Sugarlips finally came downstairs from the bedroom where he’d had to clean up Doolittle Ramsey from Clark Street and Beth Henessey, who was on the Easter Seals Committee with Sugarlips’s wife, Fanchon. Sugar’s jaw was exhausted from cleaning Ramsey’s crotch off, because of course Ramsey had wanted an extra BJ…
And then of course Ramsey had to show off, the fucker. “I don’t know if You did a good enough job there, Sugarlips.” Ramsey had smiled at his lover, and then bent Sugar over for twenty with the cane that Fanchon had left in each room, to discipline her husband…whose only business at the orgy was to service men and women with his marvelous Lips.
Sugarlips could be able for a. not doing a good enough job, b. not keeping his lips glossed with Cherry Surprise, c. not having a good attitude or d. not swallowing.
Although Sugarlips beat Ramsey regularly when they played racquetball at the country club, Ramsey really took a lot out on Sugar’s backside, making the bamboo cane crash again and again on the already welted ass of the unfortunate slaveboy.
Finally Ramsey allowed Sugar to apologize by rimming the dingleberries out of his ass, with Beth laughing, and then Sugarlips went downstairs to see how his beloved Fanchon was doing. Oh, how it hurt to see her making love to other men!
And Sugarlips knew that he had to be patient. Before the party, Fanchon had tied Sugar down and run her glorious long fingers with their fire-engine red nails up and down Sugarlips’s tortured penis, a penis that had not had relief in 82 days.
Fanchon had a way of showing you her cleavage in her party dress, licking her own glorious lips, and then rubbing and pulling Sugar’s cock until he was moaning and begging to cum!
Then of course she’d pull her hand away and laugh as Sugarlips burst into tears, writing against his bonds.
Fanchon had then undone Sugar’s bonds, and ordered him to do some Edging Work in front of her. This was extremely difficult for Sugarlips–he had to masturbate slowly without cumming while his wife posed and smiled in front of hm.
Fanchon was fully clothed, but she’d show a little frilly bra, and wave a fishnet stocking as Sugarlips pulled and stroked at his penis, but not too fast! He knew that Fanchon would give him a brutal whipping in the basement dungeon if Sugar let loose too fast!
After a bit, Sugar’s penis became so sensitive that Fanchon had ordered Sugarlips to just use his palms to stroke his cock, and then finally to just play with his nipples and balls as she’d licked her elbow and juggled her boobies at him.
“You can’t touch these, darling…and think” Fanchon had said mischievously, “Every man at the orgy will be sucking and licking my cantaloupes…like the last time, when Roger was fucking me, and Allan was sucking my breasts, and I had Boone’s cock in my mouth…wasn’t that fun?”
It had been especially humiliating as Boone was actually a clerk in Sugarlips’s firm, and Sugar had been convinced that Boone had told the other clerks about how the big boss had knelt and cried while he came in wifey’s mouth.
And so Sugarlips had sadly jerked and jerked his cock now in front of Fanchon before the orgy was about to start…and then said “Miss Fanchon, I can’t touch myself anymore or I’ll cum before the’s been so long.”
And Fanchon had laughed!
After Fanchon finally locked on the cage and untied Sugarlips, she’d allowed him to trim her bush into a heart shape…
“Remember to be a good Sugarlips and make everyone as happy as you can with your wonderful mouth.” Fanchon had said.
Now, Sugarlips left the upstairs lovers and, passing a couple doing it actually on the stairs, went downstairs to the kitchen where his beloved was engaged in coitus…the agony!
Now Sugarlips knelt and watched his beautiful Fanchon making love that asshole, Bob Larchmont. As Bob licked Fanchon’s beautiful breasts, pushinghis cock into her pussy as he delicately lifted her buttocks onto the kitchen sink, Sugarlips felt desolate.
Sugar hadn’t been allowed to touch beautiful Fanchon’s breasts in some years, and it was terribly difficult to watch her being molested by a slob like Larchmont, who, unlike Sugarlips, didn’t go to the gym, and had terrible complexion.
Also, Larchmont was still a junior partner at his firm, while Sugarlips was a managing partner at his own. Sugarlips heard a whistle, that familiar, horrible whistle. Fanchon looked over Bob’s smoking, zit-covered, obese back at her husband. “Sugarlips, you are being summoned from the living area, you’d better get on it, or Mummy will be displeased.”
Sugarlips nodded sadly, and moved on his hands and knees towards the living room. There, Sally McCarty was lying next to the golf pro at their country club. Covered in semen, they were leaning against the antique coffee table that Sugarlips’s mother had given Sugarlips and Fanchon on their wedding day.
“Hey there, Sugar, we just got done with a massive screw.” Sally said in a friendly way. “Clean us off, will you?”
Sugarlips bent down to put his tongue on Sally’s vaginal area. “No, no, Sugarlips, you lay down…Fanchon showed me how I’m supposed to get Lennox’s juices,” Sally smiled at the Caribbean golf pro, “Into your mouth.
Sugarlips made a bitter face, but he lay down on the floor, his cock pressing against the little cage. “Look at his dick, Lennox.” Sally said gaily.
“I never see nothing like that before, Mrs. McCarty.” Lennox said, staring at the tiny plastic cover to Sugarlip’s quite purple penis. Sugarlips lay still while Sally put her crotch right over Sugar’s head and jumped her thighs a bit. Suddenly a nasty glob of semen and female juices fell from her vagina into Sugarlips’s mouth.
As Sally bent down, dropping her vagina onto Sugarlips’s mouth, so he could clean it, she explained to Lennox. “That’s Sugarlip’s cock cage…he can’t touch himself. Otherwise he’d be so aroused by all the people fucking around him, that he wouldn’t be able to control himself…he’d jerk off.”
And indeed the house was filled with naked guests aging from twenty-two through the mid fifties, screwing their hearts out. It really didn’t arouse Sugarlips much watching other women fucking various lovers, just his beautiful Fanchon being laid by all these horny losers.
But Sugarlips was named so for his function, which was to clean the vaginas and penises of the various guests, as well as giving odd blowjobs and cunninglingual attentions to guests who were partnerless.
Sugarlips himself, of course was not allowed to have sex with anyone, unless he was performing, or offering up his rear end to the occasional sodomite. Fanchon’s hairdresser had given Sugar a nice rogering a few minutes before, and his anus was still some what raw.
After Sugarlips had used his marvelous mouth to completely clean out Sally McCarty, she hoped off and pointed to Lennox’s crotch. Sugarlips made a slight face. There was nothing gay about Sugar, and it was bad enough to get butt-fucked by Fanchon’s fat hairdresser, but licking semen off a black man’s penis was just horrible.
But Sugarlips breathed easy. He knew that if he did well tonight, Fanchon had said she might allow him to masturbate at the end of the evening. Maybe. He bent over Lennox’s penis and began licking the semen off very lightly with his tongue.
“Show a little password for your task there, Sugar” Sally said, laughing. “Or I’ll tell Fanch that you are having a bad attitude. Sally was a bit of a bully, Sugarlips considered, but he knew that things might not go well if she gave a bad recommendation.
After all, when he’d sucked off old Mr. Gramercy from the grocery store an hour before he’d made a face, but who could blow him? Sugarlips was licking Gramercy’s penis to get it hard to fuck Fanchon.
Sugarlips himself would never need a blowjob from someone else, or any other stimulation to make love to his beautiful wife of seven years…but Sugarlips was much younger than the old butcher from Towns Food.
As Sugar tried not to retch as he licked the last of the semen from the grinning golf pro’s groin, he cursed the fact that Fanchon was such a democrat…she’d invite anyone to these orgies.
In the old days, before Sugarlips had become Fanchon’s submissive, they’d always just had attractive, fit people who they played tennis with, and it would be a screw-fest of the beautiful and successful…and of course at that time, the women fought to make love to Sugarlips, who’d been considered a big stud….he would cum again and again!
But now that he was only a slaveboy, he only was allowed to serve…and Fanchon invited all sorts of grotesque people to these events. As a result some of the more attractive people stopped coming, but Fanchon didn’t mind being screwed by blue-collar types.
SheHe knew that Sugar hated orally performing on the losers, and Sugarlips had a feeling that Fanchon got a kick out of it, especially as they had not made love in a number of years.
Suddenly Sugarlips heard Fanchon’s voice floating behind him. “Sugarlips, darling…I have someone who wants to see you!” Sugarlips looked up, and Fanchon was standing next to Dutchie Bernhart, the loser who had been dating their daughter Krystyn, before she’d gone off to Barnard a decade before.
Dutchie, resplendent in his tattered leather jacket and combat boots, glowered at the naked middle aged man wearing lip gloss in front of him. “So, I allus knew you were a faggot Mister–“
“No, no, Dutchie.” interrupted Fanchon. “We call him Sugarlips here, as he is the servicer of the orgy.” Everyone laughed and clapped as she said this, and Sugarlips bit his tongue.
“Fanchon, why did you invite Dutchie here?” Sugar asked. She must be insane. Sugarlips had taken Dutchie by the T-shirt and slammed his Mohawked head against a wall, and told him not to see Krystyn again, and then Sugar had also bought Krystyn a Lexus as incentive to get her to not see Dutchie again.
Hell, Fanchon had been the one who had been so upset about Dutchie seeing Krystyn, and she’d been so thrilled when Krys had become engaged to Normie Gluckfelder, the nice med student.
“Well, I thought it would be a nice way to make up for what we put him through, breaking him off with the love of his life. I’ve actually given Dutchie a few screws over the past couple of years.” Disgusting.
Sugarlips looked with disdain at Dutchie, who the ten years had not been kind to…the punk haircut was replaced by male pattern baldness, and of course Dutchie had a big gut, as well. Sugarlips would have to throw Dutchie out, and he knew he could do it, though it would be awkward, being naked and all.
“Fanchon says I can fuck your face, dude.” Dutchie smirked at Sugarlips. “And I think I’m gonna work youe over first a bit.” Dutchie grinned, and Sugarlips noted there were teeth missing.
Sugar stood up, feeling a bit ridiculous in his cock cage. “Kid, you’re going to get hurt…I may be fifty-six years old, but I bench two forty and have a brown belt in ju jitsu–“
Fanchon interrupted as Dutchie snarled. “Sugarlips, your evening is almost over, people are going home, and Remember that Mummie said you might get a treatment later on…I think you’d better just undergo your punishment.”
Sugarlips gasped and looked a bit ill, but came forward as the boy grabbed him by the neck and slapped his face. Sugar could have broken him there, but…
he needed that orgasm!
Forty minutes later, everyone was gone. Sugarlips had a black eye and a fat lip from Dutchie’s ministerings…his stomach was filled with ten men’s cum….but there was a smile on his face…for Fanchon had allowed Sugarlips to jerk his own cum out, after eighty-two days of teasing and torture…and now hehad the right to lick his own cum up…before being locked in the chatity cage once again!
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