
‘Do you want to fuck?’

I had heard Becky asking this question a few days ago and everything hadn’t turned out to be as one could hope. Instead of having sex with her, I had ended up releasing myself into her shoes. I had expected some catch in her proposal which had lead to false assumptions – only one false assumption to be exact, but it had been one too many – and it had ended in an unexpected way for both of us. Now, having been asked again, it seemed there’s indeed a chance that the girl who likes to humiliate me and boss me around would want to have me inside her. This time there won’t be any false assumptions.


Last time she had been surprisingly enthusiastic, at least mimicing the intercourse when she was taking care of her own satisfaction. Had anything changed? Maybe, but I wasn’t completely sure. This thought had crossed my mind while we had been lying on the floor. However, when she’d gotten up, she’d reached towards her pile of clothes, picked up the shirt which had found its temporary place laid on my face serving possible more than one purpose – to hinder me from seeing her naked on her way to the shower and back, being a clear sign I should stay there on the floor as I was, as well as assuring her dominance. And her shirt had smelled so nice.

So there had been contrasting clues about what was really going on, but on the other hand, her enthusiasm might have been only a little glitch.

Now she was seated comfortable in the armchair as she had been a few days ago and couldn’t keep sniggers away. ‘I’m sure you enjoyed my shoe last time, but maybe you’d prefer paying attention to me today.’

I got my orders wordlessly, purely by hand gestures, to undress and knee in the middle of the room after which she took her own clothes off, piled those on the floor and sank back to her seat parting her legs.

‘My shoes are over there.’ She was an awesome sight, her whole naked body visible,but still I instinctively turned my head to the pointed direction only to be disrupted: ‘Stay where you are, perv, my shoe is still sticky inside.’

I’m pretty sure Becky was only mocking me, she didn’t really expect me to fetch her shoe on my own initiative. For sure I was about to wait for her directions, step by step, if necessary; at least it would prevent false conjectures.

She reached over an armrest and seemed to fumble for something: ‘I have something for you.’ To grab it, she had to stretch her out fully and lean far over the armchair’s arm. There had been times I wished I could worship that body fully, to run my tongue all over her legs, ass, tummy, boobs, armpits, maybe rub my dick along her leg while hugging her thigh. Now the desire was way greater and even shifted a bit – to wrap my hands around that body and having her limbs wrapped around me, feeling her skin against mine…

Having settled again comfortably in the chair, Becky throw somethingsmall towards me. As it landed it turned out being an unopened condom wrapper.

Her fingers had found their way between her tights. ‘You’re still sure you don’t want to go to your… loveeeer?’

‘Completely sure,’ I said ignoring the fact that my answer could be interpreted as I would really consider her piece of footwear as a sex partner.

‘But we had a nice threesome last time. Although… True, I had to get myself off with my vibrator.’ Again, there was no urgent reason to challenge her statement. We both knew how our relationship worked. She enjoyed humiliating and bossing me around, I enjoyed her doing it. The fact that she did it was really only part of the enjoyment, the main deal was that she did it so well.

‘Anyway, as I told you, my shoes is still sticky inside. I can throw my sock into laundry later, but my foot needs some cleaning right now.’ She made a brief break of playing with her pussy to use the same hand for pointing me closer right befor her outstretched leg.

Of course there wasn’t anything sticky in her shoe anymore after these few days, but there’s no reason to miss a good banter because of unnecessary details.

Becky had already resumed fondling herself and after a licking motion with her tongue followed by pointing towards her toes with her chin I set about sliding my tongue over her foot. ‘You can consider it a roleplay,’ I heard her half-mocking statement.

While my task was simple and poorly pleasant, I had to fight with gradually growing urge to give my own private area some attention; if not anything else, just to lower myself against the floor. By no means easier was to give up attempts to find a fine angle to gaze at that alluring deed with her fingers on herself.

Eventually she decided it’s enough: ‘You definitely wouldn’t want to finish’ – oh, that wicked smile – ‘before the… let’s say… main event?’ It was not important that I wasn’t nowhere near theedge yet; I shook my head.

Becky pointed with her free hand to the condom wrapper on the floor. ‘Well, then…’

I crawled to it and picked it up.

‘What do you think you are supposed to do with it?’

This question had a way larger impact than any other she’d been taunting me with. Not only my face, but my whole body seemed to redden. After all, the same question had been a game changer last time. What am I supposed to do with it? Roll it on, of course, there was no other way to use it. ‘To put it on.’

‘Correct!’ After a short pause she continued: ‘Oh, on your dick! I’m just saying, just to be sure…’

Soon the condom was on and it was truly weird to be in Becky’s presence with protection. So far, there hadn’t been any reason to.

‘Ooo, that was fast, looks like you’ve practiced.’ She kept it coming, she even made me feel for a second as I should be proud of this accomplishment.

Becky took some time fingering and palming, just longenough to get into her other person – acting as if she was alone. She stopped playing with herself and stood up, stood there completely naked and, hands hesitantly on her hips, looking far off like pondering over something. The other pause of thinking was by the window. Not long after she made smoothly her way to the bed and already with one knee on top of it she turned, winded, and pushed her finger into loop formed out of her Other hand. Who would have imagined that the sign for ‘sex, now’ is ever to be used… Then she laid herself down.

‘Come on already!’ Becky’s voice was demanding. I made my way next to the bed and admired her body again for a moment. Her Leisurely parted legs with a feeble bush and slit, her belly, her downwards-sunken breasts, hands loosely on top of the bed revealing her sides and, in contrast, a bit of reproving face – it was so beautiful and desirable even from my kneeing angle. ‘You know how to climb up on top of a girl, don’t you?’

‘Of course!’

‘Well, what are you waiting for then?’

‘Nothing.’ It wasn’t easy to find words to express quickly my admission and long-restrained desire, so I just climbed on top of her – as she had phrased it.

The need to push myself inside her was unbearable, but so was also the urge just to be pressed against her body and enjoy the touch of her skin, rub my face against that tummy and breasts, to lick her nipples, to get aquainted with her upper arms; even more – to intertwine our legs, to slide my fingers along her side, use my lips on her neck. However, fucking a girl who likes to humiliate you and boss you around is not the same as making love with her, however opened up and spread out she may be. So, the next moment my dick was inside her, somewhere I would never had expected to reach to.

Joy filled my heart, the smile on my face might have been more than silly and Becky used this brief moment to ask something I actually had expected: ‘Is it in?’

While the question wasn’t surprising and part of me wanted to take the best out of the mockery, to exchange a few remarks regarding this made-up issue, at that very moment I actually didn’t really care for keeping that path open. Instead I began moving inwards and outwards. Becky was able to keep a prying look on her face, but she couldn’t avoid a few gasps expressing clearly that it was indeed noticeable and enjoyable.

I keep going onwards – in, in, in – without any need to make sure she would keep the pace arousmentwise. What was about to happen after my relief wasn’t a concern. It appeared to be a rare occasion when finishing even with a ‘great lead’ was not to be an issue; just go on, enjoy, and enjoy in advance being reminded of cumming early in future.

Maybe unwillingly, but she didn’t make this act to follow the determined path. Instead of lying there and staring at the ceiling, providing me a mere chance to get myself off, her hands made their way on my shoulders and the back of my neck occasionally wandering over my back, face, and hair. Her hips answered my thrusts with the support by her legs wrapped around me. I wasn’t just fucking her anymore, instead we were having sex.

I keep going as much as I could after cumming, but eventually had to lower myself on my elbows on top of her where she allowed me to rest for a short while before tucking her hand against my chest to push me aside and unwrapping her legs.

‘God, I knew I would need this…’ Becky turned onto her side and reached for something overhead. In no time I had brushed my cheek against her upper arm an tasted her armit which, along with the sideboob, were in all their glory right in front of my face. She didn’t move. She didn’t move for another few licks, not even for a few more when my tongue slide over sideboob and upper arm. Only when my hand had made its way over her tight to her buttock, Becky cut in: ‘Hey, perv, may I, please, take care of a certain unfinished matter?’

She pulled back her outstretched hand and I already knew what she had reached for. The vibrator which had been proven being useful last time had found its purpose again. Lying on the back Becky parted her legs and guided the toy inside. Her fingers moved it leisurely inwards and outwards while she stared at the ceiling. Being right next to her I had to chance to admire and enjoy everything… Not only to gaze at that body but to listen her accelerating breathing and sense slight movements delivered by the mattress as well.

‘Lick!’ she pulled my head towards her. My face had barely landed on her boob when my tongue was already playing with her nipple and my hand supporting myself on the other side of her upper body. Her breathing sped up and I used the time left to her orgasm to play thoroughly with the boob which had accidentally brushed over my face last time.

* * *

Becky didn’t exactly rush to the shower, at the same time she didn’t lengthen those moments of a brief rest unnecessarily as well. Soon she had climbed out of the bed over me and made her way towards the bathroom taking the juice-covered toy with her. Possibly in order to clean it, but possibly also to keep it out of my reach. I paid my full attention to her naked body until disappear and sank onto the bed, onto the side her body had warmed up.


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