When my secretary told me shortly after 10 A.M. that a lady who would only identify herself as “Sue” was on the line, I was surprised. It had been barely 12 hours since I had spent a delightful evening in a video booth with Sue & Bill. Sure enough, it was the same Sue.
“Is this Ed?” Her voice was as sweet as honey. She sounded so nice and innocent.
“Yes, dear.”
“I just had to speak with you. Is anybody there?”
“No, dear.”
“Oh, Good. Well….”
“Go ahead.”
It all came in a rush. “I just had to tell you how great last night was. My goodness that was fun. Do you have any idea how good you made me feel? Geezeus, I came, my god did I cum. I’ve never cum like that in my life. Did you know that? It was so dammed dirty and so dammed delicious! And Bill! Bill just loved it. We talked about it all the way home and then he fucked me again and said he loved every second of watching me get fucked by you. My goodness, but I came. Like never before. Did you rearn what was happening to me?”
I paused a moment. “Yes, Sue. I was there, remember.”
She laughed a little laugh that sounded like the tinkling of chimes.
“Yes, I guess you were!”
For the next couple of minutes we talked about the sexual misadventures she, her husband and I had shared at the bookstore the night before.
“I felt like such a slut, fucking a stranger while Bill watched. But I loved it.”
“I know.”
“I want to be a slut again. I’m so aroused I’m wet right now.”
I merely gave a low, naughty laugh.
“No, I mean it. I want to meet you today. Now. I want to cum again like I did last night.”
It took me a moment to reply.
“You mean with Bill?”
“No, I want to meet you alone. I want us to be real lovers.”
I was quiet so long Sue finally called my name again. Still, I did not answer. She spoke again.
“Ed, did I say something wrong?”
“Yes. Yes, you did.”
“Don’t you want me?”
“Oh yes, I do. I want you very much. But not alone.”
There was puzzle in her voice. “Why? You don’t want your own little subbie mistress? You know I’ll do anything you want.”
“Yes, I do know that, Sue. And I do want you. But I’ve got a lot of experience with cheating wives. You don’t want to become one.”
“But I already am. After all, I fucked you last night.”
“That was different. And it was not cheating.”
That began a long discussion about cheating, swinging, domination and other sexual matters. The upshot was that, despite the fact that my prick was hard even as I decided to meet her secretly, we came to the only conclusion that could possibly be right for all three of the adults involved.
As long as her husband was present, or if not present approved of her having sex with me or any other man, it was not cheating.
“You and Bill can have a unique marriage,” I said. “You can very well have lots of sex with other men. You canbe the biggest slut in the world. But if you do it together, plan it together, and never lie or keep secrets, you just may have a chance of keeping your marriage going.
“If you cheat on him and lie, then you have almost no chance of having a marriage that will last for very long. Even with openness, the path of sexual adventure you and Bill want is still fraught with danger. For some, it is worth the risk.”
I did not tell her it was a risk I had taken in my own marriage. And lost. I was now an older, single man.
But, you know, Sue,” I added. “I’m not sure you are a real slut at all.”
In careful details, I told the sweet little wife of the things she would be expected to do the next time Bill and she and I all got together.
When I finished I told her to call me back after Bill got home that night.
It was shortly after lunch when the other shoe dropped.
“There is a mannamed Bill on the line. He won’t give his last name.”
I took the call.
“Ed, this is Bill. You met me and my wife last night.”
“Of course, nice to hear from you so soon.”
“Well, I debated all morning about whether I should call. That was really something, last night.”
“It was delightful.”
“I’d say it was thrilling,” Bill said. “I Always knew I like to see Sue with another man, but I always pictured it in Bed, with me sitting in a chair watching. But that was even nastier and better than I could imagine.”
“Well, it was great for me, too.”
“Would you like to do it again?”
I didn’t need to think about that one. “Yes, Bill. But you have to understand that I am going to be in control. You have to do exactly what I say.”
“I don’t want her hurt.” He was quick with that comment.
“Oh, I respect limits,” I said. “But it is a question of control. And we need to talk about that.”
“When do you want to meet again? And where?”
“Tonight. In our home. She is so hot she wants to do it again and I think she’d have done it at seven this morning she was so hot.”
“No, not tonight. I want you to keep her well fucked for a couple of days. She needs to anticipate. It just adds to the excitement.”
“And, Bill, how much has she said to you about being a slut?”
“Lots. It’s amazing. Almost all night we talked about it. She wants to have someone. No she wants to have you tell her exactly what to do.”
“And how do you feel about that, Bill.”
“I’m O.K. with that.”
“The control part or the slut part.”
“Both. I’m willing to have you control things. And as far as the slut part, I’m incredibly turned on by it. I want her to tease and strut and do a lot more. Hell, I guess I might as well say it. I want her to suck and fuck anybody she likes as long as I watch.”
“Well, Bill, that’s fine. But there may be times when you won’t be able to watch.”
I hear a gasp. “You mean she’ll go fuck guys and I’ll have to wait to hear about it later?”
“Something like that.”
“Oh, my god. That turns me on so much I’m ready to cum right in my pants. It’s like one of those erotic stories I’ve read on the Internet. Yes, I want that, too.”
“In time,” I said. “We’ll have to take it slowly. But Bill, I can lead you and Sue into absolute sexual perversion and you know it.”
“Ah, yes. I feel that. But are you going to, like, charge us money?”
“No, Nothing like that. But you’ve started on a path of turning you sweet little innocent wife into a slut. Don’t be surprised if you get what you wish for. And maybe something you don’t wish for. Do you really think you can take it?”
The reply from Bill began with a slow guttural moan. “Ohhhhh, yes, yes.”
“And do you know what she wants, Bill?”
“Well, some of it. She doesn’t really want to say out loud, I think, was she wants to do. Butshe must have said a dozen times last night that she wants to be a slut.”
“Bill, she wants to suck cocks, lots of them. And she wants to be told she has to do that. And you are going to watch, aren’t you Bill.”
“Yes. Yes, I will.”
“And she wants to be told to fuck other men. Not begged to do it, like you. But commanded to do it. And you are going to watch that, too, aren’t you.”
Bill’s voice was now a low whisper. “Yes. I will.”
And she wants to have two men fuck her at the same time.”
“Yes, I know. I know.”
“And, Bill, she wants to have a black man fuck her. She wants that very much.”
There was quiet on the other end of the line.
“Bill,” I said. “You have to answer me.”
“Yes. I can do that. I can watch her with a black man. But what if his cock is really big.”
“Oh, Bill, I’m going to make sure of that.” Then I laughed again.
“But what if she likes big cocks so much she isn’t satisfied with me anymore.”
“That is a danger you take, my friend. But take it from me, your little wife is going to want every cock of any size and shape she can have. I wouldn’t worry too much. Besides, just picture a huge black price pushing those pouty little pussy lips aside and slipped in and out of her cunt!”
I heard him breathing very heavily on the other end of the line.
“Now call me back tonight.” I gave him my home number and hung up.
It was not two minutes later when my office door opened and my secretary, Charlotte, walked in with a silly grim on her face.”
“You listened,” I said.
“Yes, of course,” and she plopped herself down in a chair facing me. “So you have another couple of educate and play with, huh? And you’re gonna play the dom again?”
“Looks like it.”
“And you’ve already done her?”
“Last night, with him watching.”
“Ohhhh, how nice.” With a wicked smile she continued. “And I suppose you’re hard just thinking about it now.”
“And I suppose you want to bury it inside my cunt?”
Charlotte, at 40 still a very lovely woman who dressed and acted like a member of a strict religious sect, pulled up her. The unshaven public hair was visible through the thin, sheer, lacy white panties.
“And you want me to bend over the desk with my rear in the air so you can pull my panties aside and just fuck me?”
“Are you wet?”
“Oh, Yes. Just listen.”
The sound of her fingers in her pussy left no doubt.
“Lock the door,” I said.
“Oh, honey, I locked it when I came in.”
I wish I could say I lasted a long time and made her cum a lot. The truth is, I gave her a hard, fast fuck and after I cam she nicely cleaned me off with her mouth, thanked me, and we both felt better for the rest of the workday.
It was just after seven that evening when my phone at home rang. I let it ring several times before I picked it up.
As expect, it was Bill.
“Ed,” he said. “Sue wants to talk with you.”
“Put her on.”
“Ohhh, I’ve been dying all day to talk with you.”
“Yes, I understand, little one. But first, has Bill fucked you yet today?”
“Yes, Once this morning before work and again when he got home.”
“So he is enjoying the idea of you being a slut?”
“Oh yes. He got hard again as soon as I told him I wanted to talk with you. He said you told him not to call until tonight. It this too early?”
“No,” I told her.
“Well can you come over and fuck me tonight. Bill really wants you to.”
“And what about you, Suzie-Q. Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Yes. Yes. I do. I want you.”
“Well, dear, that may happen. But not tonight.”
She stopped talking and before long I realized she was crying.
“Stop that!” I took a very firm tone.
“I’m sorry. I will, I will. Just give me a moment.”
“Now listen to me Sue. We will meet when I say, and not before. Do you understand?”
“Yes, what.”
“I don’t understand?”
“I am Sir to you. When you answer me you show the proper respect. If it is “yes,” then you say “Yes, Sir”. Got it?”
“Yes. Yes, Sir.”
“Is Bill listening in?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Bill,” I said. “You may listen now. But in the future, you let Sue speak with me privately, unless I ask you to join.”
“I understand,” he said, and then added: “Sir.”
I went on to explain to Sue that she had a lot to learn. That she had the signs of a good submissive and a good slut, but that she needed training and she needed to prove himself. I could hear her breathing, but she did not interrupt.
“This coming Friday or Saturday afternoon and evening we will meet again,” I told her.
“O.K. But Bill’s brother is supposed to come over Friday night,” Sue said.
“I will let you know soon enough which day. And if it is Friday, then you will have to cancel that and come to me. I will except no excuses, unless you areill.”
“Yes, Sir.” Sue said, then added. “But what will I be doing?”
“Ah, my dear, you will seldom know that in advance. Let us just say that you need extended training in being a good submissive, as well as in being a slut. I will lead you, and you will never know what awaits.”
“I like that,” Sue said.
“Of course,” I replied. “I will speak with you again soon.”
And with that I abruptly hung up the phone.
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