Summer Conditioning
It was the summer before my senior year and I was living in my college town, working and training for the track season. Coach Anne was put in charge of making sure us athletes kept up with our summer conditioning. I had a job on campus working mornings as maintenance LTE on campus for a few hours each day, and then we had group practices in the Afternoon under Coach Anne’s supervision.
It was very hot most afternoons in the summer, and I was usually pretty tired from working in the morning so there were a few occasions I missed the conditioning practices. Now I did not think coach noticed or cared too much since she never mentioned it to me, but little did I know she did notice and was keeping track of how many I missed.
There was one week in particular I missed more than usual and I got a surprise visitor at my house one night after I missed practice. There was a knock at my door, and to my surpriseit was coach Anne. I answered the door and said “Coach what are you doing here?”
“I was just coming to see if everything was alright. You have missed a lot of practices this week.” She said.
“Oh I am fine coach.) I said. “I was just over worked and it was so hot I needed some recovery time.”
“And what about tonight? Where were you? It was fairly cool today!” She stated.
“Oh this afternoon I was asked to work a bit extra…. We had some things that needed to get done.” I explained.
“Oh I see. Well I have an idea, since you were short on worksouts this week, I think you need to get some extra work in. It is cool in the morning so we can get some conditioning in before your work shift. How does that sound? She asked.
“I guess that will work.” I said.
Before I could say anything else she said. “Good! Meet me on the jogging path at 7:30, but before that I need you to go for a 30 minute run beforehand. Can I trust you to do that?” I nodded yes. “Great! Then I will meet you and we will go through a plyometric workout to get your springs going.”
I said “Ok coach I will be there.”
“Great!” She said. “See you then.” And she left me and I went to bed. Before I knew it my alarm was going off telling me it was time to get up. I ate a light breakfast, throw on my spandex shorts, running shorts, and a light t-shirt and off I went to the jogging trail. I got there and stretched out a bit then started out on my 30 min run. I got about half way in and decided I needed to walk for a bit to enjoy the morning… Coach would never know if I held 10 min or so off the run right??? WRONG! I was about 5 minutes into my walking when I say a bike come around the corner. Oh crap it was Coach Anne! She caught me dead to rights walking, there was no hiding it. I could see the anger on her face as she pulled up to me. “What the heck are you doing? She questioned. “I thought your directions were to go for a 30 minute RUN?!
“Bu coach Iwas just…”
“No buts!” She interrupted. “I have had it. I came down here early to see if you could follow directions, and just as I thought you can’t. AND on top of this I find out I was lied to!”
“What do you mean? I asked.
“I know you were not working yesterday afternoon, I looked at the time sheets. You worked till noon then you were done…”
“I am sorry coach.” I said. I just needed a break.
“You are not sorry, you are just lazy! Other guys on the team have jobs too and still make it to practice no problem. I am going to give you a choice. Either you are done with this team or you follow me right now.”
“What do you mean follow you right now? Follow you where?” I asked.
“If you follow me you are going to get a very hard workout and you WILL do exactly as I say. Got it?”
“Yes I said, as long as it means I get to stay on the team.” I begged.
“You have my word.” She promised.
“Ok ” I said.
“Follow me.” She ordered. Coach led me off the trail and into the woods about 100 yards. We were far enough in that you could no longer see or hear anything from the trail. She said ok Nick you will do exactly as I say. Ok?” I nodded. “Yes coach is the proper response.”
“Yes coach.” I replied.
“Ok Nick, now this will be a punishment workout like you have never had before. There will be physical challenges and you will be spanked.”
“What?!” I asked”
“Nick I am going to spank you and if you want to stay on this team you will take it and do everything you are asked. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes coach.” I hesitantly agreed.
“Good, now we will start. First strip off that shirt and your running shorts.” This would leave me in Just my spandex compression shorts, which was not a big deal since I had been at practice dozens of times wearing just that. So I stripped those off and stood there clad only in spandex. “Now put your hands behind your head and lock your fingers. Stay standingnice and straight I am going to warm you up. I obeyed and nervously waited for what was to come as I had never been spanked in my 23 year old existence. Coach approached me from the side, placed her left hand firmly on my stomach for support, and placed her right hand on my spandex covered rear end. “Here we go.” She stated. SMACK SMACK, SMACK SMACK, was the sound I heard as she alternate 2 smacks per cheese. She kept that rhythm up as she increased the intensity and the heat slowly grew. Now Anne was a lot stronger than she appeared. She delivered a wallop with those smacks and they stung! She kept up for several minutes until she felt the pale white ass was now a shade of pink and it must have been as it burned! She stopped and said, “There, that ought to do it. Now we will start the workout. I want you to do 30 tuck jumps in 30 seconds. Followed by 10 pushups.” Coach then walked over to a tree and broke off a thin branch about 3 feet long. She peeled off the excess leaves and smallbranches. “Nick this is a switch, and for every tuck jump short of 30 your ass will receive one lash during your pushups. Do you understand me?”
“Yes coach.” I said as I nodded.
Coach pulled out her stop watch and said. “Good, get ready, aaaaand GO!” I started jumping, and pretty easily got to 30, then did my pushups. “Great Nick, let’s see how long you can keep up that pace. Ready for the next round? OK annnnnnd GO!”
I again started jumping. It was a bit tough this time and I barely made it to 30. I was nervous as I got to the pushups because I knew my ass would meet that switch sooner than I thought. After finishing my pushups I hear. “Ok Nick get ready aaaand GO!”
I get jumping and I can feel my quads and hamstrings starting to feel heavy at 10. I get nearer to 30 and I realize I am at 25 as she is counting 28. I am falling behind so I do the last few as quickly as I can but wind up at 29! “Well Nick that is one lash this time. Get in pushup position and get pushing.”
I get down and start going. I get to 5 and hear a quick swoosh sound and feel an impact then a sharp sting across both chefs. “OWWW ” I yell.
“Keep going with the pushups.” She orders. I think to myself, this is not going to be good. How long are we going to do this? I am already starting to pant and I know the jumps will only go down hill from here. “Ok get up and ready for the next round, annnnd GO!” I start jumping again I can feel the solidary stripe across my butt burning soon to be joined by others. My legs are beginning to burn ache from the lactic acid building up. I only get to 27 this time so that means 3 lashes.
“Ok get to the pushups” I obey and start. I head Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh as I work though the pushups. Each lash singing as much as the past. I find the thin tight spandex offers little protection from the sting of the wood. Each round gets worse and worse. 26, 24, 23, 20. Each round of lashings gets more intense, and the stings growUntil my athletic ass feels as if it is beginning to shred. Pretty soon after many rounds I am only able to get 15 jumps in, panting and smoking I am barely able to stand. I do my set of pushups and take every lash with a grunt of pain and I twist my hips. I collapse after my last pushup and coach allows me to collect myself for a few moments. She says. “Ok Nick now that part is over, no more tusk jumps or lashings.”
I sight a sight of relief. Coach says. “Ok stand up and put your hands back behind your head.” I obey. Coach then says. “Well Nick now is time for the real punishment to begin.” I swallow hard as coach approaches me and places her hand on my burning rear. Then then moves to face me and places her hands on my hips and say. “Now Nick you will be whipped, on Your bare ass!” I feel her fingers go inside the waistband of my shorts and she peels my spandex down past my hips, down past my manhood, off my cherry red ass and gown to my ankles. As coach stands back up my partially erect member brushes across her cheek. I catch her starting. I try to protest.
“Coach no! You can’t, we are outside and this is not right! I can’t be naked in front of you!”
“Hush Nick, remember you will do exactly as I say. Too late you are already naked and no one can hear us, we are far enough away from the trail. Now step out of those shorts and follow me.” Coach leads me over to a fallen log. “Now lay down length wise on top of that log. Reach out as far as you can with your arms, and legs and I will be right back.” This log has an upward bow to it perfectly elevating my ass in the air making an ideal target. I watch as coach goes over to her bag and pulls out several pieces of rope, and a 4 foot long whip. I get super nervous as she approaches me. She lays the coiled whip on the small of my back, and begins binding my hands and wrists to the log, making sure there is no escape. She then does the same with my ankles. There I am bare naked in the woods tied and helpless with my bare and already burning mounds of athletic muscle perched in the air for Coach Anne to do with as she pleases.
“Ok Nick are you ready?” She asks.
“Yes coach.” I reply as if I had a choice at this point.
“Ok we will begin.” Coach grabs the whip with one hand as she runs her soft hand over my tender rear. She takes a step back and stars at her target. Winds up and delivers the first blow. There is a sharp swich sound as the thin rubber lands with a CRACK! I throw my head back and arch my back in pain, but I cannot go anywhere. She winds up again and gets the same reaction. Again and again she whips me, I start to groan with each stroke and the sing buildings. She is now shredding my ass and upper thighs. The burn, the sting is like nothing I have ever felt before. She ups the pace. I am nearing the edge of what I can take. I am moaning nonstop. The pain is getting too great. I start to beg.
“Please coach! Please stop! I can’t take any more! Please Anne no!! No NO NO! I will never miss again! AHH AHHHHHH!” I yell. Finally she stops. I go limp. Exhausted from the relentless whipping Coach had dished out. I hear coach walk away. She again goes to her backpack. She places coils the whip up and places it inside. I see her then pulls something out and put it behind her back as she walks back towards me. What is it? What Now? As she gets to me she speaks.
“Nick I hope you have learned your lesson. Your lack of respect for the team and for yourself has brought me to do this to you. Nick you have one lesson you have yet to learn and that lesson is to respect me. You lied to me and that is unacceptable.” She pulls from behind her back a banana. “I came here to meet you with 2 scenarios in mind. Either I would find you doing what you were supposed to and we would have a normal practice, or I would find you slacking off. I came prepared for both, hence why I came with the whip and ropes. This banana was supposed to be for you to eatAfter the workout before you went to work. But since you were caught slacking I have a different use in mind. Like I said Nick you need to learn respect. The first parts of the punishment were for your teamates and for yourself, and now you WILL learn to respect me. ” Coach walked closer to me and touched the tip of the banana to the middle of my back between my shoulders and slowly ran it down the middle of my back to the waitline then proceeded to trace down my crack then stopped at the bottom.
I had an idea of what she had in mind and I was scared. I had never had anything inserted in there and prayed she was joking. That banana was at least as big as my erect cock, 7-8 in long and 1.5 to 2″ across, and that was no joke going to hurt! I was too stunned to say anything. All I could do it stare back over my shoulder at What I saw. And way I saw was coach pull the banana up to her mouth, and stick it inside to wet it. Then work it back between my cheeks perched right at my……Soon to be entrance. She took her other hand and rubbed it across my shredded rear then raised it and gave it a sharp smack. I clinched up hard for a second then relaxed. As she saw the flesh of my muscular back end relax she swiftly thrust the banana deep into where it should not go! I let out a gasping moan. There was a rush of both pain and pleasure at the same time, my mind confused as to which was more powerful. Coach spoke.
“By the time this is done you will respect me and will be thinking about this all day. ” And with that coach pulled the banana all the way out then trust it back in and another wave rushed over me more powerful than the first. In and out Coach thrust. I arch my back and stuck my ass in the air as far as I could. The pain was intense, but so was the pleasure. Each stroke brought More sensings. After a what seemed like forever it seemed as if the pain was reducing and the pleasure was increasing. The banana slide in and out easier and easier. I could feel my manhood swell to huge proportions between my stomach and the log. I arched my back as I stuck my ass higher in the air to raise my hips and free it from beneath me. I moaned as I could feel my climax build! Just as every muscle in my athletic my body began to tense up, coach yanked the banana out leaving me right at the edge. I lay there began to Coach. “Please keep going, please I need to finish! Please!” Coach wound up and scratched my ass sharply sending a jolt of pain.
“Settle down Nick, I am done. I am going to untie you and you are to get dressed and go to work right now as you are going to be late. Immediately after work you will come to afternoon conditioning practice. You will be stuck all day with the soreness of your ass and an aching in your groin. The soreness will remind you to respect your teammates and yourself, and the aching will remind you to have respect for me. Now GO and lets not have a repeat of this, because next time things will be MUCH worse you cancount on that.”
Without a word I got dressed and gingerly jogged to work. I worked the whole day with a backside that ached with every movement and a groin that long to be released. I got to practice and with each step I ran my backside ached and my groin begged for relief. Practice finished and I went home and grabbed a bag of ice, got to my room and ripped off my clothes and sat on the ice on my bed then proceed to stroke myself until I literally exploded a load of cum like never before. I then laid back ad drifted off to sleep fully exhausted.
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