Sue looked out over the room as she sipped her gin and tonic, wondering if he was sitting out there already, sly watching, playing games. It would be very hard to tell, since his description might not be honest and even if it were there were at least five beefy men over 30 and six feet two around. No. She did not think he was here yet.
Her stomach was in a knot, wondering if she had presented herself correctly, wondering if he would look with shock and walk out. She didn’t think she had put too much positive spin on her looks. He should have an idea about her personality from their internet exchanges. Frank and explicit. Sue know what she wanted.
A good deal of that was simply giving up control, being swept along by events, by this man into a swirling, dark place full of dread, excitement, mystery, pleasure. All at once. She wanted to simply experience. Now exactly what type of experience was rather vague in her mind.
Her fansies ran from the overpowering stranger taking her over her (not too strong) objects, to being bound and blindfolded, arms rolled up over her head, no words except from her as she infinitely pleased for an exchange more understandable than the animalistic grunts accompanying savage pinches on her ass and tits and the belt.
Oh the belt. This was a frightening one, one she did not share with her online “friends” out of fear of it becoming too real, too unexpectedly. She wasn’t certain she WANTED to know whether she would enjoy such an encounter in reality, as opposed to the private intimacy of BOB, her favorite electric appliance. Her mind raced as she anticipated what was to come tonight. A kaleidoscope of lust and fear and anticipation and hope and … well, things too shapeless to have a name.
He had given her some very explicit instructions about where to be, what to wear, when to come, what to do. She had met Novo online just three weeks ago, three weeks which had flown by in a heartbeat. Sue normally seemed very reserved and conservative, as she was expected to be in her field.
This usually was not a problem, but she SO wanted to have more, to adventure, to play the slut, to live the life she saw absolutely from time to time and imagined more. A gnawing inside, a feeling of being trapped in a loose grey business suit. A feeling based very much on the everyday toil she performed. This dull world faded as she teased and played online, growing bolder, growing frustrated.
Sitting with her tiny thong under her short skirt she felt different. She had come to … well, maybe to fuck, maybe to suck, maybe to … live. To play the slut for real.
Her breasts felt exposed, bulging like an advertisement of her ripe femaleness as she sat there. He would sit, he said, at a table, alone, and stare for a slow count of ten, then look away. She was to count five, and then get up, walk over slowly, and sit at his table without saying a word until she was seated. This made her nervous./p>
From her left, she felt more than saw the eyes on her. Turning, she locked eyes with a man staring her way. Sure enough, he turned away after what could have been a long ten seconds. Her heart pounded as she realized her safe distance was now gone. Now or never, she thought as she rose, trying hard to walk steadily in her red heels, slowly, sexually over to him, to her experience.
She sat, said his name and waited for a response. He had less hair than she had imagined, thinning, and more paunch, but not too bad.
“Follow me now.”
She rose following him out into the parking lot, feeling each step take her down an unfamiliar path. Not talk now. Action. He walked to a black car, looked at her.
“Get in”.
And they both did. She had expected the hands, but they inspected more than caresed and she felt stiff. He squeezed her nipples one at a time, hand slide in, cupping, squeeze. Her legs, two hands at once, from the ankle up slowly, gently. Warmth superd.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes Sir, I am.”
“Good. Are you sure?”
“No disobediance?”
“Put this on.”
He handed her a blindfold which she put on.
He knew what she liked. She had been frank, and bold online. The car started and they drove off, silently. She heard the sounds of traffic and the sound of his breathing and of her own too. Growing faster. Suddenly off the highway, down a road, stopping. He got out, opened her door.
“Come on.”
He put his arm around her as they walked. A parking lot?
“Stairs — be careful.”
He got behind her and held her hips in two strong hands as she climbed a single flight. He stopped her with a tug. Keys. A door unlocked. A movie? It smelled like one. A cheap one. Again, guided inside, the door closing. Sue’s heart raced. Anything could come now.
“Strip, except for the shoes and blindfold.”
Her hands trembled as she removed her clothes, uncovering her body for him,for him to use. She knew, she accepted. He sat on the edge of the bed, maybe two paces off, his breathing faster now.
“Turn, slowly.”
She obeyed, rotating to let him look at his prize, his fuck of the day, his … whatever. His. She was sopping, yearning, wanting.
He rose, pulling her to the bed, pushing her onto it, hand on her back. He took her left hand first, the cord sliding over the wrist slickly as he tied it to the corner of the bed, then the right too.
“Open your mouth.”
She did and found herself gagged, conversation done. Fear rose, blending with lust, with … hope? Her ankles were next, and she was completely helpless. Now, it would come.
She felt him finger some lube onto her asshole, and into it too. She tried to cry out, tried to buck. A pair of fingers seared into her ass, roughly, and a hard stinging slap echoed around the room. Followed by a hot sting on her ass. And another, and yet another, hard, strong, no words. It hurt.
He stood up and she heard his clothes coming off, wanting to SEE as well as to hear. It sounded so strange.
He flopped onto her, slid his dick up to her ass and plunged his cock into her cunt. Such a feeling! So welcome after her fears had built. She pushed back, fucking, squeezing, taking all she could, grunting, surprised at herself, at her password. He came in seconds, it seemed, just as she was Beginning to get rolling. He rolled off, said nothing, leaving her lying on the bed, cum oozing out of her cunt, tied, gagged, blindfolded, helpless. His, at least for a while.
She took it, feeling slutty and frustrated. More please, she thought. More.
It was strange, the silent room, the mixed smells of disinfectant, cunt and cum, as she lay there. He climbed on again, hard again. He started working lube into her asshole, silently, steadily. She pushed up, presenting him with her ass, for him to use. He swung over her and started gently pressing in.
“Be steady. I’ll be slow.”
She nodded. It burned, even as he eased in, pain radiating from her asshole outward, and down to her throbbing clip. Strangely. She tried to relax her ass as he pressed on, deeper, deeper. Then he stopped! Now pulling slowly out, he began a steady, slow fucking of her ass. She started moving with his rhythm, the heat rising, the excitement began to rise in an unexpected way as she fucked, tied, blind. Sue heard herself grunting along, whispering “fuck, fuck, fuck” into the gag.
The sweat was running now, running down her back, down her flanks, his and hers, mixing like the sounds. They were moving together now, fucking, fucking, becoming their own inner animals as her ass slapped his loins again and again. God! The fuck had now passed Sue’s best. She came, wave after wave radiating, pulse after pulse as her ass muscles massed Novo’s cock.
Then it had passed and she was pounding backwards, heedless of the pain in the pleasure. It was something that seemed to take her, some password she did not know. She came again, and her right thigh cramped too. She tried to keep moving, moving. He came with a gush in her ass, plunging forward hard, deep. She grunted, she squeezed. He was gone.
The cramp hurt like hell. He seemed to sense this. His hands found the bunched muscle, working the knot out, adding another different pain to her mix. Her asshole burned, but it felt good. Very good. The muscles relaxed and he rose.
She heard the door open! She was lying there, on her belly, bound, blindfolded, gagged, oozing cum, and well-fucked. Flushed all over. She heard whispers, another man’s voice! The door closed, and he was touching her ass, stroking in a strange way, somehow more gently than before. Then he spoke — it was not Novo, but someone she had never heard before. Sue bucked and pulled at her ropes.
“Who the hell are you. Get out. Get out now. Who are you?”
But the gag swallowed the words as the ropes swallowed her panicked energy. Her right thigh cramped again.
Then he was on top, thrusting into her ass right off, hard, a smaller cock at least but it burned like hell and pumped much too fast, cumming right away. The man collapsed onto her, panting as his cock throbbed in her asshole. She pushed him out with her ass muscles, and he got off.
Without saying a thing, she heard him pulling on his clothes. The door opened, he left. More whispering. Yet another touch, another man with his hand stroking her ass cheats firmly, quietly. She bucked and bucked and grunted and bucked. She did not want this!
He was now on her, huge, a telephone pole burning its way into her bowels, tearing and ripping her as he plunged in. She tried to scream. She came, pulsing as she tried to scream, getting him off too, both throbbing, fucking, grunting on the sweaty bed covered in sweat and cum. He got off abruptly. The door opened. Whispering.
The night was still young.
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