Summer Hire Ch. 20

On Display

Melissa shifted her weight, trying to get comfortable. She squinted at the setting sun, wondering how long she had been tied up. Looking over at the post that her left arm was tied to, she flexed that arm slightly, trying to keep it from cramping.

When she had come downstairs to the living area, she had been wearing nothing but a pair of black six-inch sandals, as instructed. The living area had a wall of sliding glass doors that were arranged in a graduate arc, separating the inside living area from the outdoor patio. The floor of both the living area and the patio were covered with the same sort of irregularly shaped pieces of slate.

Standing by the windows, waiting, she admired how the continuous flow of stone connected the inside to the outside. The patio was shaped in a broad oval, nestled against the house, with Its far side overlooking a meadow that descended to a stream valley below. The left and right edges of the patio were enclosened with knee walls, but the center was open, so nothing blocked the view downslope.

She realized that the patio furniture had been rearranged. Chairs and lockers were grouped along the far edge, facing back towards the house instead of towards the view. Then she saw that two posts had been set up on the patio. The posts looked solid, which made her think that some sort of mechanism must be built into the patio to hold them, which told her Erik had probably designed this set-up as part of the original plan for the house. She contemplated the two posts with equal measures of suspicion and nervousness.

Hearing Erik’s footsteps, she turned to greet him. He smiled happily as he swept her into his arms, kissing her gently, but passwordately. She responded enthusiastically, her tongue searching out his. Finally, he stepped back a little and said, “You, my dearest one, are absolutely ravishing, as always.”

He stepped over to slide open the door to the patio and beckoned her out. Leading her to stand between the two posts, he lifted a rope from the right-hand post that she hadn’t seen from inside the house. The rope was firmly tied to an iron ring set into the rough wood of the post about six feet high. In her heels, the ring was only slightly above her head.

The loose end of the rope was tied to a padded black leather wrist cuff. He raised her arm and buckled on the cuff. Giving her a smile, he went over to the other post and repeated the same process, leaving her stretched between the two posts.

Next, he walked over to a table and picked up two padded black leather ankle cuffs. Melissa starred at the table as he walked back. A wide variety of whips, floggers, and canes were artistically arranged on the table. Her eyes widened a bit, as she wondered what she had gotten herself into this Evening.

After he buckled on the ankle cuffs, he went back to get some short lengths of rope, which he used to tie each of her legs to a post, so she stood with her feet about shoulder width apart. Then he tied a rope between her two ankles, so she couldn’t move her feet more than a few inches in any direction.

Next, he selected a heavy chrome steel slave collar. Once he had fastened it around her neck, she was grateful to realize it was much lighter than it looked.

Finally, he brought over a black rubber ball gag with a leather strap. Holding it up so she could see it better, he said, “It’s a cheater gag. There’s a piece of black elastic hidden back by the buckle. When you have it on, you can push the ball out of your mouth, to give your jaw a rest.”

He slipped the gag in her mouth and buckled the strap behind her head, taking a little while to adjust her hair, so it fell past the strap just the way he wanted. Then he said, “Okay, try pushing it out now.”

She was relieved to discover that it was easy to pop the ball out of her mouth, so it rested softly against her front teeth.

He nodded, “Good, it’ll be a little while until everyone gets here, so you’ll probably want to leave it out until we all come outside to admire you. If you can, keep it in your mouth while guests are around, at least until I take it off you. If it’s obvious that it’s a cheater gag, it’ll ruin the mood. Okay?”

Melissa nodded, not sure how to talk while holding the gag out of her mouth.

Erik smiled, then walked back to the house. She heard the door slide shut behind her. She looked out across the valley, towards the sun that was low in the sky.

A couple of minutes later, the door slide open again, and Melissa let the gag pop into her mouth. Abigail Grady came into her view, lighting citronella candles and setting them down all around the patio. Melissa was embarrassed at having Erik’s housekeeper see her tied up naked, but Abigail handled the whole situation very nonchalantly. Abigail came over to Melissa and conspiratorially whispered, “Can’t have the mosquitos eating you up while you’re waiting. Do youwant any water or a quick snack?”

Melissa Shook her head ‘no’ and the other woman went back inside. Relaxing a little, Melissa pushed the gag back out.

After what felt like a long time, the sun had gotten much closer to the horizon and was nearly setting. Melissa was regretting not saying yes to a snack. She had been too nervous to eat any dinner, and now it was getting late. This early in the summer, she was pretty sure that sunset was around nine o’clock.

She shifted posture again, hoping that whatever was going to happen would be soon. She’d been hearing noises in the house that sounded like people arriving and chatting, but it had been hard to tell exactly how many.

Without warning, she heard the sliding glass doors being pulled back. The sound of sliding rollers went on a long time, and she realized that Erik must have had the entire wall of sliding glass doors pushed back into the pockets that were built into either side of the living area, opening up thefull width of the house onto the patio.

A cool gust of air-conditioned air flowed past her legs, and she heard people walking out onto the patio. At the last minute, she remembered to let the ball gag slip back into her mouth. She tried to subtly straighten her posture. Holding her head straight, she let her eyes shift in an unfocused gaze off into the distance. She knew the formal role of a sub was not to be a person, at least in an ordinary sense. She was not supposed to look at other people or react to them. Her role was to be an object that was looked at by others.

People did indeed come around her, inspecting her. Without shifting her eyes to look, she could still recognize Michael leading Deborah on a leash. He was in a finely tailored business suit. Deborah was barefoot and naked, except for a collar and leash. Michael didn’t seem to have the same fetish for high heels that Erik did.

She also saw Serena walking past, leading a pudgy middle-aged man on a leashas well. Serena was wearing a dominatrix outfit, including tall black lace-up boots, a close-fitting black leather dress, and an Edwardian large-brimmed black sun bonnet. The man only wore a black g-string and a collar. He looked pretty ridiculous, but Melissa was very careful not to appear to notice him.

A moment later, Mistress Amy stepped into view. Melissa successfully repressed her immediate instinct to knee, which the ropes would have prevented in any case. Feeling relieved, Melissa was glad that she’d been so careful about her posture and about not obviously looking at the guests.

As Mistress Amy turned to walk over toward the chairs, Melissa let herself take in a little more of the scene. She was started to see that Mistress Amy was leading two attractive young women by thin silver chains that were attached to nipples rings. The women were naked and almost seemed to be a matched set, although clearly not identical twins. Mistress Amy was dressed in a tight-fitting, dark blue business suit, no blouse, and six-inch red and black pumps with a one-inch platform.

Melissa decided that leashes and naked subs seemed to be the order of the evening. If she ever did decide to get her nipples pierced, she thought, she couldn’t image letting Erik lead her around in public with chains connected to both nipple rings. After a moment’s reflection, however, she had to admit that it did look Really sexy. She wondered how she would look with piercings.

Her wandering thoughts were shattered by a loud, adolescent female voice right behind her. “Oh look, Daddy, Master Erik’s got a new toy. Can I play with it? Please, please, pretty please?”

The girl came into view, and Melissa was relieved to discover that she was actually in her forties or fifties, even though she was dressed in a plaid jumper and saddle shoes. The woman carried herself like a girl barely out of childhood. A middle-aged man in black jeans and a black silk shirt followed her into view. The man said, “Now Tabitha…”

The woman interrupted, pleading, “Please Daddy, I’ll suck you off and everything.”

Melissa struggled not to react to the weirdness unfolding in front of her. She knew it wasn’t really father-daughter incest, but she was shocked and disturbed by the woman’s promise nonetheless.

Being careful not to let Mistress Amy see that she was doing anything Other than staring off into the distance, Melissa slowly studied the couple in front of her. ‘Tabitha’ was a bit overweight, although her jumper and the shear white blouse she wore underneath it did a reasonable job of hiding that fact. Her partner, ‘Daddy,’ was similarly heavyset. The couple reminded her of two amateur actors at a local community playhouse, playing a farcical scene and greatly enjoying themselves.

Erik walked into her view, and Melissa nearly turned to look at him. She quickly Steeled herself back into an unfocused stare. Even looking blankly off into space, however,She could sense disapproval emanating from Mistress Amy. Melissa guessed that Mistress Amy must have seen her brief reaction to Erik’s arrival, which she found frustrating. While it was oddly exhilarating to be ‘on display’ in front of everyone, the rules surrounding the whole affairs were annoying. Not being allowed to make eye contact with anyone felt silly. On the other hand, she told herself, fashion models never made eye contact with the audience either. ‘Being on display’ just didn’t seem compatible with being like a regular person, no matter the setting.

Her musings were interrupted by Tabitha, who ran over to Erik, flouncing in an exaggerated fashion that seemed like it ought to have been ridiculous, except that she was so earnest that she somehow pulled it off. Reaching Erik, Tabitha suddenly adopted a bashful pose, looking down at her feet, hands clenched behind her while slowly pivoting her body back and forth. “Master Erik, can I please play with your nice new toy?I promise not to break it.”

Erik seemed a little taken aback. He looked over at Tabitha’s ‘Daddy,’ who gave Erik a very subtle nod. Erik gave him a slight shrug and turned back to Tabitha. He said, “Well little girl, if you promise to be very, very careful, then yes, you may play with…”

Tabitha shrieked, hoping up and down, clapping her hands. She ran over to the table with all the whips and floggers. Erik shook his head, amused at her antis. He shrugged and went over to sit down.

Reaching the table, Tabitha snatched up a wicked-looking whip with a long flexible shaft and a two foot tail of black leather on the end. She swung the whip back and forth over the heads of everyone who was sitting, as she giggled happily. The whip heard whistled through the air, its leather tail snapping at the end of each stroke.

Melissa felt her belly tighten up in fear. She desperately hoped that Erik would intervene.

Then Tabitha discarded that whip, picking up a rattan cane. This device too, she swung forcedly back and forth in the empty air. The cane made an evil buzzing hum with every swing.

“Oh Daddy, this one looks so cool.”

Her partner grinned but shook his head. “Honey girl, maybe you should start with something a little… less aggressive.”

“Oh pooh, where’s the fun in that?”

“Remember, you promised not to break the nice man’s new toy.”

Tabitha stuck out her tongue at her ‘Daddy,’ but she set down the cane and picked up two floggers. Swinging the floggers madly in a windmilling motion, she glared at her partner, then stalked around behind Melissa.

Trying not to show her fear, Melissa commanded herself not move or flinch. Once the impacts came, however, they were not particularly painful. The flying leather tails spun past her buttocks, just grazing alternate cheeses as each one passed.

As her fear drained away, Melissa slumped a little against the ropes holding her. As soon as that happened, however, the impacts became more forceful, and Melissa quickly resumed her proper slave posture. The intensity backed off a little, but Melissa noticed that the strokes, instead of gazing, now seemed to strike her with a more pronounced thud. The effect was not exactly painful, and it did seem to connect more deeply with her sense of arousal. As often happened in Erik’s sessions with her, Melissa found herself floating along, buoyed by a combination of submission and thrill.

Melissa heard grunts and grans growing louder with every stroke. She listened carefully and realized that she was the one making the sounds. Embarrassed that she had slid so quickly into ‘subspace,’ as Erik called it, she opened her eyes and saw that everyone was watching her raptly, except for Deborah, who was kneeling in front of Michael’s lap as her head bobbed up and down. Michael had his hand on the back of her head, his fingers intertwined with her hair, softly guiding her head while he watched Melissa beingwhipped. His eyes were half-lidded, and his face was relaxed in blissful enjoyment.

“Sure,” Melissa thought. “You’re getting sucked off by a woman who loves to deep throat while another woman is being whipped for your pleasure. What’s not to like about that, asshole?”

Pushing her resentment aside, Melissa let herself drift back to the edges of subspace. Through a haze, she saw a woman she didn’t know walking over to Erik. The woman’s arms were bound behind her, and she was naked, except for black high heeled sandals and some sort of black feathered headdress. When the woman turned to knee at Erik’s side, Melissa could see that a tray containing cocktails was somehow fastened to a strap around her torso, positioned just below her generous breasts. Thin gold chains ran from the front corners of the tray upwards to wrap around behind her neck, as though the tray was somehow a halter top that had fallen open, exposing her breasts.

Erik had been watching Melissa’s whipping intently. He glanced briefly at the woman with the drinks. He gave her a quick smile and took one of the glasses on her tray. Nodding his thanks, he turned back to watch Melissa.

The woman stood up and walked around behind Erik. Although Melissa’s floating sense of consciousness, she was sufficiently aware to admit the woman’s grace. Rising up from a kneeing position, with both arms tied behind her, didn’t look as though it could be easy, especially while wearing six-inch heels. Melissa felt certain that she must have practiced for hours in order to make it look so effortless.

As the woman rounded behind Erik and headed towards Mistress Amy, Melissa realized that she was also wearing a ball gag, although hers was bright red and seemed uncomfortable large. A line of drool hung suspended from the woman’s mouth to a small puddle on the lacquered wood of the tray.

Watching the woman, Melissa started to understand why Erik had said drooling around a ball gag could look sExy. There was indeed something completely submissive about the woman’s graceful poise coupled with her complete lack of self-consciousness about the drool spilling from around her gag.

The woman knelt at an angle in front of Mistress Amy, careful not to block the dominatrix’s view of Melissa’s punishment, although she was in front of one of the matched pair of woman that knelt to either side of Mistress Amy’s chair.

After a moment, Mistress Amy leaned forward and stroked the bound woman’s left breast. Then the dominatrix picked up what seemed to be an empty shot glass. Holding the glass up to the bound woman’s left nipple, Mistress Amy used her other hand to again stroke that breast, slowly tapering her fingers down to the nipple and then squeeze. A white stream of milk shot out into the glass.

Melissa was so shocked that she almost pulled completely out of the warm enveloping sense of subspace that she had been falling into. At first, she didn’t believe what she had seen, but Mistress Amy repeated her motions until the shot glass was at least half full.

Turning to one of her kneeing slave girls, Mistress Amy handed her the glass. The young woman accepted it in both hands and raised it to her lips. She drank it all in one motion, then returned the empty glass to her mistress. Melissa watched, dumbfounded. She could see white droplets of milk still emerging from the bound woman’s left nipple, running down the curve of her left breast and dripping onto the tray.

Mistress Amy held the shot glass up to the bound woman’s right nipple and repeated her ministers until the glass was again half filled. Turning to her other slave, Mistress Amy repeated the drinking ritual. When the second slave had finished, Mistress Amy returned the glass to the tray. She then picked up a snifter full of amber liquid that seemed to be her cocktail. Mistress Amy settled back into the cushions of her chair while the bound woman rose to her feet and walkedgracefully past Melissa, towards the house. Slick milky trails led from both of her nipples, tracing wet lines down the arc of her breasts where white drops gathered, falling in droplets onto the tray below.

Once the woman was gone from her sight, Melissa found herself again amazing at the enormous variety of kinkiness. She was relieved that Erik didn’t seem to be into this particular variety, although knowing that he must have invited the drink server for the evening left Melissa a little unsettled.

Forcing herself to let go of her misgivings, Melissa relaxed against the ropes holding her wrists, and she thrust her butt out to receive the rhythmic impacts of the floggers, setting back towards subspace. She was dimly aware of what seemed to be a heightened state of arousal in the audience, which seemed to match her own rapidly ascending sexual need.

Vaguely, Melissa noticed that Mistress Amy had unbuttoned her suit jacket and commanded her slaves to lick her breasts. She seemed, however, frustrated by their efforts. She pushed them away and stood up, unzipping her skirt and letting it fall to the ground. Irritatedly, she shrugged off her jacket, letting it join her skirt in a crumbled heap. Now naked, except for her red and black pumps, she strode over to the tables of whips, snatching up a long, thin, black cane.

Melissa lost sight of Mistress Amy as she circled Behind her.

The woman who was whipping her suddenly stopped. Melissa heard her adolescent tone complaining, “Hey!”

Mistress Amy snarled, “Back to your pissant Daddy, bitch.”

“Oh yeah?” The woman pouted back, “Well, you better be careful or he’ll beat you up.” Then she fled to her partner, pointing back at Mistress Amy, “Daddy, she was meant to me!”

He took her into his lap and said, “Now, now, Daddy’s got a surprise for you. See, you got me all hard by playing so nicely with your toy. So, what are you going to do with Daddy’s rock hard dick?”

“Ohh! I’m gonna fuck it sooo hard.” As she was speaking, she excitedly lifted herself up and then slide down on top of him. She immediately started bouncing up and down, crying out, “Daddy’s hard, Daddy’s hard!”

Melissa wasn’t sure whether to be horrified or amused. The whistle of a cane cutting through the air, however, yanked her attention back to her current prediction. Bracing herself for an impact, all that happened were continued angry buzzing sounds as Mistress Amy whipped the cane back and forth through the air behind her.


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