Subordinate Pt. 02

Thank you all for your positive comments and feedback on my first story.

I realized I need to be much quicker with posting chapters between stories so I’ve taken longer to post again so that I’ve written more stories and chapters. When I post new stories, I’ll make sure further chapters are ready to go.

Hope you all enjoy and please do comment and/or send me feedback directly.


She struggled to sleep that night, in the strange bed beside a man. She hadn’t been in this situation since her twentyties when the sex had tired her and singing out into a late-night cab was too much work.

No, what was keeping her up was far more problematic than insomnia. More problematic than straightforward lust.


That was what it was. She He had reawakened her.

She loved how his brain worked, loved the way he looked at heras he saw her, loved basking in his presence. She loved how she felt around him and hated how she felt away from him.

She felt dedicated to him, which was scary to admit but more because that might be too much for him already. She had never felt feelings of submission before but she knew that it felt right for her, in a way nothing had seemed to before when it came to relationships and sex. Maybe it was who she Always was but had never experienced it before.

Anna never worked in half-measures. The concept of not giving her all to something was alien to her and just didn’t compute. So Anna knew that her submission to Daniel was going to be extensive, in ways she probably didn’t yet understand.

When he stirred in the morning, before the alarm, she rolled towards him and started to kiss his body gently, wordlessly.

Along his ribcage and over his chest her lips pressed. She rose onto her knees and kissed over his stomach, worked her way up his body and over to his arms, planning soft kisses on his smooth skin, feeling the muscle of his bicep and the hair on his chest. Daniel watched her, unmoving.

She found her lips at his hand, which she took in hers and worshipped with kisses. She took his fingers in her mouth, sucking each one in turn, lost in the feel of his skin on her tongue, her piercing twirling around each finger. He had no discernible scent, but she moaned the more she kissed him and sucked his fingers. Pheromones, she thought.

She looked up after finishing with the last digit, to see him looking down at her with interest and amusement.

“Told you I’m a lot,” she blushed. “I just do what I feel is right with you.”

He smiled sweetly. “This is an unexpected side to you but I like it a lot.”

“How do you mean?” Anna’s eyes narrowed dangerously, but there was teasing that she knew he’d pick up on because he knew her so well.

Daniel gave her his finger to suck again and she did so without thinking,eyes still watching him. She missed the slight grin when she closed her eyes briefly in pleasure.

“This,” he indicated towards her and the way she was laying on her front, holding his wrist with her hands and idolising him. “I expected you to need firmness and direction to do as you’re told at the start. But this, this speaks to passiveness and abortion that I didn’t expect so soon.”

She obviously Recoiled at the contrast of those words. She sat up, pulling her mouth away from his fingers. The loss of his presence seemed to build a wall she could hide behind. “I’m not passive,” she replied with a hurt tone. Of anything anyone could acuse her of, it was not passive.

He didn’t move towards her to bridge the gap in apology, nor did he flinch. Again, she was reminded of what drew her to him at work. That she Couldn’t intimidate him.

He looked at her and replied with a slight shrug that said if you say so.

“How could I be passive from laying here and kissing you?” Anna pursued, affronted.

He told and she saw in him that she had reacted too harshly, or else beyond what he might have expected her to.

He beckoned her to him, so that she could be closer to him despite her tone and argumentative behavior. Later that day, when she thought back to the conversation, she realized how different that was. She had always been told she was the ball-breaker, the woman not to be crossed, yet there he was, calling her to him when she was like that anyway.

She moved to him and put her glasses on. Surprisingly, he held her in his arms and stroked her hair. The act, and in hindsight the acceptance of her, soothed her. She realized pretty quickly though, that she was aroused, without knowing why.

“You’re taking this act too literally,” he started firmly. “Let’s look at it from a data perspective,” he started, threatening to arouse her. “There’s a pattern here between how you behave and what that infers. I’ve seen it a lot andI don’t always call it out, but it’s there. I try to let you follow it without influence but if I’m not allowed to observe a behavior and taking meaning, our ability to experiment on what this is, for both of us, will be severely restricted and you’ll be back in that place you don’t want to be.” He looked at her firmly but fairly. He somehow managed to be both assertive and welcome with his body language and firm tone. Anna realized how much she loved the contrast.

“You’re right,” she whispered, distracted by the betrayal of her own body. “It just caught me by surprise.”

“Yes,” Daniel nodded in agreement, “and once that feeling of surprise minimums, do you think you’ll be able to better accept what I survey without resistance?”

It wasn’t really a question, was it? “I hope so,” she answered. Then she heard herself and felt she wasn’t being fair on him. “No, I know once I’m used to this, I won’t feel as determined to rebel. It feels too hard to resist. Like I don’treally want to but don’t know how to stop myself.”

He got up to go the bathroom, so Anna took a moment to look in the mirror, brush out her hair and make herself presentable. When he returned, it looked as though she hadn’t moved from the pillow at all.

“Question,” she spoke when he sat back beside her, “how do you like, want me to be, in the mornings?”

He chuckled. “Yourself, I would hope. I’ve imagined the idea of ​​mornings with Anna for a while now.”

She smiled and slapped his thigh teasingly. “You’re an ass.”


She matched his grin. “You know exactly what I’m asking, but you’re teasing me. And I can’t even criticalise you for it because you’re complimenting me.”

He laughed and then they both did, over nothing like new lovers do.

Quite suddenly, he went from playing with her hair to taking hold of a ball of it and pulling sharply. Her laughter turned to a gasp, and her eyes rolled back; her body flushed.

“What are the options?”His whisper in her ear caught the breath in her throat and she felt pretty certain she’d never become that aroused that quickly before.

She didn’t know what the options were. But Daniel at work wouldn’t accept that as an answer and Daniel at home certainly wouldn’t.

“You want me to be submissive,” she replied breathlessly.

“I don’t want you to be, you are,” he Corrected, his hold still on her hair.

“Yes Sir,” she agreed, now seriously concerned about how excited and aroused she was. “I’d want to suck your cock, or be fucked by you,” she whispered urgently. “And make you breakfast and pack your lunch.”

Coming from her mouth, it might have sounded sarcastic in another setting, but they both knew she was being honest.

In response, he directed her face towards his groin with the firm hold of her hair. Needing no instruction, she took hold of his cock and kissed it.

As soon as he felt the touch, Daniel let go of her hair. The absence of his stronghand made her feel more obedient, as though she wanted to reward his trust.

“May I do something, Sir?” She looked up and he nodded curiously.

Her mouth kissed down the underside of his cock, to his balls, which she lovingly kissed and licked, being gentle with her tongue piercing. She licked over every inch of skin until his shaken balls were shining with her saliva.

Her tongue slowly rolled down under his balls and she kept kissing intermittently, waiting to be told to stop. She hoped he wouldn’t, as a desire was flaming in her to go to his ass and submit herself there. She couldn’t understand why, but she felt like she wanted to humble herself to him, in a most debasing way. To show him where she was in this relationship.

Her tongue pushed between his cheeks and he adjusted his position slightly, allowing her to carry on. Her stomach fluttered and she felt grateful to be allowed to do it.

What has happened to you Anna? She briefly wondered.

Being careful, she started to slowly lick his hole. She took her glasses off and throw them to the side. Her short-range vision was fine and besides, she wanted to push herself in.

“Extend your tongue,” he instructed her, reading her mind.

“Yes Sir,” she mumbled, already back to breathing him in and licking his skin.

She stayed there, circled his hole with her tongue.

“Would Sir like my finger?” She asked, willing to do whatever he wanted.

“Absolutely not,” he replied at once.

She carried on, relieved that she understood what he did and didn’t want, and that she had asked first.

He kept her there a while, unashamedly licking his hole, her body flat to the bed, his hand on her hair to keep it out of the way.

At last he pulled up, directing her to His balls, which she took into her mouth and gently sucked. “That was very good, my sub. It took me a while to realize you’d stay there until I pulled you up.”

She didn’t reply, there wasno need to confirm that was true. Slowly she worked back up, kissing the underside of his cock and moving to the tip. Looking up at him with her mouth hanging over his cock, she waited for him to nod.

She took his cock slowly into her mouth, her saliva coating it. She went to push it deep again, keen to take as much of him into her mouth as possible, as soon as possible. He belonged in her holes.

Daniel had other ideas. He pulled her up by the hair until she was back at the tip. She waited for instruction, just knowing instinctively that she was going to be told what to do.

“Last night I allowed you to go with your lust, because I knew you needed to push through, but from now on you need to pleasure me, is that clear?”

“Yes Sir,” she replied immediately, eyes still on his cock. “Whatever you want.”

“Good,” he pulled gently at her hair, and she looked up at him. “You’ll take me in slow, you’ll lick me all over and you’ll slowly suck and worship. You’ll build to taking me deep and I’ll tell you if I want you to move faster or do something different. Slow.”

He was talking down to her in the most straightforward way, with a hint of condescension in his tone. It was arousing her.

Once upon a time he would present ideas as though it was something they had both come up with. Gone were those days and she welcomed the clarity of it. They were not partners in that way; never really had been.

She spent fifteen minutes pleasure him with her mouth, in a way she never had done with anyone before. Sucking cock was previously foreplay, but the way Daniel insisted she use her mouth to pleasure him, meant it became all about him, with an approach intended to make him as stimulated and relaxed as possible, and a goal to receive his seed.

When she had long surpassed the time she had ever given a blowjob before, he came into her mouth and told her to swallow. She did so, feeling completely compliant to any of his wishes. Whateverhe wanted, she would give to him in that headspace.

“You can get ready for work now,” he instructed, dismissing her. Anna rose, not feeling abandoned but more pleased that he had let her do that and then sent her on her way. It was clear, instructional and direct.

She left him to shower as he got ready for work. The water washed over her as she cleaned Daniel off her. Her hands later her breasts that were his, then travelled down and washed away the wetness he had given her. She brushed her teeth and looked at herself in the mirror as she did so. For the first time in a very long while, she liked knowing someone would enjoy her body.

When she was done, she sorted through her overnight bag and took out her dress, her makeup and some products.

“Leave all of that here, if you want, for future use,” he said to her, while pulling on his shirt.

“I’d love that,” she blushed.

What has happened to my life? She asked herself as she left her stuff where it belonged.

In the kitchen preparing breakfast, she faced another surprise. Faced with cupboards everywhere she looked, she navigated the kitchen as though she knew it. Everything was where she expected it to be. As though she was in Daniel’s head and know where he would put things.

Never in her life had she felt she understand someone that well. She hummed as she made him eggs, completely at peace as he got on with whatever he was doing elsewhere.


She spent the day at work as though on a cloud, her thoughts on that morning, turning over every word and every action; the way he spoke to her and sounded.

Ever the reflective woman and always keen to do better in whatever she did, she spent time thinking about how she would do better with how she pleasured him.

Her hair would be tied up to keep it from distracting her, she would ask if he would like to be between her breasts where she would use them for his pleasure. She would be less hesitant with her tongue, wherever it was on his body, because she knew him better already.

That night, she didn’t go home, she went straight to Daniel’s from work. He gave her his key as she was leaving before him, and she had prepared dinner for them before he had even arrived. It just felt natural to be in his house, serving him and obeying him, even over text when he told her what to wear and what to cook.

She cooked in a t-shirt and the underwear she wore that day, at his direction. Her legs were bare, but his apartment was warm. He arrived while dinner was cooking.

She greeted him almost like a lovesick puppy, excited to be able to kiss him and feel his hands on her body.

He pushed her against the wall and kissed her hard. Her back slammed into the surface and she moaned at the temporary pain. Daniel’s hand worked his way into her t-shirt and onto her pierced nipple, which he flicked and then pulled at. Anna moaned into his mouth as his tongue danced with hers, his lips rough. She held onto him gently and let him feel her, in contrast to his rough touch.

He broke away and feasted on her body, holding her t-shirt up so he could enjoy her tattoos and piercings. She, in turn, loved seeing him in his crisp blue suit and pink shirt. He looked so handsome and serious. She realized just how insanely attracted to him she now was because she was turned on just from looking at him.

His hands ran down her stomach, along her tighs and then over her ass. He squeezed it, hard. His fingers dug into her flesh and she let out something that could best be described as a coo, as he kept a firm hold. Anna instinctively spread her legs and bent forward, gripping his leg for support. His fingers dug in at a place where she knew there was no ink and she made a mental note to look in the mirror Afterwards to see the mark he left on.

She stayed where she was as his pressure increased until she gasped, her eyes watering. He let go and kissed her again. “Good girl,” he prayed, pulling his hand away and struggling her face affectionately with it.

“Thank you, Sir,” she replied, breathless, wanting more.

She stood waiting for further instruction and followed him into his bedroom when he walked in and beckoned her to follow. He nodded his approval when he saw she had folded her clothes and her bedside area was neat and tidy, her day jewellery took off and left to the side. That was just what she was like, and it helped she knew he’d like it.

He took off his suit jacket and she stepped forward. “Please allow me, Sir?”

He nodded and she took it, hanging it properly. Anna then joined Daniel in unbuttoning his shirt and then that too was taken away by Anna and placed in the laundry hamper. She moved to her knees and he sat on his bed and allowed her to take his shoes off, undo his belt and then slide his trousers off.

She looked up at him with a silent request to be allowed to stand. He understand her and nodded.She rose gracefully, took his shoes to the stand, hung his trousers up and broke the silence with her back to him, while she mindlessly straightened his clothes.

“Sir, my body isn’t as young as it once was but I still expect you to demand a lot of it,” she said, still with her back to him. “I would like for you to tell me if I’m not doing enough to keep it good for you.”

Her candidate Surprised him and she heard him stand and wrap his hands around her. He kissed her neck and shoulders gently, which he knew from the physics appointments frequently troubled her.

“I understand,” he promised.

Keen to change the conversation after being so vulnerable, she asked to check on dinner.

She left him to shower and worked on the sauce. When he was finished and joined her in the living area, she poured him his chosen drink and without thinking to ask, knelt and massed his bare feet as he drink and relaxed.

“I like this a lot,” David noted thoughtfully. She knewhe means the whole evening and she would do it night after night for him, gladly.

“I’ll make sure I time cooking better tomorrow, splitting my time away from you is stressing me,” she admitted while on the floor beneath him.

Empowered and rejuvenated just for being with him, she felt herself start to leak down her thigh as she stood before him after dinner, where his eyes feasted on her naked body.

He studied her tattoos again, pulled up her large breast for a better look at the one on her sternum, ran his hands along the gaps that she had where she wasn’t inked.

All through, she stood still and let her body be scrutinised. It was starting how comfortable she felt, despite the fact that before him, having her body viewed or objective would have been her waking nightmare. Showing off her naked body, half of which was inked behind her clothes, with meaning that was so personal to her, was invasive in a way she would never have accepted before.

“Is this becoming too intense for you?” Daniel asked her after a period of silence, where she simply stood still and waited for instruction.

“Are you kidding?” Anna rushed out, “I’ve been dreaming of this all day. I want you scrutinising me and telling me what to do. I want you on me in every way.”

“That sounds quite severe,” Daniel warned. “Are you sure you want that so soon?”

Anna nodded, trying to find her voice. “I want you to be relentless. I want you to be so demanding of what you want that other women would break.”

“No half-measures?”

It was something she said frequently when she delivered a project. It was to a high-standard or nothing at all.

“I can take it, I need it. I can’t give you half of me,” she implemented. “I can’t just give you my body to fuck. I need to give you my mind and everything I am. Besides, my mind can’t focus on anything but you anymore,” she finished with a look of plea.

“Shall I worry about your competency at work?” Daniel teased with a smile.

“Har har,” Anna exaggerated, feeling so at ease in the moment, despite the strangeness of it all.

He reached out and touched naked body. His fingers ran up her thighs and onto her lips without delay. Anna softly moaned at his touch and let him explore her.

“I’m serious.” Daniel looked up at her from a slightly awkward angle as he had leaned forward.


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