branches covering a large portion of the ground in shade. The leaves seemed like clouds tethered to the ground by the tree itself,ready to surrender to the wind to be carried into the sky at any moment. Alice decided it would be best to look for the list and start memorizing the rules. She took a quick last look at the door to Clair’s room wondering what was in it and descended downstairs. In front of the stairs was the entrance to the kitchen. She decided to take a quick look and walked in. Immediately she felt the cold tiled floor. The kitchen was very tidy with everything hidden in the cupboards. Looking around the girl discovered that the kitchen was actually connected to the dining and living room area. All three spaces made up one huge room connecting the back and front sides of the building. Alice walked over to a heavy wooden table and picked up a piece of paper waiting there for her.
1. You must not wear any article of clothing not approved by your superior.
2. You must not leave the premises of the property.
3. You must comply with any orders given and fulfill your duties to the best of your abilities.
4. You must trust in your superior.
5. You must comply with any punishments given and do not question them.
7. You have a right to stop any activities taking place at any given moment.
8. You must ask for permission before doing anything that does not benefit completing one of your duties.”
Alice read the rules multiple times Each time getting more excited at the prospect of willingly giving up her freedom and submitting to someone. She remembered the first time she had felt this way. It all had started about one and a half a year ago. Snow was slowly falling behind the window. Clair and Alice were cuddling on a couch watching TV. It had been something vague, a movie, or perhaps a documentary? Alice couldn’t remember. But what she could remember was much more important.
“Clair, I’ve been meaning to tell you something” quietly said Alice.”
“What is it darling?”
“Well I’ve been fantasizing about something and I thought maybe we could try it” stated Alice as her cheeks started getting red.
“Oh I see” chuckled Clair “well what is it? Do you want me to tie you up or something?” she added still chuckling.
“Well… actually… yeah, kind of” said flustered Alice desperately avoiding eye contact.
“Oh shit” mumbled Clair. “Well, we could totally do that if you want to”.
“Well, I just hope you won’t laugh at me again,” Said Alice flying her eyesbrows with her eyes drilling into Clair.
“I’m sorry for that, I just- I didn’t expect that from you…” Clair apologized. “But now that I’m thinking about it it’s not all that surprising” she added smirking.
“And what was that supposed to mean!?” throw now completely red Alice.
“You know what, stay here” energeticly said Clair jumping off the couch and running to the door. “I’ll be back soon!” she added grabbing her coat and slamming the front door.
Alice could only suspect where she was going but it was pretty obvious that her destination was a neary adult shop. Alice had no idea what she would buy there, but that thought excited her. Clair was in control now. Alice spent the next thirty minutes fantasizing about what Clair would do to her when she finally gets back.
“I’m home!” shouted Clair storming through the front door.
“Geez, what took you so long!?” asked Alice springing off the couch. “What did you buy??”
“No no no, no peaking, you’ll find out” said Clair putting a big bag on the kitchen counter.
“So are we doing it?”
“Yeah, of course, we are doing this, now take off your clothes, hurry” commanded Clair hanging her coat near the door.
That was the first command ever that Alice have received. A shock of excitement went through her body.
“Well, what are you waiting for hurry up!”
“I- I’m sorry” mumbled Alice quickly taking off her clothes and laying them on the floor.
“Now lay down on the couch please” ordered Clair taking out a coil of black nylon rope.
Alice was already lying on her belly when Clair got to her. Clair unraveled the rope and reached for her phone.
“I checked out some cool positions that we could try on my way back, now cross your arms behind your back” said Clair looking through her phone. “Ok” she mumbled and laid the phone next to the naked girl. She then proceeded to tie Alice’s hands together closely following the tutorial on the screen. “Great, now bring your legs up.” told Clair and now tied her ankles together, and lastly connected her ankles and feet with leftover rope. “And all done!” finally said Clair while she stood up and took a few steps backward to admire her masterpiece. “How do you feel?”
“Well, I can’t really move” answered Alice struggle to look up at Clair.
“Well that’s the point isn’t it?”
“I mean yeah, it’s hot, but you could have thought of something more elaborate”
“You know what? You are annoying me.” firmly said Clair and shemarched to the bag.
“Hey where are you going!? I can’t move!”
Clair came back to Alice and put a ballgag into the girl’s mouth. “Here, now I won’t have to listen to your whining.”
“mm- mhm” tried answering Alice but she couldn’t say anything.
“Hahaha, look at you now!” Clair burst out laughing “And what are you going to do now huh?” she added getting closer to Alice.
“M- MMHM- MH” now louder mumbled Alice getting red again.
“Oh, are we getting flustered now? You like it, don’t you? Hell I AM really liking it!” said Clair with excitement, looking deep into the blond’s eyes only centimeters from her face. “We definitely have to do more of this.”
“mhm” nodded giggling Alice.
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