Suburban Submission Ch. 02

In addition to working as a professional ballet dancer, I’m also a nude model.

My agent is a woman named Darya. Like me, she’s also a dancer with the Chandler Theatre. I suppose we both like to keep busy.

Of course, sometimes nude modeling comes unfortunately close to being prostitution. This was especially apparent when Darya got me a job modeling for a bunch of lawsers from a local law firm.

Auermann, Schiffer and Witt LLP had an extremely profitable quarter, and one of the bosses at that law firm decided to reward some of her most productive employees by taking them to a beach party and hiring me as the entertainment.

“The client’s name is Monica Staff,” Darya explained, “She’s rented a section of beach for a private party from 7:00 PM until midnight. You need to get there before the party starts.

There was no place near that section of beach to park, so the plan was to park at a different section of beach about a mile away and then walk the restof the way.

Nari volunteered to drive me to the beach, and then drive me home afterwards. I thought this was odd, as I could just as easily drive myself.

“Yeah, this is really more you doing a favor for me,” Nari explained, “After I drop you off, I want to see you walking down the beach, wearing this swimsuit.”

Nari held up a garment that was far too tiny to be called a swimsuit. It was more like a collection of strings with a glandular condition.

“Nari, what the hell is this?” I asked, holding up the offending garment up to the light.

“It’s a micro-thong,” Nari explained, “This part here is the waistband, this thin piece here goes in between your butt cheats and this piece of fabric holds in your genitals.”

I looked at Nari and protected, “If I Wear that in public, my ass will be completely exposed, and that piece of fabric that’s supposed to hold my penis and scrotum is too small. I’ll never be able to stuff everything into that small piece of cloth.”

Nari gave me an adoring look, placed his hands on me and said, “The beaches in California aren’t like the beaches wear you come from. Men and women in California wear swimsuits on the beach that leaves their butts exposed all the time.”

“And this pubic pouch?” I asked, as I held up the micro-thong, “My cock will be spilling out of it. I’ll get arrested for instant exposure.”

Nari insisted that it was possible for me to conceal my genitals within the tiny micro-thong, I disagree. In the end, we put it to the test, and it was an awkward and challenging ordeal.

I stood there naked and Nari helped me to step into the tiny, black swimsuit. I pulled the waistband up and as Nari said, the thinnest piece of fabric went up tightly between my butt cheats, leaving my ass completely exposed.

Maybe the beachgoers in California were accustomed to seeing men’s exposed buttocks at the beach, however, there was definitely a problem with the part of the swimsuit thatwas supposed to cover my genitals.

The fabric that covered my cock was made of spandex or some sort of stretchy material, but if I was fully erect, my cock was still too big to fit. No matter how much Nari and I attempted to fit my cock and balls into the swimsuit, the tip of my cock keep forcing its way out.

“Look, I just can’t wear this at the beach, okay?” I said to Nari, “It’s just not big enough to hold all of me in.”

“It would be big enough if you’re cock weren’t so hard,” Nari insisted, “I’ll help you get your erection down before I take you to the beach. This can still work.”

I tried to argue with Nari, but he becomes an irresistible force when he wants something. Eventually, I gave in and agreed to his plan.

As Nari promised, he had a plan to get my erection to go down. It was the sort of plan you’d expect from Nari. He got down on his knees and he took my cock into his mouth.

I’m not allowed to play with myself and Nari rations my orgasms,so my cock is constantly hard and erect. My cock was so sensitive, it began to throb the instant, Nari wrapped his lips around it.

“Aaahhh,” I gasped, and my cock twitched inside Nari’s mouth. Then Nari worked his talented tongue across the underside of my penis, making my naked body tremble with libidinous desire.

“Ohhh, Oh God, Nari,” I exclaimed. Then Nari pulled back and tongued the head of my cock, before swallowing me to the hilt. I could feel the tip of my cock touch the back of his throat and Nari held onto my ass as he felled me.

Nari’s mouth was wet with saliva, warm, welcoming and familiar. I panted as Nari’s mouth and tongue did wonderful things to my cock and when my orgasm finally hit, I ejaculated into Nari’s mouth again and again and again. It seemed as if my orgasm went on forever, and Nari just kept swallowing it all until I was utterly spent.

Nari, licked a few last drops of semen from the tip of my cock, held up the tiny, black swimsuit andsaid, “Okay, let’s see if it fits now.”


After my cock went soft, Nari and I were able to get my naughty bits to fit inside the scant material of the micro-thong. I still felt that it looked instant. Even with my cock no longer hard, there was still a very noticeable bulge scanning against the elastic material of my swimsuit, and Nari had me leave the apartment and walk to the car dressed like that.

Nari and I took the elevator down to the lobby. The elevator stopped on the second floor and one of my neighbors got in. I don’t recall her name, but she’s a Japanese woman with an innocent face and a sweet smile. A Japanese man and woman got in with her. Based on the age difference, I assumed the man and woman were her parents.

My neighbor smiled at Nari and me and then she proceeded to talk to her parents in Japanese. I was certain that the three of them were talking about me. There I was, standing just a few inches away from them, practically naked, wearingJust barely enough fabric to conceal my genitals, while my neighbor and her parents were fully dressed.

When the elevator doors opened, I was relieved to escape from their amused smiles and assessing stars. I walked briskly out into the lobby, and then realized that I’d jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.

There were at least a dozen people in the lobby.

Some of them wear male, Some of them were female, some of them were my age, some of them were older. All of them were wearing far more clothes than I was. I felt utterly naked and exposed.

Of course, everyone in the lobby ended up starting at me.

A woman who looked old enough to be my grandmother exclaimed, “Oh,” when she saw me from the rear, no doubt surprised to see a young man walking around the lobby with his butt on display for everyone to look at.

And in front of me there were men and women dressed in business attire. I was standing there, nearly naked and I frozen like a deer caught in the headlights. I couldn’t move.

When Nari noticed I had frozen up, he placed a hand gently on the small of my back and said, “Scott, do you seriously have stage fright? There is nothing for you to be frightened of. These people are just jealous of how beautiful you are.”

“Jealous?” I asked, my voice barely more than a whisper. My legs felt weak and rubbery as I noticed how many people were openly staring at me.

“Nobody else in this lobby could get away with dressing like that,” Nari said soothingly, “They don’t have the body for it. They all wish that they looked as good as you.”

Nari’s words helped to melt away some of the crippling fear and embarrassment I was feeling. And then, Nari pushed me forward and said, “C’mon, left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot.”

I still feel an overwhelming sense of exposure and humiliation as the people in the lobby stared openly at my nearly-naked body, but somehow I managed to walk out of the lobby without having a major emotional episode.

Out on the street, more people starred. A few of them pointed and urged their friends to get a good look at me as well. I felt even more exposed outdoors. The sun seemed to illuminate my nearly naked body ten times better than any indoor lighting, and it feel as if my naughty bits were on display for the entire world to see.

I turned to Nari, gave him a pleading look and said, “Why do you do this to me?”

Nari flashed one of his mischievous smiles at me and said, “You have a beautiful body. I like showing off the fact that my boyfriend has a toned, desirable ass.”

Nari paused as he unlocked the doors to his car and then he added, “Also, you are so adorable when you blush.”

The drive to the beach didn’t take long and when I got there I was probably still blushing. And when Nari parked the car, I was reluctant to get out. The beach was far more crowded than the lobby of my apartment building. There were people playing volleyball, lounging on beach towels or just walking around. There were hundreds of men and women on the beach, and I feared I would be the center of attention for all of them the minute I got out of the car.

“Don’t be shy,” Nari encouraged, “Your public awaits.”

As I feared, my appearance on the beach caused a stir. The volleyball games came to a halt as all the athletic people wanted to get a good look at me and pedestrians walked closer to get a better look at my body.

The men mostly seemed curious, while the women mostly stared at me with a sort of libidinous delight. Several of them took out their iPhone and snapped photos of me. Everybody wanted to get a good look at me, conversations stopped, and heads turned. My swimsuit seemed to do more to display my anatomy than cover it up, and I felt as if I were fully naked.

Nari and I walked down the beach and then Nari handed me a beach mesh bag that contained my wallet and my phone.

“I’m going to head back to the aparty,” Nari said, “Call me when it’s over and I’ll come to pick you up.”

“You’re leaving now?” I asked. I was on a beach with hundreds of people staring at me. My swimsuit left my butt completely exposed and my cock was just barely restrained inside the tiny scrap of elastic fabric. Without Nari to keep me company, I’d feel even more naked and vulnerable.

“You’ll be fine,” Nari insisted, “Just keep walking in that direction. Your client has closed off a section of beach over there. Once you reach that section, there’ll be a fewer people to gawk at you.”

Before he left, Nari kissed me on the lips. It wasn’t the most passwordate kiss ever, but it was in front of scores of spectators and I was nearly naked, while Nari was fully clothed. It felt as if Nari was sending a message to everyone on the beach that I was his property.

Nari walked back to the car and the crowds of spectators continued to eye me with prurient interest. At some point, even some of the men stargeted at me with a carnal look in their eyes.

I could almost feel their eyes on my exposed body. I could hardly breathe, to know that I was so exposed, practically naked in a public place. Then, without warning, my cock began to swell and strain against the meager fabric of my swimsuit.

The elastic fabric of the micro-thong stretched to accommodate my growing erection, however. the outline of my cock would be obviously to anyone who was watching…and plenty of people were watching me intently. I picked up my pace and began to walk quickly towards the private section of beach.

After about a half mile of walking, my path was blocked by two steely-eyed security guards. One was male, one was female. They both had official uniforms, handscuffs, guns, badges and shoulder radios. I felt even more exposed and vulnerable with them staring at me than I did with the civilians.

“You need to turn back,” the female said in a stern tone, “This section of beach has been closed for a private event.”

“Yeah, that’s where I’m headed,” I explained to her, “I was hired to be the entertainment for that private event.”

I pulled out my wallet and showed her my photo ID. She and her partner took an inordinate amount of time to clear me to go forward. She and her partner both gave me enigmatic looks, maybe they were enjoying the view, or maybe they were trying to decide if I was a dangerous criminal. Although they could certainly tell I wasn’t carrying any weapons. I had no place to put them.

“Okay, Mr. Alexander, you can go in,” the female security guard finally said.

I’m pretty sure that she checked out my butt as I walked away. Okay, I guess she was entitled. Hundreds of other people had already seen it. Why not her? Why not make my humiliation Complete?

The thing is, the more humiliated I felt, the more my cock throbbed. Humiliation fueled my sexual arousal, and by the time I reached Monica Staff and her employees, my cock was so hard that it was straining to free itself the metr public pouch of my thong. It was painfully constrained and the bulge in my swimsuit was blatantly obvious to anyone who looked.

When I arrived at my destination, I was greeted by Monica Stagg and she proceeded to introduce me to her people.

Claudia, Heidi, Julia and Lena were all lawsers with Monica’s law firm. Vanessa was a photographer who would be taking photos of the night’s celebration. Vanessa also had an assistant, however Julie never introduced me to him. Maybe she didn’t know his name.

In addition to the laws and the photography people, there was a tall, intimidating woman in an imposing, black security uniform, sporting a nightstick, handcuffs and all the standard security gear. She didn’t have the same steely-eyed look at the first two security guards I met, but she stared at me as if I were afraid of something and it was only a matter of time before she locked my wrists in handcuffs.

After introductionswere made, Monica said, “So, did your agent explain what we’re doing out here tonight?”

“Broad strokes,” I replied, “some nudity, some bondage, some corporate punishment, nothing I haven’t done before.”

“She didn’t mention anything about sexual abuse?”

“Um, no,” I replied, “I don’t believe that she did.”

Monica made a sound of milk disappear and then she explained, “Some of my people are interested in how long you can keep your penis hard and erect. They were planning on experimenting on you by manually stimulating your penis and your prostate gland and seeing just how long your prostate can last.”

“That’s a little different,” I responded, “but not a problem.”

Monica smiled, and he team of lawsers smiled and cheered when it was announced that they could play with my cock and keep me on the edge of orgasm for hours.

“You’ve made them very happy,” Monica explained, “They were worried you wouldn’t agree to it.”

There were two vertical poles there, much like the poles used to hold a volleyball net. However, these poles were much too close together to be used for volleyball.

“That’s where we’re going to tie you up,” Monica explained, “Go stand between those two poles. I’ll get the ropes.”

I stood between the ropes and raised my arms up and apart. Monica and Heidi tied my wrists securely to metal rings that were embedded discretely up near the tops of each pole.

“Okay, that looks secure,” Monica declared after my wrists were tied, “Scott, try to get free.”

I pulled and struggled and flexed my muscles, but the lawsies had done an excellent job typing the knots that bound my wrists. No matter how much I struggled, there wasn’t a thing I could do to free myself. I was undeniably trapped there until somebody untied me.

“Okay, he’s our prisoner now,” Monica declared confidently, “Claudia, get him out of that thong.”

A blonde lawyer ambled over and grabbed my fellow swimsuit by the waistband and pulled it down to my ankles. Then Monica ordered me to step out of it. My tiny scrap of clothing was then taken over to the far side of the lawyer’s camp, where I couldn’t even see it anymore.

“Okay, Scott,” Monica said, “You’ll get your swimsuit back later. But you have to stay naked for the duration of the party.

“He’s not helpless enough,” Lena insisted, “Let’s spread his legs far apart and tie his ankles to the poles.”

Everyone seemed to agree with Lena’s suggestion, so more ropes were brought out and my ankles were tied to the poles, leaving my legs spread pornographically apart, leaving my swollen, erect cock actually on display.

Being bound spread-eagle left me feeling even more helpless and exposed than before, and then Claudia pulled out a bottle of oil and asked if she could rub oil all over my body.

“He has all of these beautiful curves and muscles,” Claudia insisted, “It’ll really make his curves and muscle definition stand out if I oil himup.”

Monica instantly said yes, and Claudia began rubbing oil over every inch of my exposed skin. Lena offered to help and soon I had four hands wandering all over my naked body.

Claudia poured a small pool of oil onto Lena’s hand and some onto her own. They each rubbed their palms together to warm the oil and then started to apply it all over. Claudia worked the front of my body, while Lena rubbed oil into my body from behind.

They started at the top and worked their way slowly down my smooth naked body. It wasn’t long before their hands had the effect of increasing my sexual arousal and caused my breathing to become heavy.

Lena spent a great deal of time oiling my buttocks, and even spread my cheeks apart and oiled the soft flesh of my anus. I feel my face heat up with embarrassment as she touched me there, but that was hardly the end of it.

While Claudia was oiling my chest, she toyed with my right nipple, brushing her fingers across it gently at firstand then she pinched it hard. The way I was bound, I was helpless to stop her. Then she gave me a defiant look and proceeded to pinch my other nipple, even more vividly than the first.

After Claudia finished oiling my chest and my abdomen, she moved down to my painfully erect cock and spend an inordinate amount of time poisoning every inch of my cock and balls with overly general amounts of oil. She spent an Especially long period of time rubbing oil into the head of my cock, getting it to swell even larger.

“Look at his glans,” Claudia said, referring to the swollen head of my cock, “It was pink, but it’s so engorged with blood now, that it’s turning red.”

“Aahhh,” I moaned as my cock throbbed with intense need, “Uuhhhhh, huhhh, aaahhh.”

“He looks much sexier Now,” Claudia insisted, “Now that he’s glistening and slippery, every nose and cranny of his body is highlighted by the oil. He’s a work of art,”

As the lawsyers admired my naked body, I panted in sexual frustration, and then Monica called the security woman over and asked her to perform a body climate search on me.

I was certain that it was some sort of violence of protocol or procedure for a police officer to probe my orifices when I hadn’t even been caught committing a crime, but I said nothing, and tried to fight down my panic as the intimidating woman snapped on a latex glove and got her hands on a tube of lubricant.

“Oh God,” I exclaimed as the woman loomed behind me and worked a cold blob of lube into the soft, sensitive flesh of my anus. I gasped and panted as my buttocks were held apart and strong fingers were forced inside of me.

The tall, mysterious woman said nothing as she speared my anus, thrust her fingers deep within my rectum and twisted them around. I tried to calm my fear, but any time my anus is opened or impaled, there’s always a sense of fear and helplessness that overwhelms me. And the badge, the gun and the uniform made this stern woman seems even scarier than most people who have ever violent my virginal asshole.

I squirmed uncontrollably as her fingers explored my anus. I was naked, helpless and spread wide open as my bottom was impaled. I made desperate, whimpering sounds as my anus was probed and then somebody said, “He’s enjoying this too much. He deserves to be punished.”


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