Suburban Sex Club Ch. 04

He pulled his arm up, forcing me to the balls of my feet and he turned to Akash. “How about the hooker? Where’d you find her? She looks Indian.” All still very conversational, calm, no emotion.

Akash gaped, the said, “She’s not a hooker…she’s my wife.”

“Wife, eh?” sounding a little Canadian, I thought absurdly, still hooked by the cunt on his index finger, the tip pushing against my G spot. “Wives going buck naked outdoors, giving blowjobs?” He sounded disbelieving.

“Wait,” Akash said, “I’ll go get her drivers license.” He ran for the garage door so he could get my purse from the car.

Steven continued to finger me roughly, now his whole hand was clamped down on my cunt, index finger and thumb diddling my clip, pressing it, rubbing it. My head went back automatically as I teetered on the broke of orgasm. Just a little more, I was almost there.

“Cunt,” he said and pulled out, just short of orgasm. He looked at his fingers as though disgusted at the amount of fluid I had deposited there and wiped it on my tits. They compressed and moved under his fingers as he wiped his hand, back and front. I was disappointed that he had pulled out before I could come and I am sure my face showed it because he laughed and twisted my nipple.

“And you say you’re not a whore?”

I hung my head, abashed; my behavior was definitely sluttish. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror in the hall. Cheeks pink from the cold, I stood naked, breasts heaving, hair all wild, looking sexy as hell even to my own eyes. Definitely whorish.

Akash was back with my ID and Steven took it. “Stay here,” he said, “I’ll be right back.” He left and went to his cruiser, presumably to run my license through his computer.

I turned to Akash and said angrily, “Why didn’t you do something?” Even more irritating than his failure to do anything was his calmness. There was a smile on his face that I wasn’t quite liking. Was he getting off on this? The bastard,he would pay, I silently vowed.

“What can I do?” He shrugged. I noted that he was fully clothed whole I stood there in the buff. “He is a cop and he caught us red handed…so to speak.” Then he chuckled. It was contagious and I started laughing too.

“Do you think he’s going to…”

“Arrest us? Charge us?”

“Something like that,” I said, not sure at all.

He thought about it for a bit and said, “I don’t think so…I mean what is the crime here? We’re husband and wife and we are consenting adults…”

“But didn’t he says something about public nudity being a crime and something like that?”

“Yeah, I think he did.”

“Plus he has pictures…he could blackmail us…me,” I finished.

We both fell silent as we heard Steven’s boots clumping back. I saw small pools of dirty water on my kitchen floor where we’d tracked in the snow and dirt and mentally thought I’d get Akash to clean all this up. It was all his fault after all. We could have just played out games in he basement or something. But even in that agitated state of mind, I realized what a thrill it was to have taken the action outdoors, that too on this cold night.

“Howdy folks,” he said genially as he re-entered the kitchen. “Seems like you two have green cards pending approval.”

My heart sank even further. Cops had that kind of information from their cruisers? Wasn’t that Information federal and the cop was only state? But then, he seemed to have the information. Maybe they asked the local cops about resident, I rationalized. That must be it.

“Plus, I have the pictures.”

“We were in our property,” said Akash, “plus you can’t see my face.” He was in lawyer mode I thought, violently laying out his argument.

“Indeed,” said Steven, not missing a beat. “I can take her in just as she is, and claim I saw her turning tricks say…behind the bar in downtown or something. No one to say otherwise.” He grinned. A wolffish, predatory grin. I knew we were fucked.

He throw the photo ID on the kitchen table and advanced towards me, all business now.

“Down on your knees pretty lady.”

I knew what he wanted. I sank to my knees for the second time that evening, thankful that I had carpet and not snow and dirt. I unzipped him and his semi hard cock popped out, pale, almost white. Circumcised, pick head, the slit already leaking precum. His shake smelled a little fishy as I moved my head forward to take him in my mouth. I had to extend my neck a little to accommodate his paunch.

I took him in, big, getting bigger. Salty taste, a little musty, different from Akash—he’d been freshly shown—Steven was different. I worked on it, both hands, mouth, tongue, a little teeth. I was using way more enthusiasm than the situation warranted, but I rationalized it as my ticket to get out of this mess with just a figurative slap in the wrist. I pulled out and looked at his cock. It was now fully erect I thought. Bigger than Akash and wider. I took him in again, deep throating him, a skill I’d learned from watching porn with Akash. This was the first time I’d actually had to take one in so far and I gagged a little. Above me, Steven chuckled. I continued with my task, in and out, a little hand here, a little tongue there, drool on my chin, dangling to the floor. My pussy was getting wet again. An insatiable itch today it seemed. Was I Still in submissive mode I wondered, then decided that yes, I probably was.

“Finger yourself,” said Steven casually. “Go on, use your right hand…you’re a righty, right?” He chuckled at his own pun, then said, “Right hander, correct?”

I nodded around his cock, not stopping with the bobbing on his large prick. Gagging noises continued from my own throat, I could not believe it—I’d heard them on the porn movies of course, but always thought that was a little bit of overacting. Well, let me tell you, given the right cock size, it comes naturally. I continued stroking what cock I could not swallow with my left hand and moved my right to my pussy, jamming a couple of fingers in. God was I wet. I moved my fingers in and out, thumb rubbing the clip, desperate for the orgasm that Steven had denied me before. All the while continuing to fallate Steven.

I snuck a glance at the mirror again. The scene was beyond erotic. Me, naked on my knees, thighs spread wide, the tendons on my inner thigh scanning, fingering myself like crazy. In and out my fingers went, thumb roughly massaging my clip, my wrist rotating to stimulate as many erogenous zones as possible. A stranger’s cock in my mouth moving in and out, in and out radically, my right hand between my thighs following the same cadence. I saw Akash, wide-eyed, staring at the spectacle in front of him, no dismay in his face. In fact, I thought I saw lust there and was irrationally happy.

And Steven, now in his cowboy hat again, cigarette in hand—he’d lit another cigarette even as he pumped into my mout—blowing smoke over my head. Looking very much like a shorter, fatter Longmire from the TV show. And then I remembered where I’d seen him before.

The ‘Aha!’ moment, I realized he was the same guy who’d been fucking the woman in the neighbor’s basement a little while ago. I should have made the connection earlier, when I’d seen him in his hat, but the sex and thrill of being caught had probably frozen my brain. I realized that the fishy smell and texture on his cock was probably the other woman he’d been fucking. The smell of cock, the musky, heady scent of the other woman were miking me deliciously dizzy even as I neared orgasm.

“Mmmmffff,” I said around his cock. It was growing now, even more than before. He tensed, grabbed the back of my head taking a fistful of hair and forcing me into his groin. He Stiffened and shoved harder, hardly moving out at all now, forcing more and more of his dick into my throat. Then he came, hips almost going into a fibrillation like state, hot fluid hitting the back of my throat, filling it as I clamped down on breathing reflexively. My mouth filled with his seed and overflowed. He gave me no chance to swallow, his dick was that large and he kept my head pushed into his crotch like his life depended on it. We stayed motionless like that for several seconds. I’m sure Akash was watching the spectacle bug-eyed though I was too caught up with my own stuff to even look at him.

And then my own orgasm hit. It may have been the asphyxia of his cock filling up my whole throat, my nose smoothed in his pubic hair, the heady musk of the other woman, but whatever it was, I came like a rocket. It went on and on and on what seemed an hour. I’d never come so hard before. In fact, I may have passed out for some time. When I replaced my senses, I was on my ass, back against the dining space wall gasping for breath. I caught Akash looking at me with concern in his eyes, but Steven—when I turned to him—was nonchalantly lighting yet another cigarette.

“Bitch came hard,” he said and chuckled, an evil sound. There was no way I could explain the intensity of orgasm I’d just experienced. Eleven on a scale of ten, I thought and a ragged laugh escaped me.

Steven turned to leave. “I’ll be in touch cunt,” he said over his shoulder as he exited the kitchen. A few moments later, we heard his cruiser drive away.


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