It is worrying how much people can find out about you on the internet. All the time I had been having my email relationship with “Uncle Andy” I had thought he was safely tucked away in Brighton doing his studies but now I know he had been working practically full time on Project Julie. He had found my address and he had dossiers on my family. He knew my phone number and exactly which course I was on. And he had not done all his research online; he had spent many hours in surveyillance of his target. It is really creepy to realize how easy he had found it to get to within a few feet of me at times to listen to my conversations with friends in the cafeteria and then follow us on nights out. And I had suspected nothing.
He moved to Phase Two on the first day of the summer break. The previous evening I had found an email from him which had given me the usual good, and deliciously guilty, feeling but had ended with the words “Remember the green playing cards – you will know what itMeans when it happens.” I have to say that I thought he was just playing his usual games until that evening when I was relaxing at home. My mobile rang and I answered it. The voice was electronically distorted and sounded as if the caller was underwater although I was fairly sure it was a male voice. He began “Hello Julie”, it had all the hallmarks of a funny phone call and it made me very uncomfortable as I demanded to know who it was.
“Remember the green playing cards. You will get a letter tomorrow. Be ready to play.”
Then he was gone. At first I was too fuddled and unnerved to think but then I connected the green playing cards to his email. It had to be him but how had he found me? I had been so careful. Was he outside now watching the flat? What if he had a duplicate key to the flat? This was no longer funny – one hears such dreadful things. And yet there was the frisson of excitement. We had talked about the games we liked to play in our minds but occasionally for real. Was it about to happen?
All night I swung between “No I can’t get any deeper in” and “I have dreamed about this for so long, now is my chance to actually do it for real.”
The postman was late that morning and I just wandered from room to room not knowing what to do until I heard the familiar sounds outside my door of him rifling through his bundle of post before he dropped a plain brown A5 envelope through my door. The address was on a typed label posted Portsmouth; so he was here. He had posted the envelope in Portsmouth. Was he in a car outside now watching the flat?
I tore it open and a playing card fell out. The back of the card was coloured green. I unfolded the single white sheet with its nondescript typing.
“If you talk to anyone I will know and you will never hear from me again. Walk to the phone box at the end of Gervis Street and look under the shelf.”
The bastard knew me that well. He was not applying any force but he knew I would volunteerrily walk into his web just to avoid having him cut off all contact. All these months he had been making me more and more dependant and now he knew he had me. He had picked the perfect time. It was summer break so I was not expected at Uni and most of my college friends had scattered to their various holiday activities and destinations. My family knew I was staying in Portsmouth to work so they were not expecting to hear from me and the agency had not yet found me a job so no-one at all was expecting to hear from me. This is how people disappear. If I ended up in a shallow grave somewhere how long would it be before anyone missed me?
I felt physically sick as I left the flat looking around me for the eyes which I knew would be watching from a safe place. My mind was not really functioning but I was so worked up. I was actually moist between my legs. The phone box was empty and I scrapbled my fingers under the shelf for the brown envelope which was taped there. This one was thickand heavy. I tore it open and my heart practically stopped when the handscuffs fell into my hands – there was no key. Of course there was a green playing card and a typed sheet.
“Walk to the public toilets near the recreation ground. Go into the gentles and lock yourself in the stall farthest from the door. Take the cuffs, you might need them. You are doing really well, I am pleased with you.”
The last line gave me a warm feeling as if he had patted me on the head. I slipped the handscuffs into the pocket of my jeans and left the phone box.
I spent a long time hanging around outside the toilets; I had to make sure no-one went in and I waited long enough to be sure that anyone who was already in had come out. I still felt a bit sick and my hands in my pocket kept folding around the handscuffs. When I thought it was safe I looked around and strutted into the gents then dashed into the stall and bolted the door. It was smelly and fairly dark. I looked around knowing there would be a brown envelope and I saw it taped to the side of the cistern.
Of course another playing card and a note.
“Cuff your hands behind you and settle down. I may be some time in coming for you.”
So this was the point of decision. I had followed his instructions to this point and they had led to me standing locked in a stall in a gentles toilet with a pair of handcuffs in my pocket. There were only two choices. If I walked away now I would return to my normal life and never hear from Andy again or I could snap the menacles in place and just wait for whatever he had in mind for me. What to do. Almost like an automaton I took the cuffs from my pocket and snapped one bracelet in place. It felt cold and heavy. I paused, breathing quite hard and my hands slowly went behind me. If I did this there was no escape, no way back. It was as if I were watching myself from a distance as I saw myself work the other bracelet into place and pressed it home.
I sat down on the toiletet seat. All I could do was to wait. It was certain that he had seen me come into the toilets; how long would he leave it before he came for me?
As I sat there several men came and went. One actually used the stall right next to me. I heard his raspy breathing and I heard and smelled him doing what he had come to do. I sat stock still making very sure that my chain did not rattle. Of course I could not see my watch.
Just when I was beginning to work out what I would do if he never came a playing card slide under the door. It was face down on the wet floor so all I could see was the back of the card which was green. I had not heard a sound as he entered the building. His voice was firm and commanding.
“We could be interrupted at any moment Julie. Open the door now.”
The very last thing I I wanted was for someone to come into the place and catch me so I moved quickly as I stood with my back to the door and managed to unlock it. The door came open and a beige raincoatwas placed across my shoulders hiding my cuffed hands. I looked over my shoulder and saw him. He wore a wide brimmed hat and I could make out glasses beneath the brim before he placed blacked out spectacles over my eyes and I was helpless and blind as I felt his arm around me steering me out into the daylight.
I felt myself placed into a car and we drove in silence with me sitting upright and staring at nothing with my handscuffs squeezed between my back and the car seat. He had reached over and secured my seat belt. His hands brushed my boobs as he put the belt in place and it was like a bolt of electricity going through my body; I tensed but did not dare to speak.
We seemed to drive for a very long time and still I was silent; the tension was almost painful as all my senses were on full alert. I think we drove on motorway because there were not the stops or turns which you get in town. It seemed to be just straight road with the occasional sound of the indicators as he probviously overtook something. Then we slowed down and there were more bends, perhaps country lanes?
Finally the car began to bounce as it went down what can only have been a rough track with pockets. I heard the splashes as we went through puddles and then we stopped and I was again aware of that sick feeling in my stomach. Where were we? What would happen now?
I felt the car move as he got out and slammed the driver’s door then my door was opened and my seatbelt released. His hand on my shoulder led me into a building and upstairs. We went into a room and I heard the door close behind us and then he spoke from in front of me.
“We are a long way from anywhere and no-one knows where you are. The arrangement is that you do as you are told without argument or dissent. If you are a good girl your fans will be fulfilled and you will go back to college in time for the new term. Is that what you want?”
“Yes Sir.” Why did I say Sir?
He removed my dark glasses and I looked at his face. It was nondescript; it was the sort of face which one could see and then, if called to describe, would say “Well I don’t know, sort of ordinary.” If anyone had seen him take me they would be able to tell the police next to nothing about him. He was older than me and I suppose handsome, his hair was longish like a poet or a musician.
He went behind me and removed the raincoat which I had been wearing like a sort of cape then he unfasted the handscuffs and ordered me to put my hands on my head. I obeyed. His physical presence so close to me combined with his dominance of me up to this point had me completely cowed and resistance simply did not occur to me.
We were in a small bedroom with only one window. It had bars on the outside. The bed was a double although quite a small one and the furnishing was cosy, old but cottagey and comfortable. My heart was pounding as he came and stood a few inches in front of me.
It may sound like a cliché but IActually felt his eyes all over me so tangibly that it was almost a physical pain boring into me. He studied my face and then looked down to take in my body starting with my poor little boobs about which I have been hyper sensitive since I was twelve. The inspection took in my belly, my hips and my jeans clad legs. My boobs were obviously rising and falling as I tried to control my breathing as he moved even closer to me and slowly reached out his hand to unfasten my belt.
Still I stood like a status as he unzipped my jeans and pulled them down to rest around my ankles. I was in lime green cotton briefs and I was sure there was a damp patch in a cruel place but I did not dare move even when he placed his hands on the sides of my knickers. I knew what he was going to do and I have to admit I was scared as the rational part of my mind recorded that what I was allowing this almost complete stranger do to me was outrageous.
He slide my briefs down hobbling my ankles with my jeans then he stood back studying my black furry bush and my most intimate place. It was not the first time that a man had seen me but just standing there in cold blood being inspected like that felt really freaky. Standing there displaying myself with my knickers around my ankles made me feel like a naughty little girl. When he had finished his inspection he put out his hand and grabbed me between my legs. He simply kneaded my soft flesh between his fingers making me feel weak at the knees as I almost unconsciously bit my lip. He was blatantly sexually assaulting me and I was just standing there and letting him do it. He had slid two fingers into my intimate depths now and I was coming to the point where I would begin to moan or my legs would give out and I would fall over when suddenly he withdraw his fingers and stepped back holding His hand up so that I could see my mood shining on his fingers. Then he was speaking in a calm and matter of fact way with almost no emotion but with the authority of one who is setting out what must be and will tolerate no argument.
“While you are here you have no rights. You will do as you are told and you will speak when you are spoken to. You will eat when you are told, sleep when you are told and relieve yourself when you are told. Is that clear Julie?”
I hated the fact that my throat was so dry as my body tried to adjust to the situation of being aroused then abandoned almost at the cruel point and I could only croak a little “Yes Sir” which he made me repeat louder.
He went to a door which he opened revealing a bathroom and he crooked his finger indicating that I should go to him which I did still with my clothes around my ankles so I had to do a humiliating little shuffle.
When I got as far as the bathroom doorway I froze with my mouth open as the sight which met my eyes caused my mind to short circuit. On the bathroom carpet sat a young girl who was looking up at me. He feet were bare as were her legs. She wore a very short black pleated gym skirt and a brown blouse; her hands were behind her back and ropes bound her ankles and her knees. My mind almost refused to take in the fact that I was looking down at the bound form of my little sister, Gemma who was just eighteen.
To my increasing horror the man took a knife from his pocket and unfolded the narrow blade but it turned out that he only needed the knife to cut the ropes on her ankles and knees leaving clear wheats on her young flesh. He told her to stand and then he freed her wrists. She had still not spoken and her eyes were downcast so she was no longer looking at me. A wave of his hand indicated that I should return to the bedroom and the two of them followed me. His next instruction was curt.
“Get undressed Julie.”
My lip again turned inwards and I blushed as I bent to disentangle the fabric around my ankles and kicked off my shoes before pulling off my socks. I knew he was about to see my little boobs but there was nothing I could do about it. I pulled my t shirt up over my head then I simply could not face him as I unfasted my bra and put it on the bed. Having my sister watch my humiliation only made it worse.
“On the bed please on your back.”
He’s going to rap me and Gemma is just going to watch. I remembered how deftly he had used that knife and I remembered that no-one knew I was Here. I was in a sort of dream as I lay back on the bed. He opened a drawer beside the bed although I could not see the contents then he spoke to Gemma.
“You know what to do.”
I watched Gem go to the drawer and remove a plastic razor and an aerosol can of foam. My fingers gripped the bedcover as she silently pulled my legs wide open and sprayed my pubis with the foam then the shaving began. I was breathing quite heavily as she soon had me as bare as a child exposing white smooth skin with every soft fold of feminine flesh clearly laid bare. She used a towel from the drawer to wipe me clean then she opened the drawer below and placed a folded gym skirt, a plain white vest and a brown bloom on the bed beside me. I heard his voice as if from a long way off; everything seemed so unreal.
“This is your uniform Julie. Put it on.”
I stood up and he watched me dress. I found a pair of fawn knee socks under the blouse and a pair of bottle green gym pants. I wished he did not have to watch me like that as I dressed in the juvenile clothing.
“Take Julie to the school room Gemma.”
Gemma touched my shoulder and we went out of the door and along a narrow hallway to the next room; he was just behind us.
I smelt the dust in the school room and heard that loudly ticking clock. The floorboards were bare wood and two old fashioned fold top desks faced a blackboard and a larger desk. On the “teacher’s desk” was a tin tray containing two plastic beakers, a metal jug and two plates of bread and butter. Gemma poured herself a beaker of milk then tookHer drink and one plate of bread to her desk but she did not sit down. I dumbly followed suit.
He walked behind the big desk.
“You may sit.”
We both sat.
“Eat your meal.”
Gemma took a drink and picked up a slice of buttered bread. I followed suit.
We ate in silence occasionally looking at each other as he worked at his desk on his laptop. Looking back on it I think he was drugging our drinks to keep us sexually worked up and, perhaps, also to keep us compliant and easily controlled. He also kept us hungry for a lot of the time as we ate very little and this had the effect of reducing our ability to think straight or to resist him.
It did not take long for us to finish our meagre lunch then he told me to put the beakers and plates back on the tray and place the tray onto a low cupboard at the side of the room. Then we had to take our exercise books from our desks and I was told to write my name on the front of my book. He then began a lesson in sexual technique both heatro and lesbian. Using drawings he told us how to satisfy a partner and went into pretty much every possible variation. We had to make notes in our books.
The lesson lasted around two hours then he said it was time for a practical. The three of us went back to the bedroom and we were ordered to strip as he did the same and his erect penis bounced to attention. Then we got onto the bed and he required us to satisfy him. Of course there was much touching and struggling but the first one to actually be taken was Gemma (whom he had taken many times before my arrival). My sister opened her legs to him willingly but as we were captives and almost certainly drugged any court in the land would have said it was rape. Then it was my turn. I won’t go into the fine detail as it would take a very long time to remember Every touch, movement and moan. Also I really don’t want to write about everything he made us do.
It was dusk before we finished and the three of usdressed before he led us downstairs. It was an old house with thick stone walls and beside the large kitchen was a small bare room which had probably once been a store room. He locked us into the room which was almost dark although some of the remaining daylight came in through the small square window set very high up against the ceiling.
We sat on the cold, hard stone floor in opposite corners with our legs foldered up and we talked. I discovered that he had contacted Gem in a chatroom about a year ago and had been subtly grooming her as he had done with me. He had drawn out her secrets and set her little tasks which became ever more daring and then he had captured her in a very similar way to that which he had used with me. She had told Mum that she was going to Cyprus with her best friend. Suzy really had gone to Cyprus but Not with Gemma so, just like me, no-one was expecting to hear from Gemma for the whole summer break. Gemma had been made to phone Mum with him standing beside her to report that she had safely arrived in Cyprus. He had told her that the phone was routed through the internet and completely untraceable.
I realized that in telling him about Gemma and answering his questions I had given him an insight into her so I had helped him to discover exactly how to manipulate her. Of course he had also questioned her about me so he would have known if I had lied in any of the mails which I sent to him. Gem told me that we were on a large farm out in the country somewhere. His property ran for a very long way and was surrounded by a very secure perimeter, not that Gem had ever been allowed anywhere near the outside wall, so escape was pretty much impossible even if we had the will to escape.
Gem also told me that in his email relationship with her he had told her that his name was Edward and he ran his own business in Southampton. From this I inferred that the information he had given me about himself was probably also false. I took comfortfrom this because if neither of us knew anything about his true identity that increased our chances of being released at the end of the summer – didn’t it?
It was not long before he came to fetch us and we ate baked beans and bread seated at the large pine kitchen table. Then we drank cocoa and it was time for bed. He took us to our room and locked us in. Gem said that we had to share the bed and sleep naked. She knew that the room was covered by tiny cameras as she had found that he always knew exactly what she did when she was alone here. It was probably also bugged for sound so we always spoke in whispers when we were alone.
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