Submitting to Lisa

Brian looked at the picture again. Yes, it was definitely her. Lisa Conway. Staring back at him from the screen. What were the odds? He wondered that hers should be the first profile he should come across on face book?

He took another sip of his beer, feeling himself growing aroused as he looked at her face. It had been years since he had last since her. But he had never stopped fantasising about her. Very erotic ones. But lately those fans had been moving in a different direction.

At first the images in his mind had consistent mainly of being pleasured by her, usually by her mouth. And then suddenly the images had changed. He couldn’t understand or explain how or why those images had entered his mind but since they had he had been having those more and more frequently.

He finished his beer and opened another one. Then he looked at the picture again. It almost seemed to be challenging him. Should he? He wondered. He doubted if she even remembered him after allThis time. And would she respond to a message like that. Drinking his beer, he continued to look at her picture, almost hypnotised by it. Fuck it, he thought to himself. What did he have to lose? She’d probably never even read the message. Women who looked like that probably got hundreds of messages.

He moved his hands towards the keyboard and started to type.

When he was finished he looked at what he had written. Damn. It was pretty good, even if he said so himself. And as he looked at the words that he had written, he felt calm and at ease. His fantasy had been made flesh in a manner of speaking. Now that he had written it down maybe it would lose its power over him. He moved the arrow on his screen and clicked on the send box.

He awoke the following morning, covered in sweat, his heart racing. Damn, he thought to himself, the dream had been so vivid. He had almost been able smell her perfume. So much for writing his fansydown. And was it really a fantasy? The more he thought about it the more he wanted it to be true. But it could never happen. She had never given the impression that she might be into something like that. Most women usually thought that men who had those kinds of fans were at best weird or at first sick.

He pulled the covers back and placed his feet on the floor. In the shower, the images came into his mind again. He felt himself grow erect as he visualised those images being made real. To lose himself in that manner, to be completely and utterly stripped to such a degree. The very thought of it was incredibly arousing.

He got out of the shower, quickly dried himself with the towel, then went back into the bedroom and put on his clothes. Then he went downstairs. It was a Saturday so no work today. He’d intended cleaning the house from top to bottom but as he stood in the living room, his gaze keep moving towards the computer screen. Finally, he could resist no longer.He went over to the computer and switched it on.

It seemed to take forever for the various icons to come on the screen, and the internet connection was incredibly slow. Finally he was able to log on. He did so more out of expectation than hope. And then he saw that his in box was flashing. He had a message

He read the email again. Was she serious? He wondered. She seemed to be but it was so difficult to tell from an email. People often put things on the internet that they would never even consider in the real world. More than likely she, like him, had too much to drink. But as he read it again, he found himself believing that she was since.

Hi Brian, Good to hear from you. It’s been a long time. Hope life is being good to you. College seems such a long time ago. I have to admit that I found Your email very interesting .Didn’t think you would be into anything like that. It’s always the quiet ones isn’t it? Lol Of course you probably weren’t being serious? Too many beers?

Regards Lisa x

Dear Lisa, Thanks for replying to my email. To be honest, I wasn’t too sure how you would react to it. Yes, I did have a few beers when I wrote it but the more I think about it, the more I realise that I would like it to be a reality. I realize though that it will never happen. Hope this doesn’t offend. Brian

It only took a moment or two before the reply was received He read it with his heart racing.

Be at Beddigans at 8 tonight. Wear a suit.


He took another sip of his pint and looked at his watch again. She was late. Almost half an hour. He should have known that she wouldn’t show. The whole thing had just been a wind up. He’d finish his pint and leave. People were staring at him, he was sure of it. He felt like a right Billy no Mates. And then he saw her. She looked across at him. She was smiling. And she was stunning. The photo on Facebook didn’t do her justice. Making her way through the crowd, she came towards him.

“It’s good to see you again Brian. How are you? It’s been a long time.”

Suddenly, he was completely tongue-tied. “

What’s the matter?” she laughed. “Cat got your tongue?”

“Mm, Sorry. It’s good to see you too. Can I get you a drink?”

“A white wine would be nice. Don’t be too long. We really need to talk. Don’t we?”

“I won’t be long.”

He got up and made his way towards the bar. As he stood at the bar, waiting for the barman to notice him, his heart was beating so hard and so fast that it was like a fist inside his chest.

She had actually shown up. He had been almost certain that she wouldn’t. Now what happened next? He wondered.

He waited patiently as Lisa sipped at her glass of wine.

“Mm” she said, “That’s a nice wine.” She smiled at him.

“Thank You.”

He blushed deep red. She seemed to find that amusing. She laughed softly.

“You’ve gone very red. You’re not shy are you?” “I’m just-“


“Yes.” He admitted

“Because you didn’t think I’d show?”

“I wasn’t sure if you would.”

“Well a lot of Women wouldn’t have. In fact- Some of them might have reported you to the police for sending an email like that.” She leaned towards him.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-“

She waved his apology away with her hand.

“No need to apologise” She assured him. “I found it very amusing. And interesting. Let’s say it gave me food for thought.”

“Thank You”

She gave that soft laugh. “It’s good that you’re so polite. It will be a good asset for you have. Politeness. And respect.”

“I was since in the email.” He told her. “At first I thought it was just a fantasy but now I know that I want it.”

“Want it?”

“Yes, I want- no, I need it.”

“But are you sure. Maybe you need to sleep on it. Think it over in your mind. It’s a very big decision. Once you take that step there will be no going back.”

As he looked back at her, her eyes burrowing into her, as though she could read his every thought, he could barely breathe. “I’m certain of it.” He told her.

She sat back in her seat and crossed her legs, tapping a finger on one of her booted feet. “So tell me then. Tell me what it is that you need”

“I need to be your slave” He told her. And as he said the words, He realized the absolute truth of them.

She didn’t say anything for a long time, just stared at him. He could feel the blood flowing through his body. He was totally aware of everything and nothing at the same time. The pub was almost filled to capacity. But at that moment the only person who existed for him was Lisa. Now that he had admitted to her what he wanted – no need, the relief inside was almost overwhelming. Finally she spoke.

“There are two things I expect from you if I’m to allow you the privilege of being my slave.” He couldn’t speak. All he could do was nod his head.

“Respect and total obedience. Do you thinkyou can do that?”

His voice was a croak. “Yes Lisa.”

“I can see that I will have to teach you to address me in the correct manner.”

Her voice was stern, commanding. He felt the power of it.

“But we’ll let it go for now” She smiled, “after all your training is only beginning tonight.”

He didn’t speak. Would he need her permission to speak from now on? He wondered.

“Now, I just need to do something for me. Something that will prove your devotion to me. After all a slave should be totally devoted to its Mistress. Shouldn’t it?” It.

He was an it now. But that was only right after all.

“What can I do to prove myself to you?” He asked her.

“Oh nothing too difficult to start with. Just a simple act of submission and devotion.”

“I’ll do whatever you say.”

“That’s good to hear.”

He waited.

“Get down on your knees slave and clean my boots with your tongue.”

He looked back at her. Surely she was joking. She didn’t really expect him to do something like that in front of all these people. “

I see.” She told. “It seems that you weren’t serious after all. It’s been nice meeting you again Brian. Enjoy your fansies.” She stood up.

As she turned away from him, he touched her arm. Gently. “Please” He said. “Don’t leave. Give me another chance

She sat back down, somewhat reluctantly it seemed, and surprised deeply.

“This is your last chance” She warned him, “From now on you do exactly what I tell you when I tell you. Is that understand slave?”


“Good. Now I want you to get down on your knees and beg me to let you lick my boots clean.”

He sank to his knees slowly and bowed his head

“Please Lisa. Let me lick your boots clean” He whispered.

She Shook her head. “You will have to do much better than that” she told him, “It’s Mistress Lisa. And I want to hear you.”

“Please Mistress Lisa. I beg you to allow me to lick your boots clean.”


“Please, please Mistress Lisa. I beg you to allow me to lick your boots clean!”

She laughed. “Still not good enough slave. Louder!” “


“That’s much better. And as you became so nicely, I will allow you to lick my boots. “

She held a foot out towards him. “Make sure that you do a good job slave. They are badly in need of cleaning.

He lowered his head towards the boot. And then he began to Lick.

Time stood still. He was focused completely on the task at hand. Totally unaware of the laughter all around him, as everyone watched him licking his Mistress’s boots. Mistress, he thought to himself, as he continued to lick and lap at her beautiful boots. She was his Mistress and he was her slave. He belonged at her feet.

She turned her boot up, and he lowered himself even more, like a worm, and began to lick the sole. Eventually, she seemed to be satisfied.

“That will do for now slave. You can sit down now.”

“Thank you Mistress”. He kissed her boots humbly and then rose to his feet.

“You did a good job slave. Thank you. Your Mistress is very pleased with you. But this is only the beginning.”

“I understand Mistress. Thank you Mistress.”

“You are very welcome slave. Now I believe it’s time to go. We’ve entered these people enough. But before we do, I brought along a little something for my pet. Kneel.”

He knelt. When he saw what she had brought, He thought that his heart would burst with joy. “I think this should fit you very nicely. Lean forward.”

He did as she commanded. She put it on him. Then she attached the leash.

“Time to go now slave. Make sure that you keep to the heel.”

As she led him towards the entrance, on all fours, he felt a sense of absolute freedom. The freedom of slavery.His journey into the very heart of himself had begun.


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