Submitting To Professor Kent

Submitting To Professor Kent

I stood in the hallway of Kirkwood Hall, or ‘professor row’ as the other students called it. My thumb drew incessant circles in my sweaty palm as I paced small circles near the wall between two offices.

I can’t do this. I can’t do this, repeated in my head as the moment grow larger than me. Just breathe Amber…

The other college students that flocked the halls made me want to blend in with the bland beige walls and abstract prints framed between each office so that I could disappear altogether. Every woman that passed seemed more gorgeous than the next. Their outfits were more put together than mine, their tummies were more trim than mine, and their hair glistened and bounced with their every step. I adjusted my white blouse and a navy blue plaid skirt that dangled to my knees. My clothes selection was a remnants of habit after six years of private school (this despite the constant teasingI received at the hand of my suites and her friends).

What made it worse was when the college boys stole their lingering looks my way, but that wasn’t anything new. College guys were so immature and desperate, they’d masturbate to a bookshelf if it looked like they had breasts. I knew I wasn’t ugly, but that was part of the problem. Combing my blond hair back behind my shoulders with my fingers, I adjusted my black backpack on my shoulders. I had received more comments than I liked about my pouty lips, creamy skin, or just brutish comments about breasts, but it all drew eyes I didn’t want.

I don’t want anyone looking at me; I thought and felt a twist in my belly as if I was back in his classroom. Except his…

Shaking the thought from my head, I scrambled to take off my backpack and unzip it–drawing even more eyes. Buried in the front pocket was my inhaler. Professor Kent wasn’t like my other professors. I didn’t… look at him the same as theothers. I felt the humiliation simmer inside my chest, threatening to throw me. I had always had a thing for older men. I knew it was wrong. Call it ‘daddy issues’ or the price of growing up in a broken home, but the level of lust and… innovation I developed for certain men twice my age had away been an issue I’ve tried to conceal.

Imagine the stars I’d get if everyone knew how much of a freak I really was?

I took two quick puffs from my inhaler. That’s when I saw him. Professor Kent was an attractive man in his late thirties with thick dark golden brown hair faded on the sides with short bangs across his forehead that bounced when he walked. At six-foot-four, he towered over me standing, so when I looked up from a knee over my backpack, he loomed over me like a giant.

His Interrogative eyes studied me as he approached his office like a test question that awaited to be unpacked and undressed. Cocking his head to the side and making one lock of his bangsmove to the side, he smiled with a squited eye.

“Are you waiting for me?” Professor Kent asked.

“I, um, no–“

“Amber, right?” he asked and gestured up and to his left as if he stood in his lecture hall. “You sit in the back row on my left. Psych 101 class.”

I smiled nervously and felt my panties adjust between my thighs as I moved. He knows my name…

“Uh, yes, yes, um,” I said, quickly tucking my inhaler in my bag and zipping it up. “I, um, don’t want to both you. Sorry,” I muttered with my eyes on the ground as I turned to leave.

“Nonsense,” he replied, putting his key in his office door. “Come in, we’ll talk. I insist.”

My stomach complete a fewsault and I feel my heart Beating in my ears like a war drum. It was true I had sat meekly quiet in the back left of Professor Kent’s Psychology 101 class for almost an entire semester now. My first semester at university, actually. Like my other classes, I haven’t uttered a word in a single one, but speaking wasn’t necessary for doing well in school. That was why I loved school so much. Leaving high school with a 4.0 GPA, I sat primed to receive straight As in all 19 credit hours I took this semester with one exception.

Psych 101…

“The presentation is worth half your grade,” Professor Kent said evenly. “We went over this in the syllabus.”

My Stomach twisted, and I tried to shrink under his heavy gaze but had nowhere to hide, unless I tried to go under the desk. It didn’t feel right to have a presentation to be worth so much of my grade. I can, and did, receive over a 100% on every single quiz and exam in the class, but will still fail if I didn’t give a thirty-minute presentation to the class. Ten minutes about myself and my background, followed by twenty minutes about Behaviorism psychology and how it’s used in modern practice.

“Yes, sir,” I mumbled, barely parting my lips.

“I didn’t hear you,” my Professor’s voice said almost as ifit was a demand.

I adjusted in my seat and straightened. “I’m sorry. Yes, sir,” I squeaked a bit louder. I have always suffered from crippling social anxiety. My mother’s solution was to fill my medicine cabinet full of drugs in middle school and the refilled orders are still there now that I’m in college. They take the edge off my panic attacks when I have them, but little else. Getting up in front of a class of a hundred students and Professor Keny in order to give a thirty-minute speech was torture. Coming to my professor’s office hours was difficult enough. In class, his piercing gaze felt undressing even as I among the crowd. The thought of sitting alone in an office before him was crippling. I had spent all night considering just dropping out of the class entirely, but doing so would fail me as well.

And all it would take is one failed class for me to lose my scholarship… then if I wanted to go to college, I would have to ask my father for money… I willnever do that…

The panic in my chest fizzled like a freshly opened soda that had been shaken. “Is there another way? Can I, maybe, write out my speech? Or record my speech and play it?”

Professor Kent grimaced, flattening his lips as he let out a long sight. He leaned back in his leather seat and I couldn’t help but glance at the way the gray button-up shirt he wore grabbed at the muscles of his shoulder and biceps. I inverted my knees together subconsciously. Like I was afraid he might somehow see through the large red oak desk that separate us, through the skirt that dangled over my knees and light blue panties I wore beneath it, and could see the drip of drool that fell from my sex. And for a terrifying second, I thought he could. My Professor’s eyes narrowed on me and his eyesbrows closed together in concentration on something briefly as he cocked his head to the side.

No, how does he know? Can he smell my pheromones?

But his inquisitive lookquickly vanished and was replaced with a soft and welcome smile that made me want to say yes to anything he said next.

“Beth,” he leaned forward, and I tried to lean further back, but my backside was always pressed against the chair. “You’re a very bright young lady. I know you know everything that you need to present, but the presentation isn’t just about knowledge. It’s about speaking, confidence, taking control,” the Professor extended a firm hand towards his door as if the classroom was on the other side of it. “Dominating that classroom and selling yourself. That’s a big part of life in the real world. If I let you not do this presentation, I’d be robbing you of this skill.”

Confidence, control, dominating…

The anticipation of the impending presentation all of a sudden weighted on her like a concrete tied to her throat. Covering her face with her palms, she did her best to keep her composure with a deep breath and exhaust.

Thoughtlessly,and more as a complaint to myself, I mumbled, “I don’t dominate,” and scooted forward to stand and leave. It was only when I was touching my face that I realized what my Professor had seen that caught his curiosity. It was my beet red cheeses that now felt burning hot to the touch.

God, I’ve sat here swooning and blushing like a high school girl all this time? I’ve got to get out of here.

“I’m sorry, um, thank you. I–I should be, um, going,” I mumbled as I leaned forward to grab my backpack and my Professor stopped me with a raised palm.

“Stay,” he said, and I did. He leaned back in his chair again and scratched at the center of his chest, where his hard pecs met. “How old are you?”

My eyes widen as I was taken aback by the question. I stuttered an answer quickly, before I had decided whether he asked as an insult or some other reason.

“Um, eight–eightteen.”

Parsing his lips, he nodded, and looked around the room. “You could leave if you want,” he said after a minute. “You can leave whenever you want. Do you understand?”

“Yes?” I replied, unsure of what he means.

“If you don’t do your presentation, you will fail this class, so I don’t want that to happen. I also don’t want to cheat you out of this lesson and experience as it will only hurt you in the long run–you have to be able to speak in front of others. There’s no way around it, Beth.”

Professor Kent stood and walked around his desk until he sat on the edge of his desk in front of me, so close he nearly stood on my book bag.

“I have…” he paused, scratching the side of his neck as he considered his next words, “trainings… that used to offer certain women who struggled with confidence. Tutoring that is extracurricular and not a part of the College. I haven’t taken on a pupil for these trainings for sometimes, but if you are interested, if you consent… I would be willing to tutor you.”

Unsure of whether it was the charged odore emmanating from his person or just the proximity of the man but I blurted out a ‘yes’ before I had a chance to process what I was consenting to.

A private class? I think? Just him and me? The prospect was exciting and terrifying. I was still trying to cool my face, that had only grown redder since I realized my flushness.

He glanced at his black metal banded watch. “We could begin today–right now if you’re free for the next hour.”

“Yes, I… Yes, I’m free,” I said.

My Professor smiled at my eagerness. “I have three rules if we are to continue,” he walked behind me and went to the office door. “1) You may leave or stop the training at any time, you only have to say the word ‘red.’ But once you do, the trainings are finished and you must face the presentation on your own. 2) You must do everything that I tell you, exactly how I tell you.”

I heard the lock turn on the door and Professor Kent completed the circle, walking back in front of meagain. This was the first time I realized that something sexual might be happening. The thought struck fear and excitement inside me, but mostly it froze me in my seat. It was a sort of a surprising moment of disbelief like I had just entered movie or a dream.

“3) You must never tell anyone about these trainings. Ever. Do you understand?”

My mouth went dry. I swallowed to work the saliva around. “Yes,” I croaked.

He licked his lips like an animal looking down on its dinner. Cocking his head to the side, the warmth in his smile disappeared as a powerful and stern expression cemented on his face. Suddenly, the office I sat in felt darker than it was when I entered.

“Stand.” Professor Kent ordered.

I stood and my lips were nearly touching his muscle chest, so I quickly side stepped for comfortable distancing. He corrected this action, not with words or movement, but a single gesture. Pointing at the spot on the floor where I once stood, my Professorlooked like an owner heeling a dog. It was my turn to lick my lips as I scratched my thumbnail on my other palm and slowly shuffled back before him. My head hung low and pouting like a puppy that knew she did something wrong.

Just standing so close to the man was taxing. My social anxiety thrummed like a migrant in my chest as my palms grow sweaty and my head dizzy. Without provocation, Professor Keny took my chin in his hand gently between his thumb and forefinger, and I lifted my gaze to meet his. Looking up at his soft skin and penetrating eyes, I could hear myself panting with excitement from his simple touch.

The kiss he planted on my lips was a gentle one. Innocent and measured. Without meaning to, a high-pitched hum escaped my lips to his as my eyesbrows went high. Like the moment I dreamed about and anticipated was too surreal to be expected. The tip of his tongue brushed past my lips and all the blood in my body went to my head. As if sensing my lightheadness, my Professor’s hands caught my shoulders, steadying me and holding me to his chest.

The tender kiss quickly deepened and changed. He stepped forward, cupping my cheek with his rough palm, and suddenly our bodies were touching another and the older man was looming over me. His fingers hooked around the top of my neck, locking me in place so I couldn’t retreat even if I wanted to. His lips pressed on mine. Felt his tongue press into my mouth and rub against mine before lapping the roof of my mouth slowly. My eyesbrows went tall and my cheeks flush with embarrassment as I felt how wet my pussy had become.

Why do I have to be like this? We’re just kissing and I’m so wet! It’s embarrassing. Please, don’t let him find out I’m this way…

Without even realizing it, I stood on my tippy-toes for my lips to reach his. Professor Kent’s other massive hand cupped my hips, fitting around its entire side as he traced his finger along my exposed skin below my shirt but above theWaistband of my skirt. Trying not to draw attention to it, I clinched my thighs together in hopes of choking my sex from growing any wetter, but I found it was having the opposite effect. In the position I stood as we made out, the nub of my clip pressed against a corner of fabric, either a moist twisted edge of my panties or something on his clothes, that teased me just right. I rocked back and forth in a daze. When my professor’s hand slid up to my breasts without warning, I very nearly came.

Coming down from my tippy toes and shrinking away from in a step, I attempted to free myself from his clutch to avoid further embarrassment.

after all, this grown middle-age man with his life together already thinks of me as a little girl. This thought will only cement in his mind if I orgasm just from a kiss!

To my surprise, my attempts to free myself from the Professor failed as he followed me as I tried to step away. Stumbling as I walked back into a chair and knocked it out of the way, I felt shadowed by the tall man as he cornered me in his office. My back pressed against the wall and Professor Kent’s front pressed against me, as did something else. His hard member protruded from his tented khaki slacks and produced me just below my naval.

His tongue slipped deep inside my mouth as his hand held my face to his while his other hand groped my left breast over my top. Without warning, my eyes fluttered open and closed quickly as the uncontrollable orgasm overwhelmed me.

“Mmmm!” I screamed, a moan into the kiss as my tiny hand grabbed at the triceps of his shirt. My fingernails clawed at him and twisted his clothes around his thick arm like a tourniquet. “Mmmmahh!”

Inverting my knees so that the kneecaps touched, I nearly collapsed from the release. My once damp panties were now soaked.

Finally, Professor Kent relented and stepped away from the kiss, leaving me whimpering and a mess against the wall. I feel my juices dripping down my inner thigh, trying to escape the privacy of my skirt. Pressing my thighs together, my hands formed an ‘x’ over my sex to add an extra layer of defense against the man’s piercing gaze.

“Did you just cum, little girl?” he asked in his deep voice.

I nodded, ashamed and dripping with anxiety. Unable to meet his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled and turned to curry away. I’ll leave my backpack–I don’t care! I’m so embarrassed!

But there was a fast jolt of movement followed by a thud as my Professor struck the wall, blocking me from leaving. For the first time, fear swelled inside me. The mix of emotions was almost too much for me. Lust, terror, pleasure, excitement, anxiety, wonder, anticipation, horny, dread…

My eyes glanced at my backpack, still sprayed on the floor in front of the chair I had once sat in.

I need my inhaler. I need space. I need…

My breathing rasped with every inhale as my lungs struggledto get enough oxygen. The edges of the world turned black and my professor’s face became blurry.

I can’t–I can’t do this! I can’t!

“Stop,” my Professor said with an even but full voice. The arm that once blocked my path now was removed as he extended a called palm in my direction like an officer halting traffic. The command slowed my rasping breaths and focused my wandering mind.

Stepping away from me, he carefully and deliberately picked up my backpack, sat it on his desk, and began opening the zippers. He searched its contents until he found my white inhaler and applicant. Returning to me, he placed it in my hands and waited for me to take two breaths off it. Holding his hand out, I returned the inhaler to him and he reversed the steps, securing it in my backpack.

“One word,” he said, placing the bag in the seat beside him. “Three letters. Say it and you may leave. Say it and we will end this right now. Do you want to say it?” Professor Kent raised an eyebrow.

I licked my lips. My lungs might’ve slowed their need for air, but my heart was still hammering in my chest. “No,” I squeaked.

A ghost of a smile grow on his lips that nearly made me fear, but it disappeared just as quickly. He turned around and went to his desk. The already spartan desk top was cleared of the remaining items. A single finger beckoned her over to him. With Almost no effort on his part, he lifted me up from under my butt cheats and sat me on the edge of the desk.

“Ooo!” I squealed from the touch, but was scolded immediately.

Professor Kent pointed a stiff finger at me, then at the closed and locked door, then held the fingerprint up to his soft lips, quieting me. I had been so focused on the room and Professor Kent that I forget we were in his office, on campus, and it was the middle of the day. There could be a line of students waiting outside that door, listening to my every moan, for all I know.

I felt exposed on his desk. Myfeet dangled and my navy blue and white striped plaid skirt only barely touched my knees. I inched my thighs together and felt my wet panties cling to my sex. Taking my hands in his, he deliberately placed my palms on the desk slightly behind my butt so I could lean back comfortable.

“You will not move your hands, do you understand?” he said.


He grimaced, then nodded to himself as he unbuttoned his sleepes and rolled them up neatly to his swollen biceps. “From now on, while we are alone, you will refer to me as ‘professor’ or ‘sir,’ always. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” I said, and the words seemed to flow out effortlessly. Like they had been sat on the back of my tongue waiting to spill forth all this time.

“Should you move your hands from their spots, you will be punished. This training is when you will learn that every action has consequences, even something as small as moving your hands.”

“I won’t… sir,” my head shrunk between my shoulderder blades as my mind circled nervously around what ‘punished’ means to a man as strong and fierce as him.

His palm cupped the inside of my knee and I felt the pad of his middle finger ticle beneath my knee. Slowly, that finger slide up to the inside of my thigh. As he traced it higher up my leg, my skirt raised with it, exposing my milky white thighs. My mouth hung open as I made shallow pants in Anticipation. The last twenty minutes that had led me here, felt as though they happened in a blink of an eye.


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